Natasha the Halve

Walk away before anyone complains, Hanna’s PoV.

The hall was in silence for a few seconds.

Then, some people fainted, others cried, most kept quiet.

The first to move were the Clerics, activating skills to aid those who had never looked death in the eye.

“Seventeen heart malfunctions,” one told another while helping the Nobles who had been closest to Her Excellency.

The hall soon erupted into a constant flow of people going back and forth, stabilizing the panicked and the fainted.

Alyssa showed up quickly enough, healing people while looking over at Her Excellency with a confused expression.

Those present moved away from the source, either afraid or too confused to make sense of the situation.

Such is the fragility of comfort. Power comes at a price, and it's highest when the individual is born with it.

And yet, Her Excellency's body wasn't glowing like when she got angry.

The Rulers, however, approached without much care. Perhaps their respective pilgrimages granted them a different view of the world than those below them in the hierarchy.

Plesani helped Alyssa and the other Clerics.

Odnik was vigilant, observing the many entrances to the Hall.

Gordon wore a worried expression, looking at the Nobles' pathetic state.

Paveli was sweating but his standing was cautious.

Claudia was smiling, looking at Her Excellency.

The Harpy was with her people some distance away.

Still, not a soul screamed. Impressive, to say the least.

Yolin approached Her Excellency and pulled her golden cheeks. “What happened?” She asked with reproach in her voice.

The Halve bit her lips, looking around. “I held back, though,” she muttered in confusion.

My eyebrows went up in surprise. That was 'holding back'?

“I see,” Yolin continued, arching an eyebrow. “So, what happened?”

Her Excellency looked Yolin in the eye.

The Oni slowly nodded in understanding.

Her Excellency shook her head.

I wanted to facepalm and vomit blood. How obvious can they be with their Bond Messages... This two need instruction in being covert about things.

Lapia, Elena, Pokh'Orra, Thelea, Bonte, and Bromisnar showed up. In that order.

King Gordon walked closer. “Is everything alright, Your Excellency?” He inquired.

“Yes,” Her Excellency replied. “Just... a prank that got out of hand,” she explained with a tight smile.

“A prank?” The King repeated in confusion.

“I met Lord Punten shortly after I woke up,” Her Excellency informed His Majesty. “And I thought it'd be fun to surprise him.”

His Majesty's face turned even more confused.

I felt blood going up my throat. That had to be the most... ridiculous excuse I have ever heard. Looks like Her Excellency doesn't know how to lie. At least convincingly.

King Gordon turned to Sef Punten. “How are things, Sef?” He probed.

Lord Punten sighed, then nodded. “Good, Your Majesty. That got me,” he muttered with a friendly chuckle.

I turned to Her Excellency. See, Your Excellency? That's how you lie.

Her Excellency cleared her throat. “Looks like we need to continue our talk elsewhere, Lord Punten,” she said with a friendly smile.

The Human looked around at the indisposed Nobles. “Seems so,” he muttered and sighed.

“Lead the way,” Her Excellency instructed, then turned to the King. “I'll be gone for a bit. Call for me if something happens.”

His Majesty slowly nodded. “I will, Your Excellency,” he replied.

The King must've realized what was going on. Well, he isn't King just for show. If he demands answers it could be considered interference with a Halve's duty. He has no other choice but to let it pass.

Sef Punten turned to the King and bowed. “I will be leaving sooner than expected, Your Majesty. My apologies.”

King Gordon nodded. “Take care, Sef,” he said with a gentle smile.

Lapia placed a hand on Her Excellency's shoulder. “We'll talk later,” she told Her Excellency.

The Halve tilted her head. “Obviously?” She replied.

“Good,” the Elf said with a satisfied nod.

Her Excellency looked at her companions. They had been drinking and were a little inebriated. She turned to me. “Wanna come along?”

I nodded. “As Your Excellency wishes,” I calmly replied.

Her Excellency chose me! I must do my utmost to not disappoint.

She nodded back, turned to Sef Punten, and gestured for him to start walking.

The man sighed and moved.

We followed him out of the hall and out of the Royal Palace to the front of the building. We reached a parked carriage and stopped.

Her Excellency's stomach rumbled like thunder. “It's inside,” she muttered.

Sef Punten turned around with a pained face. “Please, Your Excellency,” he pleaded. “She's a good woman.”

Loud steps came from behind.

I quickly turned around.

A young Human male was jogging towards us. “Father? What's going on?” He shouted as he approached.

Very slowly.

[Perco Human, Lvl 76 Tax Aid]

I relaxed after seeing his low level.

Her Excellency, however, took a deep breath. “Shit,” she whispered.

The young man walked past us and stood next to Sef Punten. “Is this about mother?” He demanded with the bravery of ignorant youth, glaring at Her Excellency. “I knew we shouldn't have come.”

A sob came from the carriage.

“Silence, Rico!” Sef Punten chastised the young man. “You stand before a Halve. Show respect!” He spat.

“Mother is crying!” The young man argued, glaring at his own father. “Family comes first,” he finalized and went inside the carriage.

Sef Punten closed his eyes and sighed. “Apologies, Your Excellency,” he said with sadness in his voice. “My son loves his mother too much. He sometimes fails to see the bigger picture whenever she's involved.”

Her Excellency looked over to the distant city walls. “That's nothing to apologize over,” she stated. “Are there soundproof enchantments on the carriage?”

Sef Punten nodded.

“Let's go inside, then,” Her Excellency declared, leaving no room for rejection.

The Human sighed, nodded, and opened the vehicle's door.

Inside, Rico was patting a Human female's back.

Nothing was out of the ordinary.

We went inside and sat down.

Sef Punten and Rico Punten were sitting to the sides of their wife and mother. Rosalia Pinoc, with whom Sef had been married for close to three hundred years according to my information gathering.

The woman, however, was slightly trembling. Almost like she was a student during winter.

[Perco Human, Lvl 199 Actuary]

I sat next to Her Excellency, ready to retrieve my weapons and kill the three at her word.

The Halve retrieved a pair of sungoggles and looked at the woman through them. “I see,” she muttered with a nod and handed me the accessories.

I imitated her and appraised the woman.

[Amikoneth, Lvl 1082]

My eyes widened to the limit. My scan didn't recognize any illusion being applied. Discerning Eye of the Regicide didn't inform me of her taking a shape that wasn't her original.

“Show me your true form,” Her Excellency demanded. “Or you'll join Nerissa.”

“Hmph!” The woman, who I wasn't sure anymore was Rosalia, scoffed. “That brat had it coming.”

Her Excellency retrieved a dagger. “Not what I asked,” she muttered and ran a finger on the blade.

The... whatever she was... if it was a she... gulped. Her form shimmered and her body morphed.

Three horns, gray skin, red eyes, feet like a large feline's, and clawed hands. “So pushy, Hellwalker,” the Amikoneth complained, crossing her arms under her chest.

“Hooh...” Her Excellency nodded. “You're not scared,” she pointed out.

“I am,” the Amikoneth replied.

Her Excellency examined the creature in front of us. “There were very few of you,” she commented and stored the dagger.

The creature clicked its tongue. “Naturally,” she sighed. “Nerissa's kind... embraced the whispers.”

I looked at Her Excellency, then at the creature.

What the fuck is going on?!

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