Natasha the Halve

Out of Journal Side Chapter 7/?

Bonte's eyes widened in surprise at Hanna's actions. “Ayo, what the fuck are you doing?!” He blurted out and rushed to the Changeling while retrieving a healing potion.

Hanna moved to stop him. “They were involved in trying to kill Her Excellency!” She argued.

The Tigea roughly pushed her to the side. “Where's your finesse, woman?” He demanded.

The Ork's face turned to surprise at failing to resist the man's strength, taking a few steps backwards.

His equipment far surpassed hers, giving him enough stats to overwhelm her efforts.

Bonte popped the flask's cork, then pried Kulmonari's throat open with his free hand and poured the liquid straight down the esophagus.

The Changeling's robe was covered in blood, as was the floor beneath them along with theirs and Bonte's hands.

Hanna sighed in irritation, “Why are you helping-?”

Bonte clicked his tongue. “Shut the fuck up!” He interrupted her. “Scout's Code rule number 3: Don't engage in combat unless the other party attacks first, especially if those involved are Scouts,” he recited while moving Kulmonari back to the chair.

The bleeding stopped and the wound slowly closed shut, leaving no evidence of the attack.

Hanna simply shook her head in annoyance.

“Look,” Bonte began, turning to her with a serious face. “I get you, I do... but don't just try to kill them like that. They deserve to know why at the very least.”

Kulmonari was still in shock, breathing roughly after having their neck sliced open and then healed in a matter of seconds.

Bonte put the cork back in place and stored the flask with a long sigh.

“Who are you?” Kulmonari demanded, eyeing the two with heavy apprehension and fear.

“See?” Bonte gave Hanna a look, then turned to the Changeling. “We're Her Excellency Natasha's acquaintances,” he explained.

Kulmonari frowned and looked away.

“I need you to tell me where Ines is,” he insisted. “That's all we want.”

“You'll kill me if I tell you,” Kulmonari muttered, shaking their head.

“Yes,” Hanna uttered.

“No,” Bonte quickly said, giving the woman a look. “No, we're not killing anyone.”

The Ork rolled her eyes and huffed.

The Changeling scoffed. “I've done nothing illegal,” they pointed out.

“We're not Watchers,” Hanna revealed, taking a step towards them and placing the dagger that almost took their life back on their throat as a threat. “We don't care about laws.”

Kulmonari didn't reply to that, and instead changed the subject. “What was that potion? It healed me completely,” they inquired.

“Halven item,” Bonte replied. “Now, tell us where Ines is. We'll be on our way after that.”

The Changeling scowled. “Halven item? You should've let me die,” they spat.

“Maybe,” Bonte agreed. “But I don't fancy seeing people die in front of me.”

Kulmonari chuckled, “You've got some sense in you, even though you're helping that creature...”

Bonte shrugged. “I don't care about that,” he deapanned. “Were is Ines?”

Kulmonari analyzed the situation. The woman had tried to kill them, but the man was quick to save their life at the expense of a Halven item... much to their distaste at the item's origin.

“I already told you,” the Changeling pointed out and crossed their arms.

Hanna removed the dagger from their neck and stored it, then balled a fist and pulled it back. “Not what we asked,” she warned, threatening to punch them.

“You did, but 'north' has more than one hundred and fifty square kilometers of land, not considering Paarjo's height,” Bonte argued. “We need to know where exactly.”

“You won't kill me?” Kulmonari insisted with uncertainty.

Bonte nodded. “You have my word,” he assured them.

The Changeling thought for a while.

Kulmonari was a coward, after all. They had stayed behind after acquiring the poison their colleagues used to try to kill the Halve. They had been a part of the organization for a century, choosing to stay within walls and deal with gullible people. Their confrontation skills were pretty much non-existent. The only people with concrete convictions Kulmonari knew were the leaders of the group, but they shared ideals so there was never a chance to challenge others on what they thought.

Now, however, Kulmonari was facing a woman who would willingly kill for Halves, and an otherwise friendly man... even though he supported those creatures' existence.

The Changeling never liked pain, and the Ork's tight fist that threatened to break their face made them feel cornered beyond measure.

There was no plotting that would get Kulmonari out of the situation. It had come suddenly and without a warning so the Changeling's mind was still processing the moment the Ork had cut their throat.

“Answer,” Hanna pushed, and flung a fist.

Kulmonari flinched and covered their face.

Bonte moved his hand and caught the promise of pain. “Come on,” he chastised her. “Let's talk this out.”

The Ork clicked her tongue. “You're too soft,” she accused him.

“And you're fucked up in the head,” he retorted. “There's no need for violence.”

“Warehouse No. 342, Tarrin Street, seven floor underground where Blue Flower Street meets Golden Sunset Avenue,” Kulmonari quickly yelped with a sob, still covering their face.

Bonte sighed in relief. “See, that wasn't so hard...” he praised.

The Changeling lowered their arms and looked down at the ground. “Now, leave me be,” they pleaded, eyebrows furrowed and lips shaking.

Bonte nodded and started laughing.

Kulmonari looked up at him with apprehension. “W-what?”

“You see,” the Tigea began, pulling a fist back. “I was acting,” he revealed and punched the Changeling on the nose, breaking it completely.

“Augh!” Kulmonari reeled back, pushing the chair and falling on the ground.

“That was for trying to kill my friend,” he spat with disdain, then turned to Hanna. “All yours.”

The Ork sighed. “Your plans are too confusing,” she pointed out and retrieved a dagger. “I'll admit this dynamic was pretty entertaining. Playing the bad gal is pretty fun,” she giggled and walked to the Changeling.

“Wait!” Kulmonari yelped, grabbing their nose with their right hand and lifting the other in an attempt at protecting their body. “Please! I told you where Ines is!”

“And?” Hanna snorted, kicking the Changeling's arm away and breaking it. “You lot tried to kill a Protector. Not so fun when you're on the receiving end, huh?”

The Changeling turned to Bonte. “You promised!”

Bonte shrugged. “I lied,” he simply said. “You do that a lot, right? We know about the Demon.”

Kulmonari's eyes widened and opened their mouth to scream.

Hanna stepped on their throat, silencing them. Then, with a swift movement, she stabbed the Changeling's heart.

A long, labored wheeze left Kulmonari as life escaped them. After a few seconds, their eyes lost the light of life.

Hanna absorbed the released E'er and sighed, “One down.”

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