NBA: Get Curry's three-point skill package at the beginning

Chapter 63 Mars Hit Earth

"What the hell is this? The meritorious player of the Pistons is not the starting point guard, but an Asian kid who can only talk big."

"Yes, I also feel like I'm dreaming. What's going on in this world? Why do dark horse incidents always occur?"

"I always feel that there is a py transaction behind this incident!"

The troublemaker watched everything that happened here with his wise eyes.

In fact, Larry Brown also knows that once such a lineup is dispatched, it will definitely cause an uproar, but Larry Brown has reasons to do so.

Who made the team's general manager Joe Dumars and NBA president David Stern put too much pressure on it.

Fortunately, this is just the whining and complaints of troublemakers, and the Pistons players did not express any dissatisfaction.

It may be that some people were really convinced by Wang Feng, or it may be because of Larry Brown's identity and coercion, they dare not speak out.

Anyway, no matter what, the internal players of the Pistons did not publicly voice their opposition to Wang Feng's starting point guard position.

Of course, Larry Brown still has to take care of Chauncey Billups' feelings.

"Chauncey, I'm just testing the lineup in this game. Don't have any resistance. In my heart, you will always be the starting point guard of the Pistons!"

Chauncey Billups is a well-known good man in the NBA and the winner of the Best Fashion Award, so even if he has complaints, as long as it is beneficial to the progress of the team, he will not say much.

"Don't worry, Coach Larry, as long as the team wins, even if I'm asked to play as a substitute every game, I will never complain!"

Of course, Larry Brown knows that this is just a scene. If Chauncey Billups is really allowed to play as a substitute, Chauncey Billups will definitely apply for a trade.

The NBA is a business league, all for money, without enough playing time, there is not enough data, and without enough data, there is not enough interest.

Therefore, playing time and starting position are linked to interests and income. If there are no complaints about this, then he is definitely a saint-level person.

Players have not complained publicly, but some good news reporters have not been so honest.

They openly attacked Larry Brown's hiring standards.

"What is Larry Brown's employment standard? Isn't he known as the nba coach? Generally speaking, rookies in the nba usually start off the bench. Promoted to the starting player, the last is the core player.

Unless it is a team that is being rebuilt, it will focus on cultivating high-ranked rookies, and determine the core boss status of rookies from the beginning.

But the Pistons are not rebuilding a team, but a team that aims to compete for the championship. With such a bold way of employing personnel, I think the Pistons will take jujube pills! "

"Who said it wasn't? Could it be that Larry Brown was confused by Allen Iverson? He actually used a rookie with no NBA regular season experience as the starting point guard, and put Chauncey Billups, a meritorious player of the Pistons Abandon it, really speechless!

You said that if it is against a weak team, there is nothing wrong with testing the lineup, but in today's game, the Pistons played against the Indiana Pacers, a traditional strong team in the East.

A player with no defensive ability like Wang Feng can serve as the starter, so wouldn't the No. 03 pick in the [-] draft be the core of the team?

I think it's better to trade Chauncey Billups as soon as possible and completely give way to Wang Feng!Otherwise, the existence of Wang Feng will destroy the team understanding and chemical reaction of the Pistons sooner or later. "

I have to say that the reporter's eyes are very thieves, and he can see the hidden dangers of the Pistons at a glance. The reason why Wang Feng was placed as the starting point guard by Larry Brown is because Wang Feng is tall and powerful, and he is much bigger than the NBA. The NC ball guards are all tall, which can greatly reduce his weakness of poor defense.

Of course, there are those who are not optimistic about Wang Feng, and there are those who are optimistic about Wang Feng.

Some domestic sports reporters also defended Wang Feng one after another.

"Wang Feng's defense is indeed poor, but Wang Feng is a very suitable player for team basketball. If he serves as the team's starting point guard, he can avoid being blown up by the opponent's players due to poor defense.

Moreover, Wang Feng's offensive firepower is very explosive, and it would be a pity to abandon it. With him starting the game, all the starting players of the Pistons can attack and defend, which just makes up for Wang Feng's defensive loopholes.

In this way, the combat effectiveness shown by the Pistons is indeed worth looking forward to! "

Amidst the controversy, players from the Pistons' rival Indiana Pacers also played.

The first to appear was Ron Artest, the culprit in the fight at the Palace of Auburn Hills.

As a well-known villain player in the league, his defense is very rough. He once broke the rib of the basketball god Michael Jordan when he was a rookie.

Therefore, as long as you are not a Pacers fan, you will hate his existence very much.

Therefore, as soon as he played, the Pistons fans immediately booed again and again.

"Ron Artest, get the hell out of Pistons!"

"Ron Artest, damn Fuck!"

Although Ron Artest was furious, he didn't dare to scold the Pistons fans. The Pistons fans are also known for their violent temper in the league. If you fight with them, they really dare to copy guys and stun you.

The Pacers players played in turn. As the nominal leader of the Indiana Pacers, Reggie Miller was the last to play. As soon as he played, the Pistons fans also cursed.

"Reggie Miller, you jerk!"

"Reggie Miller, you jerk!"

Reggie Miller has experienced the barbaric era of the 90s, and he does not regard the opponent's scolding as an insult at all, but as a compliment.

As the saying goes, if you are not hated by others, you are mediocre!

Amidst the scolding, Pacers coach Rick Carlisle also announced the Pacers starting list.

The Pacers starting lineup is as follows:

Center: Jermaine O'Neal

Power Forward: Jeff Foster

Small forward: Ron Artest

Shooting Guard: Reggie Miller

Point Guard: Jamal Tinsley

In addition to having an enviable starting lineup, the Pacers also have a strong bench.

Such as Mehta Waldpease and Al Harrington, these are all substitute players who averaged more than 13 points per game, providing strong fire support for the Pacers' bench lineup.

Wang Feng knew that the Pacers this season had the best record in the Eastern Conference. In the 03-04 season, the Pacers scored 61 wins and 21 losses in the regular season, which is the best record in the history of the Pacers.

"Comparing the lineups of the two sides, the Pistons and the Pacers are evenly matched. The Pacers have bench bandits like Mehta Waldpeace and Al Harrington, and the Pistons also have Chauncey Billups. Such starting players are used as second-team players as substitutes, it seems that today's game will be a game where sparks hit the earth."

ps: For the second update, ask for a strong man to remind you to update, ask for a reward from a local tyrant, and ask for a five-star praise!

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