NBA: About Me Being Reincarnated As Yasuo, the Wind Walker

Chapter 153

Chapter 151 – Beat To The Ground

[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

The second quarter begins.

Zhang Jun held the ball outside, and the Hornets asked Julian Wright to single-handedly defend Zhang Jun.

Raise your hand, start, break through!

The head coach of the Hornets, Byron Scott, frowned when he saw this. He didn’t expect Julian Wright to be passed by Zhang Jun in one step.

That’s Julian Wright, the Hornets’ second-ranked defender inside and outside, who was stepped over?

Byron Scott was shocked physically and mentally by Zhang Jun’s breakthrough ability and breakthrough speed.

Fortunately, there was Bunch Wells on the weak side to assist in the defense. The moment Zhang Jun broke through, Bunch Wells rushed over like a small tank.


This collision not only blocked Zhang Jun’s attack, but almost knocked him to the ground.

“The Bunch Wells guy is too big.”

Monty Williams couldn’t help but say.

Nate McMillan said: “196cm tall, but 100kg in weight, what do you think?”

Monty Williams gasped. This Bunch-Wells was a lot shorter than Zhang Jun, but he was as heavy as Zhang Jun. No wonder the impact was so great.

Zhang Jun did not choose to hit the ball strongly, but quickly transferred the ball to James Jones on the weak side.

Hands up and down!



“The Blazers’ gunners can’t shoot three-pointers, but it seems that the Hornets intend to prevent Zhang Jun from giving him an easy chance to score tonight. They would rather choose to let the Blazers’ outside shooters try their hand.”

Kenny Smith shouted excitedly.

Barkley agrees with the Hornets’ defensive strategy.

Three-point shooting is an offensive method with a very unstable shooting rate. You may bloom more tonight, or you may become a cold shooter. After all, you are too far from the basket. This is not recognized by most old-school coaches. Offensive way.

Barkley had expected that the Trail Blazers would like to play one-star four-pointers like this, and they would always meet the top teams in the playoffs and insist on releasing their three-pointers.

No, the Hornets are here.

Switch offense.

The Hornets’ offensive threat plummeted without Paul, and even having David West on the floor didn’t change that.

David West played Fry in singles. His low-post footsteps are excellent, his post-up singles skills are also very solid, and more importantly, he has a good mid-range.

This makes it very difficult for Fry, who is not good at defense, to face David West.

Insider Travis Outlaw double-teamed to help defend, and the Blazers’ overall defense was very small.

This is a big problem for the Hornets.

Although their small outside tank, Bunch Wells, is physically strong and has a fierce defensive ability, he is not effective on the offensive end, especially when it comes to shooting.

This season, Bunch Wells’ 38% shooting percentage, coupled with 14% three-point shooting percentage, is almost an excellent blacksmith.

So when the Trail Blazers defended the Hornets’ offense, they almost defended 5 and 4 on the court, which was too comfortable.

offensive end.

Zhang Jun broke through and still encountered the double-team of Bunch Wells and Julian White, and passed the ball when there was a double-team.

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

Fry’s first three-point shot popped out of the basket, but then he immediately found his touch and hit two three-pointers. Steve Blake was very good tonight, and he also made 2 of 4 three-pointers to attract the attention of the defense. force.

“The Trail Blazers lineup is almost all pitchers. If the Hornets defend one, they will leave the other empty, unless you choose to defend Zhang Jun alone.”

Kenny Smith said seriously.

Barkley shook his head again and again and said, “Single defense against Zhang Jun?”

“In the playoffs so far, I haven’t seen a player who can defend Zhang Jun alone. He is the league’s scoring leader this season.”

In the middle of the second quarter, Byron Scott, who had just reacted, quickly replaced Paul, but still left Bunch Wells and Julian White on the court to continue to consume Zhang Jun’s physical strength.

At the end of halftime, the two teams had tied at 55:55.

The third quarter of the game.

The two teams once again took the starting lineup.

It’s just that the Blazers’ offense at this time has been transferred from Luo Yin to Zhang Jun.

It was Peja Stojakovic defending Zhang Jun.

Before Zhang Jun started to break through, Peja Stojakovic backed away nervously until he was two steps away from Zhang Jun.

Seeing this scene, Barkley couldn’t help but said: “Obviously Peja Stojakovic didn’t face Zhang Jun very much, otherwise a defender like him should take three or even four steps back.” That’s right.”


While Barkley was talking, Zhang Jun had already accelerated his breakthrough. Peja Stojakovic was completely unable to react when he was passed by two steps. Zhang Jun’s breakthrough was fast and fast, and the pace of the breakthrough was still very large. Where is Peja – Stojakovic can keep up.

He quickly shouted: “Tyson!”

Boxing champion Tyson Chandler rushed over, put Zhang Jun’s defensive line in two steps, and raised his hands at the same time.

Tyson Chandler knows very well that with his height and wingspan, Zhang Jun will definitely pass the ball when he sees him coming. This is his deterrent power inside.


Zhang Jun accelerated for the second time during his breakthrough, and took off in front of Tyson Chandler one step at a time.


“What does he want to do?”

“Stop me!

! “



Tyson Chandler was knocked back again and again, and Zhang Jun had already completed a dunk on the frame.

“You boy!”

Zhang Jun glanced back at Tyson Chandler and said, “I won’t layup in front of you, I’ll just dunk you!”

Tyson Chandler was stunned, and felt that this sentence was very familiar. It took a while to realize that this was not the trash talk he spat on Brandon Luo Yin of the Trail Blazers in the first half, so now this kid Zhang Jun Are you back?

“You really hold a grudge!”

The game continued, and Zhang Jun singled Peja Stojakovic again. This time, the latter learned his lesson and retreated to the free throw line. Even if you watch Zhang Jun shoot a three-pointer, he will never let you kill him easily to the basket.

What a three-pointer!

Zhang Jun suddenly accelerated while holding the ball and still made a breakthrough. Peja Stojakovic has already retreated so far, but as long as Zhang Jun gets close, it will be another breakthrough like chopping melons and vegetables. over him.

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

“I can’t guard against this **** big yellow mouse!”

Peja Stojakovic was so angry that he was about to swear. Zhang Jun is tall and has a long wingspan. Temiao’s speed is so fast, and his breakthrough footsteps are so good. How can he defend against this? .

Insider Tyson Chandler rushed over again, and this time he focused on defending Zhang Jun very seriously.

Turn around while walking, lean back and point up, and dunk on the spot!


Tyson Chandler’s head was buzzing, and he suddenly shouted: “Is this kid not slowing down when he breaks through and turns around?”

“Why don’t you need to slow down when you break through and turn around?”

Switch offense.

Chris Paul broke through to the basket and scored a throw to stabilize the score for the team.

In the next round, Zhang Jun encountered a double-team ahead of time outside the three-point line, and he immediately distributed the ball to Luo Yin on the weak side.

The defensive pressure faced by the latter has dropped suddenly, and Luo Yin made a mid-range open shot.


Come in too!

All! All!

The head coach of the Hornets, Byron Scott, quickly called a timeout, and if he continued to play like this, he would almost be opened by the Trail Blazers.

“I want you to double-team Zhang Jun. Don’t even let him catch the ball. Hurry up and drive him out of the offensive area. I don’t want to see him score again.”

Byron Scott slapped the tactical board angrily on the coach’s bench and said angrily, should he be a man after being beaten like this by a rookie player.

The game continues.

Zhang Jun encountered the strict defense of the audience, and he decisively handed over the ball to his teammates at this time.

Aldridge hit two consecutive mid-range points, then cut into the basket and dunked successfully. Luo Yin’s outside three-pointer further made the Hornets pay the price for their defensive strategy.

In the third quarter of the game, the Trail Blazers still played a wave, and the 11:3 offensive small high slot directly helped the team achieve a double-digit lead.

During this period of time, Zhang Jun hardly participated in any offensive links, and there were always two defenders in front of him to double-team him.

But his teammates all stood up at this time and reaped the game.

In the fourth quarter, Paul still wanted to stand up and lead the team to overtake the score, but the connection between Luo Yin and Zhang Jun directly blocked their thoughts.


“The Hornets failed to get off to a good start at home, which is bad news for them, and how to defend Zhang Jun is also a big problem.”

On the commentary desk, Barkley reminded: “In the last round of the series between the Trail Blazers and the Rockets, they almost used Chuck Hayes or Sean Battier’s single defense on the outside, and Yao Ming and Dicky on the inside. Cambey Mutombo’s help defense to deal with Zhang Jun.”

“As a result, Zhang Jun averaged 32 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists in that series, and he shot 55% from the field.”

“The Hornets obviously chose another defensive strategy. They restricted Zhang Jun’s personal offense throughout the game, so that the opponent scored 24 points, 4 rebounds and 9 assists in this game, and almost won a double-double.”

“You know, Zhang Jun is not an excellent passer. He can still pass 9 assists in a single game. One can imagine how well the rest of the Trail Blazers played.”

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】

“The Trail Blazers sent a total of 24 assists tonight! Luo Yin scored the highest score in the game with 30 points, 3 rebounds and 5 assists. Aldridge had a double-double with 18 points and 10 rebounds. The team hit a total of 12 three-pointers ball.”

“When the Blazers play such an efficient overall offense, I can’t think of anyone else who can stop them.”

In the post-match interview.

Paul, who lost the game, looked unhappy. He said seriously: “We will watch the video of tonight’s game after the game, we will find out where the problems are, and we will solve them.”

Byron Scott also took the initiative to take responsibility after the game and said: “Our offense was not bad, but we did very badly on the defensive end. We allowed the Trail Blazers to score high points and restricted Zhang Jun. There was a big price to pay in scoring.”

“We’ll make changes in the next game.”


Trail Blazers locker room.

Everyone didn’t seem very excited about winning the next game. Luo Yin sat in his seat with ice wrapped around his knees and ankles respectively. Aldridge was talking about the upcoming second game. Francis was analyzing with Zhang Jun Some details of Paul’s passing and dribbling.

Nate McMillan was very relieved to see this scene.

“Our players have matured from the last series and they’ve improved a lot.”

Monty Williams agreed, saying: “If we come back home with a two-game advantage, that idiot Steve Patterson will laugh like crazy.”

Nate McMillan couldn’t help laughing, obviously he liked the nickname Steve Patterson Goofy.


The second game will start soon.

Compared with the previous game, the Hornets have obviously made a lot of adjustments in this game.

They followed the excellent strategy of the first quarter of the previous game, letting Maurice Peterson pester Luo Yin to consume the opponent’s physical strength, and at the same time let Tyson Chandler inside to help defend.

Luo Yin played more tired in the first quarter than in the previous game.

Zhang Jun wanted to take over the offensive ball several times but was rejected by the opponent.

“Brother, use your physical strength in the final moment, now I will support the entire team’s offense!”

Luo Yin was knocked to the ground several times during the breakthrough process. He chose to get up and continue to fight again. Then he made a wonderful pass to Aldridge and Zhang Jun to bite the game in the first quarter.

The Trail Blazers fell behind 26:30.

The Hornets played a very efficient offensive efficiency in the first quarter. Peja Stojakovic made three consecutive three-pointers in a single quarter, so that Zhang Jun no longer dared to help the defense at will. out.

David West and Chris Paul faced the Trail Blazers’ low-level defense in the league, and they almost wanted anything in the interior, and they could complete the offense as they second quarter of the game.

The Hornets followed the Rockets’ defensive strategy against Zhang Jun, and no longer used double-teaming easily. They relied on Bunch Wells on the outside and Tyson Chandler on the inside to help defend.

This is a pain for Tyson Chandler. This guy is obviously an insider, but now he has to compete with Zhang Jun, an outside player. The physical exertion can be imagined.

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[NBA: About my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo]【】


Zhang Jun smashed Huashan’s battle ax again, riding Tyson Chandler to dunk.

Tyson Chandler was about to get **** off by Zhang Jun, “Didn’t I just stare at your brother, is it necessary to dunk me?”

On-site commentary desk.

Kenny Smith saw his blood spurting and said: “Tyson Chandler, relying on his height of 216cm, he thinks he can stop everyone under the basket. I’m afraid he doesn’t know that Yao Ming was dunked 3 times by Zhang Junqi in the last round of the series. indivual.”

“Even the little giant Yao Ming can’t handle this guy, you Tyson Chandler dare to yell at him?”

In the second quarter of the game, the Hornets reached their own strategy. They defended the Trail Blazers only 3 of 9 in a single quarter.

Both quantity and output suffered a sharp decline, but Zhang Jun broke out in this quarter. He made 8 of 13 in a single quarter, 2 of 4 free throws, and scored 18 points.

Zhang Jun’s outstanding performance beat Hornets head coach Byron Scott to the ground, helpless.

Halftime is over.

The Trail Blazers overtook the score 58:52.

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