Naruto's strongest shock

Chapter 34 Immune to Illusions (Part 4)

Putting the question of illusion in front of him, Naito Yu kept searching for information about illusion in his mind.

Uchiha Han, Yu Nai guessed that he might have Sharingan.

Even if there is no Sharingan, if the Chunin of the Uchiha clan can't even use an illusion, it's a lie!

This is a very serious question.

"The essence of illusion seems to be to interfere with the flow of chakra in order to disrupt the enemy's mental thinking, thereby causing confusion in people's senses."

Naito Yu vaguely remembered that when Jiraiya taught Naruto how to deal with illusion in the original book, he said that if he was hit by illusion, he should try his best to stop the flow of chakra in an instant.

Chakra is essentially the product of the combination of energy extracted from the body's 130 billion cells and spiritual energy.

As long as the flow of chakra is disturbed, it can affect the spirit of the enemy, causing them to have hallucinations and so on.

In other words... the essence of illusion is still related to Chakra!

And as long as the disturbed chakra flow is calmed, the illusion can be broken. The eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki Rabbi in the original book said that he will not fall into the illusion, because there are eight tails in his body, one body and two consciousnesses, and they can interact with each other. Helps calm chakra flow.

Thinking of this, Naito Yu's eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

"In this case, does it mean that I can't fall into illusion at all?"

It suddenly occurred to me that Akai in the original book didn't seem to have any illusions. Even when he opened the Eight Gates Dunjia and beat Liudao Madara, Madara didn't use illusions to deal with Akai.

Madara's combat experience is so rich, if Akai's weakness is really illusion, then he would have used illusion to bring Akai down.

I'm afraid the real reason is that it is difficult for illusion to have an effect on Akai.

Especially when Akai opened the eight-door armor formation at that time, the chakra in his body convected wildly, and his spiritual will was extremely concentrated. Moreover, he would suffer great pain when he opened the eight-door armor formation.

In that case, no matter how strong the illusion is, it may be difficult to work.

"Besides, even if the illusion can move the chakra in my body, it won't affect my vibration power."

"Just a simple shock..."

Naito Yu murmured in a low voice, and as his thoughts moved, a ray of shock force was slightly activated in his body, and his Chakra was immediately shaken by this force, and stopped instantly.

To crack the illusion, he doesn't even need a seal!

"I'm afraid that apart from the perverted illusions like Yuedu and Bietianshen, ordinary illusions, whether controlling the senses or restraining the spirit and body, are completely ineffective for me, and can be deciphered in an instant."

Thinking of this, Naito Yu's expression suddenly became relaxed.

It seems that the concern that has been there is simply not there.

From the very beginning, not only was his body technique ineffective at the same level, his ninjutsu was ineffective, but even illusion techniques were ineffective!

Shock escape blood succession limit, can perfectly and easily break all kinds of illusions, only need a simple shock, you can let the chakra in the body get rid of the interference of the enemy, so as to solve the mental attack.

Although he felt that he was inseparable from each other, Naito Yu had always had a stable personality, so he decided to find someone to give it a try.

But the difficulty is that he doesn't know many people in Konoha, and it is impossible for Matt Dai to know illusion, so there is no need to think about it.

In the end, Naito Yu found someone to test him with the help of Kushina.

After two simple attempts, the person who helped him test looked at him blankly, with an expression of disbelief.

Ordinary people want to break the illusion, at least they have to do a seal action, stop their own chakra flow or forcibly break through the interference.

But Naito Yu didn't even use the seal, as if she was immune to it immediately!

This made the ninja look incredible, and his heart was shocked, looking at Naito Yu as if he was looking at a monster.

After trying a few times, Naito Yu was finally completely sure that as long as it wasn't the level of other Tianshen Yuedu's illusions, all of them would be invalid!

Even, with the strengthening of the boundary of the Zhendun Xueji, if it can also rely on Chakra to extend to the spiritual aspect, then even facing the God of Tsukiyomi, maybe it is not impossible to fight!

After confirming that ordinary illusions are invalid, Naito Yu was completely relieved.

And when Kushina saw that Naito Yu was immune to illusion, he was extremely happy in his heart.

The stronger Naito Yu is, the happier she is.

Before, she didn't expect that Naito Yu would be able to defeat Minato Namikaze and get the No. 1 result in the actual combat ranking assessment of the Ninja School.

Now, others are not optimistic that Naito Yu can defeat Uchiha Han who is a Chunin.

But in Kushina's heart, she has inexplicable confidence in Naito Yu!

After shouting cheers to Naito Yu, Kushina obediently stopped disturbing Naito Yu and let Naito Yu continue his practice.

Therefore, Naito Yu continued to return to the back mountain.

While continuing to exercise his body, Naito Yu began to simply develop his own moves.

Before, I didn't pay attention to the tricks, because I didn't need them at all.

Now, with the increase in strength, Zhendun Xueji's boundary is getting stronger and stronger, and the extended power can naturally be differentiated and developed.

Naito Yu's Shock Escaping Blood Follows the Boundary, an ordinary punch, is to attack the entire front, and launch a powerful shock to the entire front.

And the shock is not an impact, it will not make people retreat, but a force similar to tearing.

In this regard, Naito Yu developed three moves simply by combining body skills.

It is said that it has developed a move, but in fact it is just a simple application.

collapse!break!Put on!

This is the name of the three moves.

Beng means that Naito Yu will attack from top to bottom with the power of shock, and slap it down with the palm.

This attack becomes to envelop the enemy below, and the shock force bombards the enemy and the ground.

Breaking was performed by Naito Yu before, with both fists bombarding the sides, breaking the audience in two!

Piercing is an uppercut from the bottom up, an upward attack.

Although the three attacks simply slightly change the direction of the shock force, due to the strength of the shock force, even a simple change of the attack direction will cause headaches for the enemy.

It is very troublesome to defend.

And when using these three kinds of attacks in simple practice, Naito Yu suddenly discovered that his concussion power was enough to shatter B-level ninjutsu, and it could actually cause an earthquake!

If the three moves of collapsing, breaking, and piercing all belong to the scope of air shock, then the following developed shock escape and ground shaking techniques belong to the scope of earthquake.

There is a C-level Earthquake Art in Earth Dungeon, but what Naito Yu casts is stronger than that C-level Earthquake Art!

Not only can it make the earth roll and vibrate, it can even make the earth crack!

And after Naito Yu flexibly mastered all these developed moves, the time for him and Uchiha Han to fight to the death has finally arrived!

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