National Farm: My Farm Is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

171 More and more perfect! Did she misunderstand? Rush into the top 50 Xiao! (12) Ask for flowers

“Master, try it, it should be fine.”

One day after Xiaolei was busy for another month, she found Lin Feng and said.


Lin Feng came to the door of the space.

This space door is not far from Lin Feng’s tree house.

That is, below the tree of life.

The space door is beautifully made.

Miao Miao and the others helped a lot when making this space door. They extracted the material from the rock and decorated the space door with a circle of white jade-colored stones.

Mengmeng and the flower fairies surrounded the space door with flowers, which looked even more beautiful.

In the middle of the space door, it looks like there is a streamer flowing, the streamer is splendid, and it is quite strange.

Lin Feng came to the door of the space, looked at it, and got in.

-Drilling in, Lin Feng had a feeling of being pulled, but it wasn’t serious.

It was as if he had stepped through a door, but the place he stepped out was already on the east side of the floating island, on the high mountain where the War Tree was located.

It worked!

At the back, Xiaolei also came out of the space door.

Lin Feng stepped back again, and as soon as he crossed the space gate, the sword came from the space gate in front of the tree of life again.

Then, Lin Feng stepped over and came to that high mountain again!

Lin Feng let the unicorn try it out, and found that the unicorn can also pass through this space door freely.

Well, the volume of the space door is actually not big, but the size of the unicorn is enough.

This space door is quite good.

With it, Lin Feng will no longer need to ride the unicorn to slowly fly to the city wall.

Now the floating island is getting bigger and bigger, with a radius of two or three hundred kilometers. Even if the speed of the unicorn is fast, no matter what, it will take some time to fly.

Now, with the space door, you can directly step out from this space door.

In addition, the support of elemental elves and banshees is also faster.

“Master, this is a one-way space door at present. It can only lead to a space door in the east. After I study it, I can turn it into a multi-space door.”

Xiaolei said.

Multi-space door!

That is, a space gate can transmit multiple locations.

In addition, there are still some areas in this space door that need to be improved.

For example, the space gate still needs some settings, and only the life on the floating island can use it. Otherwise, if some monsters encounter some monsters directly passing through the space gate in the future, it will not be good.

After the space gate successfully teleported Lin Feng, Xiaolei was busy with other space elves again.

Next, they will first build 30 space gates on the high mountains surrounding the floating island.

Well, the current plan is 30.

The current floating island has a perimeter of more than one kilometer, and such a large floating island, the number of space gates is not enough.

At least, every thirty kilometers, there should be a space gate.

In this way, after the banshees and elves rushed to the front line, they could quickly fly to the battlefield.

In the future, as the floating island continues to grow, the number of spaces will continue to increase.

These space gates will be numbered according to their orientation on the floating island. When teleporting, as long as you think of which orientation, you may directly teleport there.

Moreover, after these space gates have become multi-space gates, these space gates can also transmit to each other.

According to Lin Feng’s plan, in the future, there will be some space doors on each side of the entire floating island, so that it is convenient to go anywhere.

Every space gate can transmit any space gate.

Of course, that step cannot be achieved yet, and Xiaolei and the others need to be further improved.

Not in a hurry.

The space element elves have been born, and the rest, take your time.

After the space gate has become more and more perfect, the time has come to the last month.

The snowy month has come again.

This month, there are fewer things to do, and the elder sisters and the flower fairies will rest in the tree house under the tree of life.

Mermaids will also rest in the circle of lakes surrounded by these treehouses.

The lakes are frozen.

However, the fire element elves ensured the temperature of this circle of lakes, so as not to freeze the mermaid.

After the last month, Lin Feng made a special trip to visit Leng Qing.

This is the last time I went to Leng Qingqiu’s floating island. After a few months, Lin Feng went to visit Leng Qinggong for the first time.

The reason for this visit is actually quite simple.

Lin Feng wants to put a few ice element elves and let them go to the deserted floating island to absorb the ice element energy.

The deserted floating island has an area of more than one million square kilometers, which can absorb a lot of ice element energy, which is much more than Lin Feng’s own floating island.

Of course, this purpose must not be told to Lonely Autumn.

Therefore, the reason Lin Feng looked for was to give deserted boots some new products produced by Lindu Company.

“Lin Feng.”

Leng Qingqiu personally greeted Lin Feng.

“Miss Leng, I heard from Miss Zhiwei that you were attacking a dark floating island a few months ago, have you taken it down yet?”

Lin Feng was looking for a topic.

In the dark, several ice element elves had already flown out and began to absorb ice element energy on her floating island.

The deserted boots asked someone to make a good tea for Lin Feng, sat opposite Lin Feng, and said, “Well, I have won it, thank you for your concern.”

Her personality is slightly colder than Jiang Zhiwei, but she is quite chatty when talking with Lin Feng.

In this way, after talking with Leng Qingqiu for some time, Lin Feng took out something.

“This is a new beauty product produced by Lindu Company, and Miss Leng can try it.

Lin Feng said.

“Give it to me?”

Leng Qingqiu took the beautifully packaged product from Lin Feng, looked at it for a while, and was a little happy: “Thank you, will you eat here tonight?”

Lin Feng pondered for a while and agreed.

However, during the meal, Lin Feng discovered that it was just him and Leng Qingqiu.

Leng Qingqiu also spoke more than usual, and her attitude towards Lin Feng changed a little, which made Lin Feng feel a little strange.

“Hee hee, master, I feel she is interested in you.”

In secret, Yun Yan, who had to come to protect Lin Feng, made fun of Lin Feng.

The next day, Lin Feng went to Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island again. On Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island, he also placed a few ice element elves.

Finding a reason, also sent Jiang Zhiwei a new product from Lindu Company.

“Wow, nice stuff, just what I need.”

Jiang Zhiwei was also very happy.

She also invited Lin Feng to have dinner together, and when they were having dinner together, Jiang Zhiwei talked about the deserted autumn again.

“Lin Feng, are you giving Qingqiu a gift?”

Jiang Zhiwei asked.

Lin Feng was a little surprised: “How do you know?

Jiang Zhiwei said: “Oh, that’s it.

After she finished speaking, she blinked her eyes and looked a little smart: “It seems that she probably misunderstood Lu, and thinks you are interested in her. I used to mind that women who have never been in love for decades are like this. ..and a single hooked gift from a man she’d never accepted before.”

Well, after hearing what Jiang Zhiwei said, Lin Feng understood a little, what was the strangeness of the deserted boots’ expression and actions last night.

It seemed that it really made Leng Qingqiu misunderstood.

But this misunderstanding, Lin Feng can’t explain it, after all, there is no police expression in the portrait, Lin Feng can’t explain it, I don’t mean that?

How embarrassing.

So, that’s all it can do.

Lin Feng did not interrupt his plan, and went to several floating islands on the Golden List Floating Island, and placed a few ice element elves.

After finally finishing, Lin Feng returned to his floating island and entered the rest mode at the end of the year.

Although it is in rest mode, the space element elf Xiaolei and the others are still busy.

Miao Miao and the others are also busy.

This month, many things can’t be done, but the Space Elemental Spirit can still continue to create space doors.

At the same time, the fusion of the floating island is still in progress.

It has been more than half a year since the super-large multi-layer dark floating island was obtained, but the fusion has not been completed for such a long time.

In the middle, the battle merits exchanged for a large number of dark floating islands. At the same time, he killed the boss-level monsters and obtained some coordinates of the dark floating islands. These are still waiting in line for consultation.

Miao Miao and the others are naturally very busy.

And this month, on the Internet, Lin Feng’s popularity has started to increase again, and more people are discussing what ranking Lin Feng can get this year.

Even Jiang Zhiwei was discussing with a few of her honeys, and told Lin Feng about the results of the discussion.

“Lin Feng, I guess you are ranked 50 on the overall list this year, and Qing Xue guessed your ranking is 45. Let’s see who of us guesses more accurately.”

Jiang Zhiwei told Lin Feng.

Their guesses were bolder than those on the Internet.

Because they knew that Lin Feng had already reached the 15th floor, and they also got the coordinates of a super-large dark floating island from Leng Qingxing.

Jiang Zhiwei didn’t know the exact size of the coordinates of this dark floating island, but deserted boots knew.

With their intelligence, they can naturally guess the hook. Now Lin Feng’s shortcoming is in the area of the dark floating island.

15 floors, not too low.

There are not many floating island masters on the 15th floor.

Last year, Lin Feng climbed to the 14th floor and ranked 88th on the floating island floor list.

Well, because Lin Feng entered the floating island world the latest, so he ranked last among all the floating island masters on the 14th floor.

This year, on the floating island layer list, Lin Feng can definitely advance to twenty or thirty places, or even the top 50.

In terms of the number of layers of floating islands, Lin Feng’s top 50 is not a big problem. In terms of plants, Lin Feng was in the top 50 last year.

That is to say, the floating island is short and wide. In addition, they guessed that Lin Feng’s floating island is also short and wide in terms of the number of floating island residents, because Lin Feng has never been on the floating island residents list.

These two short and wide distances will separate some distance, but if Lin Feng gets the dark floating island given by deserted boots, he will make up for a large short and wide.

…for flowers

Therefore, deserted boots and Jiang Zhiwei are sure that Lin Feng will definitely be in the top 50 this year.

It’s just that they have some different views on the specific ranking.

Jiang Zhiwei felt that Lin Feng should be right on the edge of the 50th place, but the deserted boots felt that Lin Feng could reach the 45th place.

As for the Internet, the current mainstream opinion is that Lin Feng should be able to enter the top 70 this year.

Some people think that Lin Feng can enter the top 60.

But whether it is the top 70 or the top 60, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already a leap forward, and it has entered more than ten at once!

This kind of situation rarely happens on the gold list.

Feng himself felt that it didn’t matter, because in Lin Feng’s view, this year was just a transitional year. There were still many things going on on his floating island, which had not yet landed.

The number of spirits of nature has been increasing at a fast rate, but it has not yet reached a complete explosion period.

The fusion of the floating island has not yet been finalized.

On the entire floating island, many blank areas have been added.

The space gate is still under construction.

Therefore, as long as he can advance to a dozen or 20 places this year, he has already reached Lin Feng’s goal.

In the midst of this excitement, the end of the year has come.

The day before the annual exam, Lin Feng went to visit the deserted boots and the others, and brought back all the ice element elves.

During this visit, Lin Feng could see that it was a misunderstanding.

Because facing Lin Feng, she was a little unnatural, and even had a little girlish attitude occasionally.

A woman, if she doesn’t have a man in her heart…it’s impossible to have such an attitude when facing a man.

Lin Feng had no choice but to pretend that nothing had happened, in the name of visiting the defense of her floating island, after looking around for a while, he left, and brought the ice elemental elves along by the way.

This time, the ice element elves absorbed a lot of ice element energy and made some progress.

Xiaoice has successfully risen to level 9!

In this way, among the ice element elves, there are finally ice element elves of level 9.

No Bingfan monster has been encountered yet, but Lin Feng estimates that he will meet sooner or later.

The next day, the annual exam came.

This time the annual exam was a bit fierce, but for the current Lin Feng, it was nothing.

After all, the number of banshees has already exceeded 50,000!

Elemental elves, level 9 elemental elves also emerged one after another, and there were two more elemental elves at level 10.

One is Lei Linger and the other is Xiaohong.

The annual exam is fairly simple.

On the second day of the annual exam, the gold list was refreshed on time.

Lin Feng did not wait for the gold list to be refreshed, but after the gold list was completely refreshed, he took a look.

Well, in this morning, Lin Feng usually has some activities.

This morning, Lin Feng was holding the banshee Anna and watched the gold list refresh.

Anna has already reached level 9 and has shaped her body. On this day, Lin Feng took her into the room as his New Year’s gift.

Soon, Lin Feng saw this year’s gold rankings.

43 in the overall gold list.

No. 2 on the Gold List.

48th on the Golden List of Floating Island Layers.

38th on the Golden List of Floating Island Plants.

Gold List Soars to No. 1!

Ranked 98th on the Golden List of Floating Island Areas.

“In the first 50 days!”

Lin Feng showed a smile, better than he expected, this year, he has entered the top 50 slots!

Moreover, this year, Lin Feng also entered a new subdivision list, that is, the floating island area list, and also entered the 98th place!

Now, the area of his floating island is close to 200,000 square kilometers, ranking 98th.

This shows that the floating island area of the Jinbang floating island owners is indeed quite large.

After all, they have been in the world of floating islands for so many years, even those who have 13 layers of floating islands on the Golden List of floating island owners, after so many years, the floating islands have more than 100,000 square kilometers.

“So, most of the floating islands on the Golden List have an area of between 200,000 square kilometers and 480,000 square kilometers.

Lin Feng thought.

Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island area is 480,000 square kilometers, ranking in the top ten on the floating island area list.

Lin Feng is now ranked 98th, which means that the area of most of the floating island owners on the Golden List should be between these two.

This is also normal. After reaching an area of 200,000 square kilometers, it becomes more difficult to increase the area of the floating island.

Such a large floating island, even if Rongjian entered a 10,000-square-kilometer floating island, the shrinkage would be incomparable.

So, it will cause this situation.

After all, not everyone is Lin Feng, who can increase the number of dark floating islands, and also rush so fiercely,

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