Natasha the Halve

160 – Training(?) begins.

We followed the Goddess of the path of the Warrior into the obelisk.

A surprisingly wide chamber greeted us. The blue stone was the same, as were the rainbow-colored lines that were etched on their surface.

I squinted my eyes and looked to the right, then to the left.

The opposite wall, which makes it sound as if the place we were in was square instead of circular as it actually was, stood some one hundred meters from us.

I walked to Shorvanna and pointed at the ceiling. “Are we underground?” I asked, not sure if Divine beings could bend the laws of space to the point of making a 100 meter wide room inside a 30 meter wide obelisk. I could get behind teleportation without issue, but the alternative was harder to visualize.

“We are,” Shorvanna confirmed. “And it's called shift,not teleportation,” she corrected my thoughts, or someone else's.

I nodded, looking around.

There was nothing in sight. Only the floor, the walls, and the ceiling. There was no echo either.

“Aaaahhhh!!” I shouted at the distance to make sure.

Nothing came back.

“Huh,” I uttered.

“Done?” the Goddess that would guide us for the following months inquired in a tone that implied she was waiting for me to finish my bullshit to begin the instruction.

“Yeah,” I replied with a nod.

The living suit of armor pointed towards the other side of the room with an arm. “Go meditate, young Halve. You need to further understand yourself.”

My eyebrows climbed my forehead in surprise. “Weren't we going to fight?” I probed in confusion.

“The mortals will,” Shorvanna revealed. “They won't learn much if they fight you, won't they?”

“True,” Pokora chuckled.

“Not even a sparring session?” Thelea asked with palpable disappointment.

Shorvanna turned to them. “You will fight each other until you drop. After that I will instruct you on how to improve. I'll see if the four of earn the right to face off against Natasha after the first week. Fight for what you want, mortals.”

“YES!” the four yelled.

I scowled. “Any hint on what to meditate about?” I asked Shorvanna with evident discontent.

“Absolutism and Eternalism,” she threw words at me. “Now, go.”

I let out a long sigh and did as suggested, walking all the way to the other side of the room. I sat down facing them and closed my eyes. “This is bullshit,” I complained.

Naturally, as the genius I am, every answer the cosmos could offer came to me immediately.

Not really. Nothing happened. My mind was the personification of 'no thoughts, head empty'.

Since the room didn't allow sound to bounce or whatever it does for echo to exist, I couldn't hear what Shorvanna was saying, or what my companions were replying.

If not for the sound of my heart pumping blood and the sound of air entering and leaving through my nose, making my chest move and quietly rustling my clothes, I would have been in total silence.

Guidance my ass! I thought with a snort. Anyway... Absolutism? I gave it a good thinking since I had the time. Absolutism... as in politics? The fact we Halves aren't subjected to anything that would rightfully challenge our authority? But that's... wait... it's kind of true. Hold up! Monarchies directly answers to us Halves, and I assume the other forms of government do as well. I only know of Monarchy since the only country I gave a shit to visit was Lumin Kingdom. Way to go, Natasha, retarded bitch! You should have visited other countries! ...But I couldn't have. I met Elena on my way to help King Gordon. Halves and their partners are higher on the priority list to me. I'd like other Halves to help my girlfriends if they're ever in a situation like Elena, after all. Yulianna, you irresponsible fucktard! Mourn all you want, but three centuries?! Get a fucking grip! Oh yeah, I'm definitely punching the bitch when I meet her. I don't give a tenth of a fuck!

Alas, anger took root.

I took a deep, calming breath and let it out. The basket it empty, I reminded myself. I control the vessel. I am E'er. E'er is me. We are one. Consciousness is nothingness, and nothingness is everything. I feed off the love of my neighbor. As such, I cannot feed my neighbor with the ashes of my anger. Understanding brings unity, and in turn, peace. The rightness or wrongness of an action centers around whether the action itself would bring about harm to the self and, or others. Similarly, murder is a meritorious action when demonstrably done in the interest of the majority.

My mind cleared.

Absolutism, I went back to why I sat down for. While it's true that we Halves don't answer to anyone, we do answer to something. Galeia influences our minds if the Gods speak true. I don't exactly doubt them, but there's no evidence to their words either. I can think Monarchy is an outdated and terrible form of government, and then see it's not that way in this world. My mind can change. I can grow as an individual. If the truth is darker, however, then I can only blame my naivity. If Gordon tricked me, then I can only remedy it by beheading him and putting his head on a pike for all to see. Our generosity should not be abused. We are an extension of Galeia.

Something clicked in my mind.

If Galeia created us, then we are something like a skill, or a spell. People cast spells by concentrating E'er and giving it purpose. Similarly, we are created from E'er and given purpose. Energy given form and life. As such, isn't every single particle of E'er connected to us in some way? No. Not connected. As E'er given form, life, and purpose, foreign E'er is our sleeping little sibling. We watch over it, because it's us in a different condition. As such... everything holds us. And we are in turn, Absolute.

I opened my eyes and looked at my companions, a hundred meters away. I focused on Pokora. Show me, I told E'er in my mind and appraised her just like I would appraise myself.

[Pokh'Orra Pezh'Che – Bonded Partner – Elmari Elf, lvl 315 Sniper – 304 Hunter – 300 Ranger]

I let out a long sigh with a big smile. “Finally, the total level!” I cheered with a clap, then balled both fists. “Alyssa was right! It's all in the mind,” I recalled and focused on my other companions, then did the same thing.

[Thelea Vathunith – Bonded Companion – Rodon Goliath, Lvl 286 Battlemaiden – 246 Moving Fortress – 49 Shield of Bal'Ogh]

I noticed I was a bit wrong about the names of her Classes.

[Bonte Slirmy – Bonded Companion – Shishi Tigea, Lvl 300 Shadow Chaser – 288 Rogue – 284 Dusk Blade]

[Hanna Intarr – Bonded Companion – Ork, Lvl 326 Regicide – 295 Warped Blade – 289 Usurper]

I laughed, celebrating the fact I managed to see the total level with that simple realization.

In the distance, Shorvanna walked into the wall. She walked out of the wall a few centimeters to my left.

My eyes widened. “I could have done that instead of walking all the way?” I demanded.

“Yes,” she replied. “I see you finished meditating. It's been ten hours.”

I closed my eyes, pinched the bridge of my nose, and let out a groan. “I forgot about the time travel mechanic of meditating,” I whispered in annoyance.

“Any results?” Shorvanna inquired, ignoring my comment.

I sighed and nodded. “Yeah. I can now see the total level of someone,” I told her.

“Good. You've just scratched the surface of absolutism,” she praised (?) me. “Do you want us to go over your next Class now, while the mortals are engaged in combat?”

I glanced at them.

Pokora was fighting Thelea. Bonte was fighting Hanna.

The Elf shot arrows one after another at the Goliath, who held her shield up and closed in.

I looked at the Goddess. “Sure. I wanna know the possibilities.”

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