Natasha the Halve

? – ?

I've been a bit sick lately and busy with culinary school. It's getting better, though, and this is my second and last year!

Galeia is a big planet.

At eight times the size of Planet Earth and orbiting a binary star system — Perpetua and Eternia — Galeia is a magnificent spectacle in the cosmic panorama. Its three moons — Shia, the larger; Kia, the smaller; and Tia, resembling a planet — provide a breathtaking display during First Spring and Second Winter, yet they are seldom observed together throughout the remainder of the year.

Galeia is home to billions of different species of living organisms, from Wild Dragons to Tiny Laples.

The pursuit of comprehending life has been an exhaustive endeavor, marked by meticulous exploration. Within this pursuit, Dronov Lag'Atarr emerges as a pivotal figure, his contribution to the study of cognitive development and mental capacity condenced into Dronov's Laws of Mental Capacity. Among these laws, the seventh stands out prominently: Neuro-Social Truthfulness in Advanced Cognition.

In the realm of advanced cognitive development, there exists creatures that possess remarkable conversational abilities, demonstrating a capacity to engage in meaningful discourse. They possess a nuanced understanding of social dynamics, and their capacity for forging bonds extends beyond the confines of their own kind, allowing them to establish profound connections even with individuals of other species.

However, amidst their impressive cognitive prowess lies a curious limitation: the inability to utter falsehoods. They lack the deceptive capacity to fabricate untruths or think of things that are not, their communication unfailingly sincere and transparent.

Of the many species expressing this fascinating cognitive development, the Corvitex is perhaps the best example.

Pyotr was born in the sixth day of the first month in the year 1380, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er, to Dinara and Alik, Nilenna Atarka's animal companions, in Libyin, Schenneya, Patuk.

Nilenna taught him to ignore most questions from Mortals from the moment he could understand her. That naturally included the differences between Mortals, Eternals, and Divines, the many languages, and much more.

Pyotr, the smart bird he is, grew fond of Halves' glow since it reminded him of the suns that warmed his black feathers while flying.

'They're all comfy suns waiting for cuddles!' is what he believes, and has the personal goal of snuggling with each he encounters after delivering the second letter. A goal he has achieved with absolute success and surprising ease.

Pyotr has delivered so many letters to Halves and is so enamored with them that he has made it his life's goal to meet as many as possible to experience their unique glow and the different warmth they offer.

Sixteenth day of the ninth month in the year 1422, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er.

Pyotr delivers his second letter to Perculis Valerius Sylla, and for the first time attempts to snuggle a Halve who's not Nilenna whilst a Wild Dragon was going rampant near the isle of Unshughur, an even that, although small in scope, threatened the lives of more than eight million Merfolk.


Twenty-second day of the sixth month in the year 1482, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er.

He took Yulianna Kavun by surprise when he snuggled against her after delivering the second letter during the first revisiting of Gawr Goch's plan to open a tregadite mine. This happened in front of the gathered politicians, which were seventy-five Humans, and were told to never speak of the event under threat of total lineage termination.


Eigth day of the third month in the year 1552, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er.

After four hours of chasing Desseyr around, Pyotr snuggles to the Halve in the midst of a chase after Ploth'Oun Inis'Kher and her retinue of followers, a group of Domi Elves who plotted to assassinate Lofrada Tilensis III's first son and apparent heir to the Pleth'Eron Duchy.


Tenth day of the eleventh month in the year 1727, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er.

Miraztor welcomed Pyotr with open arms on the fields of Muotalakmahuperlossa, moments before aiding a terribly injured Yussokkimterpennon Sagukerhopilindattu, Giant Wanderer Warrior of South Makah after he single-handedly fought a Kraken that dealt the heavy blow of killing his companions.


Ninth day of the fifth month in the year 1980, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er.

Pyotr delivers his second letter to Natasha Novak, the newly born Halve Warrior after she killed the Demon tormenting King Gordon Igne Lumin IV in Lumin Kingdom and becoming his new owner.


Such has been Pyotr's adventure thus far.

Will there be more Halves to cuddle in the future? He can't wait to find out!

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