National Fortune Is Bound, And The Start Prompts To Choose The Cute King Slime

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: The power of the alliance breaks the demon king, and the unexpected happens!

mythical world.

Mythic Camp, North Gate.

The Bald Eagle Alliance is now fighting to the death with the Huangling python.

Attracting the main hatred is still Wilson and Thunder Eagle.

When the former uses the burst rune, its own attributes are increased by 50%, and the attack power is increased by an additional 30%.

It makes Wilson’s combat power have a very terrifying improvement.

Wilson mainly held the broken silver gun, supplemented by the thundering eagle.

-300 gunshot damage!

-28 Bleeding Rend damage — (duration 60 seconds)

-250 Thunder damage!

Under the full force of the outbreak, the damage caused to the Huangling python is naturally more considerable.

Seeing the Huangling python being held back by Wilson, the rest of the members naturally took the opportunity to take action.

After all, the final allocation of resources depends on their respective contributions.

And the inexplicable sense of oppression today made them all work harder!

Of course, the most important thing is the reason for the mysterious treasure chest!

If you are lucky, it is an opportunity to change your life against the sky.

When the time comes, they will also have a chance to compete for the hegemony!

-140 fire damage!

-80 sword strike damage!

-8 Bleeding Rend damage — (duration 30 seconds)

-70 arrow damage!

-6 poison damage — (duration 60 seconds)

Although the overall strength of the Bald Eagle Alliance has increased terribly.

But this time, the strength of the Huangling python is also not comparable to that of 233 before.

The damage caused by nature is not too exaggerated.

However, according to the current situation, it is only a matter of time if the killing is successful.

If the hunt is successful, for their alliance, the combat power will naturally rise again amazingly!

East Gate.

White Bear League leader – Grace.

With its own unusual defense.

The terrifying offensive of holding the Huangling Giant Eagle alone.

The bloodline has been improved once, so that his own innate ability has also been improved.

-130 knife damage!

-15 Bleeding Rend damage — (duration 60 seconds)

-340 ice damage — (intermediate cold effect)

Naturally, the other players of the White Bear Alliance were not to be outdone, and launched a ferocious attack on the Huangling Giant Eagle.

After all, they are also eager to get more resources, and they are also eager to get the mysterious treasure chest!

Although it is not as ferocious as acai Reis, the damage is superimposed.

The same is not to be underestimated!

-85 sword strike damage!

-8 Bleeding Rend damage — (duration 30 seconds)

-240 ice damage — (low-level cold effect)

Over time, as more and more ice attacks hit the giant statue of Huangling.

Under the erosion of the power of ice, the speed of the demon king gradually decreased.

Likewise, just give the White Bears enough time.

Then they can hunt down such a terrifying demon king!


The Allah Alliance is easier than the Bald Eagle Alliance and the White Bear Alliance.

There is a golden giant ape as a meat shield as the firepower bearing point of the Huangling giant ape.

There was another thunder eagle who interfered and assisted.

Coupled with the talent attacks of the other players in the alliance, they were bombarding the Huangling Giant Ape wildly.

Various negative attenuations made the power of the Huangling Giant Ape also continue to weaken.

No matter how terrifying the power of the Huangling Giant Ape was, it was still defeated.

No matter how roaring it was, it was useless.

Of course.

Which of the four alliances is the easiest.

Still the Dragon League!

The increase in combat power brought by the arrow formation spirit map to Longmeng is far beyond their imagination.

Relying on the cheating style of play, the members of the Longmeng have no worries about their lives.

With the terrifying blessing of the arrow formation spirit map.

And because Longmeng is good at toxin attack.

Various and strange toxins are superimposed, and the damage is very terrifying.

Therefore, among the four alliances at present, the one with the highest damage is naturally the Dragon Alliance!

The Huangling Giant Bear was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

It’s obvious that those Damn it’s ants are weak and outrageous.

As long as his attack can hit, it is absolutely certain to die.

But that Damn it’s extremely invisible energy, no matter how it attacks, it doesn’t move at all?

Obviously those ants are so fragile, the attack should be insignificant.

But together, it’s so terrifying?

This is the first time since the birth of Siji Town Earth Beast, such a situation has been encountered!

The major league players are fortunate to form an alliance.

Fight alone and face such a terrifying demon king.

Not to mention hunting it down, even if I mention the courage to fight it, I don’t know if there is any.

But now, they can actually suppress such a terrifying demon king?

And as time goes by, this repressive force will only become more and more terrifying.

The four alliance leaders are also lucky in this regard.

Fortunately, I had a long-term vision and thought of forming an alliance early.

Combine the overall strength of the alliance to help yourself grow!

Isn’t that much better than growing up alone?

Even in the face of a demon king stronger than himself, he can be easily killed with the power of the alliance!

At the same time, they couldn’t help but think of Li Daoxuan and Yan Xianyi.

Contempt for both of them.

For now, they are indeed far ahead.

But for now, the two of them are just relying on luck.

With luck, how far can you go?

Their stable growth is not purely by luck, but by strength.

This is the kingly way!

They didn’t believe that the luck of those two guys could always be so good?

Sooner or later, they will be able to surpass it sooner or later!

Just when they were in a thousand thoughts, a change appeared.

As time passed, the expressions of the major alliances suddenly became somewhat ugly.

It turned out that the Siji Town Earth Beast, after roaring in anger, turned out to be… evacuating from the camp.

Until retreat to a place 3 kilometers away from the camp.

There is no real evacuation, just stay there, a pair of eyes staring at the major alliances with bloodthirsty.

After all, he has cultivated to a realm like Siji Town Earth Beast.

But unlike the previous monsters, whose intelligence was low, they would only stay around the camp without thinking and be hunted.

The four alliance leaders were silent for a moment.

I wanted to try and fight back.

But after one time, those four-pole town earth beasts are no longer fooled.

Seeing them go out, the Siji Town Earth Beasts evacuated at the same time.

At this time, they all understood the meaning of Siji Town Earth Beast.

This is a little tricky.

Without the help of the camp, the danger level will naturally increase a lot.

If they don’t care about the land beasts in Siji Town, then they can’t go out to collect resources at all.

The leaders of the four alliances are all very decisive, and immediately led them out to fight the demon king!

At this time, it is impossible for them to give up nature.

And they were all worried that if Li Daoxuan and Yan Xianyi returned at this time.

If they are hunted down by the two of them at that time, then all the previous efforts will be in vain!

However, at this time, the world announcement that had been silent for a long time suddenly sounded!

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