Natasha the Halve

Out of Journal: Interlude. End of Arc 5.

Pokh'Orra Pez'che woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of walls being banged.

The Elf shifted around in her bed, turning to look at the person sleeping a few meters from her.

Elena was quietly snoring under her blankets.

The memory of her limbless body hanging by the hair from Natasha's hand made her wince a little, chasing away any desire to return to the world of dreams.

She sat up with a heavy sigh, rubbing her eyes and letting out a big yawn. After taking a moment to gather her half-asleep consciousness, she checked the clock hanging on the room's wall.

It was half past twelve.

“Fucking hell,” she whispered in annoyance.

The banging continued at a steady pace with the rhythm of a jackhammer, tapping at her sensitive ears and making them uncomfortable.

The noise wasn't loud to the point it would wake everyone up, but instead like distant footsteps in the night. Something she had been trained to perceive during her time in the military so she could perform her look-out duties, resulting in an advantage when having the Hunter and Sniper classes from the Archer class family.

An Elf's ears are not that sensitive by nature, after all. That's Tigea business.

It was perhaps also the reason as to why she was the only one who could hear the banging, seeing as Elena was still asleep.

Wide awake and disturbed by the noise, Pokora got up and put underwear on then left the room with quiet footsteps.

The living room had the fresh feeling of summer nights.

Pokora walked to the kitchen and poured some juice for herself.

But the banging was closer now.

She put the glass down and approached Bonte's bedroom, then put an ear to the door.


Expected with sound-proof enchantments. She could feel the surface shake ever so slightly against her ear, however.

The sound came from further away.

Pokora turned her head to Natasha's bedroom and her eyes squinted. “No way,” she whispered in doubt.

But there was a way, and Pokora's thoughts quickly arrived at the conclusion.

The building had quite the number of enchantments on the walls, rooms, floor, ceiling, doors, and windows. From sound-proof to thermal regulation.

But... Natasha is a Halve. A magical being of great power. Could she... be having sex so roughly she made the whole apartment shake?!

That... needed confirmation. For... safety purposes... yes.

So, Pokora walked to the four women's bedroom and placed her ear on the door.

The banging felt the strongest right there.

“Holy shit!” The Elf hissed in surprise and moved to the wall next to the door.

There, ten bangs a second could be heard slamming against the wall.

Pokora felt the summer heat get to her and make her face blush a little.

It was definitely the summer. Even if she could withstand temperatures above a thousand degrees Celsius due to her high level, it was obviously the summer. What else could it be?

Silly thoughts.

Pokora glued her body to the wall, feeling the vibrations on her entire being.

The summer heat struck again, forming thin sweat on her legs and groin.

Summer can be so deceiving. The fault was naturally on the two suns. Even though it was the middle of the night.

It was the first time she had witnessed sex between the four. And she could feel how... brutal it was.

Merciless. Overwhelming. Strong.

Pokora brought a cheeky hand to her crotch and gently tapped it with the rhythm beyond the wall.

Such a depraved thing! To spy on her companions while doing such things to herself!

She continued, though, imagining one of them doing nasty things to her.

When she was about to finish, she slammed her hand against the door. She froze and unhanded herself before sweet release, then took two steps back and crossed her arms on her chest. Her face relaxed into her usual emotionless features.

The door opened, revealing Yolin in a shirt and panties.

Various things hit Pokora at once.

First, the heat coming from the room. It felt like a furnace. Choking, asphyxiating, and perverted.

Second, the sweaty and deeply flushed Oni. Her breathing was labored and her entire body glistened with the glow of sexual gratification. Even with a shirt on, her nipples could be clearly seen through the fabric, stealing Pokora's attention for an instant. The panties were soaked beyond usage, too.

Third, the smell. The salty and nose-tickling aroma of sweat that had a slightly sweet fragrance Pokora could almost taste. The sharp smell of a woman's genitals and the fluids that came from it. And the smell of a penis.

It all assaulted Pokora's senses, leaving her speechless for a good five seconds.

“Yeah?” Yolin inquired, leaning on the door frame with a relaxed posture.

Pokora gulped at the sight.

Before being born in Galeia, Pokora had been what most would call a weeb. She chose the label of 'woman of culture' instead, however, enjoying yaoi, yuri, chikan, tentacles, netorare, and more that the glorious- in her opinion- land of Japan could provide.

She also had an intense interest in Japanese folklore, especially the many monsters in their tales, myths, and legends.

The one she liked best, for various reasons she could hardly admit in the open, was the Oni.

Strong, cruel, malicious beings that popular media transformed into attractive characters full of depth.

She was also mature enough to know the difference between fiction and reality.

When she was reborn in Galeia, she realized things were completely different. Those fantasy beings existed in reality and could be met with no problem. She had heard of the existence of Oni when she was six years old. Many things changed that day. So many things.

And one such being was in front of her. Hot, bothered, wet, sweaty, breathing heavily, and obviously having gone through an intense session of steamy, rough sex.

Pokora really liked Yolin.

The red skin, the horns, the muscles, the tusks, and the tattoos. More importantly, that carefree and loud attitude.

But Yolin was Natasha's girlfriend... and Alyssa's.... and Lapia's.

Things were complicated.

At least according to Pokora. Things were much simpler in reality.

Even a woman with almost eighty years of life experience in total had problems seeing things as they were.

But what influenced this view of the world was not her age but her body.

Pokora was 49 years old. A woman of that age would not have these issues if she would belong to a species that lived up to 100.

But Pokora was an Elmari Elf. She was still going through the last stages of puberty, even if she was a legal adult since turning 20.

Hormones are such a bitch.

What made it all worse was Elves' stupidly high libido.

The cherry on top was having lived in a society with negative politeness in her previous life: to not bother others beyond the bare minimum.

Pokora had, however, made great efforts in her new life to adapt and find her own place in this world.

“Uh... Pokh'Orra?” Yolin tilted her head at the other woman's silent stare.

Shit. She had kept quiet too long.

“What's up?” Came Natasha's voice from behind her, then showed up.

The Halve was wearing a loose pair of sweatpants, and no top. The garment betrayed a large bulge on her crotch, leaving little to the imagination. A wet spot around the tip made her look away. Natasha was similarly covered in sweat and was lightly panting.

Pokora closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath to avoid criticizing the futanari's proclivities to showing her body off. The smell of the room sneaked into her brain, however, tickling some parts of her mind she'd rather not mention.

The Archer had been eavesdropping on them and touching herself, after all. She had no place to say anything.

Nevertheless, Pokora cleared her throat and complained, “You're being a bit too loud. I can feel the walls shaking.”

“My bad,” Natasha laughed and her face glowed brighter. “I guess I was too rough.”

Yolin chuckled and wiped sweat from her forehead. “Sorry, Pokh'Orra. We tried being quiet.”

They tried?! And the walls still shook?! What the fuck?! How hard were they going at it?! How hard could they go at it?!

Pokora shook her head. “How you were doing what is none of my business,” she pointed out in denial. “But you're going to wake people up.”

“Right,” Natasha sighed and fixed her pants, shifting the massive member around.

Pokora's eyes darted to the thing and she quickly looked away. “Anyway. Please keep it down,” she muttered in faked annoyance.

Lapia walked up between the two, wearing underwear. She too, was covered in sweat and blushing profusely. “Oh, Pokora. What's up?” She greeted with a cheeky smile.

“We were being too loud,” Natasha pointed out. “She heard us, apparently.”

The Wizard nodded and squinted her eyes at the Archer. “I see.”

“I need some water,” Yolin sighed and turned to the room, not before addressing the complaining Elf one last time. “Sorry about the noise.”

Natasha nodded and went back into the room without saying a word, instead waving Pokora goodbye.

Lapia stared at Pokora for a second, then chuckled.

The younger Elf arched an eyebrow.

“So you heard us?” Lapia teased.

Pokora blushed and nodded.

The older Elf took a step towards Pokora and leaned her head into her right ear, then whispered, “Want to join? It's the best sex you could ever have. Natasha doesn't get tired, her cock is huge, and she cums a lot each and every time. I'd love to see your melting face right next to hers.”

Pokora's blush intensified.

Natasha's melting face? That perpetual resting-bitch-face could have melting expressions?

“I know what you're going through, Pokora,” Lapia continued, placing a hand on Pokora's chin and lifting it a little. “You're forty-nine, right? I bet you're burning to have some action. I remember what it's like. The constant, burning desire to fuck.”

Pokora looked away, embarrassed to hear the truth so... lewdly put out. “I don't really...” she tried to deflect to no avail, feeling the hot skin of Lapia's hand against her chin.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't lie to yourself, Pokora,” Lapia chastised her while clicking her tongue. “Everyone needs a good dicking every once in a while.”

“That's not... Pokora tried denying it again.

“You don't like cocks? That's alright,” Lapia assured her in a seductive tone. “It could be me... if you want.”

Pokora's face was red as a tomato, and she meekly shook her head in shame.

“Alyssa, then?” Lapia offered with a smirk.

Pokora thought about the Luzo.

The woman was indeed quite attractive and beautiful in her eyes. The scales, tail, and horns were cute in a way.

Pokora had been surprised to know Natasha was into dragon girls. That required a certain taste. A form of elevated culture, in her words.

Still, Pokora shook her head. “I don't....”

“How about Yolin, then?” Lapia raised an eyebrow.

Pokora's eyes widened a little, looking into Lapia's eyes.

“Hoh?” Lapia chuckled and smirked in victory. “I'm sure she'll receive you with open arms if you ever ask.”

Pokora hesitated, blinking a few times. “What about Natasha?”

“Well, I'm sure you could have a friendly chat with her. If you join the fun we could set things up easily,” Lapia made the last push. “I'm sure she can give you pleasure without using her cock. She's a top grade lover.”

“I'm not... against cocks, though,” Pokora admitted, and blushed further.

Why was she saying these things?! Why didn't she just... push the hand on her chin away and go back to her bedroom?! Why!?

Was she... into it? Was some depraved part of her brain into this... teasing play?!

Lapia smiled widely and caressed Pokora's lips with her thumb. “We'll wait, then,” Lapia finalized and let her go. “If and when you want. There's lots of love to be given around. And the sex is amazing,” she added with a mischievous grin. “If not, that's okay too. I won't speak of this unless you want me to.”

Pokora caught herself nodding and looked away in shame.

“Also,” Lapia gave the most cocky smirk. “You were listening, weren't you?”

“Wha-” Pokora's eyes widened in surprise.

Lapia nodded at Pokra's underwear.

There was a wet patch right at crotch level.

The Archer quickly covered it and glared at Lapia. “That's just sweat from the summer heat,” she straight up lied.

Lapia laughed and turned around. “See you tomorrow, Pokora. Consider my offer,” she added and closed the door.

Pokora was left to her thoughts for a while, standing on the doorway.

“Fucking hell,” she hissed in annoyance, but a different annoyance than earlier.

She had been caught. She was red up to the ears with embarrassment. She had been interrupted, too.

So, Pokora went to the bathroom to finish what she started, thinking of Yolin.

And that night was not the first she would eavesdrop on them.

It was just the first of four nights.

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