National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 107

Chapter 106: The Straw Hats And Laboon’S New Story

Chapter 106: The Straw Hats and Laboon’s New Story

Qin Yang didn’t know anything about Marine’s plans with Doflamingo.

Of course, even if he knew, Qin Yang would not be moved at all.

After all, from the moment he entered the world of pirates, he would not counsel any forces.

The big deal is a fight.

If he loses, he will be beaten back to his original form at most. With his current status as a bounty of 300 million yuan, he can also gain a high social status when he returns to Blue Star, and he will not worry about food and drink for the rest of his life.

So Qin Yang is fearless and fearless.

“Be careful, the current is fast ahead and the channel is narrow.

Everyone had already arrived at the place where the four seas of Gemini Cape met, when suddenly the sea was turbulent.

Nami hurriedly directed everyone to control the Merry.

“There’s a bend ahead and I’m about to hit it… 55

Usopp exclaimed, seeing that the Merry was about to hit the hard rock of the Red Line, hit the hull and damaged it, and there was a danger of sinking.

“Nine-Two” “Give it to me.


Luffy grinned, and when the boat turned and was about to hit the mountain wall, Luffy instantly turned into a huge balloon at an amazing speed.

After turning into a balloon, Luffy was blocked between the rock wall and the boat, and the boat slammed into Luffy hard.

Although the impact was not light, Luffy was unharmed, and even when the boat rolled over Luffy, Luffy was still laughing.

Obviously the captain is having a good time.

With the help of Luffy’s Rubber Fruit ability, Merry entered the Twin Points smoothly.

It seems a bit contrary to common sense that the current is constantly rising.

But the world is so magical.

The Merry rushed to the highest point, and immediately opened up in front of her eyes.

At the highest point, the Red Line can be seen.

Following the downward current, the Merry quickly rushed from the river to the Grand Line.

“Ah․.‥…There is a mountain in front of…

“The big thing is bad, we’re going to bump into it again. oooooooooo

As soon as they reached the exit of the river, they saw a large mountain in the middle of the river, blocking the river.

And the downward water flow is too fast, if you are not careful, you may directly hit the black mountain in front of you.

“That’s not a mountain, that’s a whale. 35

Qin Yang, who knew the plot, also experienced the danger of Gemini Cape.

When he saw the huge black mountain in front of him, he immediately recognized that it was the whale Laboon, the Laboon who had been waiting for Brook’s Rumba Pirates for fifty years.

From a small whale at the beginning, it has grown into a giant.


“Qin Yang, you said that the mountain is a whale, are you lying?”

Usopp still doesn’t believe Qin Yang’s words, how is it possible?

After all, if such a big mountain is really a whale, can the whale grow so big?

That is hundreds of meters high.

“Yeah, Qin Yang, you bastard, you are talking nonsense, it’s a mountain, but you say it’s a whale.

Nami didn’t believe it.

Even Sanji, Zoro, Luffy stared at the black mountain.

It just makes them strange that, on that black mountain, they seem to see a huge eye, does the mountain have eyes?

Just so weird?


With a loud noise, the Merry could not control it, and slammed into Laboon, breaking the sheep’s head on the bow of the Merry.

That sheep’s head is also Luffy’s favorite place to stay.

Immediately got angry.

Seeing the mountain, especially the giant eye, Luffy clearly felt that it was not a mountain, but a monster.

But without hesitation, he punched Laboon’s eyes.


Luffy punched out, and his arm quickly went up, hitting Laboon’s eyes.


At that moment, Laboon let out a deafening roar under the pain.


Everyone was stunned.

Will the mountain move?

And also screaming.

“Boom boom…

The angry Laboon rolled up the sea in an instant, trying to overturn the Merry.

At this moment, everyone was shocked to discover that the mountain in front of them was really not a mountain, but a giant whale.


“Qin Yang, how do you know it’s a whale?”

“Have you been to Twin Points?”

Both Nami and Usopp expressed their shock. Qin Yang said at the beginning that it was a whale, but they still didn’t believe it.

Now, after the whale was provoked by Luffy, it became clear that it was indeed a whale.

“Although I’ve never been to Twin Points, I know the whale’s story.

“Luffy, don’t attack the whale, let’s move to the side to avoid its attack.

Qin Yang stopped Luffy, everyone exerted their strength together, and quickly drove the Merry away into the distance, pulling a little distance from Laboon.

A little further away, everyone looked carefully again, only to see the huge figure of Laboon, most of which floated on the sea, but kept looking towards the direction of Twin Points…

“Wow.. Really a big whale…

Luffy exclaimed.

Usopp used to brag to Kaya in the village that he had seen monsters as huge as mountains, and even humans lived on their backs.

Now that he saw Laboon, he suddenly felt that the bull he bragged about had actually become real.


Laboon suddenly let out a tragic roar, and immediately, under everyone’s attention, Laboon slammed into the Red Line fiercely.


With a loud bang, Red Line bounced Laboon back, but there was blood on Laboon’s head.

Everyone was stunned.


“What is this whale doing? How did it hit the Red Line on purpose?”

“Look, it’s bleeding all over its head, it looks so cruel.

“How do I feel this whale is sad…

Everyone in the Straw Hats couldn’t bear it, and sure enough, the next moment, the whale slammed into the Red Line again, one after another, and each time it hit the head and blood was broken.

Nami frowned: “It feels so pitiful.””

“By the way, Qin Yang, you said you know it, then you know how this whale hits the Red Line so well?

“It looks so pitiful, I really want to stop it.”

Every time Laboon hits, the sea will be dyed a large area of 3.8 red, and the scene is very miserable.

Seeing that his friends looked at him curiously, Qin Yang nodded and told the story of Laboon.

When everyone heard Laboon’s story, they were stunned again.

“Laboon turned out to be really pitiful, it still has such a story.

“I have waited fifty years for a promise. Fifty years, it is estimated that the Rumba Pirates have long since disappeared, and they will never be able to wait for their original partners to return. 35

In an instant, everyone in the Straw Hats felt heavy.

For a promise, I waited fifty years, and the black thief group would never come back.

“Qin Yang, what should I do?”

“Can we stop hitting Red Line? 35

“Better tell it the news and let it stop waiting.

Qin Yang is ready to do something.

He said to everyone: “No, there are still people alive in the Rumba Pirates…

After all, encountering Brook, even if it was the Straw Hats, was due to luck.

We can only let Laboon continue to wait.

“You know my name?”

Crocus was surprised that the young man who met him for the first time knew his name.

And it is very surprising to know the story of the Rumba Pirates and Laboon.

He even knew that the Rumba Pirates still had a survivor, which shocked him.

“Of course, you are Roger’s ship doctor, how could I not know.”

Qin Yang smiled, this old man is also very old, but he also has a legendary life.


Crocus has been completely frightened by Qin Yang, how does this kid know everything, and also know that he is the ship doctor of One Piece Roger?

“Isn’t it?”

“Are you really Roger’s ship doctor?”

The rest of the Straw Hats also expressed their shock.

They couldn’t believe it when they saw Roger’s ship doctor.

This seemingly ordinary old man actually has such a great story.

Luffy even said directly: “Hey, you have been Roger’s ship doctor, and you can also be our ship doctor,

Crocus waved his hand: “I’m old…you can find a younger and better ship doctor as your partner.

He rejected Luffy.

However, he is still interested in the Rumba Pirates.

After stopping the Merry at the place where Crocus rested, everyone asked Crocus about the Rumba Pirates and the story of One Piece.

And Qin Yang, ready to tell Laboon about Brook.

He came to the rock wall in front of Laboon and looked at Laboon with bloody head.

“Laboon, stop bumping…

“Continue to wait here, your partner will come to you soon.”

Qin Yang spoke.

Laboon has lived for fifty years, and has long been able to understand human speech.

Hearing Qin Yang’s words at this moment, he rushed in front of Qin Yang with a pleading look on his face.

It seems to be asking, is it true?

Looking at Laboon in front of him, Qin Yang reached out and touched Laboon’s nose.

“Don’t worry, what I said is true, your partner will come back to meet you.

“Don’t hit the wall again, if you say you’re dead, your partner won’t see you. 39

After Qin Yang finished speaking, Laboon immediately nodded seriously.

Then there was a shout of cheer.

Waiting for Qin Yang to return to the Merry and wave goodbye to Crocus.

At this time, Laboon happily circled around the Merry.

Even 920 to Nami and others extended their hands and interacted with Laboon. Laboon was obviously very happy and chased the Merry.

“Laboon, wait with confidence, your partner will definitely come.

Qin Yang waved to Laboon who was following behind the boat.

Laboon also sent everyone a ride before returning to Twin Points and continuing to wait for the Lombard Pirates.

“Qin Yang, how do you know there are still people alive in the Rumba Pirates?”

“You can’t lie to Laboon, Laboon is so pitiful, if you let it wait in vain, its life will be full of regrets. 99

For Laboon, everyone in the Straw Hat Group was very interested.

Still asking about it.

“Believe me, we’ll meet someone from the Rumba Pirates, and that’s a good musician.

Qin Yang said with great certainty again.


“Wow…. Qin Yang, you said that the living Rumba Pirates are musicians?”

“Then I must make him our partner, we just happen to be missing a musician on board. 35

Luffy was immediately excited when he heard that.

He just wanted a musician as a partner.

Nami immediately bared his teeth and was furious: “Bastard, the members of the Rumba Pirates are at least seventy or eighty years old, how can they be our partners?”

As he said that, a fist of love hit Luffy on the forehead.

The others threaten Luffy one by one.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yang laughed,

In the end, Luffy would still invite the nearly ninety-year-old Brook as a partner.

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