Natasha the Halve

77 – Nightmarish Prospects.

We ordered some local dishes and made conversation while we ate.

At least they did.

I was a bit too angry to talk so I just nodded or shook my head whenever a question went my way. By the time we finished dessert I managed to relax a fair amount.

“What's planned for today?” Pokora asked, relaxing on the seat and giving me a look.

I pinched the bridge of my nose with a hand and sighed. “Aren't you the party leader?” I retorted.

She shrugged. “With combat logistics and all that, sure,” the woman replied with a smile. “But I'm not going to arrange an activity schedule while we're on cities.”

Bromisnar cleared his throat and rubbed his chin. “How long are we staying on Paarjo, by the way?”

Lapia looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

I gave her a nod.

“Well,” the Elf began, fixing a lock of hair behind her right ear. “After we dealt with the matter at the Royal Palace, His Majesty the King convinced Natasha into staying here for a celebratory event... which the rulers of neighboring countries will attend according to how he worded it.”

Alyssa nodded and licked her red lips. “So two more weeks at the very least?”

I nodded in response.

“Well, there's a lot to see and do in Paarjo,” Bromisnar supplied. “There's the Breeders, the main market, the weekly performances around the city, the arena we were at today, the underside of the city, the Craftsmen exhibitions, around three hundred taverns to check out, restaurants, confectioneries, and much more.” He smiled and shrugged. “Two weeks is not nearly enough to explore the entire city.”

Pokora leaned forward and placed her hands on the table with a worried face. “Wait, wait, wait,” she began, giving each of us a look of disbelief. “Did you just say the rulers of neighboring countries?”

Lapia nodded with a smile. “I did. Why?”

The Archer's dull silver eyes stared into the Wizard's green eyes for a few seconds. “And you mentioned a celebratory event...?” she tentatively asked.

Lapia's smile widened. “Yes. And we'll all attend,” she declared, leaving no room for argument.

Pokora's shoulders slumped and she let out a long sigh.

Alyssa covered her mouth and giggled. “It's natural. We are accompanying a Halve who did Royalty a favour.”

I slowly nodded.

“Sounds good to me,” Bromisnar agreed with a shrug.

The waiter that had taken our orders approached us with a professional smile.

I produced ten silver coins and placed them on the table.

He took them and gave me a nod. “Thank you for your patronage, dear customer,” he respectfully said.

I gave him a short nod and stood up, then walked out of the restaurant. Out in the streets I looked up at the two suns and redid my braid to keep myself busy.

The others came out after and Lapia approached me.

“You okay, sunshine?” she asked, placing a hand on my cheek.

I nodded and muttered, “A bit angry.”

She smiled and stood on the tip of her toes, then gave me a kiss on the other cheek. “Why?”

I scowled and shrugged.

She nodded and took a step back, then looked me in the eye. “I'm not going to lie, your angry face is super cute.”

A smile slowly formed on my face. I sighed and shook my head as a tiny chuckle escaped me, lifting my mood. “So I'm not always cute?” I teased her with an over-exaggerated pout.

Her eyebrows rose. “Don't put words in my mouth,” she playfully warned me.

I nodded and took the chance that was so generously given to me. “I can only put my cock in your mouth, right?” I retorted in a quiet voice, then laughed.

Lapia's eyes widened and then she burst in a fit of giggles. “You're improving,” she praised me.

I shrugged. “Learning from the expert, I guess.”

She wiped invisible tears and let out a fake sob. “Oh, how they grow!”

I hugged her and spun around a few times. “Thank you,” I muttered and put her down.

She fixed a few locks of hair and gave me a big smile. “Any time, sunshine.”

“Where to now?” Pokora graciously interrupted the moment.

“Hmm...” I ran a hand through my hair, thinking for a second. “I was thinking of going to see the King, actually,” I admitted. “I wanted to ask him a few things.”

“I'm going to the library near our place with Bromisnar,” Alyssa supplied. “We may find something good to read.”

Lapia turned to Pokora. “How about we go to the market?” she asked her.

The Archer nodded. “Sure.”

And so, plans for the day were settled. After fetching our mounts we parted ways.

I rode Sonya towards the Royal Palace, using the memory of the trip on the carriage as guide. After around thirty minutes and getting lost two times, I arrived at my destination.

The Royal Guards were standing watch on the gates. Their heads turned in my direction when I passed them.

I approached the same gate I entered through the previous time and addressed the two guards, “I'm here to see the King. I didn't make an appointment, though.”

The two nodded and opened the gate for me.

“We were instructed to let you through, Your Excellency,” one of them informed me while saluting.

“Thank you.” I gave them a nod of gratitude and tapped Sonya's neck.

The Ratnak walked forward, crossing the gate into the palace.

We slowly made our way on the path while I looked at the many statues.

Sonya approached one and sniffed the stone, then gave it a lick.

“Don't,” I warned her. “That's not food.”

She let out a long growl and kept moving.

We reached the building proper and I dismounted, then turned to the animal.

“Wait for me here,” I ordered her. “It won't take long, okay?”

She nodded and sat down.

The guards at the door bowed and opened it.

I went inside and noticed one of the two walked behind me.

“I will inform the staff of your arrival, Your Excellency,” she muttered and walked past me.

So, I waited.

One minute later, Prince Rinald and the guard showed.

He curtsied. “Welcome back, Your Excellency.”

“Sup?” I gave him a nod. “Came to talk to your old man, if it's no problem.”

He chuckled and straightened up. “Of course. Please follow me.”

The guard saluted and left through the door.

I walked behind Rinald, who guided me through the palace.

“We watched the fight,” he began with an excited tone. “That skill you used to crash on the ground was spectacular.”

My cheeks burned a little. “Thank you,” I muttered.

“Do the spikes increase in reach the higher you use it from?” he asked with childish interest.

I didn't know that.

“Maybe,” I replied. “I haven't used it much.”

We stopped at a broad door and he turned to me.

“May I ask why?” His eyes shone with curiosity.

I shrugged. “Haven't had the need to.”

“Ah,” he uttered and nodded. “Makes sense. Looks powerful.” He knocked on the door. “Royal Father, Her Excellency Natasha has come to see you,” he announced.

“Come in,” the King's voice came.

I opened the door and gave the prince a nod. “Thank you, Rinald,” I said and went in, then closed the door.

The room was different from the one I had visited previously. It was a spacious office with bookshelves and paintings covering the walls. A broad desk was placed opposite the door where the King sat reading some documents.

He looked up from a booklet and gave me a smile.

“Yo,” I greeted the ruler of a nation.

His eyebrows went up and his smiled widened. “Yo,” he replied with a chuckle.

I walked in and scanned the man. “Feeling better?” I inquired.

He nodded, making his ears shift a little. “Better than ever. I exercised this morning... something I hadn't done in months,” he cheerfully shared with a relieved smile. “It's scary what time does.”

I smiled and nodded. “Did you sleep well?”

“Incredibly so,” he muttered. “I woke up a few times, thinking it was a dream within a nightmare.”

I grabbed the chair in front of his desk and sat down. “I think that will take time to get used to.”

“It will,” he agreed, then shrugged,.“But the worst is over. Now I have to fix my sleeping schedule and eating habits.”

“Good to hear,” I nodded. “I'm glad you're doing better.”

“Thanks to you,” he pointed out. “You did me a solid.”

I laughed at his choice of words. “What can I say? Born to do that.”

“Indeed,” he agreed with a nod and leaned back on the chair. “So, Natasha... what can this little public servant do for you?”

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the desk and my chin on my hands. It was time to ask about diamond. “I need information on something. It's important to me.”

He nodded in understanding. “Mhm. I was informed about it.”

My eyes widened slightly in shock. “You were? Why?” my voice betrayed my feelings.

“I'm the King, Natasha,” he pointed out the obvious. “These matters will naturally reach my ears. So, I did some digging of my own.”

I nodded, trying to handle the embarrassment.

He looked me in the eye with a serious face. “I moved a few individuals around to ask here and there. Mostly scouts so there's little to no chance of being spotted,” he reassured me. “So far they haven't found much information about the matter. It also has been quite a while since last time so I think a change within must have come to pass.”

What is he talking about? I wondered in confusion, slowly tilting my head. “I see,” I muttered nonetheless. “What's your take on it?”

“Hmm,” he rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling. “After their move failed it would be sensible to avoid any upfront attempt for at least fifty years, including sleeping agents. Adding your public demonstration of strength today, along with your companions', should be enough of a deterrent for the next decades.”

I nodded, still not sure about what the conversation was about. “What would you suggest I do?” I went for a broad question that would perhaps give me context.

“Hard to tell,” he butchered my hopes. “You already have liberties about the matter. I know it may sound as we're giving you permission but it's more of an agreement that formalizes you, a Halve, and me, The King, knowing about it and the possible consequences it may bring. Some kind of unwritten contract, if you will.”

Permission? I nodded and looked out the window. What permission?

The cogs in my mind began working full time to understand what the King was talking about. I didn't want to outright ask since I wanted to reach the answer on my own.

He knew... or was informed, I gathered what I knew so far about the conversation. A failed move... further attempts are to be avoided because of it. Our fight served as deterrent. It's been quite a while since the last time? Quite a while? This man is over a thousand years old... I racked my brains while spotting birds flying outside. My eyes widened a little. A thousand years since the last time maybe? I wondered. But what... I stopped thinking when I remembered Lorena's words.

'His Excellency Miraztor was targeted as well when he visited Lumin Kingdom.'

I nodded. I see, he's talking about the group that wants to kill me. Almost forgot about them. I turned to the King and sighed. “If they target my companions things will go to absolute shit.”

He nodded. “And that's entirely within your power. I want you to know that we support you one hundred percent on this. As Royalty, I can't allow for groups to threaten the life of those who exist to ensure our safety,” he declared with a serious tone. “I was thinking that we could let my fellow Rulers know of this issue when they visit. Maybe they can gather information on their sides as well.”

I hummed in understanding. “Sure, that's fine with me. You said they may take a fifty year break. Will this take that long?”

His eyebrows scrunched up and a frown formed on his face. “Natasha... Ideas don't die as easily as people and, sometimes, the death of people fuel certain ideas. It pains me to say that you will probably face disapproval from certain groups for as long as you're alive simply because of your species.”

“And the rulers of nearby countries would help?” I asked, interested in that bit.

“I'm certain of it,” he replied, then a smile formed on his face. “Especially the Royalty from Tidon Kingdom. I received a letter from their Monarch stating communications with you had begun. Something about wanting my help to convince you of seeing Tidon as your official place of birth?”

I winced. “Nah,” I simply replied with a shake of my head.

His turquoise eyes looked into mine for a few seconds. “They will test your Halven instincts with their proposal, Natasha. No Halve has ever recognized a specific country as their official place of birth. It's a bold invitation but not something that would surprise me coming from Claudia,” he added with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, then leaned back on the chair. “Why?”

He shrugged. “After the ban on war, countries focused those logistic resources to play games with Halves. Perculis and Yulianna enjoyed them greatly, taking every chance they got to engage in them.”

I chuckled. “Sounds like they were a power couple,” I joked.

He nodded with a smile, “They were.”

“I haven't received any letters other than from Tidon, though,” I pointed out. “How do they play these games?”

He sighed and scratched his forehead. “There are rules in place. The first one is to wait a century at the very least to approach a Halve with any kind of proposal... unless it's about their birth. And Claudia did precisely that.”

I hummed. “I'm guessing those invitations have nothing to do with actual requests for help?”

He nodded. “Naturally,” he confirmed. “This and that are completely different matters. If anything, we encourage each other to ask for help.”

I smiled. “That's cute.”

He lightly scoffed. “You Halves always say that.”

A short laugh escaped me and I ran a hand through my hair. “Well, I don't exactly like mind games that much. Anyway... Do you know where I could find large chunks of diamond?”

“Diamond?” the King repeated, a little confused. “What for?”

I shrugged. “A little something I want made,” I vaguely admitted.

“Hmm,” he thought for a second and nodded. “There is a mine three days north of Paarjo that turned into a dungeon a long time ago. My predecessors extracted gold from that mine. After it turned into a dungeon it was closed off due to the nature of the monsters inside, though. I'm sure you'll find as much diamond as you want there. It's also the only mine in the country that still has diamonds.”

“Nice,” I commented with a nod. “What kind of monsters?”

He frowned. “Spiders,” he muttered in disgust.

Fuck this entire planet!

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