Natasha the Halve

??? – ???????

The sun shone on a vast plain. A gentle breeze washed over two figures facing each other in combat.

One was a man wearing heavy-looking armor and holding a gargantuan sword in each hand.

The other was a woman in underwear, wearing a silly-looking hat in the shape of a mushroom.

The armored warrior sprinted to the public morals offender and swung the heavy blades her way.

She rolled to the side, completely avoiding the attack. She then crouched, stood up, crouched, and stood up.

The warrior turned around and sprinted to the woman once again.

The cycle repeated a few times until the semi-naked woman drank a flask, then clutched her head in apparent pain.

The heavily armored individual saw the chance and rushed her, then jumped and swung the colossal weapons.

Somehow, as if physics were ignored for an instant, the thick slabs of metal bounced off the bare skin of the lightly clothed fighter. The woman's arms reached for the man's head, locking him in an inescapable hold.

Yellow flames spouted out of her eyes into his for a few seconds.

Screams of pain escaped both of them, but the man's were louder and full of greater agony.

The fire brought insanity along with it, forcing the warrior to reach absolute madness.

A pained moaned left the man and he keeled over.

“EAT SHIT, SCRUB!” Natasha yelled at the screen in front of her, clutching the controller in joy. “GIT GUD, CYKA!”

The screen shifted to black and the words 'Host Vanquished' popped up in bright yellow font.

A satisfied sigh left Natasha, and she relaxed on the sofa.

Not for long, however, as a notification came up on the screen.

[New Voice Message from user LeonardTheHorse]

Natasha arched an eyebrow. “Hoh? Hate mail?” She wondered out loud and navigated the console's menu. She selected the 'Play Voice Message' prompt.

A squeaky voice reached her ears. “Hey man! That thing was cool! Where did you get that spell?”

The owner of the voice was obviously a kid whose balls were yet to drop.

Natasha scratched her forehead. “I was expecting some trash talking, but I guess not...” she muttered and typed a reply letting the kid know where to go and what to do. With a ruined mood, and feeling a little guilty for being such a capital-G-gamer, she turned the console off.

A high-pitched 'ding' coming from her phone caught her attention.

It was 7:40 a.m., and her delivery food was waiting outside.

She walked to the door of her apartment and received her breakfast with a big smile, tipped the UltraEssen guy, and went back in to have the most important meal of the day.

Twenty minutes later, and after taking a cold shower, she left her apartment.

Snow crunched beneath her feet as she made her way to the parking lot of the condominium, and although too Darwinian, it could be said Natasha had a better time dealing with Kanbe's winter. The -20 degrees Celsius were a cake walk for her, wearing jeans, a shirt, a pair of trainers, and a hoodie to fight the weather.

She reached her parking spot and mounted her bike, then put the helmet and a leather jacket on. She made contact and the machine's engine roared to life.

“Good girl, Sonya,” Natasha cooed the bike, petting it like one would a pet.

It was a Kawasaki Versys 1000 from last century, and Natasha had gone through the painstakingly slow and expensive process of modernizing the vehicle to match the city's standards.

Right before taking off, something in her right pocket vibrated.

She reached for her phone and checked who had sent a message.

[uText: One (1) new message from Dad]

Natasha smiled and touched the screen.

The message read: Good luck on your first day, Nata. Remember to keep your cool. Love, dad.

She smiled and typed a quick reply, then put the phone away.

Before she could leave the condo, however, a voice came from behind her.

“Excuse me!” Called a pleasant and deep female voice.

Natasha turned to look and was stunned for a second.

A woman was walking towards her. She was wearing a comfy-looking parka and fuzzy boots. Apparently the weather wasn't the same for everyone.

But that's not what made her brain stop functioning, not at all.

The woman had light purple skin, dark scales, horns, white hair, and eyes as red as blood.

Natasha stared at the woman in silence.

“Excuse me...” the stranger repeated, closing the distance and letting out a sigh of relief. “Hi, sorry to bother you.”

After blinking a few times, and thanking her face was blocked by the helmet, Natasha regained her composure. “Y-yea?” She stuttered.

The woman gave her an apologetic smile. “You see... my car's not working. Do you know somebody who might help me? I moved here yesterday, and I'm a bit lost on who to ask for help.”

Natasha looked around. “Where's your car?”

The woman pointed to an old SUV parked a few spots away. “It's that one... but the engine just won't start. I'm going to be late for work, and I just got this job,” she complained while pouting.

Is she one of those... 'otherworlders' that are all over the news? Natasha wondered and gave the woman's vehicle glance. “Well,” Natasha sighed. “That's... a gas car, you see,” she pointed out. “Those freeze in this weather.”

“Crap!” The woman hissed and stomped the ground. “I bought it yesterday evening!”

Natasha nodded. “Looks like you were scammed, uh...”

“Ah!” The woman exclaimed and extended a hand. “Apologies. My name is Alyssa. Alyssa Pruvik. Nice to meet you.”

“Natasha Novak,” our protagonist slowly replied, shaking her hand. She's... beautiful...

Alyssa looked at her car with apprehension. “What do you mean I got scammed?”

“It should be electric,” Natasha supplied, patting her bike. “They sold you a non-standardized car...”

Alyssa clicked her tongue in annoyance. “What am I supposed to do...” she sighed, then turned to Natasha. “Do you know how to get it to work?”

“Even if I got it to work, you can't drive that car around the city...” Natasha informed her. “You'll get fined, and probably arrested...”

Alyssa's eyes widened a little. “You're joking, right?”

Natasha shook her head. “Sorry...”

“Haaaaa....” Alyssa let out a very long sigh. “What should I do...” she muttered, looking at the SUV.

Natasha put her brain to full use, trying to find a solution. “Well,” she began after a second. “Where are you going?”

“Galeia Uni,” Alyssa replied, then understood the underlying meaning. “Do you mind giving me a ride?”

Natasha's surprise would be evident for the world to see were it not for the helmet still covering her face. “I'm... going there, too. If you don't mind sitting behind me, sure.”

A huge smile bloomed in Alyssa's face. “Yeah! That'd be great!”

Natasha glanced at the woman's horns for a second. “I don't think I have a helmet that could fit you, though...”

“That'd be no problem!” Alyssa assured her and fetched a headband from her parka's inner pocket, then placed it on her head.

The horns disappeared like a magic trick.

That's... incredibly convenient... Natasha thought and nodded. “Alright... uh... let me go grab one. I'll be right back,” she stammered and unmounted her bike.

Alyssa nodded and waited.

After two minutes, Natasha returned with an extra helmet, then gave it to Alyssa.

The woman put it on and sat behind Natasha, wrapping her arms around her waist.

There were a couple things Natasha noticed. Two, large things.

Don't... Natasha chastised herself, then drove out of the condo.

The morning streets of Kanbe were as busy as always, but the trip was quick. The city's engineering and planning was top notch. The ground heated up and melted the ice, and the water was absorbed by the asphalt-like material.

Natasha wasn't one to bother herself with the machinations behind everyday conveniences. She was glad her taxes were being properly used, though.

After a twenty minute ride, Galeia Uni came to view.

It was a big campus occupying three blocks right in the middle of Kanbe, next to the residential area. Various buildings served a multitude of purposes. The gym was as big as the Olympic stadiums of old, and the rest of the edifices demanded respect on their own, being both large and tall.

Natasha drove into the campus and into the main parking lot, where she stopped at a spot with a plaque holding her name.

Alyssa got off the bike and took the helmet off. “Thank you so much, Natasha!” She giggled.

The sound of her voice calling her by name was... oddly enchanting.

“All cool,” Natasha replied, taking off her own helmet.

Alyssa stared at her face for a few seconds, and her face turned a deeper shade of purple. The woman cleared her throat and offered the helmet back. “By the way, how did you know I needed to come to the staff building?” She cheerfully asked.

Natasha's eyebrows climbed her forehead. “I didn't, actually. This is where I was coming...” she replied, then understood the underlying meaning. “You work here?”

Alyssa smiled and nodded. “Yeah! You too?”

“I'm the new art teacher,” our protagonist chuckled. “Well, one of the many art teachers, actually. I graduated a few years ago. How about you?”

“I'm the new head of the Med. Dept.,” Alyssa revealed. “I got an offer after the last one left.”

“What?” Natasha couldn't believe her ears. “That old Danuva hag retired? I heard she was in her prime...”

“I thought the same thing!” Alyssa laughed, covering her mouth. “But she got called for some research up north, over in Rizzque. Something about us otherworlders having different anatomies and all.”

“Right...” Natasha nodded, a little surprised and still not completely used to the subject. “Well... all is good under heaven.”

“Yep!” Alyssa giggled.

Natasha's heart did a back flip at the sound. “So... we'll be colleagues. That's nice...”

“I knoooow...” Alyssa laughed. “At least I'll have a cute, familiar face to approach,” she playfully added with a wink.

Ayo? Natasha smiled and nodded. “True that,” she agreed and got off her bike.

A high-pitch ding came from Alyssa's parka and she pulled out a phone, then smiled. “That silly woman,” she giggled.

Natasha started walking to the building entrance. “Something funny?” She inquired.

Alyssa caught up and walked next to her. “Yeah, Lapia sent me a photo of someone with the line 'She's hella cute!'.”

Who? Natasha tilted her head. “Lapia? A friend?”

“My girlfriend,” Alyssa replied with a shy smile.

Oh.... Natasha nodded, feeling a little something shatter inside her. Well... yeah...

“She starts working here today, too,” Alyssa happily shared. “She'll be in the Sciences Dept.”

“Impressive,” Natasha praised with an approving nod, knowing how hard it was to get a position there. “You two are pretty smart.”

“Thank you,” Alyssa giggled and touched Natasha's arm.

Both reached the door and Natasha went in first, holding the door for Alyssa to come through.

The woman gave her an appreciative nod and both continued walking.

“By the way,” Alyssa began, looking around the entrance hall. “Where's the staff room?”

“Right, you got here yesterday,” Natasha recalled. “Did they tell you about the meeting?”

“Yeah,” Alyssa confirmed with a nod. “I'd like to know so I can text Lapia where to go.”

Natasha hummed. “This way,” she said and walked into a hallway.

Alyssa followed. “I hope you don't mind me asking...” she began, a little unsure. “How old are you?”

[Redacted],” Natasha replied.

“No way?” Alyssa gasped, a little shocked. “You look younger.”

Natasha laughed. “Thanks for calling me old.”

Alyssa scoffed. “Please, woman. I'm over a century old. You're plenty young.”

Natasha blinked a few times in confusion. Right... otherworlders... She concluded, then gave Alyssa a look-over. “You look like you're in your mid twenties, though...”

Alyssa smiled and nudged Natasha's shoulder with her elbow. “I don't look that young,” she giggled.

“Not at all,” Natasha denied. “Maybe it's your beauty,” she chuckled, then cleared her throat. Fucking way to harass your colleagues, you stupid fuck! She chastised herself.

Alyssa was silent.

Natasha took a peek, expecting to see her uncomfortable.

Alas, the woman was blushing and smiling.

“Thanks,” Alyssa muttered in a quiet voice.

The rest of the way to the staff room was silent, and Natasha was questioning things in her mind.

Once there, however, both went in.

An old man was sitting at one of the many desks in the room, and he lifted his head from a pile of documents.

Natasha noticed him and smiled, then made his way over. “Yo, Gordon. What's up, old man?”

The man frowned. “It's prof... Right, now you work here,” he chuckled. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”

Natasha nodded and patted his shoulder. “How the wife? I heard you had twins.”

“She's fine, thanks for asking,” the man replied with a smile of his own. “Her company's doing great, too. You remember Rinald, my son?”

“I do,” Natasha confirmed. “Cheeky little fucker.”

“He's taking care of the twins lately, bless him,” he sighed.

Natasha scoffed. “Well, he works at his mom's company, so he can do that.”

“True that,” Gordon chuckled and nodded.

The door to the room opened and a few people walked in.

Natasha turned around and her eyes almost fell out of her skull.

A Satyr, a cat man, and a red-skinned woman walked in one after the other.

They weren't joking when they talked about workplace diversity, Natasha nervously chuckled in her mind.

The red-skinned woman locked eyes with our protagonist for a moment, and the otherworlder smiled ever so slightly.

“Well,” Gordon began, checking his wristwatch. “How about everyone takes their seat? The meeting will begin soon.”

Everyone nodded and went to find their personal desks.

Natasha found hers pretty soon, and was surprised to see it was next to Alyssa's, for some universally mysterious reason.

The reptile woman was fiddling with her phone, however.

“Something wrong?” Natasha whispered, poking Alyssa's shoulder.

The woman turned to her and smiled. “We're desk neighbors? What a coincidence!”

Natasha nodded. “Quite so...”

Alyssa returned her focus back to the smartphone in her hands and sighed. “Lapia got lost...”

“Yikes,” Natasha muttered.

Gordon stood up and walked to the front of the room. “Hello, everyone,” he greeted the people in the room with a nod. “Welcome to Galeia Uni. As you've seen, you're surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Your desk neighbors, just like you, are new employees. I hope you get along and all that,” he chuckled. “Now, let's skip the formalities and introduce ourselves so we can properly communicate in the future. This may sound like you're being treated like children, but workplace communication is crucial to function properly, especially in an educational institution.”

Everybody nodded in agreement.

“I don't think I need to mention this, but will nonetheless,” he continued, looking over the room. “Racist remarks towards our otherworlder co-workers will not be tolerated neither by us as an institution, nor by the laws of Kanbe. I don't think I need to remind you how that works.”

Nods again from the staff.

“Okay, let's go from the front, then to the right,” Gordon instructed and sat down.

Well... Natasha thought with a smile. I guess this year will be plenty fun.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.