National Beauty

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 027

After a rest, Shuang’er wakes Song Jianing on time, and serves Song Jianing with Liu’er and Jiu’er. Song Jianing was still sleepy, sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed and waiting. Shuang’er soaked the towel repeatedly, twisting it so that it didn’t drip, and leaned in to help the master gently wipe his face. After a year, Song Jianing’s face seemed to be a little fatter, tender and tender, like a ripe peach, tempting people to chew.

Of course Shuang’er didn’t dare to look at it, but she liked the beautiful and lovely face of Sister Si so much, and finally after helping Song Jianing evenly spread the fragrance of the cream, she couldn’t help but gently squeeze it. Song Jianing opened her eyes suddenly, her apricot eyes were round, big and watery, like black pearls that had just been washed with water, her red mouth pouted, and she stared at her coquettishly.

Shuang’er smiled: “Girls are too rare to recruit people.”

“Then you can’t take advantage of the girl.” Liu’er said unconvinced, she didn’t dare to pinch it many times…

“Okay, okay, come over with your clothes.” Song Jianing sighed and admitted his fate. When a thin girl you have to be hungry, but when you get fat, those people seem to have never seen a fat face, and they want to squeeze their faces whenever they see her. Not to mention the two twin brothers in the second room, they are the gentlest sister Ting Fang, who occasionally pokes. After all the calculations, it seems that Guo Xiao, the elders and brothers and sisters of the Guogong Mansion, has not pinched her.

It seems that being disgusted by Guo Xiao is also good, one less face being pinched.

Dressed up, before going out, Song Jianing asked Shuang’er to bring a can of bayberry candy, picked up seven or eight and put them in a small fat belly porcelain bottle for sugar, and then put the porcelain bottle into a purse. Then I went to the main courtyard of Linyuntang. mother. Turning into the hall, I saw my stepfather and mother sitting together in the main seat, Guo Xiao sitting on the left side of the stepfather, and the three of them looked towards her together.

“Father, mother, eldest brother.” Song Jianing walked to the middle, calling out one by one, respecting Guo Boyan when calling, and being intimacy when calling Lin, it was Guo Xiao’s turn, that sweet and soft voice automatically reduced the sugar, and he was polite. With a bit of fear.

Guo Xiao raised his eyes and saw that his step-sister had reached her side and smiled and showed her her clothes. The little girl looks very white, and the red scorpion of the toroidal lotus is like a little lotus demon. Her white face is transformed from petals, and her eyes are dazzling with the sparkling lake light. .

Guo Xiao looked down, his eyes swept over his father, and he suddenly understood his father. Such a mother and daughter, if they were him, would lead them into the house regardless of their identities. The older one would be the patron of the pillow, and the younger would be his own daughter. tease.

The family of four had a brief chat, first went to Changxinyuan to meet with Mrs. Tai and others, and then went into the palace together.

In today’s palace, lanterns are hung everywhere. It is still dark and the lanterns are already lit.

The men of the Guo family went to greet Emperor Xuande, and the family members followed his wife and went straight to the concubine Shu’s Changchun Palace. Soon after Xuande became the throne, the empress went there, leaving no son or daughter. After Xuande had not established a new one, he named the second prince’s birth mother to be concubine Wu, acting as the harem. Concubine Wu only cares about the palace affairs, so she does not need to visit her when she asks wives to visit relatives in the palace.

Song Jianing saw Princess Duanhui again. Fortunately, all the three daughters of the Guo family entered the palace this time. Princess Duanhui was busy getting close to her cousins ​​and glared at her arrogantly and ignored her. Song Jianing breathed a sigh of relief and sat down beside her mother, obediently listening to the elders.

As night fell, Emperor Xuande led the emperor’s relatives and patrons to hold a banquet in the Daqing Hall, while Concubine Wu and his concubines and concubines set a table in the Kunning Palace at the back. Song Jianing and the three girls from the Guo family entered the hall in two rows and saluted Wu Guifei and others. Now Song Jianing was courageous enough and took a sneak peek.

Concubine Wu Guifei, the second prince’s biological mother, was a lady nearly forty years old. Her face was thin and her beauty still existed, but the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes could not be concealed. The fourth prince’s birth mother, Concubine Hui, was about thirty years old, and she was also a thin and thin beauty. Her big and energetic eyes were the most eye-catching. No wonder she gave birth to the fourth prince with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The eldest prince and the third prince had a bitter life. When Xuande was still the prince, their biological mothers disappeared, and they were later named as concubines.

The four concubines in the palace, in addition to Concubine Shu, there is also a young and beautiful concubine De, who is only eighteen years old, and is the daughter of Li Long, deputy envoy of the Privy Council. Li Long was the confidant minister of Emperor Xuande. Concubine De Fei was appointed the concubine when she first entered the palace and quickly became the first person in the harem. Now she is pregnant with Liujia. There have been rumors in the palace that if Concubine De is a little prince, it is very likely that she will be sealed. Rear.

Song Jianing lived in the suburbs of Zhuangzi in a secluded life, and Guo Xiao did not allow the people she served next to arbitrarily discuss the royal right and wrong, so Song Jianing really didn’t know who the concubines of Emperor Xuande became empresses, nor did he know who was the most unwelcome to Emperor Xuande. How the stuttering three princes defeated three outstanding brothers and sat on the dragon chair smoothly.

However, none of this has anything to do with her, and the Guogong Mansion did not participate in the new emperor’s enthronment, and her position is stable. She, the four foreign girls, just needs to take care of herself.

The banquet Song Jianing and other juniors were used in the side hall. After the meal, Princess Duanhui wanted to go to the Royal Garden. The three sisters of the Guo family readily agreed. Song Jianing wanted to find an excuse to refuse, but the big girl Ting Fang held her hand and quietly moved towards her. He shook his head and said in a low voice: “Let’s go shopping together, the lanterns in the palace are all kinds, much more beautiful than ours.”

Ting Fang hopes that her sister will go. She is well-behaved and cute. Princess Duanhui will definitely like it, just like the sister Yunfang at home. If the younger sister has been hiding from Princess Duanhui, the two will never get close. This is not a good thing for the younger sister, it is a princess after all.

Song Jianing was embarrassed to refuse Sister Gentle and nodded.

The five girls bid farewell to their elders and led a group of maids to the imperial garden, walking and stopping on the road, and when they saw a lantern, they gathered together to guess the riddle, and guessed it before guessing the next one.

“Hey, it’s boring to guess in this way. Let’s change the trick.” Princess Duanhui has been in the palace for a long time, and her cousin rarely enters the palace to accompany her. She has the most fun tonight. Look at the four girls of the Guo family, her lips are raised. We deliberately excluded Song Jianing and only said to her cousins: “Let’s go in a group of two. Which group will be guessed first, and the other two groups will have to pay out. One riddle is enough. We will keep the account first, and finally calculate it together.”

The third girl Yunfang first echoed, and rushed to hug the second girl Lanfang’s arm: “I will be with the second sister!”

Princess Duanhui had no objection, and squeezed between Song Jianing and Ting Fang affectionately, holding Ting Fang’s hand.

Ting Fang glanced at her, and declined: “I don’t know how to guess lantern riddles. In this way, I will keep the accounts for you, and my cousin will be a group with Jianing.” He deliberately mediates the relationship between the two.

“No, I just like the big cousin!” Princess Duanhui refused.

Song Jianing said wittily: “Sister, let’s play, I’ll settle the account for you.”

Princess Duanhui curled her lips: “Will you count?”

Song Jianing was wondering how to answer so that Princess Duanhui would not be angry. Yun Fang suddenly hissed slightly. Several girls looked in the direction she was pointing at at the same time, and they saw a tall and tall figure on the path hidden by the lanterns in the distance. The young man brought a little **** and walked over unhurriedly. The young man’s face was indifferent, and he looked like a handsome jade under the light.

Song Jianing recognized it as the third prince, the future emperor.

She was silently excited, as ordinary people had the honor to pay homage to the emperor’s demeanor, awed and rare to want to see more. Being a guilty conscience and sneaking in, unexpectedly, Princess Duanhui’s ear suddenly started to scream: “Third brother, come over and accompany us to guess the riddle!”

Song Jianing was startled, and after a while he realized what Princess Duanhui had said. Looking at the distance, the third prince really stopped and turned his head to look here. Song Jianing dared to take a peek at Qianlong but didn’t have the courage to show it to him, and shrank back to Ting Fang without a trace. Under the lantern here, Zhao Heng had no intention of paying attention to Princess Duanhui. He caught a glimpse of Song Jianing’s timid little movements. He moved his eyes slightly and raised his foot here.

Song Jianing was nervous, and Ting Fang felt uncomfortable, so she whispered to Princess Duanhui: “Cousin, we are not familiar with the third highness, you…”

“It’s okay, the third brother looks cold, but he’s actually very talkative.” Princess Duanhui didn’t care about it. As the only princess, Princess Duanhui can talk to any emperor brother, although the most distant relationship is the third prince, because Princess Duanhui disliked this stuttering brother in her bones.

Since I disliked it, I lost a respect and had the courage to bully a little. When Zhao Heng approached, Princess Duanhui greeted him with a grin, with her eyebrows crooked and said: “Brother, we are going to team up to guess the lantern and bet on silver, but we have five people. Cousin Jianing is not accompanied, and the third brother will give it to you. Shall we make up the number? You win the money and hers if you lose.”

In the words, Princess Duanhui was happy, and the third stammer did not speak easily, even if he knew the answer, he would not say. A fat girl who only knows to eat with a stammer is really fun tonight. Looking at the three princes with a smile, Princess Duanhui’s eyes were full of expectation.

Song Jianing was stunned. It turned out that Princess Duanhui was called the third prince to make up for her.

Song Jia would rather not ask the third prince to accompany her, hurriedly whispered: “Princess, I really won’t guess, play with your elder sisters, don’t bother the third prince.”

Princess Duanhui ignored her and pulled Zhao Heng’s sleeve to act like a baby: “Brother, will you accompany me to accompany me during the festival tonight?”

Zhao Heng put his backhand behind him, and naturally broke free from Princess Duanhui, and said blankly: “Okay.”

Princess Duanhui was exasperated, and turned back to wave to Song Jianing: “Seeing that Your Highness has given you more face, but you can’t thank you.”

A princess and a future emperor, Song Jianing has the right to refuse in a few words. She mustered up the courage to walk in front of Zhao Heng, bowed his eyes and said, “Thank you for your face.”

When speaking, Song Jianing’s heart thumped, panicking and happy. The panic is that she is really not good at guessing lantern riddles. She can’t guess it for a while, and the third prince can’t guess. If she loses the silver, will the third prince blame her for being stupid? But thinking that she was going to guess the lantern riddles with the future emperor, Song Jianing was happily, feeling that she had one more talk to show off. When she was old, she could tell her grandchildren.

The more he thought about the more beautiful, Song Jianing’s mouth curled up unconsciously.

When Zhao Heng saw him, he became more sure that this fat girl really liked him.

She coveted the prince at a young age. From this point of view, she was not so courageous.

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