Natasha the Halve

Poko-Poko’s PoV – Indecent Proposal – Part 3

Pokora was feeling it while crossing the street back to the inn.

Every blink magnified sound and made her skin feel the world with increasing intensity.

The wind felt like a caress that both tickled and licked her neck, sending cozy shivers running up her spine and into her brain. Her cheeks were warm, and the ever-present urge to just close her eyes and exist in the moment was both palpably inside her and unreasonably distant at the same time.

Yolin's arm around her shoulders felt like the suns on her skin. Burning in that addicting way that made her want more until she lost any capacity to think, or until all thoughts had been thought. Whichever came first.

Warmth formed in her stomach and went up her torso, followed her throat and exploded in her mouth in the form of a giggle.

The Oni kissed the top of her head.

A wave of tingles traveled down her face, forming a smile.

Pokora closed her eyes, feeling warm and cozy.

“Did you have fun?” asked the Tank.

The soothing sound of the woman's voice went into Pokora's ears, arousing every nerve in the Elf's head and making her see smokey red clouds in the darkness.

Pokora replied in the affirmative with a low hum accompanied with a nod, then wrapped an arm around the Oni's waist.

Ahhh... the tight, hard, and strong muscles of the older woman's torso felt like an unwavering rock that she could lean on without a care in the world.

Pokora had an extremely weak spot for physically strong women, or in her own words 'muscle mommies'. Anything with 'boys' in front of it was Pokora's thing. Tomboys and femboys.

A blistering hot hand rested on her free shoulder, and she immediately recognized it as Natasha's.

“Are you in the zone?” the Halve inquired with a chuckle.

Pokora bit her lower lip and nodded, then placed her free hand on top of the Warrior's... if only to extend the time she felt that touch.

Unlike the Oni, the Halve's body heat was higher by several magnitudes. Whether by biology, E'er fuckery, or cosmic workings, the touch was otherworldly attractive to the Elf.

Her mind replayed the scene that went down in the forest a few nights ago.

Those strong, big hands that had held her and given her pleasure in the heat of the moment made her face heat up with a mindnumbingly amount of arousal.

Slowly, the image of the acts that went down that night reformed in her mind, but with Yolin joining.

She wondered. How would she, a comparatively shorter woman, fare against the two muscular tomboys in sexual combat?

Nah, she corrected herself with a chuckle. Not 'combat', but crazy horny shit.

“I see,” Natasha replied and let go.

Pokora grumbled in protest, then wrapped her free arm around the Halve's waist to prevent her escape.

And... Oh lord. It felt like hugging a molten tungsten statue.

If Yolin's muscles were hard, then Natasha's were indestructible.

Even if Pokora tightened her arm, the muscles did not give in, the skin resilient in ways that should not be biologically possible.

That did things to the young Elf's mind, and she opened her eyes.

The hallway to their rooms greeted her.

Hanna was opening the door to her room, Elena waiting behind her.

The door to Thelea's room was being held open by Bromisnar so Bonte could go inside. The Goliath was already inside, waiting for the two.

Ohh... Pokora smiled, imagination going wild due to alcohol. Yolin, Natasha, and Thelea ganging up on me... holy shit!

Images of three muscular women handling Pokora's body danced in her mind.

The amalgamation of increased libido due to her approaching cycle, the alcohol, and her personal preferences triggered something in her mind.

In summary, Pokora was down cataclysmic.

She turned to Yolin and pulled her in for a kiss.

The Oni complied, connecting lips.

After a full 30 second long, full jaw-moving, tongue wrestle the two separated.

Pokora turned to Natasha and pulled her in for a kiss as well.

The Halve, however, did not comply.

“Come on,” Pokora complained, moving her hand from the Halve's waist to her neck, then pulled stronger.

Alas, Pokora simply lacked the strength required to force her.

“No,” stated Natasha. “You're drunk.”

Pokora stopped and gave Natasha a look of absolute disbelief, as if she was told life's purpose was to build houses of cards instead of whatever the actual answer was. “What?” she muttered.

“I said you're dunk,” Natasha repeated, arching an eyebrow.

“Hello, drunk,” Pokora laughed. “I'm... wait. It doesn't work like that.”

Lapia, who was behind them, burst in full belly laughter.

The Archer joined in loud laughter.

Hanna, who had been watching the interaction with wide eyes, nodded in silent understanding and closed the door to the room.

Warmth enveloped Pokora's head for a second.

Then, absolute clarity came to her. Her drunken stupor had been healed away.

If not for silly things like physics, Pokora's face would have combusted in flames from embarrassment at the realization of her actions.

Pokora was familiar with Galeia's social dynamics from a purely theoretical perspective. She knew, from a logical point of view, that her actions would be shamed by none.

Still, kissing Yolin while Alyssa, Lapia, and Natasha were watching was something that logic had no place in. It was embarrassing no matter who tried correcting her.

No amount of polyamory advocacy would convince her otherwise.

Even worse to her, she tried to kiss Natasha while drunk. In front of Alyssa and Lapia, the official? Regular? Girlfriends.

The clarity didn't last long, turning into a confused mess.

So, she stopped moving. And thinking.

That, too, didn't last long.

“Hey,” Yolin started, taking Pokora's chin so their eyes could meet. “Wanna spend the night with us?” She offered.

Pokora's eyes widened in surprise.

“We like you, Pokora,” Alyssa continued, closing the distance and placing a hand on her back. “And we'd like to invite you.”

That was the biggest shock. Pokora hadn't thought she'd have anything in common with Alyssa, so hearing she like her was rather confusing.

Lapia walked around the group and faced Pokora, then placed a hand on her cheek. “Unlike last time, this offer is from all of us,” she reminded her. “We want you, Pokora.”

Memories of that night when Pokora eavesdropped them and touched herself resurfaced on her mind. Lapia had been the one to see her wet underwear, and apparently had kept it to herself since nobody brought it up.

“If not,” Natasha spoke, bringing the bucket of cold water. “That's absolutely fine. We just thought it was a good opportunity, considering recent developments.”

Such a cold way to put it, Pokora thought, meeting the Halve's eyes.

“There's no consequence if you say no,” Natasha continued. “I want to make that clear. If not today, or if not ever.”

Pokora turned to Yolin with worry in her eyes.

“Things will be the same,” the Oni reassured her, caressing her chin. “Just the way they've been so far.” A smile split the tank's lips. “As I said before, if you get horny and want to do it with any of us, that's okay too. You and me will continue our relationship, and you can be sex friends with them if you want.”

“If you want to go slow,” Alyssa picked up, running her hand over the Elf's back. “That's alright, too. This is us stating our interest in you.”

“You decide, Pokora,” Lapia interjected, running a hand over the younger Elf's hair.

The Archer closed her eyes to think.

Too many things were happening too quickly for her, and she needed a second.

Evelynn Heart lived 28 years on Earth. Enough time to form a solid set of beliefs. Jumping from a monogamist mindset to polyamory wasn't easy, for example.

Pokora, however, had three fathers. She grew up seeing polyamory as the norm in Galeia.

She lived with her family in Pizh'kh until she joined the army.

She saw her older sister live a life with two male partners.

Her biological parents knew she had lived a life on another world before and were more than willing to explain things ever since she could speak and ask questions.

The sexual liberty of women was another issue Evelynn had to experience. Historically treated as second class citizens, being a woman wasn't entirely satisfactory. She died with a great number of grievances, if truth be told. The things she had to say about it couldn't be summarized in lines.

Galeia, however, saw men and women as more than equals. The... collective way in which people lived came together as a whole in Galeia. Little were the differences. Not to mention there were species with more, or less than two sexes.

The relationship being offered to her was, in her words, too convenient... but not outside the norm.

She could choose to continue being Yolin's girlfriend while getting frisky with Alyssa, Lapia, and Natasha with no strings attached.

“Do you need time?” Yolin asked, noticing the silent woman.

The answer, however, was ridiculously simple. To the point of being silly, to be honest.

Pokora looked at her in the eye and nodded. “I'm in,” she stated, and her face burned.

Fuck choosing one! She thought with a dirty smile.

That's what harem protagonists did in the anime she watched!

Pokora wasn't a beta! She chose them all! And she wanted to have sex with all of them! TONIGHT!

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