National Beauty

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 016

Talking and laughing, an hour has passed unconsciously, Guo Fu and Guo Shu have not yet seen a new sister. Guo Xiao put down the tea bowl and stood up and said, “Let’s go away, don’t wait for the aunts to send maids to find them.” During the holidays, the three rooms of the Guogong Mansion were eating meals in their own courtyards. At this time, the kitchen is estimated to have begun to prepare.

He is the eldest brother, who is known for his dignity. Guo Fu and Guo Shu left their seats and said to Song Jianing: “An An first go back. In the afternoon, let’s go to the garden.”

Song Jianing nodded and said good, not far away Guo Xiao picked his eyebrows. An’an, before half a day’s work, the cousins ​​called them affectionate.

After separation, Guo Xiao took Ting Fang and Song Jianing to Linyuntang.

The two little girls walked side by side behind. Song Jianing recalled the kindness of Guo Fu, Guo Shu, and Lan Fang to her just now. He unconsciously touched the gold-inlaid jade Yingluo on his chest. Song Jianing suddenly realized that Guo Gongfu’s Life is not as terrible as she expected. The elders in the second and third rooms are not familiar with her yet, but among these brothers and sisters, except for the thorny girl in the third room, the others are very good to her…

Before the thoughts fell, she caught a glimpse of Guo Xiao’s tall and straight back. Song Jianing silently classified Guo Xiao and Yunfang girls into one category, and she wanted to avoid them in the future.

“An’an, what do my mother usually like?” Getting closer to Linyuntang, Ting Fang asked her sister curiously. She didn’t know that her sister had a delicate breast name before. Now that she knows it, she naturally calls her how to be intimate.

Song Jianing thought for a while, and said the same thing: “She likes reading, practicing calligraphy, painting, and sometimes she also does needlework. Don’t worry about my sister, my mother…” Halfway through, Guo Xiao suddenly turned his head, his eyes sharp and cold, Song Jianing She couldn’t help but shrank her shoulders, and changed her words in embarrassment: “Our mother is very gentle and easy to get along with.”

Ting Fang took her little sister’s hand and felt a little peace of mind, her stepmother Duan Qingya didn’t look like a bad person at all.


This morning, the Lin family was also very busy, accepting the courtesy of all the officials and grandmothers of the government office, and both kindness and power. She is a widow, and people probably have thoughts of contempt in their hearts. Fortunately, Guo Boyan has always been with her. The men’s bedclothes are frivolous, but they are calm and solemn in front of outsiders. With him supporting the Lin family, those stewards will behave temporarily. The ground is very respectful.

After seeing the last wave of stewardship, Lin was a bit unable to hold on. She was originally a slender woman who couldn’t get out of the gate. She was bumped into one after another by Guo Boyan last night. Lin felt that her waist was about to be broken, and she was struggling to walk to the backyard. I tried not to help, but his face was pale and his head was sweating.

When Guo Boyan saw it, he suddenly hugged the person horizontally, holding the person up and down, in an easy posture, as if the beauty in his arms was like a child. There were two maids standing in the yard, followed by Qiuyue. Lin’s jade-white face turned red immediately, and he hid in Guo Boyan’s chest and said embarrassedly: “I can go, don’t do that.”

Guo Boyan paused on the spot, looked at her blushing face, he smiled, and gently pressed his big hand on her waist.

Lin almost exhaled in pain, and threw on him more so as to avoid his hands, and inadvertently hugged him. She was soft as a rush, holding her slender and soft body, Guo Boyan suddenly felt that he was so strong and burly, as if he was born to be waiting for her, waiting for her to rely on, waiting for her unprecedented enjoyment, just like last night , She cried like weeping, and every shock in her eyes told him that the short-lived man named Song had never made her a real woman.

“Go get Qingxinshuang.” Before stepping into the hall, Guo Boyan coldly ordered Chunbi and Xingyu who were guarding the door.

The two women looked at each other, Chunbi went to get the medicine, and after a cup of tea, he folded back and stood at the door of the inner room to ask for instructions. On the bed inside, Guo Boyan was trying to untie Lin’s dress, Lin’s blushing face clung to her tightly, and he refused to say anything. When Lin Bi’s voice was suddenly heard, Lin was frightened and Guo Boyan took the opportunity to tugged, Lin’s Guo Boyan’s skirt and the middle pants were dragged away by Guo Boyan, revealing a pair of white legs. Although white, they were covered with cyan fingerprints and red traces, all of which were chewed out by Guo Boyan. .

After the stunned, Lin pulled the quilt in a panic and hid himself.

Guo Boyan squeezed her thin legs through the quilt. The moment he was still laughing, the next moment he raised his head and called the maid to come in, his face returned to his usual coldness. Chun Bi bowed his head and entered the door, and put the porcelain bottle in front of Guo Boyan in a proper manner, only to sneak at the bed with his peripheral light. Shrouded in gauze, the new lady in the tent hides in the bed, clearly showing nothing, but like a delicate flower hidden, tempting to catch.

“Go out.” After receiving the medicine, Guo Boyan was about to open the tent, when he suddenly saw Chun Bi still sticking there, his face suddenly sank.

Chun Bi shivered and hurriedly backed away.

Watching the maid leave, Guo Boyan took off his boots and got into the tent. He leaned over to Lin’s head, tentatively pulling down the quilt, his voice was unprecedentedly gentle, with the frivolousness and pleasure that a man can only have when he loves a woman. : “What to hide? It’s not that I haven’t seen it. Come out, I’ll rub it for you.”

“I’ll do it myself.” Lin’s voice trembled, clutching the quilt tightly. The ex-husband is a man, the front is as gentle as jade, and the gentleman in the room is also a gentleman. Although he also likes to be close to her, he has never said anything bad, nor has he done anything indecent in the day. Now Guo Boyan is like this, she is really not used to it.

Guo Boyan is a military commander, he doesn’t pay attention to scholarly gentleman’s behavior, he just likes to do whatever he wants. Speaking well Lin didn’t cooperate, he just opened the quilt violently, and took off the few remaining clothes of Lin in three or two, forcing Lin to hide in his arms, at least blocking the front.

Guo Boyan was angry, but he was concerned that her body was too weak. He forced down the evil fire, held her in one hand, took off the cork of the porcelain bottle in one hand, and pressed the porcelain bottle to her back, waist, and legs. Then knead the ointment in turn. His hands were used to grasping the reins and holding the sword for a long time. There were thick calluses on the palms of his fingers. At this time, he moved gently on her delicate skin. There was a little pain and many itchiness.

Lin’s breath gradually became unstable, which was a reaction she couldn’t control.

Guo Boyan is not deaf. Look at the roots of her red ears. His throat rolls. While applying the ointment on her waist, his palm suddenly turned, his slender fingers clasped the city gate without warning, and it was as moist as after a spring rain. Lin exclaimed, closed his eyes and grabbed his hand. Guo Boyan slammed onto it, holding her hands, his handsome face almost touching her.

Lin’s breathing is unstable, fragrant cheeks and flying clouds.

Guo Boyan kissed her closed eyes and teased her hoarsely: “I haven’t eaten enough last night?”

Lin’s face turned redder, with shame and bitterness in her heart. If her body could really be controlled by her, how could he have a chance to humiliate her?

Guo Boyan had no time to guess what was going on with her, and while kissing her slender neck, he eagerly untied the belt. It’s all like this. Lin doesn’t want to be absurd and knows he can’t hide, so he can only wait obediently. At this moment, Xing Yu’s voice suddenly came from outside the door: “Duke Guo, Madam, the eldest son and the two A girl is back.”

Lin’s heart was overjoyed.

Guo Boyan’s sword eyebrows are upside-down, and he will not stop for another day, any day, but today, Lin has not formally talked with the children.

“Don’t be happy, I can’t spare you after dinner.” A threat was left in her ear, and Guo Boyan went to change clothes with a calm face.

Lin grabbed the quilt, calmed down for a moment, and had to pick up the clothes that he had thrown away under Guo Boyan’s scorching gaze, and put on the scalp. When he sat in front of the vanity mirror and combed his hair, Lin thought of his body afterwards. Although Guo Boyan had just taken advantage of it, his ointment did work, and it seemed to be less sour.

Hurry up, the couple still let their three children wait for a full quarter of an hour. Guo Boyan was indifferent, Lin didn’t have his face, and the moment she faced the three children, she blushed slightly. Guo Xiaoshouli, from the beginning to the end, did not look straight at his stepmother. Ting Fang simply knew nothing. He misunderstood that the stepmother blushed because of shyness. Only Song Jianing was the only one who swept the face of his mother and stepfather and guessed what was going on.

In the last life, Song Jianing had been living in a cage. She couldn’t escape. She didn’t know where to escape, and she didn’t even think about it. After a few years in a daze, she ate and slept and ate canary-like days, but her eyes didn’t grow long, but Regarding matters in the male and female rooms, thanks to Liang Shao and Guo Xiao, Song Jianing knows almost everything, what men like her, and what she is like after being bullied…

Lowering his eyes, Song Jianing squeezed his fingers awkwardly, wondering whether he should be happy for his mother to be favored by his stepfather, or whether he should feel bad for his mother. It is good to have pets, but for martial artists such as Guo Boyan, Guo Xiao and his sons, too frequent petting is almost the same as working day and night in the field. It is called a backache.

She pretended to be stupid, Guo Xiao didn’t care about it. Guo Boyan talked little in front of his children, so Lin chatted with Ting Fang. A gentle mother wanted to be a loving mother to win the trust of her stepdaughter. The more they talked, the more speculative. Their voices were all over the dinner table, and the other three didn’t interrupt.

After the meal, Guo Xiao brothers and sisters left, Song Jianing stayed, as soon as Lin came in, she also moved from Mrs. Tai to Linyuntang, in the courtyard behind Lin.

“Lord Guo rest first, I will send An An back to the room.” Lin took his daughter, Gongsheng said to Guo Bo, not trying to hide from him, but wanting to ask about her daughter’s situation in Guo Gong’s mansion these past two days.

Guo Boyan understood and nodded.

“Mother, is the grandpa good to you?” When he arrived at Song Jianing’s small yard, Song Jianing couldn’t help but care about his mother as soon as he entered the house.

Lin and her daughter sat on the bed together, bent over and tapped the tip of her daughter’s nose: “Why are you still called Lord Guo?” The Guo family heard it, not good.

Song Jianing reacted and said annoyed: “I forgot again.”

Lin laughed and hugged her daughter not to tell her to look at the bitterness in her eyes: “It’s okay, An An will get used to calling it a few times.”

She also told herself that she slept with Guo Boyan a few times and she became a real couple.

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