Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 107: , a visitor to Longdi Cave

At present, Yelong's true strength is stuck in Quasi-Shadow. Although using the Kusanagi sword to summon Shouzaki Lizard, Ye-long is completely worthy of a Quasi-Shadow-level opponent, and even better in some aspects, but because of age, chakra For other reasons, this step has not been taken for the time being.

"I wonder if this trip to Longdi Cave will be an opportunity for me to go further?"

After Ye Long prepared the supplies, he pulled the curtain and closed the door, set up the barrier, and set off.

"Let's kidnap the snakes away by the way!"

The smoke filled the air, and a ten-meter snake appeared, swallowed Yelong in one bite, and then turned into smoke again to dissipate.

Fortunately, Ye Long has described the "psychic platform", and the laboratory space is large enough, and there is no trouble.

In this way, Ye Long left Konoha easily, and it is estimated that no one will find out for a long time...

In a dense bush, a few birds made a pleasant chirping, and suddenly they sensed something and flew away.

The mottled tree shadows were projected on a dark ground, and a boy with long black hair in a moon-white kimono emerged leisurely from the ground.

"It was successful."

Ye Long looked around. This is the Land of the Moon. Near the cave where he rested last time, his snake was lurking in the underground snake cave.

"It's better to be more concealed when you come next time."

Ye Long sprinkled a potion on the ground to cover up the smell, and at the same time it could expel other ninja beasts, which humans could not detect.

"The back of the moon..."

Ye Long narrowed his eyes, roughly set his position, and then rushed in one direction.

The last time they fought on the battlefield, there are still traces of potholes, and the soil has a hint of brown, but at least it doesn't look so tragic after being treated.

Ye Long jumped on the treetops, heading towards the more desolate jungle.

Three days later, Ye Long saw an even darker world in front of him.

"It's really unusual here."

Although it wasn't night yet, but there was a dense fog all around, Ye Long felt that his perception was greatly affected.

Under the influence of the thick fog, the sunlight also appeared particularly gloomy, as if the whole world was covered with a gray curtain.

The surroundings were very quiet, and the quietness was a little eerie and terrifying. Even the chirping of insects had disappeared, as if it was a forbidden area of ​​nature, which made people feel extremely depressing.

However, Ye Long felt very at ease, as if there was a kind of magical energy that made him excited and refreshed, and there seemed to be a power originating from his blood that was calling him to move on from afar.

"Although I haven't practiced immortality yet, I feel that the power of nature here is getting stronger and stronger, because every cell in my body is cheering with excitement!"

Ye Long couldn't help showing a satisfied smile. The further he walked, the denser the fog became. At this time, the scene had completely turned into a late night. Even if his mental power was extremely strong, Ye Long's perception of the surrounding was also rapidly declining. An unknown force disturbed him.

"It's weird."

Ye Long stopped and analyzed it quietly.

"There seems to be a very subtle fluctuation here, it feels... like entering some kind of enchantment!"

At this moment, in an underground palace, on a huge and solemn stone couch, a large white snake entrenched open its golden eyes, revealing a meaningful smile.

The body of the big white snake is very huge, especially that she has a super long snake body that does not match her overall proportion. In fact, only a small part is entrenched on the stone couch, and most of the body is entrenched behind it like a few hills. How does this giant snake usually behave?

"Little girls, we have guests here, go and entertain them, don't lose your courtesy."

The White Snake Immortal spoke up. Years ago, a force from the depths of her soul told her some information about Ye Long.

In fact, she has been waiting here for a long time, even she herself can't remember clearly, she is full of expectations for Ye Long's arrival!

"The inheritor of the bloodline, this time the little guy doesn't seem to be easy!"

The White Snake Immortal spit out a snake letter, and the majestic power swept the space, as if the space had a slight fluctuation.

Her golden snake eyes stared at the void in front of her, as if she had crossed countless barriers to see Ye Long who was really analyzing the surrounding environment, showing a very interested expression.

"What's the matter, grandma?"

There seemed to be a ripple in the space, and it seemed to just reveal the content that was originally hidden. Three Miaoman figures slowly emerged from the void.

Three girls in red, green, and blue kimonos floated quietly in the air. They had beautiful faces, and wore hook jade-shaped earrings and accessories, which were quite similar to Ye Long's dress.

In addition, they also wore golden headdresses and delicate buns, and the most striking thing was the streamers that fluttered on their bodies. As they danced lightly in the air, they fluttered like the flying sky in Dunhuang frescoes!

"Grandma, do we have another guest?"

The woman in green clothes slowly landed on the side of the White Snake Immortal, and bowed slightly to the White Snake Immortal.

Her appearance is gentle and tranquil, dignified and graceful, with a hint of charm between her eyebrows, she asked respectfully.

"Great! It's been decades or hundreds of years, and fresh blood food has finally arrived, hahaha."

The woman in blue serving is petite and slender, with a very lively personality. She can be called a loli, but what she said while laughing was a little The blue-clothed loli was very happy in the air Flying around, looking very excited.

"Don't look hungry, okay? Our visitor this time is not easy... eh? Is he still a child? But the strength is not bad!"

The red-clothed woman tapped her forehead with two fingers, as if searching for some kind of information, and looked at the blue-clothed little loli.

The appearance of the woman in red is as bright and unrestrained as the color of her clothes. She has long brown hair and red eyeshadow. She is definitely a royal sister like flowers and jade!

If this is their original appearance...

"Don't underestimate our guest, although his life form is different from ours, his body has the same bloodline as ours!"

The White Snake Immortal took a puff of the bong in his mouth, and let out a mouthful of eye circles.

"Maybe he is our future companion."


The three women were startled, and then looked at each other with a very surprised expression.

"Good, good! Didn't you expect that we still have a child who lives abroad?" said Lolita in blue.

"But he still needs to pass the test," said the royal sister in red.

"Then let's go meet him." The lady in green said.

The three of them danced in the air and left the huge and majestic palace in an instant.

"My dear children, you are still too young to understand some things."

Looking at the three people who disappeared, the White Snake Immortal showed a faint smile.

"I hope this Awakened will not disappoint me. I think he has a potentially powerful force within him."

The White Snake Immortal put down her bong and slowly closed her golden eyes.


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