Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

Chapter 487

487. Akainu Is So Bloody

.I’m Sengoku, Kuzan, what’s up with Akainu?””

Sengoku answered the phone and asked.

In fact, he should have called a long time ago to find out what was going on, but the continuous bombardment of the phone for the past two days made him dizzy and forgot about it. Now Kuzan is calling and he is just asking what is going on. What kind of situation is this? Why did the two of them go to New World together, and only Akainu got started. Before the two of them set off, he told them to keep a low profile, and it turned out to be such a big deal.

Things start from the day we entered the New World…-_-||”

New World is an uninhabited island where chickens don’t lay eggs and birds don’t poop. The sea around the island is covered with a thick layer of ice, and there are seven or eight pirate groups frozen into lifelike ice sculptures standing on the ice. On the ice, I heard Aokiji’s Admiral car on the shore of the island, but there was no Akainu’s Admiral car. The number of Uncle Marines here is half of that when we set out to New World. Half of Uncle Marine are from Kuzan. In the center of the island’s hinterland, Kuzan held the phone with a helpless expression and began to tell 22 stories of Marine Admiral Akainu’s great achievements in entering the New World and why he was formed by a group of big pirates.

It turned out that after the two of them received the order to “do things in a low-key manner” in New World to try to delay the opening of the New World finals, they also immediately gathered people to set off. When they entered the New World, Akainu suddenly became violent. It is no wonder that people like Akainu who hated evil and hated pirates naturally regarded New World as the main battlefield. Along the way, they saw pirates fighting or fighting. The pirates passed by, Akainu didn’t say a word and rushed up just like a gan, that’s how bloody.

In fact, it’s Sengoku’s fault. If Kizaru came with Akainu, with Kizaru in his way, Akainu would be able to hold back his temper, but Kuzan is different. Kuzan’s temper is neither arguing nor grabbing, even if he doesn’t like a person like Akainu The crime is to come up with the feudal system of killing the pirates from top to bottom, and he will only hide this dissatisfaction in his heart and won’t say much so as not to affect the atmosphere in the group, so Kuzan is not at all. I couldn’t hold back Akainu’s temper.

As it should be, during the period of entering the New World, the New World was in a special period of wars everywhere. With the addition of Akainu, the oriole, it can be said that just a few days after entering the New World, Akainu’s data has been secured. The MVP of the year, but even so, Akainu is still not satisfied, he always thought he was the leader of MarineF4, but everyone knows that in New World, Leonardo, the “undead Admiral”, is more deterrent than his name. Too many, this is also the place where he, the leader of MarineF4, is not recognized by everyone. This time, Kizaru is not there, nor is Leonardo anymore. Aokiji is a slacker. In this situation, Akainu naturally has to grasp A rare opportunity to brush him upside down, let the pirates of New World know that he Akainu is the head of MarineF4.

So on the way Akainu was a big brush, and even when he saw the pirate group, he didn’t dare to know what they came from. When he waved his hand, it was a big lava, which made Kuzan annoyed. Although he is Marine Admiral, But after all, he was in the club, and he knows better than many people that dwarf mules are not all bad people. The same is true for pirates. After following his boss for several years, he also realized that pirates are actually all bad people. , There are actually good people among the pirates. Although they are collectively called pirates, their main business is actually adventurers.

However, Akainu’s innocence is like seeing pirates for a while, and Aokiji can’t bear it anymore. The two quarreled because of their different ideas. Aokiji thinks that they still have a task to do this time, before going out. Marshal Sengoku also specifically instructed to keep things low-key, not too high-profile, Marine killing pirates is right, but your mother should also be low-key, this kind of indiscriminate killing is nothing.

However, Akainu thought that it was right for Marshal Sengoku to let them do things in a low-key manner, but catching pirates was Marine’s duty, and there was nothing wrong with him doing so. In the end, the two could not convince anyone. It was also uncomfortable, so he simply acted in the limelight, out of sight and out of mind, as long as he completed the task of Marshal Sengoku.

However, after the split, Akainu was even more reckless and did whatever he wanted. Isshin wanted to open up his reputation as a red dog in New World, and brought a lot of people to specialize. Of course, Akainu is not an idiot, New World is not their Marine after all. The chassis, and they are weak and weak, it seems that they have no intention of rushing to the main battlefield of Kaido and Whitebeard. Now they are destroying the living force of the New World pirates from the periphery, and then gradually eroding the power of the New World pirates. Even if they can’t delay the opening of the New World finals, they can weaken the power of the New World pirates, right?

But in New World, many pirate groups are related households. The little pirates are the pirate groups attached to the big pirates, just like the other pirate groups in Whitebeard. Although it is not a relationship between godfather and godson, it is also a big brother and a little brother. , Akainu has brushed so much along the way, it can be said that many big pirates have been irritated. Now it is really a war period, it is really a time of employment, Akainu brushes on like this, and they finally conquered the younger brother. , At that time, they will still fight for a fart, but considering that the opponent is Marine Admiral, they may not necessarily be opponents if they come to avenge their younger brother, so they can only hold their anger and send it to their opponents when they are fighting.

If that’s the case, Akainu’s plan might really be successful, but when he was rushing a group of pirates, Akainu threw the son of Demixus, the captain of the Wrangler Pirates, too. Kesius is the old fritters of New World. Such a guy naturally likes Xun. Although he is not famous, he can make countless friends in the circle of New World pirates. In addition, his own strength is also very strong. Many pirate groups do not have it. The entanglement of interests will give him more or less face, and this Demicius is still old, and he is about to pass his sixtieth birthday. He is going to wash his hands and retire and enjoy his happiness. After hearing the bad news, how can he bear it? , He worked hard for most of his life, and finally had a son to inherit his family business, and as a result, he was stunned by Marine. For a time, Demicius was the old man talking about teenage madness, a cloud-piercing arrow Thousands of troops met, and when Demixus stood up and waved the flag, the big pirates whose younger brother had been brushed over and over by Akainu also abandoned their previous suspicions and decided to give Demixus face a temporary truce. This Marine Admiral named Red Dog is going to talk about it!

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