National Farm: My Farm Is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

073 The worship of my sister! Pan Mengxue! Lin Feng is on fire again! (4) Please subscribe

Lin Feng picked up Lei Jing late.

Of course, in front of so many people, Lin Feng definitely didn’t put it in the storage space, but put it in Pan Mengxue’s castle first.

In the middle of Pan Mengxue’s floating island, there is a very large castle.

This castle can be regarded as the last line of defense for the entire floating island.

In other words, in case the monster broke through the three city walls and entered the interior of the floating island, Pan Mengxue could still rely on the castle to hold on.

This castle is very big, it took more than a year to repair it.

The outer walls of the castle are not made of rock at all, but welded together with thick steel.

The defense of the entire castle is quite good.

But once the monster hits the castle, the castle may not be able to defend.

In addition, Pan Mengxue’s losses were not ordinary.

Inside the castle, there are also a large number of warriors stationed, and these warriors are all female warriors.

In this world, some experienced female fighters are also quite powerful.

After all, the chances of melee combat with monsters are still very few.

More often, they are long-range attacks with bows and arrows or crossbows.

Or operate some large automatic crossbows, trebuchets, cars and the like.

As long as there is enough training and enough actual combat, female warriors can also exert a rather strong strength.

in addition.

Pan Mengxue also used a lot of fruits and potions to enhance the physique of these female warriors, and even cultivated a lot of power users.

Like the previous female power user who was more than three meters tall, Lin Feng originally thought that she was a wolf mercenary, but in fact it was cultivated by Pan Mengxue.

If you want to rush to the top of the floating island world, you must have a few ability users.

Basically, there are less than 100 ability users on a floating island, and they simply want to rush to the high-level floating island, that is, above the eighth floor.

Even if he borrowed someone from other places and managed to rush up, it would be easy to die in the subsequent wave of monsters.

This castle has many functional areas. The place where Pan’s mother and daughter entertain Lin Feng, on the second floor of the castle, is Pan Mengxue’s living area.

In a hall on the second floor, the decoration is very luxurious.

Pan like mother and daughter prepared a lot of food.

After getting there, Lin Feng found that besides him, there were two other women.

These two women, one Lin Feng had met before, was Chao Chang Ning Die of the wolf mercenary.

The other, Lin Feng had never met, but at a glance, Lin Feng knew who she was.

She must be the twin sister of Ning Die.

Because they look alike, but not exactly alike.

Each has its own characteristics, and can still be well distinguished.

Ning Die belongs to that kind of cold and glamorous type, but the other woman looks smaller and more lively.

By comparison.

Pan Mengxue and Pan Qiuhe, the mother and daughter, are more like twins.


These four women are sitting at a table, and when they compare, they can’t help but feel that the world is really wonderful.

“Lin Feng, this is Ning Die’s younger sister, Ning Yue.

Lin Feng from Pan Boots and Lotus Township introduced.


Ningyue, who looked young and beautiful, stood up and extended her hand to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook hands with her.

“Lin Feng, I heard from my sister that you are amazing. Today I led someone to fight on another floating island, but I didn’t see it with my own eyes. It’s a pity, let’s add a friend, I adore you!

Ningyue looked at Lin Feng and said.

Her eyes were a little brighter.

Inside, some small stars can be seen impressively.

It looks like the expressions of some fans when they see their idols before crossing the road.


Next to her, Ning Die coughed lightly, as if reminding Ning Yue to pay attention to her image.

Pan Xuehe sat down with Pan Mengxue, and Ningyue sat down after she successfully added Lin Feng as a friend.

“Lin Feng, this is some beef raised from floating island pastures, you can try it.”

Pan Xuehe enthusiastically brought food to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng tasted it and found that the taste is really good, much better than ordinary beef.

This made Lin Feng think about planting some grass and raising some cattle and sheep.

However, Lin Feng immediately denied it.

Raising animals is too dirty, the grass is not too much, and there is no profit.

If it is purely for the sake of feasting, just buy this kind of meat.

There are still some floating island owners who have turned their floating islands into pastures.

These floating island owners are also helpless. They can’t buy good seeds, and they break the jar at will. Some of them have established a foothold in the floating island world because of this, although it is impossible to have unlimited development space like the police farm owners.

But it is still very comfortable to make a little money every year on the second floor of the floating island world.

This type of floating island owner is not the mainstream, and very few people play like this.

“This is the wine that Mengxue brewed herself. It’s made from ‘high-grade red grapes. I’ll give you a toast. If it wasn’t for you today, Mengxue’s floating island would have gone.”

Pan Zhihe was so enthusiastic throughout the whole process that he kept serving Lin Feng with dishes, and also brought out the wines that Pan Mengxue kept.

The wine made from thousand grade grapes is really good, and the taste is much better than ordinary wine.

I didn’t expect Pan Mengxue to make wine.

This girl is very talented.

This meal took a lot of time.

Eat till late at night.

Lin Feng drank some wine and felt a little drunk.

Ning Die’s alcohol intake is not bad, but it seems that he is not a frequent drinker, and his face is red.

As for Ningyue, the girl who kept peeking at Lin Feng while eating had already jumped off.

“Sister He, we will say goodbye!”

Ningdie supported Ningyue and was about to leave.

“Okay, then you slow down, I will send you off, Meng Xue, you can entertain Lin Feng.”

Pan Boothe sent them out.

Lin Feng saw that Pan Mengxue’s face was also red, and she looked a little drunk.

“Mengxue, let me help you to rest.

How could she entertain Lin Feng like this? Lin Feng was going to send her to the bedroom for a break, so he returned to the floating island.

He is also going to send Lei Jing back to Lan Sha so that Lan Sha can be upgraded.

As for Huo Ling’er, she should be able to advance to level 5 early tomorrow morning.

“Okay, thank you, the bedroom is upstairs.”

Pan Mengxue was indeed a little drunk and her head was dizzy.

So, Lin Feng helped him and went upstairs.

As for here, there is naturally a woman in charge of you who arranges for someone to clean up.

Soon, Lin Feng helped Pan Mengxue upstairs.

Her bedroom is very large, and it is also very warmly furnished.

Lin Feng helped Pan Mengxue to the bed, and after helping her to sit firmly, Lin Feng said, “Mengxue, then you can rest, I’ll go.”

At this time, Pan Mengxue grabbed Lin Feng’s hand and pulled it.

Lin Feng turned around and saw that Pan Mengxue’s face was close at hand.

Then, Pan Mengxue came up.

“Lin Feng, the police leave tonight.”

A dream-like voice sounded.

“Master, I’m going outside to absorb the dark elements”

The girl’s delicate voice also sounded in Lin Feng’s ears.

She turned into the darkness, left the bedroom quietly, and closed the door carefully, without the slightest sound of a hook.

In the bedroom….

The next day, Lin Feng got up early.

No, he didn’t sleep much at all.

Pan Mengxue slept soundly.

Lin Feng turned on the island owner’s watch and asked about the morning sun, everything was normal there.


If there is an abnormal situation, she will notify Lin Feng.

This morning, there should also be a wave of monsters, Chen Xi told Lin Feng not to worry, they can solve it.

This is the first night Lin Feng has not spent on his floating island.

Lin Feng glanced at Pan Mengxue, this girl still had a sweet smile in her sleep, she didn’t know what she was thinking.

This is Pan Mengxue’s floating island. If he wants to leave, he still needs the permission to examine Mengxue.

However, Lin Feng found that Pan Mengxue had already given him very high authority.

Even, the next time Lin Feng comes in, he doesn’t need Pan Mengxue’s permission. In other words, Pan Mengxue automatically agrees to the island request sent by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pondered for a while, opened the passage, and left quietly.

After returning to his floating island, Lin Feng welcomed the birth of three banshees, and the monster tide came again.

Lin Feng left Lei Jing to Lan Sha, and took a look at the scale of the monster tide. After the elemental elves and the banshees were no problem to solve, they returned to Pan Mengxue’s floating island.

Then all the way to Pan Mengxue’s bedroom.

She is still sleeping.

Lin Feng also slept next to her for a few hours.

It was almost eleven o’clock when Lin Feng woke up, and when he woke up, he saw Pan Mengxue beside him, resting his chin on his hand, looking at himself.

“Dream Snow…”

Lin Feng was about to speak, but was blocked by Pan Mengxue’s fingers.

“Lin Feng, I’m voluntary, you don’t have to have any psychological burden, I don’t need you to be responsible, and I won’t bind you… In the future, if you miss me, you can come here. The password for the bedroom door is ..usually, we are the same as before..”

She whispered in Lin Feng’s ear.

However, if I haven’t spoken, I can’t go on, because Lin Feng has…

Finally, at noon, Lin Feng left Pan Mengxue’s floating island and went to his own floating island.

The battle on the floating island is over.

Huo Linger had already risen to level 5 in the morning. With her at level 5, this wave of monsters was not a big threat at all.

Lansha took those Lei Jing to upgrade, and it is estimated that she will be able to upgrade to level 5 at night.

“Fire Elemental Spirit: Fire Linger

Level: 5

Skills: Fire Control, Purgatory Fire Sea”

After Huo Linger reached level 5, she also acquired a new skill in the Purgatory Fire Sea.

This skill seems to be a bit fierce.

The number of those fire monster hearts is still quite large, and she is now equivalent to level 5 and a half, which is still some distance away from level 6.

“It would be good to have another wave of fire monsters when.

Lin Feng is a little nostalgic for the fire-breathing monster.

Today’s floating island is a spider monster, and the fire-breathing monster is expected to come again after a long time.

“Master, the fruit has been harvested.”

At this time, the flower fairy rose and flew over with fluttering wings, and Lin Feng reported the work.

Lin Feng stretched out her hand, and Qiangwei stopped in Lin Feng’s hand. She was small and miniature, and she looked interesting.

“Okay, Rose, thank you for your hard work.

Lin Feng said.

“Doing things for the master is what Rose should do, master, the result of the longevity fruit, do you want to take a look?”

Rose Road.

Longevity fruit?

Lin Feng took the longevity fruit.

Soon, it arrived, and I saw that the longevity fruit tree had grown to more than ten meters high, and some longevity fruits were bearing on it.

Lin Feng glanced at the information panel, these longevity fruits are still B-level.

“Why didn’t you get promoted to A-level?”

Lin Feng whispered.

After taking a look, Lin Feng found the reason.

The more precious the plant, the more growth value it needs to upgrade.

This wave of longevity fruit has matured, and it has not been able to reach Grade A yet, and needs the next wave.

“Rose, keep the pulp of these longevity fruits and replant the seeds.”

Lin Feng said to Qiangwei.

After having Hua Xianzi, Lin Feng doesn’t have to do anything on the farm by himself.

The flower fairy can solve the problem by asking the elemental spirits in the master.

Rose obediently shares the pulp of the longevity fruit with the pit, leaving the pulp and replanting the pit.

The longevity fruit tree is quite rare. Since he has obtained it, Lin Feng will naturally have to replant it.

In this way, when the next wave of fruits matures, they should be able to reach Grade A.

After these replanted pips grow into trees, they should also be grade A longevity fruit dew.

A-level longevity fruit is of great value.

The yield of a longevity fruit tree is not large, but there is still a lot.

Lin Feng controls the amount of hooks and can exchange for a lot of what he needs.

Rare is the most expensive, so Lin Feng naturally couldn’t let it go all at once, as that would lower the price.

Anyway, the capacity of the farm warehouse is very large, and the things stored in it will not be broken.

In the afternoon, Lin Feng notified Shen Mengxue to come over to buy C-grade apples.

Pan Mengxue brought her female assistant over.

“Dream Snow.»

Lin Feng said.

Pan Mengxue’s face was a little red when she saw Lin Feng, but she didn’t show any abnormality.

With his female assistant, the apples were shipped back in batches.

Only Lin Feng knew the reason for bringing a female assistant.

Pan Mengxue’s personality is actually very independent. She was alone in the acquisition the next day. However, even if she was alone with Lin Feng, she didn’t mention that night again.

She also controlled her curiosity, and did not make a request to go to Lin Feng’s floating island to see-see.

It seemed that that night was just a dream.

However, it was not a dream after all.

No, after a few days, Lin Feng sneaked to her floating island and opened the door with the password she gave.

“Lin Feng?

Pan Mengxue’s voice sounded.

In addition to her mother, only Lin Feng can directly enter her floating island, and the same is true in the castle.

Lin Feng let out an “um”, and after Pan Mengxue got the confirmation, she didn’t speak.

“Dream Snow,”

“do not speak.”


In normal times, Pan Mengxue still acts as if nothing happened, and now the acquisition is still up to her.

The first batch of apples were finally sold, nearly 10,000 catties of apples, and they were the best quality among C-level apples.

Apples are also generally more expensive.

Like prunes, C-grade prunes cost only two or three cans per pound.

However, the price of C-level apples has reached nearly ten thousand nests.

Pan Mengxue gave Lin Feng a price of 12,000 pounds, so after this batch of apples was sold, Lin Feng received more than 100 million yuan!

The price of c-grade apples is quite high, so c-grade apple seeds are basically unavailable on the market.

Because once everyone is planting, the price will definitely drop significantly, no matter how precious it is.

The supply determines the price.

Of course, even those big families on the floating island, there are not many C-grade apple seeds, because the saplings that grow out of the cores will also drop in their own rank.

The breeding of multiple crops is a difficult problem.

There is also the traditional Lin Feng, don’t worry about this problem.

In addition, the policeman’s apple is ripe once a year.

With Lin Feng, it can mature once a month or so.

Lin Feng directly asked Pan Mengxue to buy the bows that the banshees needed for him.

Good too expensive Xiao.

Like Pan Mengxue’s three-meter-tall female power user, the 4-meter-long 490-meter bow was actually not too expensive, usually only 100,000.

Which is really expensive?

It’s the kind that is only more than one meter long, but the range and strength after pulling it are similar to that of the 4-meter long bow.

The longer the bow is, the better it is, but the material must also be considered.

A bow that is too long is difficult for ordinary people to handle.

A bow of about 1.6 meters is a bow of normal length. As long as this kind of bow is made of good material, its power will be no less than that of the 4-meter long bow when it is fully drawn!

Such a bow is called an expensive one.

That is, the one Lin Feng is going to buy, 500,000.

In addition, there are actually more expensive ones, which are scarce in quantity. It is said that they are made of monsters killed by some high-level floating islands.

A bow like that is an exorbitant price.

Lin Feng doesn’t need it now, and there is no way to buy it.

Even Pan Mengxue and the others might not be able to buy it.

For a bow of 500,000, Lin Feng bought 200 at a time, which is a million gaps, and the portrait cannot be delivered at one time.

In addition, Lin Feng is going to wait for the next time when the floating island is melted, and like Pan Mengxue, he will build two more city walls.

There is also a three-tier guarantee.

In terms of defense, Lin Feng attaches great importance to it.

Now, more than ten days have passed in this month. In these ten days, Lin Feng’s military exploits are an exaggeration.

There is a monster tide every day, and it is the fourth floor monster. Every day, there are more than one cluster, and more than ten days, there are more than 10,000.

If this goes on, this month’s military exploits can exceed 30,000, and the number one in the monthly military exploits list is more than enough.

The coordinates of the dark floating island are also relaxed.

Moreover, Lin Feng’s monsters who have risen to the fifth floor are now satisfied.

From the fourth floor to the fifth floor, 20,000 monsters on the fourth floor must be killed.

Lin Feng is already satisfied!

However, Lin Feng did not rush up.

He was worried that the “welcome ceremony” would be unprecedented in history when he ascended this time!

It’s not a question of killing monsters or not.

The monsters on the sixth floor, Lansha and Huo Linger can still kill in a large area, and there is no problem of killing them.

But if the monster tide is too ferocious, it is a question of whether it can be killed.

Once there are too many monsters, the banshees will not be able to attack, and Lansha and Huo Linger will also be depleted of energy, and there is no risk of the floating island being flooded by monsters.

Although the war of attrition can still be fought, because there are fog forests and thorn forests behind, such a large floating island, it will take time for monsters to completely submerge.

During these times, the monsters can be cleaned up, but the loss of the floating island is also great.

So, Lin Feng prepares to be steady.

He was going to wait for the number of banshees to be full, to increase to between 150-200, and then raise the city wall to three layers, and then rush to the fifth layer.

And on this day, Lin Feng stumbled upon the Internet, and he seemed to be popular again.

The reason for the fire is simple.

Someone posted a video of him fighting on Panmengxuefu Island online.

It seems that there should be some mercenary shooting at that time.

“Lin Feng, I’m sorry, our propagandist accidentally leaked the video, and by the time it was discovered, it had already spread on the Internet. 1

Soon, Lin Feng received Ning Die’s payment.

He also understood why.

The number of wild wolf mercenaries is large, and they also need better visibility, followed by better business.

Therefore, Ningdie set up a special propaganda department.

Every time there is a battle, there are some dedicated battalion passers who are responsible for filming the battle video.

When Lin Feng was rhyming, a propagandist just happened to film it.

Ning Die naturally did not allow the propagandist to send out Lin Feng’s video, after all, Lin Feng’s privacy had to be considered.

The propagandist didn’t send it either, he just couldn’t help sending it to his friends.

As a result, it just leaked.

Then, it was quickly spread, and Lin Feng became popular again,

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