NBA: About Me Being Reincarnated As Yasuo, the Wind Walker

Chapter 151

Chapter 149 – Before The 2Nd Round Playoffs

[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

The moment the game whistle blew, Travis Outlaw rushed into the field excitedly, and Channing Fry raised his right hand high and screamed.

The Trail Blazers bench was full of applause and laughter, Aldridge clenched his fists excitedly, Zhang Jun and his teammates clapped hands one by one.


Yao Ming and McGrady were reluctant to leave for a long time. They looked at the rejoicing Portland fans with a very unpleasant look in their eyes.

Throughout the series, Francis didn’t go to the Rockets’ bench until this time, and hugged his former teammates.

Francis patted Yao Ming on the shoulder.

“You played beautifully in this series, Yao.”

Yao Ming smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Francis and said, “No, I didn’t play well. If I could be like O’Neill, even in the face of double-teams, I can face the storm on the court, the ending will not be like this .”

“But I want to congratulate you, making it to the second round of the Western Conference.”

Francis couldn’t help but smile, Yao Ming was probably the only one who could congratulate his opponent for winning after losing the series.

In fact, this is the second time Francis has entered the playoffs in his career. Even as a former Western All-Star player, he is only on the stage of the playoffs for the second time, and he is still a complete veteran player.

“You should go to a championship team, Steve.” Yao Ming said suddenly.

Francis knows why the other party said that, because he is 31 years old, and his competitive state on the court is not as good as before. The most important thing for him to do now is to join a championship team to win the championship, and then end his career perfectly. basketball career.

“But you know, I still have a contract, I’m still a member of the Trail Blazers, and I still have the task of helping young players grow.”

“And I like the environment of the Blazers’ locker room. This team has been winning. I like this winning environment very much. It is much better than when I was in the New York Knicks.”

Yao Ming nodded. This Trail Blazers team has indeed made a sudden breakthrough this season, catching all teams in the Western Conference by surprise.

“I’m afraid that starting this season, this Trail Blazers team will become a very strong team in the West.”

At this time, Zhang Jun also walked towards here, he smiled at Yao Ming, and the two hugged and greeted.

Although the two are direct competitors on the court, Yao Ming blocked Zhang Jun, and Zhang Jun also dunked Yao Ming three times without mercy, but when the whistle blew the series ended, they were still very good. friend.

“I wish you success in the playoffs.” Yao Ming said sincerely.

Zhang Jun patted Yao Ming’s shoulder and said, “What about you?”

Yao Ming said: “I want to go back to China as soon as possible to prepare for the upcoming Olympics. I am the host of this Olympics. I will work hard to prepare for the Chinese men’s basketball team to create miracles at my doorstep.”

It can be seen that Yao Ming attaches more importance to the women’s team than the NBA. Zhang Jun knew that this was not an easy way to go, so he just patted the other party encouragingly and didn’t say much.

McGrady hugged Zhang Jun vigorously.

“You kid and Yao communicate in Chinese the whole time, and I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Zhang Jun smiled and said, “We’re talking about how to get you to the Trail Blazers with him.”

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

McGrady scolded angrily, “Fuck you.”

The cries of MVP from the Portland fans continued. Zhang Jun waved his hand to greet the fans, and finally took off his jersey excitedly to a beautiful female fan.

locker room.

Coach Nate McMillan was poured a bucket of ice water by James Jones, as was Monty Williams.

Jarrett Jack and Steve Blake danced excitedly in the locker room, and Joel Przybilla sang the latest Taylor Swift song.

“Hey guys, quiet down and listen to me.”

Nate McMillan interrupted the celebrating players at the right time and said: “We won this round of the series. We defeated the mighty Rockets with tenacious fighting spirit and perseverance, but the playoffs are not over.”

“Our fight will continue.”

“The series between the Hornets and the Suns has not yet been decided. One of them will be our opponent.”

“The Suns are a veteran team, and the Hornets are a strong young team like us.”

“In short, they are all teams that are by no means weaker than the Rockets, so we must cheer up and make adequate preparations.”

Hearing this, everyone’s face is solemn. In the past, these two teams were opponents that the Trail Blazers only looked up to, but now they can stand in the same round of playoffs as each other.

It’s both an honor and a pressure.

Zhang Jun stretched out his hand, and all his teammates gathered tacitly. Nate McMillan and Monty Williams also put their hands on it.

Zhang Jun didn’t explain or say harsh words, but just shouted their slogans.

“The Blazers!”



Western Division.

The Lakers defeated the Mavericks 4:0 and entered the second round of the Western Conference ahead of schedule. They also became the first players to enter the next round among all playoff teams.

In this way, the Lakers players can also get a very sufficient rest time, and their physical condition will be the best among all second-round teams.

The Spurs defeated the Jazz 4:1, and the Trail Blazers defeated the Rockets 4:1. The two teams became the second echelon, and each can have a good rest time to prepare for the second round.

Now all the teams in the West are waiting for the results of the Suns and the Hornets. The two teams also scored 2:3. The Hornets won the fierce battle of Tianwangshan, and the qualifying situation is very good.

Eastern Division.

The Eagles even drew two games in a row and tied the Celtics 2:2 after losing two games first. This scene shocked everyone, even Atlanta’s own fans were frightened With a jump, he bluntly said that he didn’t expect his team to be so fierce, and he could still play against the Celtics.

You must know that before the start of this round of the series, all fans and media reporters generally believed that this would be a series in which the Celtics would kill the Quartet 4:0. The Big Three have also been questioned by everyone from this moment on. .

Fortunately, the Celtics won the battle of Tianwangshan and moved the big score to 3:2, but whether they can win the victory later has made everyone skeptical.

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

The big score between the Cavaliers and the Wizards is also 3:2, and the Pistons also lead the 76ers 3:2. Only the Magic beat the Raptors 4:1.

Three consecutive big scores of 3:2 in the East appeared in the first round, but the intensity far exceeded that of the West.


May 3rd.

The first round of the East and West playoffs is finally over.

The Hornets defeated the veteran Suns team 4:2. Chris Paul’s terrifying triple-double of 24 points, 11 rebounds and 15 assists in the last key game helped the team win the game in one fell swoop.

The Celtics in the East surprised everyone by losing the sixth game. Fortunately, they beat the Eagles in the tiebreaker and made it to the second round with difficulty.

The Cavaliers defeated the Wizards 4:2. The general Gilbert Arenas encountered LeBron James’ trash talk on a key free throw in the final period: If you miss the penalty, I will reap the game.

It was this trash talk that made Gilbert Arenas miss the key free throw, helping the Cavaliers and LeBron James have the last laugh.

The Pistons also defeated the 76ers 4:2.

The league office quickly announced the upcoming second round of the playoffs.

West: Lakers vs. Spurs, Trail Blazers vs. Hornets.

East: Celtics vs. Cavaliers, Pistons vs. Magic.


The Barkley Show.

Kenny Smith said very curiously: “First of all, congratulations to the above eight teams for entering the conference semifinals. Among the upcoming four matchups, which matchup do you like most, Charles, and which team do you think can successfully advance to the conference finals? “

After thinking for a while, Barkley said solemnly: “The battle between the Lakers and the Spurs must be very classic. The match between the OK combination and the Spurs twin towers was once very addictive.”

“Now this is a new Kobe Bryant-led Lakers team, and this Spurs team is pretty much the same Spurs team.”

“This is not a small challenge for the Lakers and Kobe. Kobe wants to prove that he can succeed without O’Neal, so now is the best opportunity.”

“O’Neal led the Lakers to defeat this powerful opponent, and now it’s his turn.”

“And then there’s the youth battle between the Hornets and the Trail Blazers.”

“Both teams are very young teams. The core of the Hornets, Chris Paul, was drafted in 2005, and the core of the Trail Blazers, Zhang Jun, was drafted in 2007. Both are young leaders, so this will become A tough fight.”

Kenny Smith couldn’t help but chuckled and said, “Don’t beat around the bush with me, Charles, just tell me, which of these two Western Conference matchups do you prefer.”

Barkley broke through the defense instantly with a serious look, and also smiled: “I think the Spurs will have the last laugh, because they are the defending champions, and they have the strength to beat this Lakers team with Kobe and Gasol.”

“I know many people think that the Lakers have a better record than the Spurs, so they have a better chance of winning, but in fact, the Lakers value the record very much this season. The core players played almost all games, while the Spurs Pope We all know the nature of Mr. Vicky, Duncan almost scored a double-double in the last game, and was inexplicably injured in the next game, and then he reappeared and had a double-double.

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

“The Spurs are not interested in the record in the regular season. What they want is to defend the title this season, so this is a team that has prepared more for the playoffs. They are ready to defend the title.”

“As for the Hornets and Trail Blazers, I think the Hornets should enter the Western Conference Finals, and Chris Paul will touch the floor of the Western Conference Finals for the first time in his career.”

“Don’t ask me why, I just want to tell you that the Trail Blazers shouldn’t have appeared in the second round. They were able to score because of the Rockets’ unreasonable lineup and the style of play that relied too much on Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady. If the Rockets had a third ball handler and a point of attack, the Blazers would have lost.”

“Of course, I’m not belittling this team. They have a lot to praise, especially Zhang Jun, a rookie this year, who won the scoring title this season. He will definitely help this team go further in the future. farther.”

“But you have to remember, this is a team that has not made the playoffs for many years. Whether it is the management, coaching staff or players, they have too little experience in the playoffs, so it will not be the Hornets. opponent.”

Kenny Smith nodded, he thought Barkley made a lot of sense.

The Trail Blazers did have a very impressive performance in the series against the Rockets, but they are far from enough to reach the Western Conference Finals. There may be such hopes in the future, but at least they are not ready yet.

Kenny Smith then talked about the Eastern Conference playoffs.

“The Celtics are disappointing, right?”

This is also the evaluation of the Celtics by everyone during this period. They actually let the Eagles drag the Eagles to the tiebreaker, which is really terrible.

Barkley shook his head decisively, dissenting from this.

“The Celtics met the Eagles led by Joe Johnson in the first round of the playoffs. You must know that this team still has a No. 3 pick Oden who did not appear due to injury and reimbursement for the season. It’s a big disappointment for the Boston Celtics and a team like that to go to tiebreaker.”

“The head coach of the Hawks, Mike Woodson, even said bluntly after the game that if their Oden can stand on the stage of the playoffs, his defensive ability and the ability to protect the frame inside will definitely make the Celtics The team lost in the first round.”

“I don’t want to comment on this matter. What I want to tell everyone is that in the four games that the Celtics have won, the difference between the victory over the Eagles is 23 points, 19 points, and 25 points. And 34 points, all big wins!”

“The average point difference has reached a terrifying 25 points, which is the highest in all series in the playoffs!”

Kenny Smith didn’t understand and said, “What does this mean? Didn’t the Eagles still win three games?”

Barkley said: “This shows that this Celtics team is completely capable of blowing up the Eagles. The reason why they allowed their opponents to steal three games is all because of the tacit understanding within the team and the unaccustomed and unaccustomed tactics. Not coordinated.”

“You have to know that the Big Three of the Celtics team was formed only this Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen are also the first time they have played together in the postseason. match.”

“Before that, they were the bosses of their respective teams, so whenever the game entered a critical moment, they hadn’t figured out who would attack and who would defend and how to play.”

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

“But after the playoffs with the Hawks, I believe the Celtics have figured out their way to win from top to bottom, and they will only get better.”

Kenny Smith reminded: “The next thing the Celtics will encounter is the Cavaliers with LeBron James. The opponent is the small forward with the strongest impact and deterrence in the league. It’s not so easy for them to take risks on them.”

Barkley agrees with this point. After all, the Cavaliers were the Eastern Conference champions last season, and their strength should not be underestimated.

He said: “If the Celtics can defeat the Cavaliers, then they will be invincible in the East. If they lose this round of the series, then the gamble that Celtics general manager Ainge made last summer will be completely declared. fail.”

“They will also reconsider whether to continue to build a lineup around the Big Three, or to completely dismantle the three and start rebuilding again. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, to trade one of the Big Three to help the team rebuild. On Tracks.”

Both Barkley and Kenny Smith are self-evident. If the Celtics really get to that point, who will they trade with a high probability.


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