NBA: About Me Being Reincarnated As Yasuo, the Wind Walker

Chapter 92

Chapter 91 – Does He Have The Ability To Shoot The Ball?

Xia He called Zhang Jun over because the body side started.

The players drew lots, Zhang Jun got the 7th pick, Durant and Oden got the 1st and 3rd pick respectively.

Durant shook his shoulders and walked up to a physical examiner.

This physical test mainly measures the rookie’s static talent, including height, weight, wingspan and standing reach.

“Kevin Durant, 19 years old, 206cm tall, 100kg in weight, 221cm in wingspan, 271cm in standing reach.”

The physical tester couldn’t help but shook his head in shock. When he reported the data, all the rookies and media reporters present couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

This is really exaggerated.

Considering that Durant is under 20 years old, his height may still continue to rise. It is hard to believe that such a physical talent is just a small forward player. No wonder he will become a popular figure for this year’s No. 1 pick.

There are a total of 4 side points, and at the same time Durant completed the body side, there was a more surprised voice from Oden.

“Greg Oden, 19 years old, 210cm tall, 116kg in weight, 224cm in wingspan, 284cm in standing reach.”

“What’s wrong with this year’s draft? There are so many talented people here, and they’re all freshmen.”

In a certain corner, the general managers of ten teams are gathered there at the moment.

Hawks general manager Billy Knight reminded: “It’s not just these two, there’s one more.”

In the next round, Zhang Jun walked up to the physical examiner.

“Zhang Jun, 19 years old, 202cm tall, 97kg in weight, 221cm in wingspan, 270cm in standing reach.”

The crowd was in an uproar, and there was another exclamation.

Supersonics general manager Sam Presti couldn’t help saying with satisfaction: “He is 4cm shorter than Durant, but his wingspan is the same length. No wonder he swayed so much when he broke through.”

At this time, the voice of the physical examiner sounded again at another test point.

“Nick Young, 22 years old, 196cm tall, 93kg in weight, 211cm in wingspan, 255cm in standing reach.”

At this time, the surrounding crowd immediately booed.

In the past, Nick Young’s talent is considered very good, but behind the three talented monsters in this year’s draft, the gap is completely obvious.

Nick Young, who has always claimed to be the strongest college student in California, ignored these boos and said confidently: “When I enter the NBA, I will single you one by one and send you all to the background board.”

At this time, Zhang Jun walked over with a smile on his face.

“Hey Nick Young, what are you talking about over there, who are you going to single out?”

Nick Young smiled and said, “Brother Jun, I’m researching what to eat after tonight’s trial training. Do you want to go and eat roast suckling pig?”

Zhang Jun nodded, then motioned to Diana and Xia He beside him and said, “Okay, there are three of us.”

Nick Young is about to cry, so **** it, well, I was just joking with you and you take it seriously.

After the body side is the test of dynamic talent, this test is for ranking.

Zhang Jun quickly completed his own test. The physical examiner read: “Zhang Jun, jump 98cm vertically on the spot, run up and take off 108cm, press 84kg on the back 10 times a minute, run back and forth in the restricted area for 10.9 seconds, and sprint for 3/4 games in 3.08 seconds .”

While Zhang Jun was completing the test, another test site burst into laughter.

It turned out that Durant couldn’t even lift his 84kg bench press once. He jumped 66cm from the spot and directly ranked first among all rookies on the body side.

Durant’s running back and forth in the penalty area is also the last one, and the 3/4 field sprint is the last one, only better than the giant Spencer Hawes.

No wonder everyone laughed like this.

“Durant’s athletic talent is still a bit short, but his physical talent is indeed top-notch.”

Sam Presti is very experienced at this point. He knows that Durant’s type of player cannot be completely measured by body data. His athletic talent may be a little worse, but as long as he succeeds in the future Gaining weight is enough to cover up such shortcomings, and even become a defensive player who can reach the qualifying level.

“Of course, in this comparison, Zhang Jun is still better.”

“The standing vertical jump ranks tenth, the run-up jump ranks eighth, the one-minute bench press ranks thirteenth, the penalty area round-trip and 3/4 field sprints rank first.”

“In terms of these two statistics, only Daquan Cook and Mike Conley can lose to Zhang Jun with a slight disadvantage. He is indeed as fast as the rumors say.”

Trail Blazers general manager Steve Patterson is very satisfied with Zhang Jun’s ability. He didn’t expect the opponent to perform well in this rookie class in addition to speed, strength and jumping.

But what shocked Steve Patterson even more was Oden’s terrifying strength in dynamic talent.

“In situ vertical jump 81cm, run-up jump 86cm, 84kg supine press 20 times a minute, run back and forth in the restricted area for 11.6 seconds, 3/4 field sprint for 3.27 seconds.”

“He is really a perfect center with the best running and jumping ability in history. He really reminds me of Shaquille O’Neal in his rookie period.”

Afterwards, the switchback running agility training was carried out. Zhang Jun ranked sixth, Durant ranked eighth, and Oden ranked seventh.

The body side is drawing to a close, with the last two tests being the college spot-up and the NBA spot-up.

The distance of the university’s fixed-point shooting is the NCAA three-point line. There are five points in total, and each point is shot 5 times. The time limit is 1 minute.

NBA fixed-point shooting is the NBA’s three-point line, or a total of five points, each point is shot 5 times, and the time limit is also 1 minute.

The rules of the game are somewhat similar to the three-point shooting contest.

Of course, for the center forward, UU Reading www. At this time,’s management doesn’t pay much attention to their shooting test results, and they will reluctantly take a look at their mid-range shots.

After all, the current requirement for centers does not include shooting three-pointers.

Steve Patterson is looking forward to this test, he knows that this is the most important indicator that boss Paul Allen gave him to measure Zhang Jun.

The head coach Nate McMillan looked nervously at the court.

So far, Oden’s talent is better than that of Zhang Jun. If the opponent can’t perform well in shooting, it may be difficult for the Blazers to win the opponent.

Sam Presti saw the anticipation of the two and said, “Are you still struggling to choose Zhang Jun or Oden?”

“There’s no need to worry about it. Even if I had to choose 10,000 times, I would choose Oden. He is so good.”

“Unless James is traded for me, no player in the league can convince me not to choose Oden.”

Steve Patterson nodded in agreement, he thought so too.

Nate McMillan gave Sam Presti an uncomfortable look. He didn’t think the guy was a nice guy.

The test begins.

Zhang Jun was arranged to be the first to shoot, and everyone looked over.

Diana looked here with some worry.

Xia He was puzzled and said: “So far my brother’s performance has been very good. Why did the management of all the teams stop to look at him when it comes to the shooting test?”

Diana explained: “In the NCAA, everyone has only two impressions of Zhang Jun. One is that he breaks through the All-American, and the other is that he hardly shoots on the court.”

“So everyone is very curious about whether Zhang Jun has the ability to shoot.”

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