NBA: About Me Being Reincarnated As Yasuo, the Wind Walker

Chapter 165

Chapter 163 – Have Any Regrets Now?

nba: Do you have any regrets about my reincarnation as Haifeng Yasuo 163?

Zhang Jun’s feet were like springs, and he jumped up with the ball in one hand, while the other hand slapped Bynum on the head.


“Slam dunk!”

“Zhang Jun dunks the little shark Bynum!”

“This slam dunk is like the overlord holding his bow and pulling the bow to the full moon. This will definitely be the best slam dunk in the nba playoffs this season, bar none!”


Kenny Smith suddenly felt that this sentence was so familiar, and he suddenly remembered that he had said the same sentence when Zhang Jun dubbed Yao’s name next to him.

Barkley smiled without revealing his old partner and said, “Zhang Jun, he has dunked a lot of league centers this season. He is simply the nemesis of centers.”

“This dunk I would like to call Zhang Junqi’s second good shot after Yao Ming’s dunk!”

Switch offense.

Kobe asked for the ball fiercely, and this time it was Zhang Jun’s turn to defend.

Zhang Jun scored consecutive goals, and the score was narrowed step by step. The key point was that Zhang Jun was always doing dunks that boosted morale. Kobe knew very well that he had to do something immediately.

All the players in the audience opened up tacitly. No player from the Trail Blazers chose to double-team Kobe, and no player from the Lakers performed a pick-and-roll. They all had great confidence in their star.

Kobe was dribbling outside, Zhang Jun stared at Kobe’s shoulders, always judging his position and dribbling motivation.

When defending Kobe, you must not look at his feet. His footsteps are too good, and his footsteps change too much. If you follow his footsteps to defend, he will definitely be shaken away.

After all, defensive players will always be slow.


Taking a sideways step to dribble the ball, he broke into the half-block, and Zhang Jun held Kobe against him to prevent him from going any further inside.


Kobe turned his back, and there was a violent body confrontation, followed by a second back-to-back confrontation.

Two consecutive back-up Kobes did not take advantage of Zhang Jun. He then dribbled the ball sideways, and when he reached the familiar free throw line, he immediately collected the ball and made a fake penalty kick, and then turned around and took his right hand.

“What are you thinking!”

Zhang Jun didn’t hesitate, and Kobe’s continuous turning and shaking didn’t open up the shooting space.

Kobe’s face tightened. He found that Zhang Jun’s defense can only be said to be at the average level of the league, and his defensive skills are obviously at the rookie stage, but he is smart! Don’t sway your steps! Coupled with his extraordinary wingspan, he improved his defense by a pick-and-roll.

“So it’s really hard to hit him with a shot!”

Kobe came to this conclusion. It is definitely not a good choice to shoot in front of Zhang Jun. His talent and ability have a great impact on the ball-handler’s shooting offense. Kobe can also expect the Trail Blazers and the Rockets. How did Zhang Jun defend McGrady in the team’s series.

Kobe didn’t intend to pass the ball after he lost his chance to attack. Instead, he still looked for the backboard. He tossed the ball from under Zhang Jun’s arm to the backboard, and then took advantage of the momentum to fly into the air.


“Throw and buckle yourself!”

“Kobe threw and dunked and finished the round.”

“The flexibility of the Black Mamba on the court is really excellent.”

Zhang Jun glanced behind him in surprise, is this **** okay?

That is to say, the Trail Blazers’ ability to protect the frame and defend in the penalty area is average. If there is a center with a slightly stronger defensive ability, would Kobe dare to play like this on the court?

The Blazers attack.

Zhang Jun immediately singled out Kobe, also with his back up, and also with a mid-range personal attack.

Back to the library, turn back and forth and fake, dribble sideways and move, close the ball to the free throw line and immediately collect the penalty kick, then turn around and walk with the right hand after receiving the ball.


Zhang Jun made a slightly backward shot and hit the basket steadily.

“This kid!”

Kobe stood there and glared at Zhang Jun angrily.

“This kid actually turned around and singled me with the same footsteps that I singled him just now?!”

With the same technical moves and the same footsteps, Kobe was forced to throw himself in the end, while Zhang Jun completed this round of offense entirely with technical moves.

Kobe became angry, and in the next round he asked Zhang Jun for singles again, but it was no surprise that he was blocked by Zhang Jun again this time. Kobe could only choose a very difficult drift and fadeaway shot.

“Oh my God, Kobe’s receding range is too exaggerated. My naked eyes predict at least 45 degrees of receding, and his body retreats directly from the free throw line to beyond the three-point line. Who can guard against this?”


The basketball hit the basket and went very crisply.

Zhang Jun couldn’t help looking back at Kobe in bewilderment. The latter picked up his clothes with his thumbs, pretending to be aggressive.

Switch offense.

Zhang Jun completely passed Kobe with his footsteps this time, and Bynum, the little shark, rushed over to assist in the defense. During the period, he did not forget to shout: “Vladimir!”

Vladimir Radmanovich had already killed him without Bynum’s warning. He and Bynum formed an insider wall, with one blocking Zhang Jun’s left hand and the other blocking Zhang Jun’s right hand.

They thought that such a defensive method could prevent Zhang Jun from scoring the goal at all. As a result, Zhang Jun directly turned his right hand to meet Vladimir Radmanovic’s defense, and made a layup with a pull-bar at a tricky angle.

“The ball went in!”

“This is Zhang Jun’s breakthrough, the first step in California.”

Um? !

Kenny Smith always felt very awkward after saying this. The first step in California is now playing the California Lakers?

Kobe, who was completely passed by Zhang Jun, was naturally unconvinced. He concentrated on holding the ball in the backcourt, and wanted to hit Zhang Jun again, but Phil Jackson, the Zen master on the coaching bench of the Lakers, couldn’t sit still.

Zhang Jun’s series of personal offenses and passes have gradually eroded the Lakers’ lead, and they are now in a very passive situation, which Zen Master cannot accept.

So after calling the timeout, he swung his hand and took Gasol ahead of schedule.

“This is the twin towers.”

Barkley analyzed and said: “The Lakers obviously lost their defense in this period of time. Bynum may be able to restrict most players in the league, but it is obvious that he alone has very little restriction on Zhang Jun.”

“Now that the twin towers are coming up, Zhang Jun’s breakthrough may encounter great restrictions.”

The game restarts.

Zhang Jun, who broke through again, really encountered great defensive pressure. The inside twin towers composed of Gasol and Bynum had too much defensive space and area. He couldn’t find an angle to attack the frame. Top defense on the perimeter, which will make it harder for him to score for the team.

“The twin-tower defense of Gasol and Bynum has surpassed Warcraft Howard’s breakthrough limit for me.”

Throughout the season, Zhang Jun only wants to say that the inside players can limit himself, only Warcraft Howard, other than that, no one can seriously limit him, only rely on teamwork.

But now Zhang Jun thinks that there may be another person in this, no, it should be said to be a combination, the twin towers of Gasol and Bynum.

Zhang Jun, whose offensive threat has dropped drastically, wanted to help the team by passing the ball, but at this time he discovered a very big drawback. He couldn’t get deep into the position. The Lakers followed the defense very quickly, and they also In the pre-game preparations, I knew how powerful the Trail Blazers’ bench shooters are.

Therefore, it is difficult for Channing Fry and James Jones to get comfortable shooting opportunities, and now Zhang Jun is not a passing master, and it is also difficult for him to pass the ball in defense to help his teammates get opportunities.

As most people feared, Zhang Jun’s passing has always been an opportunity pass, with few field control and tactical assists, and a slight lack of passing accuracy and comfort.

“The Trail Blazers are guarded!”

Barkley said with some excitement.

Throughout the playoffs until now, this is the first time Barkley has seen a team that can defend the Trail Blazers’ second team and shoot all stars.

The Lakers played very smartly. They found the place where Zhang Jun was the most threatening. After being completely stuck, Zhang Jun’s personal offense was blocked. At this time, his shortcomings were fully displayed when he tried to pass the ball.

Barkley said: “In the playoffs, there must be no weaknesses. If a weakness is caught by the opponent, it will be infinitely magnified.”

The second quarter is over.

The Lakers continued to lead with 68:59.

It’s just that this time period failed to get back the score, and it will be more difficult for the Trail Blazers to beat the Lakers next.

In the third quarter of the game, Luo Yin’s personal offense was still tepid, and Zhang Jun was completely blocked by the Lakers. Every time he held the ball, he would encounter a lot of defense and double tower guards inside.

In the third quarter, Zhang Jun could only rush into the encirclement of the Lakers again and again, and then walked to the free throw line.

At 90:80, the Trail Blazers were still behind.

In the fourth quarter of the game, Zhang Jun scored a three-pointer, which was also his helpless shot under full double-teaming. This goal also helped the Trail Blazers hit a 6-0 small high.

Just when Nate McMillan thought that this wave of high slots would help the Trail Blazers blow the horn of counterattack, Gasol suddenly made an effort inside, using a series of post-up singles to upset the Trail Blazers inside.

At 118:109, the game ended.

“Let’s congratulate the Lakers for winning the first game of the Western Conference Finals. The big score now is 1:0!”

Kobe, who won the first game, was very excited. He gritted his teeth and gave high-fives to his teammates.

Looking at Kobe and the Lakers players exhaustedly, Zhang Jun felt disappointed for the first time.


Black Lively’s face was also full of disappointment. Seeing her sweetheart’s frustration on the court because of the loss of the game, she also felt uncomfortable and uneasy.

Taylor Swift said: “I’m a New York Knicks fan, why did you take me to the Lakers game?”

Black Lively tried to force some smiles, she wanted to say that my mother brought you to watch the Trail Blazers game, and it has nothing to do with the Lakers, more precisely, to watch Zhang Jun’s game.

“I originally thought that Kobe was already very good. I didn’t expect that there is another player in the NBA who is even better than Kobe. What’s his name, Zhang Jun of the Trail Blazers?”

Black Lively smiled happily: “His name is Zhang Jun.”

Taylor Swift was stunned by Black Lively’s unreasonable words, but Zhang Jun’s performance on the court really conquered her.

He made 14 of 24 shots, 5 of 7 free throws, and scored 34 points, 4 rebounds and 6 assists. This is a proper superstar data, and it is still on the stage of the playoffs.

On the other hand, Kobe of the opposite Lakers made 11 of 24 shots and 7 of 8 free throws. He scored 29 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists. Zhang Jun won the individual and showed his dominance on the court. It’s really not easy to do it back and forth without losing the wind.

It’s just that Kobe won the game.

The reason lies in Gasol, who made 11 of 19 shots, 6 of 6 free throws, 28 points, 13 rebounds and 2 blocks of terrifying inside data, and Bynum’s 14 points and 14 rebounds.

Taylor Swift is not an amateur basketball fan. She is a loyal fan of the New York Knicks and has loved basketball since she was a child, so she knows exactly where the Trail Blazers lost.

“39:46, the Trail Blazers lost a total of 7 rebounds, and they lost a full 4 offensive rebounds!”

“Those who get the inside win the world, I don’t even understand such a simple truth, eh”

Black Lively got up, and she was about to leave after the competition. She had just finished the award presentation at the Venice International Film Festival and rushed to Los Angeles non-stop to watch Zhang Jun’s first Western Conference Finals competition. They all came to participate in the playoffs, but the time was too tight.

I also met Taylor Swift on the road. The two are similar in age and have some common hobbies, so they quickly became good friends.

“Hey, do you think we should go to the player channel to find those stars for autographs?”

Taylor Swift suddenly suggested We are both well-known female stars in the United States now, those staff members will not reject us, and those stars should not reject us either. “

Black Lively raised his eyebrows and said, “Who are you looking for?”

Taylor Swift thought for a while and said: “Paul Gasol is definitely not good. He is too tall for my liking. Kobe is fine, but he is not as handsome as Zhang Jun. Why don’t we go to Zhang Jun for his autograph?”


Black Lively wanted to say, if I want more than just a signature, what can I not want, and I need to squeeze into the player tunnel?

“Forget it, the Trail Blazers lost. I think the players are not in a good mood. Next time.”

Taylor Swift said with some frustration: “How long is the next time?”

Black Lively thought for a while and said, “Portland.”


Post-match interview.

The reporters were all about rebounding and Gasol blowing up on the court.

“Coach Nate, you lost 7 rebounds and 4 offensive rebounds on the court tonight. You allowed Pau Gasol to score 28 points, 13 rebounds and 2 blocks in the interior.”

“According to past experience, when a team is at such a disadvantage on the rebound and in the penalty area, it is difficult for them to win the game.”

“Do the Trail Blazers now regret using Zhang Jun, Aldridge, and Luo Yin as the core of the team?”

After these remarks, the entire interview room was suddenly quiet, and the air was extremely dignified.

Nate McMillan was very angry and said: “The Trail Blazers will never regret it. In fact, we were able to reach the Western Conference Finals thanks to the performance of Zhang Jun, Aldridge and Luo Yin.”

“I believe you will not forget so soon, how we eliminated the Rockets and Hornets.”

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