National Beauty

Chapter 194

Chapter 194 194

Li Jizong is worthy of being the undefeated general in the minds of the people. Although this time with few enemies, although the morale-damaged retreat was used to meet the high-spirited Liao soldiers, the **** battle was one day, although the 10,000 elite soldiers were almost wiped out on Wednesday. The 50,000 soldiers of the Liao Dynasty also suffered more than 20,000 casualties. If Li Jizong can break through the siege and retreat to Chenjiagu and lure the army to deepen, when three thousand crossbowmen attack with arrows and Wang Sheng and Pan Xun’s 20,000 cavalry are behind, this battle will surely turn defeat into victory.

The grandfather was in trouble and couldn’t break through the siege of the Liao army, so he had to send troops to rescue him. The three thousand crossbowmen could not move, so Prince Gong and Li Mulan immediately urged the horses to rush out of Chenjiagu. If they wanted to lead three thousand elites from the cavalry side to rescue grandfather, there was no need to fight in love, just to draw the Liao army to Chenjiagu. There is still an eight-point chance of winning. However, the couple rushed to the outside of the valley in a hurry, only to find that Wang Sheng had taken away 10,000 cavalry.

“Master, there are still nearly 30,000 left in the Liao soldiers. Even if General Wang is here, we may not have a chance. Now…” Standing in front of Wang Gongma, Pan Xun frowned and his voice was heavy.

“You mean, let’s withdraw our troops, regardless of General Li?” Prince Gong scolded, “Previously, grandfather had a good strategy for retreating troops. You didn’t listen. You insisted on sending troops. Now that grandfather is defeated, you don’t save it. Are you intentional? Want to kill grandfather?”

Without waiting for Pan Xun’s retort, Prince Gong slammed his whip and pointed at the army and shouted: “I will set aside three thousand men and horses immediately. The princess and I will save the old general. You quickly send someone to recall Wang Sheng, and we are here. Wait and ambush the Liao soldiers according to the original plan. If there is any violation, the king will report the truth when he returns to Beijing, and see how you can explain it to the emperor!”

“The minister obeys!”

The prince was naturally different from ordinary people, and Pan Xun immediately allocated three thousand men to King Gong, and then sent someone to inform Wang Sheng’s army that had been out for a long time. After passing the order down, I saw that Prince Gong’s wife was ready to set off. Pan Xun hurried to catch up, and persuaded him in an awe-inspiring manner: “The prince and the princess are a daughter of gold, and there is no room for any mistakes. Please wait here for the prince and prince as a minister. Head coach, you should lead your troops to save the old general!”

“No need.” Li Mulan glanced at him and brushed his shoulders with a calm face. This person was afraid of the Liao soldiers and really handed it to him. Li Mulan was worried that Pan Xun would be scared by the Liao army and would retreat back, and perfunctory. She must go personally because of her grandfather’s life. After the horse ran out for a while, Li Mulan suddenly thought of something and turned to look to the side.

It is Prince Gong who goes hand in hand with her. The army went from south to north, and the wind poured in from the valley, blowing everyone’s clothes and hunting noises. King Gong leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the front, like a hurried wolf, his lips pressed tightly, and the whole body exuded something strange to Li Mulan. The military commander is majestic. At this moment, Li Mulan was in a trance, and the past three years are vividly visible.

When she married into Prince Gong’s Mansion, the prince was eighteen years old, and he spoke and acted like a hairy boy. Li Mulan was born in the General’s Mansion, and all her ears and eyes were affected by the vigorous actions of men on the battlefield. At that time, the Prince Gong was just a growth in her eyes. The princes of the Royal Gold and Silver Nest know how to fight and fight.

Li Mulan yearned for the golden iron horse. Prince Gong and the concubine mingled together. Li Mulan didn’t care if Prince Gong had her in his heart. Even if the king sent away the concubine in the backyard and treated her wholeheartedly, his mother was very happy, Li Mulan. But nothing touched, the only change was probably that the evening was a little more interesting.

But now, the little man who she regarded as the royal prince, dressed in battle armor, was walking with her on the road to save his grandfather. The Liao army was 30,000, and they only had 3,000. This action was extremely dangerous, and it was very likely that there would be no return. Pan Xun persuaded him, but he still chose to walk with her.

Li Mulan suddenly became unbearable. It was her grandfather who was trapped. She was obliged to do so, but he was the prince, and he still had decades of wealth and glory in his life, so he should not take risks for her. It’s not worth it, she never gave him a good face, she didn’t bow her head and ears to him as tender and considerate as a real wife, and even delayed childbearing for him. Since her princess is not good enough, she shouldn’t accept him. Loyalty.

“My lord, I am worried that Pan and Wang will run away, and I implore the prince to go back and sit down for me and grandfather.” Li Mulan said sternly when I got closer to him.

King Gong hummed: “They dare not.”

“What if?” Li Mulan asked worriedly.

Prince Gong frowned, clenched the reins and pondered for a moment, then suddenly persuaded her: “What you are worried about is also reasonable, so you go back to the town and I will save your grandfather.” Of course, Prince Gong knows the danger of this trip, and didn’t think too much before. Now that he has finally taken care of it, he hopes that his princess will stay with the army and be safer.

Li Mulan immediately heard the deep meaning of Prince Gong’s words. Seeing his serious appearance, Li Mulan didn’t dare to look at him, silently averted her eyes, and her heart became more ashamed. I knew that he valued her more than himself, and knew that he was willing to take risks with her grandfather for her, and that she should treat him better when she was still in the capital.

“My words are not useful to the prince.” Li Mulan tried to conceal her emotions.

Prince Gong laughed: “As a husband and wife, I am the prince and you are the princess, who dares to despise you?”

It’s silly to laugh at this time, Li Mulan pursed her lips and looked to the other side, but there was water in the bottom of her eyes. How strange, that night in the bridal chamber, he almost split her in half, and she resisted it. Today, his eyes were sour because of his heartless smirk.

Prince Gong stared at her strangely. She was silent for too long, and Queen Gong reacted with hindsight. So the silly Prince Gong, instead of appreciating the princess’s consideration for him, he widened his eyes in anger and rode the horse. Approaching, he grabbed her arm fiercely, gritted her teeth and said: “Li Mulan, listen carefully, today we have to live together, die together, and dare to look down on me, I…”

He held it too tightly, Li Mulan turned her head and looked into his eyes, as if asking, what can he do.

Just as the horse rushed out of the valley, the sun shone from one side, illuminating Li Mulan’s entire face, and shining the water in the woman’s cold eyes. King Gong opened his mouth in shock. Just about to confirm whether he was mistaken, Li Mulan broke free from his hand and flicked the whip with her backhand. The steed galloped faster with pain, and instantly rushed out a certain distance, wearing iron armor, bravely moving forward. From the back, it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

And with such a back view, I saw that King Gong suddenly wanted to look up to the sky and howl, what about the female general, the female general was also rubbed into a soft finger by him, and he was willing to shed tears for him!

Running all the way, the Liao army who besieged Zhou’s general finally appeared in front of him. King Gong took the lead withdrawing his long sword and shouted loudly: “The generals follow the orders, and if you follow the king to rescue the old general, this king will reward each person twenty taels! ”

Before the sound fell, the couple had taken the lead and rushed into the Liao army!

In the central Liao army, general Yeluxiong was fighting with Li Jizong. Heroes cherish heroes. After Li Jizong’s 30,000 soldiers were almost dead, Li Jizong would not allow other Liao soldiers to attack Li Jizong. He would personally fight Li Jizong to win or lose. In the midst of the battle, Ye Luxiong’s eyes flashed when he heard Prince Gong’s “My King”, and suddenly gave up Li Jizong and turned to the direction of King Gong. If the Prince Da Zhou was captured alive, Da Liao would be able to humiliate the old Xuande thieves.

How can Li Jizong fail to see Ye Luxiong’s mind? Immediately catching up to stop Ye Luxiong, but the Liao soldiers swarmed in, no matter how fast Li Jizong killed, they couldn’t match Ye Luxiong’s speed.

“Mulan, **** the prince to leave, don’t worry about me!” Li Jizong shouted in desperation.

Prince Gong and Li Mulan heard it. Li Mulan pierced the Liao soldier’s throat with a shot and turned to look at Prince Gong. There was Liao soldiers all around the Prince Gong, and he had no time to look at her, and only firmly said: “Go together!”

There is no need to hesitate if the husband and wife are in the same heart. Although Qian Jingbing couldn’t kill the Liao army on Wednesday, with his passion, he finally made a **** road, but after Li Jizong and Wang Gong’s husband and wife joined together, Ye Luxiong also caught up with him with a knife. With a sword straight to King Gong, they were all blocked by Li Jizong. After such an entanglement, the three of them ran a distance and were immediately surrounded by the Liao army.

“You go first!” Li Jizong ordered again.

Prince Gong and Li Mulan knew their ambitions at first, but now they don’t want to talk about them anymore. They are guarding their grandfather’s sides.

Ye Luxiong stared at King Gong. Li Jizong wanted to protect King Gong. It was inevitable that he was distracted. He used a spear and Ye Luxiong used a knife. After another stagger, Ye Luxiong took the opportunity to run towards King Gong. Li Jizong immediately stopped him. , Yelvxiong suddenly turned in the direction and swung his knife towards Li Mulan who had retreated to him because of avoiding the Liao general!

“Mulan!” Li Jizong roared in horror, heartbreakingly, before the voice fell, a figure suddenly rushed behind Li Mulan like a gust of wind, Li Mulan turned her head in amazement, and accompanied by a familiar and miserable howl, a pillar of blood sprayed head-on. Her face, warm, hit her face, and then slowly went down, so clear, like a snake crawling on her face.

There was a brief blank in her mind, but the shouting to kill instantly pulled her mind back. Li Mulan lowered her head and saw her man lying on the ground in embarrassment, her left hand covering her broken arm, her eyes closed in pain, and her teeth biting his lips. A Liao spear stabbed over. The spear in Li Mulan’s hand preceded the brain action, and one shot flew the opponent’s weapon. Then he dismounted and bandaged King Gong under the blessing of Da Zhou soldiers and Li Jizong.

Prince Gong gritted his teeth to endure, the pain was so painful that sweat rolled off his forehead, but he kept staring at her.

Li Mulan’s face was pale but calm, with only two lines of tears, revealing her distress.

“If I can’t go back, in the next life, let’s be a husband and wife again.” The moment she was helped by her, Prince Gong hugged her waist with one hand and said to her ear.

“Shut up.” Li Mulan helped him mount with a cold face. Prince Gong broke her right arm, and people would definitely die under the horse. If riding a horse and holding the rein in the left hand, she could not counterattack and kill the enemy. Therefore, Li Mulan turned and straddled behind King Gong and ordered King Gong to make a spear with both hands.


While resisting Ye Luxiong, Li Jizong yelled at his granddaughter with red eyes: “You go first, I will break it! Otherwise, no one can leave!”

Prince Gong insisted on retreating together, Li Mulan looked at the white cloth stained with blood on his wound, her eyes were certain, and she finally rushed forward.

Ye Luxiong was about to chase, Li Jizong stopped him head-on, and just as Li Jizong fended off the big knife in Ye Luxiong’s hand, behind the veteran, several spears pierced his heart at the same time!

The next morning, the battle report of the West Route Army spread to the capital. In the battle of Chen Jiagu, King Gong broke his arm, the veteran Li Jizong died, and Yelvxiong led the Liao army to retreat Baili. In this battle, the two armies lost more than 30,000 each, which was a tie.

“Ping his ancestors of the king’s family!” After reading the battle report, Emperor Xuande threw a scribble at the court, beating his chest and crying: “I am damaging Jizong, like an eagle losing its wings! And my Yuan Jun, he is only twenty-one!”

Emperor Xuande survived a total of four sons, and the boss was crazy, even though he was healed, he was separated from him. The third child stutters, but he has great talents but regrets after all. The second child and the fourth child are his only two healthy sons. The fourth child is the youngest. Emperor Xuande always prefers him. The dignified generals have lost an arm. Can Emperor Xuande not regret it?

The emperor cried and shed tears, and all his officials were silent.

Under the main hall, Rui Wang bowed his head to wipe his tears, his cuffs covered him, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes. The eldest brother was abolished from the throne and he became the longest prince in the dynasty, but the fourth child has always been favored by his father, and the position of the prince is uncertain. The fourth child is a threat that cannot be ignored. It’s alright now, the fourth child is basically abandoned, and the prince is already in his pocket.

Behind Rui Wang, Zhao Heng did not feel sorry for his half-brother. He only worried about two things, one is the battle, and the other is the princess in the family who is expecting to give birth.

She had always been close to Princess Gong, and King Gong had broken his arm… Let’s keep it secret for now.

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