NBA: Get Curry's three-point skill package at the beginning

Chapter 66 Who Is The Real Three-Point King

Little Shark Jermaine O'Neal's performance made the Pistons helpless and had to endure the raging inside of Jermaine O'Neal.

In the first half of the second quarter, the Pacers hit a 9:4 spurt!

In one fell swoop the score approached.

Throughout the first half of the second quarter, Wang Feng, as the core of the Pistons' offense, barely touched the ball, because there were at least two Pacers double-teaming near him anytime, anywhere.

Wang Feng didn't want to lose his second quarter, so he couldn't help mocking Reggie Miller.

"Reggie, you are also the current three-point leader who has fought against God, why don't you dare to fight alone with me, a rookie!

What, you can't shoot three-pointers now?I don't even have the guts to single out! "

Wang Feng's words and expression are very arrogant, people can't help but want to k him!

In fact, in a sense, this is a cross-time and space-time showdown of the three-point king.

Curry possessed Wang Feng against the current three-pointer Reggie Miller.

Reggie Miller was indeed irritated. You must know that confronting Michael Jordan and losing was his eternal pain.

Reggie Miller has a very high spirit, even if he has fought against the gods, he is not willing to admit defeat.

Reggie Miller returned Ron Artest to his position at small forward.

Then Reggie Miller reached out for the ball directly, and Jamal Tinsley was in a dilemma as a point guard.

Originally, the point guard's job was to deliver the ball to the hot players, but now both the nominal leader and the tactical core are asking for the ball. He is really in a dilemma.

Fortunately, although Jermaine O'Neill looks big and thick, he knows the world very well.

When he saw that the boss Reggie Miller was also reaching for the ball, he voluntarily gave up reaching for the ball, turned around and watched the performance of Reggie Boss.

Jermaine O'Neill respects this boss who has fought against God from the bottom of his heart.

Jamal Tinsley saw that O'Neal didn't want the ball anymore and passed the basketball directly to Reggie Miller.

Reggie Miller held a basketball outside the three-point line, looked at Wang Feng, and provoked with a smile on his face.

"Boy, are you good at shooting three-pointers? Playing basketball, what's so great about being able to shoot three-pointers, why don't you be defeated by a guy who can only shoot two-pointers!

However, since you are so ignorant of good and evil, let me show you what a real three-pointer is! "

As he said that, Reggie Miller exuded a domineering aura all over his body, which was an aura that had confronted God.

Looking at Reggie Miller's aura of stopping Yue Zhi, Wang Feng almost suffocated.

"Is this the aura of a strong man? Wow!"

Reggie Miller didn't waste too much offensive time either. He didn't need a pick-and-roll, just a sudden three-pointer with a stride, and ended the battle directly with the simplest three-pointer.

This kind of speed, although not as fast as his own push, caught Wang Feng off guard. Looking at Reggie Miller's standard and confident three-point shooting, Wang Feng even saw Reggie Miller's contemptuous Smile.

This kind of smile ignited the fighting spirit and anger in Wang Feng's heart.

"It's just a loser, and I'm so awesome in front of me who is the king of three points in history!"

Reggie Miller's three-pointer passed the net, and the crisp sound marked that Reggie Miller's three-pointer skills have not diminished.

This goal also allowed the Pacers to overtake the Pistons in scoring.

Jermaine O'Neal also turned into a little fan of Reggie Miller at this time, celebrating wantonly and funny on the court.

Those who didn't know thought he made the three-pointer.

"Beautiful three-point shooting, Reggie Miller is still the king of three-pointers in this era, it seems that Reggie Miller is really immortal."

"Haha, what did you say that a sword is not old? I think Wang Feng's dumbfounded defense is the guarantee of Reggie Miller's immortality. If it is Taixia Ann Prince's defense, Reggie Miller wants to shoot three-pointers one-on-one. It will be interfered by Taysha Ann Prince's long arm, and only with a weak defense like Wang Feng, Reggie Miller can shoot as he wants."

Of course, the reporter's ridicule is ridicule.

Seeing that Reggie Miller finally met Wang Feng, the sports reporters who had been waiting for half a quarter were finally excited.

As we all know, in the Pistons, Wang Feng's offensive firepower is the fiercest, and his defensive ability is also the weakest among the Pistons' starting players.

Therefore, only in Wang Feng's defensive position will there be a confrontational battle.

This kind of offensive battle is interesting. After all, they don't look at how Jermaine O'Neal and Ben Wallace collide, confront, foul, and make free throws.

Now, Wang Feng is facing off against the current three-pointer Reggie Miller.

These media reporters have even thought out the headlines of the news.

[The current three-pointer and the future three-pointer, who is the real three-pointer Reggie Miller or Wang Feng! 】

At this time, Wang Feng, who was possessed by Curry, didn't have so many thoughts, and he didn't care about the ridicule of other media reporters.

He just wants to put the active holder of the historical three-pointer on the altar.

"Reggie, as you said, no matter how good you are at shooting three-pointers, you can't beat Michael Jordan's crazy attack. You are the defeat of Michael Jordan. You are the remnants of the previous era. You should give us new generations seat."

With that said, Larry Brown finally reached out for the ball. This time, the Pacers had no players to help defend, and the Pistons had no pick-and-roll players to cover.

In the nba arena, the boss of the team has the privilege of one-on-one duels. Everyone has to make way for them, and take the initiative to open up space for them to play singles without any scruples.

This is in line with the law of lions!

The moment Wang Feng received the ball, the Curry three-point skill pack equipped in Wang Feng's body began to activate.

At this moment, Wang Feng is truly possessed by Curry.

Wang Feng turned into a dexterous arena elf. Wang Feng broke forward first, which caused Reggie Miller's defensive center of gravity to be lowered and his position shifted sideways.

Immediately, Wang Feng received the ball abruptly, retreated two consecutive steps, and retreated beyond the three-point line, widening the distance from Reggie Miller.

Then he made a not-so-pretty three-pointer and threw the basketball out.

However, even if the movements are not very beautiful, all the movements that Wang Feng can do have been done, just like a procedure has been completed, and there is only one result that should appear, and that is to score goals!

With a bang, Wang Feng's three-point shot also hit the net accurately!

"Beautiful running and breakthrough, not so beautiful three-point shooting posture, but fortunately the three-pointer is shot, it doesn't matter whether the posture is beautiful or not, it is a good goal if you can score!"

Reggie Miller was also shocked by Wang Feng's step-back three-pointer, "So you can shoot backwards three-steps? Why doesn't the referee care about such an offensive method!

Otherwise, the league players will imitate it in the future, but it will spoil the children! "

In fact, what Reggie Miller didn't know was that NBA President David Stern had authorized Wang Feng to use this step-back three-pointer.

ps: At the third watch, ask for a hunk to remind you, ask for a reward from a local tyrant, and ask for a five-star praise!

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