Naruto's strongest shock

Chapter 84 The Kusanagi Sword and the Secret Technique of Thunder Escape

When Naito Yu's news was passed back to Konoha, Konoha's senior management was shocked, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi was extremely moved.

Even if he heard that it could only erupt for a short time because of the Eight Gate Dunjia, Sarutobi Hiruzen was still shocked by it.

After a long silence, Hiruzaru Sarutobi gave a few orders.

The order was quickly passed to the front line.

First, the information about Naito Yu is classified as top secret and should not be leaked easily.

Second, Naito Yu was transferred to the Anbu Special Forces, and the code name was still Tian Yu.

The third is Naito Yu's next secret mission.

In addition to the three instructions, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also conveyed some other news, such as Naito Yu can ask Konoha his needs, and Konoha will try to meet them.

When the war is over, if Naito Yu returns to Konoha Village, he can look through the book of seals and choose a suitable forbidden technique.

Of course, the end of the war is still too far away, this is just the beginning, and there is no time to practice any forbidden and secret arts during the war.

After walking out of a secret underground room, Naito Yu had a strange expression on his expression.

He also didn't expect that Hiruzen Sarutobi would directly let him enter the special unit in the Anbu. This unit only belonged to Hiruzen Sarutobi, and only Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the leader of the dark unit, Sakumo Hatake, were eligible. Pass the command.

Even if other people are Danzo, the order passed is invalid.

Maybe the power is not as good as the captain of the dark department, but the status is actually the same as the captain of the dark department!

Moreover, the members of this special department generally do not meet each other in pairs, all of them act alone, and all of them are Konoha's secret weapons!

Naito Yu thought about it carefully, it was reasonable for Sarutobi Hiruzen to directly transfer him into it.

After all, no matter how strong he is, his age is still too young. It is too much to ask him to be the squad leader or squadron leader and be responsible for the members of a team.

Moreover, with Naito Yu's strength and means, acting alone is indeed the most suitable for Naito Yu, and Naito Yu does not need the cooperation of others.

However, Yu Yeming's identity on the face is still Konoha Shinobi, this is also to hide the true identity in secret.

Unless Naito Yu made achievements on the frontal battlefield as a bright face, the status of Yu Ye Ming's face will be improved.

However, the frontal battlefield has not yet been fought, and it is also unpredictable, but Naito Yu will go to the frontal battlefield sooner or later, such as Hatake Sakumo, who is secretly the leader of the dark army, and on the bright side has killed Konoha Baiya's prestige.

Since Hiruzaru Sarutobi said that Naito Yu could make some demands, Naito Yu of course did so unceremoniously.

He doesn't need Ninja Sword for the time being, but Kusanagi Sword Yuya still has some ideas. One of the requirements is to call Konoha's information about Kusanagi Sword.

This easily fell into Naito Yu's hands.

Afterwards, Naito Yu's second request was for Yunyin Village's Lightning Body Forging Secret Technique.

It is said to be a secret technique, but in fact it is a common technique in Yunyin Village, but if you want to practice it to the level of abnormality of the third generation of Raikage, you may need more advanced and special methods.

The scroll of the secret technique was also quickly sent to Naito Yu's hands.

Naito Yu now has two scrolls in his hands, one is information about the Kusanagi sword, and the other is the secret technique of lightning body forging.

In Konoha's camp, there is naturally a special place for Anbe to stay.

Naito Yu's current status is similar to that of a special jounin, a special Anbu, and his status is second only to the leader of the dark army, Hatake Sakumo.

So Naito Yu also has a separate room here, and the space is relatively large.

After returning to his room, Naito Yu began to carefully look at the two scrolls in his hand.

First, I looked at the information about Kusanagi Sword.

Looking at it, Naito Yu was surprised, but also showed a thoughtful expression.

The above information about Kusanagi Sword is very detailed.

It even started with the birth of the Kusanagi sword.

The Kusanagi sword in the world of Naruto is an artifact forged by the Kusanagi clan, surpassing countless ninja swords.

There is more than one Kusanagi sword, and their powers are different, but they can all be used to assist with ninjutsu. For example, the one used by Orochimaru and the one used by Sasuke later are both Kusanagi swords, but they are obviously not the same one.

Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword can be combined with Orochimaru's secret technique to lengthen and stretch at will, and even make countless snakes spit out swords.

As for the ten-fist sword in Uchiha Itachi's hand, Bai Jue once said that it was also a Kusanagi sword, and it was also the last Kusanagi sword Orochimaru was looking for.

It has the ability to seal, the body seems to be a gourd, and it is very suitable for Susano, and can perform ten-fist swordsmanship.

There is no limit to the exact number of Kusanagi swords, but this scroll says that there are three most likely.

Naito Yu also quite agrees with the statement of this scroll, because in the original book, one of Orochimaru, one of Sasuke, and one of Itachi happened to be three, but there might be more.

Countless years of development, the Kusanagi sword has been passed down from generation to generation, and finally it is in a ninja village.

But that little ninja village was wiped out in the flames of war some time ago.

But Kusanagi sword is all missing.

At the end of the scroll, it also said that it seems that collecting all the Kusanagi swords will have special uses, but I don't know the specific situation.

Seeing this, Naito Yu's eyes flickered slightly. Orochimaru's collection of Kusanagi swords seemed to have a reasonable explanation, otherwise a Kusanagi sword would be enough for Orochimaru.

Below is the whereabouts of Kusanagi Sword.

One of them clearly stated that it was in the hands of a ninja in Hidden Sand Village.

It was the ninja of Hidden Sand Village who wiped out that small ninja village and snatched the Kusanagi sword.

Sure enough, the Kusanagi sword was not in Orochimaru's hands at this time.

As for the other two, it is said that one of them appeared in the underground black market before disappearing, and the other disappeared completely.

The information on the scroll also ends here.

Naito Yu closed the scroll and burned it directly, expressionless during the process.

Although not particularly satisfied, getting such news is better than nothing for Naito Yu.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable thought in Naito Yu's mind, which was very strange, as if Naito Yu had seen Kusanagi Sword before.

Moreover, Naito Yu seems to feel that there is an inexplicable connection between himself and Ken Kusanagi.

But this thought just passed by in a flash, Naito Yu didn't delve into it.

Turning to pick up another scroll of the Thunder Escape Secret Technique, Naito Yu carefully looked at it.

After watching it from beginning to end, the expression on Naito Yu's face was not happy, but it was not disappointing either.

This secret technique is indeed just a basic secret technique, and even the scroll directly stated at the end that this is only the first stage of Yunyin Village's secret technique.

After that there is a second phase, and there may be a third phase at the same time.

But it's only the first stage, and it's enough for Yu Naito to use for the current practice.

His power of shock, after developing to the third door, and then shocking the body, the effect is not particularly obvious.

Naito Yu needed other means to strengthen his body.

This thunder escape secret technique is undoubtedly what Naito Yu needs now.

Therefore, Naito Yu immediately tried to cultivate.

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