Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

Chapter 3

3. Going Through The Back Door Is So Open And Aboveboard, “A New Book Asks For Flowers!”

“…Suoga! I didn’t expect you, Dad, to be a Grandmaster… it’s amazing!”

Leonardo said with admiration on his face as if he was dazed.

He agrees with Dad’s theory very much. He still understands the principle of being a first-timer with a gun, and he doesn’t have any desire to be an Admiral and become a hegemon in the sea. Honestly, Marine works as a 9-to-5 part-time worker. He’s not bad either, even though he didn’t have both his parents dead, he has a half-sister below him. He must be steady when he has not developed the six-god costume in the early stage, and can’t wave.

“Of course, I haven’t been a scumbag for so many years.”

Old Curry also looked proud when he saw his son’s adoring little eyes.


Naval Headquarters College was not established by Marine’s former Admiral Zephyr, but has existed for many years. However, there has not been a formal, professional and systematic education model in these years. Most of the instructors are trained on the front line. People who were seriously injured and lacked arms and legs were transformed into Marine Academy Instructors. The former Naval Headquarters Academy was just a place for mixed qualifications. As long as you made great achievements in the front line or the leaders saw your talent, they will give you an admission place. After two years out, he can be promoted to the ranks of officers, so Marine and the World government do not take Marine Academy very seriously. Two years ago, Admiral Zephyr “doesn’t kill” because his wife and children were killed in revenge by pirates, and he was dismissed in frustration. The Admiral position turned behind-the-scenes Isshin to develop talent for Marine.

And because there is no real overlord in the sea after the overlord Rocks, the pirates are becoming more and more rampant. Just relying on the previous training model, Marine can’t keep up with the pace of development of the pirates. After all, they are brainwashing. The ability is just right, and a single sentence of yearning for freedom can make more than half of the young people put down their hoes and pick up a big knife and go out to sea. Most young people do not like to be restrained. It happens that Marine is the place with the most restraints. , Few young people will join Marine, no matter how good the benefits of Marine are, but how can it be easy to stand out as a pirate, as long as you are on the bounty of Marine, you are already a coffee, and if the bounty exceeds 10 million, you are a first-line leader Coffee, the bounty is over 100 million, and the people of your hometown can erect statues for you.

On the contrary, there are very few Marines who can be named after so many years, and many of them are unknown heroes behind the scenes. For the young people who want to be successful in Isshin, Marine is obviously not the way out. Who knows you if you are not famous?

This pirate is developing too fast, and the pressure on Marine is great. Before the Marine Academy was established, the Naval Headquarters officers were cut out step by step starting from the soldiers. If the credit happens, the leaders will see you and give you a promotion, but this way After all, there are still too few talents. Many people are obviously talented, but because Marine does not have a professional system training model, many talented talents have not been professionally trained by the system. It’s getting cold, so after Zephyr, an Admiral level, transformed into an Instructor soldier and taught the previous two classes of students to come out of the gap with other Marine officers, Marine and the World government finally knew that Zephyr was an excellent education job that Admiral had delayed for many years. In the past two years, support for Naval Headquarters College has been increased.

There are two more Marine future stars, the two major Logias are the cards, and the reputation of the Naval Headquarters Academy has gradually expanded. Since this year, many Marine officers in the headquarters will send their children to the Marine Academy as long as they are old. They used to be gilded, Now there is an educator like Zephyr, but I don’t understand it. Everyone is in the sea. They know how dangerous the sea is. If their children are stronger, they will face less danger in the future, right?

When old Curry brought little Curry to Marine Academy, there was already a sea of ​​people here, not only the officers of the headquarters brought their children to school, but also many talents discovered by Marine all over the world, including the little monsters sent by Marine heroes. The most famous.

Garp is a Marine hero, a sturdy man who chases the big pirate Roger with a pair of iron fists, and who is recommended by him to enter school, can he be ordinary?

“Zephyr Admiral, I’ll ask you later.”

Old Curry took Leonardo to Zephyr’s office, and the way his father nodded and bowed in front of Zephyr was completely different from the way he was bragging at home. Leonardo was speechless behind him.

Is this the little brother in your mouth?

Who is who’s little brother…

The current Zephyr is not like the old man with the mechanical arm in the original book.

A middle-aged man with purple hair and a meticulous Admiral cape, a pair of silver-framed glasses, and a straight purple suit, if it weren’t for the majestic pectoralis major muscles that are too conspicuous, the image of a proper high-level intellectual, it is hard to imagine this After more than 20 years, the gentle middle-aged man will become the old villain who wants to destroy the world.

“Brother Curry just call me Zephyr, I’m no longer Admiral, I’ll teach little Curry to be a real Marine.”

Zephyr looked at the big brother who nodded and bowed and said, and felt helpless in his heart. He has been upright all his life and has always been businesslike. The most annoying thing is to go through the back door. In the past two years, many people have come to him and go through the back door to make him take care of them more. The younger generation, but they were all thrown out of the office by him without discrimination.

But this big brother is different. He is his serious guide on the Marine Road. When he was still recruiting, it was this big brother who brought him out and shared his experience with him. It is useless to grow up, but having such a caring big brother to lead his debut, let him feel the warmth of the Marine family, this incense love should be remembered.

“Haha, that’s not good, the rules still have to be followed, then this kid…”


“Hahaha, Zephyr, why is the door closed during the day, did someone come looking for you to go through the back door… eh? Brother Curry is also here to go through the back door, right? I happen to be one of them, this kid is little Curry, right? A dozen or so? I’ve become a big kid in a year..!”

Before old Curry could finish speaking, the door to Zephyr’s office burst open, followed by a loud laugh from outside.

Hearing this heroic laughter, Leonardo’s eyelids twitched.

In Naval Headquarters, who dares to smash Zephyr’s gate in this way, besides the novice village NPC, Marine hero Garp, who else?

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