Natasha the Halve

74 – PvP (2)

Sonya charged towards Lapia.

The Elf turned in my direction and pointed a hand at me.

Lightning surged between her fingers and hit me in the chest before I could even tilt my head in confusion.

My body clamped for an instant and the disturbing taste of licking a battery filled my mouth.

Sonya let out a short whimper but continue moving nonetheless.

Yolin blocked our path, spreading her six arms and giving me a wide smile.

“Knock her up, Sonya!” I commanded and stretched my legs to get a better position.

Arrows hit my helmet and neck, producing clicking sounds when the projectiles bounced off my armor.

The ground of the arena suddenly rose in front of Yolin, forming a wall of dirt around her and Lapia.

I turned my head to the Pitmaster.

She took a step back and swallowed.

“Well, then,” I tapped the Ratnak's neck.

She took a sharp turn and zoomed towards the Dwarf.

I raised my right arm and tightened my grip on the spear, ready to slam her chest and push her out of the arena.

Movement from my left caught my attention and I turned my head.

Thelea had stood up and was running towards my target with a new shield in hand. She was definitely using a skill to increase her speed.

I stored my shield and gripped my spear with both hands like a baseball bat.

The Goliath reached the Dwarf before me and raised her shield in front of her body.

We reached them and Sonya turned to the left, giving me ample space.

I swung my arms, aiming at the solid spot on the shield with the guidance of my skills that informed me of the weak spot.

The loud clank of metal hitting metal echoed in the arena once again. The electric bubble around them did nothing to protect them.

Her shield broke but didn't shatter.

That didn't matter since the force was enough to send her flying backwards, crashing against the Dwarf and into the wall of the arena some forty meters behind them, then fell down to the pit below.

Урааааа!” I cheered with raised arms.

The audience exploded in ooh's.


The wall of dirt crumbled, revealing the two inside.

A puff of shadows in front of me blocked my view for an instant.

Bonte popped up from between the weird floating darkness, lunging at me.

I tilted my head to the side, dodging the blades aimed at my face. Then, I tightened a fist and threw a punch at his stomach.

The catboy's body kept moving towards me.

I stopped my fist mere centimeters from his crotch, then quickly moved my hand to the side and slapped his waist.

My hand went through the bubble of lightning around him with no issue.

The Tigea spun in the air a few times and his body dissolved in a puff of shadows only to emerge behind Bromisnar. Bonte was breathing heavily and his face was pale as a ghost with lost eyes, then fell down to his knees.

That was close, I thought with a wince.

I would never hit a man there. Not before, and even less now that I also have a penis. Extreme circumstances aside, that is not a place to target.

While he recuperated from the shock, I looked around me.

Pokora had stopped shooting arrows my way and was simply aiming at me with a serious face.

Bonte's attack had left the Archer alone.

The clouds above had grown thicker and darker, similar to those of a thunderstorm.

The sun above Lapia was around sixty meters wide and still growing.

Yolin was still standing in front of the Elf with arms spread, ready to intercept me. Or try to, at least.

“Change of plans, girl,” I kicked Sonya's flank again and she rushed towards Pokora.

The Elf released arrows again, shooting them faster than before.

I decided to flex so I grabbed each arrow before they hit me and stored them while laughing.

“Oh, fuck off!” Pokora groaned and knocked five arrows. “Crazy bitch!”

“Don't call me a bitch!” I retorted with a laugh.

Sonya reached her and lowered her head, preparing to headbutt her.

I leaned forward and raised my spear, ready to swing the weapon as soon as the woman dodged.

Much to my surprise, Pokora raised a leg.

Sonya made contact and violently lifted her head, going through the purple spherical shield like it wasn't there.

Pokora stepped on the Ratnak's head and used the force to propel herself high up.

“Fuck you, bitch!” the Elf laughed and released the arrows in my direction.

“You're the crazy bitch!” I replied and summoned my shield, then covered Sonya's head with it to block the arrows. I jumped on top of my mount and took a deep breath. I can do crazy shit too, sometimes, I thought and jumped after the Elf, focusing entirely on the woman mid-air.

My stomach tightened and my body went a little numb as I crossed the limit of ten meters with no ground beneath me. A tiny whimper left my lips and my face scrunched up in fear. I stored my shield and readied my weapon.

The Elf's eyes widened and she opened her lips to whine, probably.

“Yeet!” I intercepted her taunt and swung my spear at her.

The weapon collided with her body and sent her to the ground like a meteorite, where she crashed and tumbled a few times, lifting sand on her path.

I made a mistake.

I looked down.

“Сука блять!” I swore, then tightened my jaw.

My body, however, continued going up.

I looked in horror as the ground grew farther away until I stopped my ascend. Around seventy meters high.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!! My thoughts were in disarray and I grasped at everything that could get me out of that situation. And idea popped in my mind and I winced. Fucking fuck! I pushed E'er into Dragoon Might, then into Dragon Dive.

Time slowed down to a crawl and the world turned red. Not red as when anger overtakes the senses, but red as in this is the area of effect of the skill red.

A weird circle formed wherever I looked, growing wider the longer I waited.

A moment of lucidity from my Halven instincts cleared up the fear gripping my mind, giving me a second to collect myself.

-Dragon Dive, Lvl 50. Fly up to the sky with Dragon Wings, then land with an impact akin to a Dragon crashing on the ground. Your landing creates spikes from the ground that impale enemies. The material of said spikes depends on the surface you land on. Spends a large amount of E'er to achieve this feat.

I looked at an empty area in the arena and chose that as my landing spot.

The world rushed toward me in a fraction of a second. Or, more precisely, I dove down faster than sound.

My collision formed a small crater with me at the center and sand flew up and all around. The moment I touched ground the E'er I had pushed into the skill transferred down and around me.

I landed on my feet, fortunately. I coughed a few times and waved my arms around to disperse the sand, taking advantage of the much appreciated rush of adrenaline, then walked out of the hole in the ground.

Around me, spikes of hardened dirt stood one meter tall in a thirty meter radius.

Yolin and Lapia were looking at me with wide eyes and slack jaws.

Pokora slowly stood up from her downed position, wiping blood off her chin.

Alyssa's healing is going strong, it seems, I thought, trying to ignore the shake of my hands and legs. I tried taking a step forward but my body didn't listen. The moment of being suspended mid-air so high up was still in the forefront of my mind despite my efforts. My heart was beating a million times a second and my breathing was labored, That was fucking scary!


The audience exploded in cheers of amazement and shock. Their screams blended together in an intelligible cacophony around the coliseum.

“THAT WAS AMAZING!!” some shouted.

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” others cursed loudly in awe.

“YAASS GIRL!” a few cheered.

Pokora jogged to Bromisnar and Bonte, and aimed her bow at me.

I took a deep breath and used all my willpower to move my right foot. The limb moved slowly with an annoying shake.

Bonte dissolved into shadows and popped up to my left, aiming at my leg with his daggers.

I quickly kicked his arms away, then grabbed him by the collar and turned to the Archer and Performer.

The Elf frowned and lowered her bow.

I smiled and moved the catboy in front of me as a shield.

“Uhh...” he let out an unsure mutter, grabbing my wrist with both hands. “Natasha, buddy? You won't use me as a shield, will you?”

“What do you eat that lets you guess so easily?” I chuckled and ran towards the two.

“Come ooon!” he groaned and slapped my head a few times.

I stored my weapon when I reached them and wrapped my arms around the three. Then, I kept running to the edge of the arena.

“Well, this was fun,” Bromisnar chuckled, his hair rustling in the wind.

Pokora clicked her tongue. “Not like we had much of a chance, anyway,” she muttered, a little annoyed.

I laughed and unceremoniously threw them into the pit.

They disappeared into the darkness below.


The sky split open and a lightning as thick as a bus fell down from the sky with a deafening rumble that silenced the announcer.

The rod of electricity was cut short for an instant high up in the sky. Then, right above me, it appeared again and fell on me.

My body seized up for an instant and the taste of batteries filled my mouth again.

I winced and moved my tongue for a bit to rid myself of the sensation. Space spells to shorten the travel? I turned to Lapia with a small smile. Pretty neat.

Sonya jogged towards me and stood by my side.

I looked up at the rumbling clouds, then sighed. “Stay back for a bit, girl. It'll be bad if one hits you.”

The Ratnak nodded and sat down on the sand.

I chuckled and rubbed her head, then turned to the last three.

Yolin laughed and gestured with her six arms for me to come closer.

I took a stance and pushed E'er into Charge, then shot towards her at the speed of sound.

Her eyes widened and she tried crossing her arms in front of her.

I reached her before she could finish the action and tackled her.

We crashed against the wall of the arena, right below the barrier that protected the audience.

Yolin groaned and grabbed my body with her six arms.

I pushed the wall with my legs, propelling us across the arena.

We crashed against the opposite wall in less than a second.

“Uff!” Yolin groaned, then laughed. “Don't hold back, Natasha!”

“Alright, then,” I replied and pulled us out of the wall.

We landed on the sand and separated.

Lightning fell on me again, too fast for me to dodge.

I coughed a few times. “Lightning tastes bad,” I muttered with a shake of my head.

Yolin laughed and rushed me. “It does!” she agreed and hugged my waist, then lowered her body.

I grabbed her left real arm, then dug my middle finger in her elbow right where the funny nerve is.

“Ahhh!” she groaned and loosened her arms.

I hit her stomach with my left knee, lifting her up in the air for a second.

“Kha!” she coughed.

I turned around, still grabbing her arm, and slammed her against the ground.

“Agh! Spicy!” she cheered with a laugh, then tried grabbing my arm with her extra limbs.

I stored my spear and grabbed one of the white ethereal arms, then ripped it out of her body.

It came off without resistance then burst in a shower of light.

I slammed her against the ground again, then ripped another arm off.

Lightning came down on me once again, forcing my body to twitch for a second.

I gritted my teeth and kicked Yolin in the stomach, sending her flying back forty meters.

Lapia shouted something in Elvish.

I turned around and saw the sun above the Elf, which had grown to be around the size of the entire arena, slowly descend towards me while shrinking in size.

The sight was a little scary, I won't lie.

I spread my arms wide and received the attack with a smile.

The sun enveloped me and memories of a trip to Greece during summer surfaced on my mind. The sand around me turned black and the air shimmered with the massive increase in temperature.

I held my breath and saw the world go white with the orb's explosion.

Lightning came down on me like rain, forcing my body to spasm with the electric charge.

A hiccup escaped me and I held back a laugh. The Elf had managed to break my breathing rhythm.

I kicked the ground and ran out of the voltaic inferno, then took a deep breath.

Yolin had stood up and was in front of Lapia again.

Sturdy woman, I thought with a warm smile, then rushed her again.

That time, however, I didn't play with my girlfriend. I grabbed her and slammed her body on the wall or the arena, then pushed her into the pit with enough strength to prevent her arms from latching onto me.

She gave me a wide smile and fell down while laughing loudly. “That was fun!” she shouted and blew me a kiss.

My face burned and I giggled.

Then, lightning fell on me again, stopping me mid-giggle and making my fingers twitch.

I turned around and jumped back into the arena, then walked to the Elf at a relaxed pace.

She put both hands in front of her and her eyes lit up with an electric purple hue.

A thick, white arch of plasma connected to my chest from her hands.

An incredibly strong tingle tickled my privates and a tiny gasp escaped me.

This is not good, I thought, feeling a slight fluster in my loins and chest. If this keeps going she'll make me cum in public.

A few raunchy ideas crossed my mind regarding electric shocks, but none included a third party watching.

I raised a hand, touching the arch, and summoned my spear, then stabbed at the ground.

The current flowed down and into the sand, diminishing the erotic feeling between my legs by a large margin.

The Elf didn't relent, however. More lightning came down from the thick clouds above, and fire arrows slammed on my body.

I continued walking nonetheless, the impact of her magic not strong enough to overcome my resistance to movement impairing effects.

Once I reached her, she dropped her arms. Her breathing was ragged and her face was a little sweaty.

“That was really cool,” I said and gave her a thumbs-up.

She smirked, “I bet.”

I hummed. “I don't want to hurt you, though.”

The Elf shrugged, “They told us there are healers waiting at the bottom of the pit all around the arena.”

“I see,” I sighed with a nod. “Well, then.”

“Indeed,” Lapia chuckled.

I grabbed her by the waist and spun, then threw her at the edge of the arena.

Her body followed a clean arc and went down into the pit without slamming against the wall.

I turned to the dome protecting the Luzo, then gave it a firm punch.

It shattered like glass and Alyssa's giggle followed.

Her horns showed up first, going for my throat.

I took a step to the side, dodging her attack.

She spun and her tail went for my feet, and her staff for my head.

I blocked both and breathed out in amazement. “Wow. That's a surprise.”

Alyssa giggled and gave me a wink. “Nobody expects the Cleric to know how to fight.”

I tilted my head, more surprised about that comment. “Why?”

She shook her head. “Too much time spent learning the Laws of Life.”

“I see,” I giggled and nodded.

“I'm more surprised here,” Alyssa commented, giving me an approving nod. “You broke 70% of Thelea's bones with a single blow. Then all of Yolin's ribs along with her arms and half of her back.”

I hiccuped, breaking the tension.

Alyssa laughed and I joined.

“Lapia's skills got me like this,” I muttered. “Well, let's end this.”

The woman nodded.

I grabbed her by the waist and threw her like I did Lapia.

The two were not as tough as the Oni, and I didn't put much trust on healers I didn't know. My winning condition was to push them off the edge, not to injure them.

After the Luzo disappeared into the pit, the audience erupted in roars.


I cringed at the simil. I wasn't going to butcher my friends and lovers for others' entertainment. Besides, the fight was initially between Thelea, Yolin, and me.

“Sonya, come here girl!” I called my mount.

The Ratnak stood up and trotted my way.

I climbed on top and caressed her neck. “You were awesome, Sonya.”

She let out a low growl and nodded.

I laughed and patted her neck. “Let's get out of here.”

We left the arena through the gate I came in through, and I heard announcer going on about the fight, dissecting each of my movements with unnecessary detail and assuming my intent. It wasn't as bad as with Lady Dabrak's interview in the newspaper, but still a little much.

Deep into the coliseum, my hiccups echoed on the hallways.

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