Natasha the Halve

172 – Speculation…?

“What happened?” Alyssa inquired, knitting her scaly brows together in confusion.

I looked into Elena's eyes for a few seconds. Did Yulianna and Perculis tell Elena about the trials? I wondered, squinting my eyes. I don't want this unpleasant bitch to know anything more than the bare minimum needed for proper function.

The Faeton Elf arched an eyebrow in response to me staring at her. “Based on your reaction I can guess you told them something you shouldn't have...” she commented. “That's sloppy.”

I hummed, partially agreeing with her. How sloppy, though? I wondered, pinching my lips with my right hand. Nerissa knew I was the Hellwalker the moment she saw me, but Zalan didn't know... which means Nerissa didn't tell everyone if she told anyone, or the people who got the information kept it to themselves. Both could have happened, in the end. Did Zalan tell 'everyone else' when they learned of it? I noticed something irrelevant to the matter and my left eyebrow twitched. Why did a binary species evolve into an unary one? Anyway. I sighed and shook my head. It's safe to assume the main heads of this group know I am hyper xenophobic towards Demons because of this encounter, which is going to intensify their desire to get rid of me. Eh, I can live with that.

Xenophobic? Danuva inquired into my mind. First time hearing that word.

Rejection of the foreign, I explained. Could be people, ideas, or whatever. I understand why I am xenophobic, though, so it doesn't bother me. It's necessary, even. I turned to the Goddess with a confused face. You don't know about that?

The concept, yes. Mortals use the word 'prejudice' for it, the Goddess clarified. I think you're missing an implied assumption here, young Halve.

Which is? I arched an eyebrow.

Everyone knows your kind exists to protect Galeia, therefore are intolerant to the extreme towards anything that is not spawned on Galeia, Danuva revealed. The Changelings knew that before you met Nerissa. I would assume Zalan' unwillingness to cooperate with you stems from that.

Something clicked in my mind. I see! I let out a relieved sigh. So everyone knows I'm xenophobic already. That's a weight off my shoulders.

“Won't it just make them more wary?” Alyssa ventured with a shrug. “Now they know you are the reason Demons had enough time to get out of there, and that you killed all the corrupted ones. If anything, that should make for a favorable point.”

Elena scoffed. “A favorable view of Halves is what they would want to avoid at all costs. I'm not privy to the reason why they want to get rid of Halves, but I wouldn't bet on them changing their views so easily. It's easier to spin the narrative and make Natasha to be malicious in their eyes, after all.”

Alyssa hummed. “So now they know who the one who hunted their ancestors in their home world is, that she is alive, and that they tried to kill her before they even knew about it. They also know Natasha killed Nerissa minutes after meeting her, which reinforces the idea that they would get the same treatment, therefore Halves hold too much power for the greater good.”

My eyebrows went up my forehead. “Pardon?”

Elena shook her head. “Brainstorming. Shut up for a minute.”

I turned to her and slapped the back of her head, gently enough to just move her instead of knocking her out, but strong enough to send the message that she is not to treat me like that.

The Elf clicked her tongue and massaged her neck. “Brute,” she complained.

“Asshole,” I retorted.

“Come on,” Alyssa interjected. “Cut it out, Elena. And Natasha, please stop slapping her.”

I shrugged.

Elena sighed. “If I'm getting this right, Natasha's trial was where Demons come from... which means the few Demons that got here carry the tale of her time there. Yulianna told me a long while ago that Changelings descend from Demons, but that was it. She was very interested in how an outsider species could reproduce with Apparonzes and birth a whole new species of people that Galeia considered her own, but Perculis convinced her not to poke around for their safety.”

“That'd be the sensible thing to do,” I agreed.

“Still,” Elena continued. “You're skipping quite the number of steps here, Alyssa.”

“Oh?” the Luzo uttered, interest in her eyes. “How so?”

Elena raised a hand, extending a finger. “First would be the realization that the myth their ancestors spoke about was true. Second would be to reconcile the fact the one responsible for it is a Halve of all things. The majority of those who harbor animosity towards Natasha and her kind would not jump into it. They'd be skeptic at first because it's a cosmic coincidence. We mustn't forget that Halves are traditionally untouchable beings, meaning a greater injustice in their eyes in the odd case they believe it right away.”

I tilted my head in slight confusion. “Injustice?”

Alyssa turned to me. “The one who butchered their ancestors is now a perfect being who is greatly respected by the world at large,” she summarized.

A tiny smile formed on my face at her calling me 'perfect'. “I see how that'd be unfair,” I agreed with a nod.

“Naturally, we don't know how close this group is,” Elena picked up. “I only know the little information Yugulari told me, which is dubious at best. If they are close enough to believe Natasha is the one responsible for killing their ancestors, then things will become a bit more violent in the years to come.”

Alyssa shook her head. “I don't think so. If they indeed believe Natasha is the Hellwalker as soon as they are told, then they will have second thoughts,” she insisted. “It's an incredibly dangerous feat to attempt.”

“True, but zealots do not think rationally,” Elena countered. “They already tried to overthrow King Gordon...” Her eyes squinted and she hummed. “Which would make for a very convincing argument as to Natasha being this Hellwalker you speak about. I'm sure they could twist events and push narratives to fit it. There's enough evidence to construct a tale.”

Alyssa nodded. “The Hellwalker gets there just in time when nobody could catch the Demon they had employed to deal the government a heavy blow,” she muttered, then asked Elena, “Do you think they are persuasive enough to convince the entire group in a short period of time?”

Elena bit her upper lip while thinking. “I'd say yes,” she finalized. “They greatly respect Yugulari.”

“Wait,” I joined the conversation. “Aren't they in jail, though? At least the majority, right? Gordon said his Scouts had found enough intel.”

Both women shook their heads.

“Doubt it,” Alyssa muttered.

“Changelings? No way,” Elena chuckled. “I'm sure a lot got arrested, but not the majority.”

I sighed through my nose and shook my head. “Why does it matter, anyway? It's not like it changes anything if they know I'm the Hellwalker. If it leaks I'll just deny it and declare them slanderers, then the people will do the rest. What are they going to do? Have a Demon go public and risk their entire species? Their hands are pretty tied.”

Shorvanna laughed loudly.

“We have no concrete place to go and raid them, no way to identify them in a crowd, and no way to keep tabs on their movements,” I concluded with a shrug. “But none of that really matters. They know we're violent enough to kill them without much problem. They're on the losing side.”

Elena gave me an amused look while nodding.

Alyssa sighed and shook her head.

“You'll get used to it,” the Elf told the Luzo, patting her shoulder. “They usually speak like that about threats or the disobedient.”

“Does it happen often?” My girlfriend inquired.

“Enough to get used to,” the ancient woman who regained her old self assured her. “Just make sure it doesn't change you.”

Alyssa smiled and nodded. “Still, we have to be careful. Just in case.”

“Natasha,” Shorvanna called out.

I looked down at my torso. “Yeah?”

“You should go to the Dungeon I told you about,” she suggested. “You have been here for too long and are becoming a bit too irascible.”

“True,” Elena concurred. “Slapping me twice in less than an hour? Too angry.”

Alyssa didn't comment. She hummed and squinted her eyes in thought, instead.

I rolled my eyes. “No,” I replied. “We're done with Elena's business, so we'll leave as soon as we're finished with the bases for our next Classes. I'm almost done, too.”

“In that case,” Elena walked to me and gave me a cheeky look. “I have a few tips for you. From someone who was with two Halves for a very long time.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “So you do have value,” I joked with a smile.

Elena's face scrunched in displeasure, then chuckled, “You insolent little shit! My level might not be high, but I know a lot of things, little girl. You'll learn to respect me.”

“You will earn my respect, you mean?” I challenged back.

“You're a few months old, Natasha,” the Entomancer pointed out with a sigh. “There's a lot you don't know.”

“I could say the same about you,” I sighed exaggeratedly. “So old, but so fucking dumb.”

“Alright,” Alyssa interjected with a tired sigh. “Can you stop arguing for a second? Just go get lectured, Natasha.”

I gave the Luzo a confused look. “I never said no.”

Elena squinted her eyes at me. “It's alright, Alyssa,” she chuckled. “I'll have Natasha calling me Adlazh by the end of the month.”

“I don't know what that means, but I doubt I will call you that,” I taunted her with a mocking expression. “So, I will go back to my thing. Make sure you don't disrupt the rest, alright?”

Glaring at each other, we split.

Alyssa was holding her head and sighing.

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