Natasha the Halve

63 – Life’s constants.

“About time!” I shook my head. “I've killed more monsters than I can count.”

Lapia nodded, “True. That's just how it works, unfortunately. You needed a large amount of E'er.”

I sighed, “Yeah. Let's go back inside.”

Lapia used fire magic to burn the blood off the ground, then we left the patio.

Back inside the palace, we walked in silence towards the room where the King was resting.

After turning a corner, Lapia sighed and spoke up.

“You know... I don't mean to impose my values on you.”

I turned to her with a fair amount of confusion, “Where is this coming from?”

“The torture thing,” she shrugged.

“Ah,” I nodded. “Not a problem. Freedom of thought and all that.”

“I had figured being with you meant that at some point I'd see you going about the task of protecting,” she bit her lips. “But I didn't know it'd be so...” she struggled to find the words.

Her voice tickled my ears and I listened with religious attention.

“Uncompromising?” I offered.

She slowly nodded with a pensive expression.

“Lapia, how true do you think the Demon's claim was about Changelings?”

She shrugged, “Dubious at best. And well... it wouldn't change anything in my eyes.”

I hummed, “I haven't seen one yet, what do they look like?”

“What do you mean?” she sounded a little confused. “They're Changelings... they can change their appearance. Maybe you saw a few already?”

I shrugged, “Maybe. Don't you think it's ironic that the people who allegedly mind controlled Elena were Changelings, supposedly descendants of Demons... whose world was ruined due to a form of mind control?”

Lapia exhaled through her nose, “That'd be tragic, if true.”

“Poetic, in a way,” I chuckled.

She nodded, “In a very morbid way.”

I stared at her and slowed down until I stopped.

She turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.

Her almond-shaped, emerald green eyes inspected my face for a few seconds. Her lips glistened a little, and I found myself lost in her beauty.

I stored my gauntlets along with the leather gloves and closed into her with a step. I gently took her face in my hands and caressed her cheeks.

“What?” she gave me a warm smile.

I licked my lips and she imitated me. My chest warmed up and my loins tickled. A smile split my lips and I giggled.

She raised both eyebrows, “What?”

“You're beautiful, Lapia,” I whispered, running a thumb over her left eyebrow.

She closed her left eye and blushed.

“Thank you,” she smiled and giggled. “You're all over the place. What's on your mind?”

I let out a hot sigh and kissed her.

She reciprocated and we shared a smooch on the hallway.

I separated first and smiled, “Nothing. Just showering you with love.”

Lapia nodded and laughed, “You know... I'm really horny right now. I don't know what happened but after we met the Demon I've been growing increasingly horny.”

“Hooh?” I arched an eyebrow. “A quicky in a room somewhere?”

Her eyes widened and she playfully pushed me away, then hissed, “Natasha! This is the Royal Palace. Besides, I'm a functioning adult. I can hold out until tonight.”

“Royal Palace?” I giggled. “That sounds like a poor excuse you pulled out of your ass.”

She smirked.

Oh, no, I lamented my choice of words.

She slowly said, “The only thing I can fit in my ass... is your fat cock.”

My face burned and I bit my lips. “This is the Royal Palace!” I imitated her tone.

Her eyes widened in mock offense, “You dare use my own words against me?!” she brought a hand to her chest and pulled a pained expression. “The hurt of betrayal!”

I swallowed and retorted, “The only pain you'll feel is my cock stretching your ass.”

After the words left my mouth my face burned with the strength of a thousand suns along a large serving of cringe.

Lapia's eyes widened and a huge smile spread on her face, “That was really good. Your dirty jokes are improving.”

I shrugged and tried another, “In the end we both know who the butt of the joke will be.”

“HAHAHA!” she hugged her stomach and leaned back.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug, then laughed with her.

“That'd be a point for me,” I concluded, kissing her cheeks.

She giggled and nodded, “Without a doubt.”

After walking for a while we arrived at the corridor where our destination was.

The Royal Guard was watching over the door and bowed to us when we approached.

I knocked on the door and opened it.

I should have waited for a reply.

The room was empty save for Gordon and Josalia. Fully naked on the bed.

My eyes widened at the sight of the Queen's head between the King's legs, giving him more than emotional support.

His turquoise eyes met mine and his white feline ears stood at attention.

“Sorry!” I yelped and closed the door.

I gripped the handle too tightly, resulting in the thing coming off the door.

“Shit!” I hissed and stuck my index finger on the hole, keeping the door shut.

Lapia's eyes were as wide as they could be.

One of the Royal Guards turned to me with panic in her eyes, “Are Their Majesties alright?”

“Oh, more than alright,” Lapia replied, holding back laughter.

“Please wait a minute!” the Queen called from inside the room.

Silence followed while we waited.

Lapia's shoulders shook with mirth.

I was fighting a battle inside me.

They don't shame sex. They don't shame sex. They don't shame sex, I chanted in my mind, reminding myself of the openness this world had in regards to sexual behaviors.

I felt a pull from the other side of the door but didn't budge due to my strength.

“Your Excellency, please let go of the door,” the Queen requested with an amused voice.

I freed my fingers and took a step back, “Done.”

The door opened and the Queen gave us a smile, “Apologies for the delay.”

I shook my head, “No, no. Apologies for the interruption.”

The Queen laughed and took a step aside, “Please, come in.”

I sighed and entered the room followed by Lapia.

The Queen closed the door and I felt the E'er in the room shift. She walked to the bed and sat next to the King.

Gordon was blushing and his ears were pressed against his head, “Natasha... You timing was...” he fought a smile. “Excellent.”

Lapia choked on laughter, and the Queen covered her mouth.

Not word plays on my title, please! I sighed in my mind.

I cleared my throat, “Well, I'm glad to see you're a loving couple.”

The Queen nodded with a proud smile and the King let out an amused chuckle.

“Anyway,” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “Serious talk now.”

The joy left their faces and they nodded with serious faces.

“I succeeded in finding the Demon,” I dropped the bomb. “It was passing as kitchen staff.”

The Queen's eyes squinted at my words and her ears twitched once, “Was?”

I nodded, “I killed it.”

'That...” the King began, then his voice turned complicated, “was faster than I had hoped.”

I tapped my nose and gave him a wink.

The Queen stood up and rushed to me, then wrapped me in a tight hug. Her shoulders trembled and she fought back tears.

“Thank you, Your Excellency!” she sobbed. “Thank you so much!”

I patted her back and nodded.

“I would hug you as well,” Gordon gave me a tight smile. “But I'm naked below the waist.”

I bit my lips and looked up at the ceiling of the room, then shook my head.

“Get your ass here!” the Queen hissed at him. “She just saved your life!”

“Fine...” he grumbled and wrapped the bed sheet around his body. He stood from the bed and walked to a side table where he picked a thin ring. He put it on his index finger and then dropped the bed covers.

Fortunately he had put wearing a pair of loose pants on, so his kitty didn't greet the world.

The man made his way over to me and patted my shoulder, “You have my gratitude.”

“Well, aren't you a bit cold now?” I joked with a broad smile. “Anyway, do you want to see the corpse? To confirm the kill or something?”

He looked down and gulped, “If at all possible, please.”

The Queen let me go and took a few steps back, then wiped a few tears off her face.

Yep, I was definitely too harsh on her, I concluded.

Lapia walked behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head to her.

She gave me a wink.

Extending a hand, I let the corpse of the Demon fall on the ground from my storage.

The King winced and looked away, then nodded.

“My,” the Queen stared at it with inspecting eyes. “So this is a Demon?”

I nodded, “A Felyareth.”

She scoffed, “Foul creature.”

I crouched and stored the corpse, then looked up at Gordon, “I was thinking I could spend the night here. Just to make sure.”

The Queen gestured for me to stop, “Please, stand up.”

I sighed and straightened up, “What do you think about that?”

Gordon nodded and walked back to the bed, where he sat down, “Do you think there's another one?”

I shrugged, “It said it was alone, but I don't trust its words one bit.”

The two rulers nodded.

“By the way,” I began, walking to a chair and sitting on it. “Can you tell me what is known about Demons?”

The Queen shrugged, “They originate from Hell, are part of the Cursed Ones, and not much else.”

“I see,” I nodded. “Pretty lacking.”

“They don't show up very often, and are usually dealt with quickly and without a trace,” Gordon supplied. “Not even their forms are known, as you might already have guessed.”

“Hmm...” I rubbed my chin, thinking of writing up an encyclopedia of Demons. I didn't know their names so it'd be a bit useless in that aspect. My drawing skills would be immensely helpful when drawing them and giving them shape so that people could recognize them easily.

The Queen approached and stopped in front me, “Your Excellency. You have helped us in a way I cannot thank enough. If there's anything you wish, I'd be more than happy to fulfill it to the best of my abilities.”

I shook my head, “Don't worry about it. Just doing my job.” I stopped and chuckled. “It's not even my job. More like my raison d'être.”

The Queen took a step closer and looked into my eyes, “I insist. Anything you want, I will do.”

An idea popped into my head and I gave the Queen a sly grin, “Anything, you say?”

She blushed and her eyes widened a little, then she whispered in a very quiet voice, “If you wish for it, it will happen. I'm not one to shy away if I have to use my body to show my gratitude.”

I gaped at the woman, “What?” my voice came out barely a whisper.

Then, realization struck me.

My eyes opened wide and I stood up. My face burned in second-hand embarrassment, “Not like that! That's not what I mean at all!”

She covered her mouth and her blush intensified, “My. Apologies, Your Excellency. Your tone and expression were just so attractive I- By the Gods. What am I saying?”

A sweet fragrance tickled my nose. I felt a little ominous feeling and looked at where I had dropped the Demon. There were a couple drops of blood on the floor. A sigh left me and I retrieved a towel from my storage and walked to it, then wiped it clean. I produced a bottle of alcohol and poured it on the wooden floor, then cleaned again. I repeated the process until I couldn't smell the scent anymore.

Even after death, Demons are a pain in the ass! I hissed in my mind and stood up.

Your Excellency?” the Queen had observed my actions without saying anything. “I hope I didn't offend you.”

I shook my head and chuckled, “You didn't. The Demon's blood apparently increases sexual appetite or whatever it's called. Gets you horny, basically.”

Oh, my,” she covered her mouth. “Still, I apologize for my lapse in judgment.”

HAHAHA!” the King slapped the bed in joy. “Josalia, did you just? This is amazing. I'll remember this for a century at the very least! Finally something to even our odds!”

The Queen blushed and gave the King a chastising glare, “Oh, no. You won't!”

I laughed at their interaction. Their relationship was a little more interesting than what I expected from Royalty. They felt like young newlyweds.

Life does go on, I concluded with a wide smile.


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