Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

Chapter 458

458. Who Cheers Us On When You Drive Them Away

Although his cooperation with Doflamingo is no longer a big secret, after all, there is no Queen’s City to Sabaody’s land. It doesn’t matter and no one believes it. As long as anyone who has a heart connects the matter of Celestial Dragons’ fight for slaves with Doflamingo’s auction house, it is easy to think of him, especially those news media with big brains, Mr. Garp. The reason why boys and grandchildren can be associated with Dorag is that Mariejois meets true love and the Celestial Dragons girl disappears for love in such a romantic comedy.

The rise of Doflamingo will make it easier for them to think of him. After all, Doflamingo started on his territory. There are many things that he can do but can’t say. Especially since he is still Marine Admiral, the appearance of the entire Marine is even better. Not anymore.

“Cut! What are we doing, we haven’t finished it yet!

“That’s right, Marine is amazing. We didn’t break the law. We were just watching and cheering. Why should we leave. What law says we can’t watch the battle?”

“Yes! Why…”

When Dominic took Uncle Marine to evacuate the crowd, the residents and businessmen on Sabaody were better. After all, they were all honest people. Uncle Marine didn’t let the crowd watch. Although it was a little regretful, I had already watched the first half. , For these little people in the deep well, it is enough for them to enter the family tree and not enjoy the first fragrance. In the future, they need to be covered by Uncle Marine, so they can’t offend Uncle Marine, and the eldest brother is still the handsome “undead Admiral” Marine..

But those pirates are different. They are rebellious people. Although Marine Admiral is in charge of Sabaody, they can’t do it. They come to Sabaody and obey the rules of Sabaody and be good children, but now they are only good children. Just being a spectator for the Celestial Dragons, and not gathering a crowd to make trouble, why did Marine drive them away?

Even some pirates who have studied law for a few years are more promising, that is, they are justified and straightforward, it can be said that it is reasonable to travel all over the world!


“Made, you bastards, the labor and management have changed to vegetarian all these years? Especially you, Charlotte’s fat woman’s peripheral little milk dog, you have read a few laws, right? Believe it or not, the labor and management will pick you up. Just go to the New World parade and see if Charlotte will come to save you? It’s okay to get out of my way! (♥~X)”

Watching these bastards arguing, especially the one with the Charlotte Fatty Pirates logo tattoo engraved on the arm is the little milk dog who speaks the law, Leonardo’s temper is also coming, Conqueror’s Haki is fully open ,Although it doesn’t have the exaggerated special effects of the real Dragon Knight Shanks, but with Kaido, Charlotte fat woman can also be 55% off

After shaking the group of pirates kalami into dizziness, rolling up his sleeves and pointing at a group of small kalami is a ton of spray, especially the peripheral puppy under the banner of the fat woman Charlotte, who just screamed in this bastard. most liked.

I have to say that Charlotte’s fat woman is really qualified, and the younger brother she receives is a cultural person who has read law for a few years…

“Bastard! You chased them away, who will be the audience for us? (▼▼▼#)”

“That’s it! You drive them all away, who cheers us on? (#Dan’)?”

However, when the pirates Karamy were so frightened that they were about to leave like their real grandsons, the two little fat guys on the other side were probably in the middle of nowhere, and they were not shocked by Leonardo’s Haki, but seemed to be red. The bottle was full of blood in an instant, and he hooked his shoulders on his back, trotting aggressively all the way to Leonardo and said angrily.

People who don’t know the previous plot still think that these two are good teammates.

They have grown up so much, and it was the first time today that they felt the feeling of being paid attention to by everyone. This feeling made them very cool and enjoyed the enthusiasm of everyone. Everyone was cheering for them. This was something they had never enjoyed before. Yes, that kind of shouting in the crowd made their blood warm, as if they were full of energy.

Now everyone has been driven away by this bastard Marine, the blood in their bodies seems to be stuck, and a group of uncomfortable…

Others are afraid of you Marine Admiral, but they are not at all cowardly.

“(⊙_⊙) This…they are both dragons and phoenixes among people, red rabbits among horses, Tibetan mastiffs among dogs, literate and literate people standing on the highest point in the world, and they are like street runners in front of a large audience. Fighting back and forth will inevitably damage your noble image in people’s minds, only those uneducated people will fight and kill at every turn, right?”

Leonardo was also a little confused by the changes of these two fat men. Just now, he looked like he wanted to kill his father and take his wife, but now he is wearing a pair of pants.

The thinking of Celestial Dragons is really different from that of ordinary people…

…… you are right, we are all noble Celestial Dragons, how can we lose our identity like those pariahs……

Among them, this fat man named Shi Weiya Lisheng touched his chin and deliberately looked at his rather tasteful clothes. Although he was torn a little by the bastard of Maniloko, he could still see it from the intact leftovers. After seeing the beauty and taste of the past, he nodded in agreement. Although this bastard Marine ruined their good deeds, there is nothing wrong with what he said. They are Celestial Dragons, ancestral nobles. Fighting and killing like a liuzi, isn’t that tasteless like those pariahs?

“That’s right! But today I have to tell this bastard who wins or loses, so what do you think you can do? (^▼x)”

Another fat man named Mani Luo Kesheng agreed with this statement, but he was impulsive just now, how could a high-class person like them (Nuo Zhaozhao) do the kind of behavior that only low-class street idiots do on the street what suit?

However, when he thought of how dare this dead fat man beside him dare to rob him of slaves, he felt anger and courage, and glared at the dead fat man beside him and said fiercely.

“You bastard, fat man, who are you calling a bastard, believe it or not, labor and capital will kill you! (▶a)”

The fat man Shi Weiya Lisheng, who had calmed down a little, heard that the fat fat man actually called him a bastard, and the powder keg exploded again in an instant. He turned his head and almost gave a devil kiss to the fat fat man who was still on a blind date and loved his teammate just now. Just a spray.

“Bastard, how dare you say that you will kill me, and labor and capital will kill you now…(#`a’)?”

On the other side, the little fat man of Mani Luo Kesheng was also blown up. Rolling up his sleeves is about to be stunned. Whoever gets down first today is the grandson……(▼_▼#).

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