National Beauty

Chapter 232

Chapter 232 232

The only princess was married. Emperor Xuande was both gratified and reluctant, but the cold air brought by the heavy snow once again stimulated the old wounds on his legs. The same pain can be tolerated when the body is healthy, and people pretend to be okay, but when they get older and lose their health, they can no longer bear this tormenting old disease.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the early days, the hundreds of civil and military officials were all listed in the hall. The **** went to the apse to report to Emperor Xuande, and Emperor Xuande led Wang En to the front hall unhurriedly. He walked very slowly because the leg pain was unbearable, but when Emperor Xuande turned to the front of the temple and crossed a threshold to walk directly to the dragon chair, a heartache suddenly came from his leg, which was so painful. Without warning, Emperor Xuande’s body was so painful that he would have fallen to the ground if he hadn’t been supported by Wang En in time.

Even so, the ministers still breathed in unanimously, and Zhao Heng secretly clenched his hands tightly. Prince Gong was not as steady as he was, and he was anxiously stepping forward with a sound of “Father King”.

Emperor Xuande had just stood firmly, Yu Guangzhong felt that everyone was watching him, especially the question of the fourth child, and Emperor Xuande’s eyes sank. He knew he was old, but he didn’t want to be seen by others, and he didn’t want his courtiers to think he was old too. What does it mean to be old for an emperor?

When Wang En was released, Emperor Xuande straightened his waist, endured the painful leg ailments, and walked to the dragon chair casually.

After that, everything in the early dynasty remained the same, but after the dispersal of the dynasty, where the Emperor Xuande could not see or hear, the ministers, especially the ministers, had more whispers. The old and weak of Emperor Xuande are obvious to all. For the sake of stability, the courtiers all hope that Emperor Xuande will establish the crown prince as soon as possible.

These gossips, Zhao Heng heard the wind, but he just didn’t know, and silently did the political work at hand.

Back in the evening, Zhao Heng coaxed a pair of children without leaking water. Brother Zhao Zhaoyou was too young to understand the complexities of the father and king, but Song Jianing quickly saw the sadness hidden under the prince’s calm face. The four royal princesses, Song Jianing did not have the medical skills of the Chu Princess Feng Zheng, the ambitions of the Rui Princess, and the martial arts of the Princess Li Mulan, but Song Jianing had sensitive eyes.

His parents died early and were raised by his uncle’s family. In this life, he remarried with his mother to one of the most powerful mansions in Beijing. During the two lifetimes, Song Jianing lived cautiously, observing the people around him almost all the time. Of course, some people’s scheming is too deep. She can’t see through just a few polite visits. The prince’s heart is as deep as the sea, but Song Jianing can see him every day. As time goes by, she can naturally guess the truth. .

It’s dark, Zhao Heng doesn’t want to sleep, so Song Jianing rests first, and he reads the book outside.

Song Jianing didn’t dare to bother him. He obediently went to the inner room, took off his clothes and got into the bed. Song Jianing could not sleep, lying on the outside, looking at the door baffledly, guessing what the prince was upset about. Everything is fine in the family, and the frontier seems to be fine. The throne, King Rui is dead, only King Gong is left, and there is no threat to him at all. Song Jianing has already determined that his prince will ascend the throne like his previous life…

Song Jianing was puzzled.

I was so absorbed, I didn’t even hear the sound of footsteps outside. When Song Jianing could react, Zhao Heng was already in front of him.

“What are you in a daze?” Sitting on the bed, Zhao Heng smiled and touched her face. It has been more days, he thought she would have fallen asleep early. Whenever he wanted to come in, he would see her lying outside, her body covered tightly, only her head exposed, her black hair set against her white face, soft as lilacs. .

Zhao Heng leaned over and put the fragrance on her lips, the trouble disappeared for a while, only she looked stupid.

His brows stretched and there was a smile in his eyes, Song Jianing courageously came up, looked at him and said, “I miss you, why don’t you sleep.”

Zhao Heng looked at her unexpectedly.

Song Jianing sat up, her soft long hair hanging down, her jade white face was shining in the candlelight, Shurun ​​Xing’s eyes were full of him: “If the prince has something on his mind, you can tell me, maybe I can help you out. What an idea.”

Zhao Heng smiled. He has something on his mind, but no one can help him. Even he himself is not sure what he wants.

“Father’s legs are sick, I am a little worried.” Holding the person in his arms, Zhao Heng sighed. His father felt like that, and he couldn’t bear it.

Song Jianing frowned. She knew that Emperor Xuande’s leg was ill and had the root cause. So many capable warlocks could not be cured. The pain came up. Only forbearance and filial piety, of course, would be worried. Song Jianing wanted to help very much. How could she be born, old, sick, and die, not to mention that she is a common man, and the emperor Xuande is the emperor. Isn’t she powerless?

“Father like Zhaozhao and Brother You, I will come to the palace tomorrow?” Song Jianing asked in a low voice while hugging his waist. The body of Emperor Xuande cannot be cured, but he can only find a way to make Emperor Xuande happy.

“Let’s pass the time.” Zhao Heng kissed her head with a complicated expression. Their husband and wife really wanted to do their filial piety, but at this time, they were afraid that his father would misunderstand him and deliberately please. As for the father’s delay in establishing a prince, whether he does not want to do it right now, or whether he does not want to establish him, Zhao Heng has been trying to figure it out for several months, but there is no result.

Jiangshan belongs to the father, even if the father is old, he has the final say to whom he wants to give.

This is the emperor, the emperor.

Chongzheng Hall.

Emperor Xuande leaned on the warm Kang bed under the quilt, staring out of the glass window with turbid eyes, without turning his eyes for a long time. In the spacious and empty inner hall, only Wang En bends down and waits on one side, silently, like a statue.

“Xuan Luyu.”

Emperor Xuande spoke suddenly, his voice weak.

After Zhao Pu told the old man to return to his hometown, the deputy prime minister Lu Xi was promoted to the prime minister.

Wang En immediately took the order to make arrangements.

Emperor Xuande finally moved. When he turned over, he suffered from leg problems. Emperor Xuande took a deep breath. He can hide it from everyone, but he can’t hide it. Now he can barely leave, but no one can tell when these legs will be completely abolished. Emperor Xuande didn’t want to give up, he didn’t want to admit that he was old, but he couldn’t hold his life.

He is old, really old, and if he doesn’t decide on some things, he will be ashamed of his ancestor and son.

Two quarters later, Lu Wei hurried over, bringing in a trace of chill outside the temple. Seeing Emperor Xuande, Lu Zheng bent over and saluted: “The emperor…”

Emperor Xuande waved his hand, avoiding any humility, and then motioned for Wang En to go out. After Wang En left, Emperor Xuande patted the place next to him and told Lu Wei to sit over. Emperor Xuande had been the emperor for so long, personally promoted several prime ministers, and was demoted by him himself. For more than ten years, only Lu Wei has always won his heart and has become a vice minister.

Emperor Xuande trusted this veteran very much.

“I don’t go around with you, I only ask you, can King Shou be able to take on the big responsibility?”

Holding Lu Lu’s hand, Emperor Xuande asked in a low voice, staring sharply at the opponent. Lu Zheng is also in his fifties, with gray hair, folds on his face, and more eye corners. Hearing the words of Emperor Xuande, Lu Zheng calmly did not move a crease on his face. Looking at Emperor Xuande, he lowered his eyes and said, “The emperor has already made a conclusion, so why bother to ask the old officials.”

Emperor Xuande smiled and let go of him with a smile.

Yes, he had already made a conclusion, because he liked the third child and could not find a more suitable candidate than the third, so he knew that his favorite boss had been challenged by King Rui, but he was still suffering from heartache and guilt. Continue to confine the boss. Why? Because the boss’s temper is not suitable for the throne, and once he releases the boss, the ministers will definitely misinterpret his meaning and support the boss one after another, which messes up the situation.

The throne belongs to the youngest, only the youngest. He can’t add hidden dangers to the youngest because of his father-son relationship with the boss.

With the decision, the next morning, without waiting for the ministers to persuade Emperor Xuande to establish the crown, Emperor Xuande first issued an edict and canonized the third prince Zhao Heng as the prince, and moved to the East Palace on auspicious day after the year.

“Erchen, thank you father emperor.”

Under the gaze of the officials, Zhao Heng walked to the center of the hall and knelt down without being humble or arrogant.

Emperor Xuande smiled and asked his son to get up.

Zhao Heng stood up straight again, he was in the court, but his heart went to Nangong.

He once promised to his elder brother that he would not be the emperor. Now that the emperor entrusts him with the throne, Zhao Heng is willing to promise again that he will not be the emperor.

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