NBA: Get the McGrady Template at the Start

Chapter 237

Chapter 238 – Leading Warriors

Thompson alone scored 12 points, Curry scored 11 points and 4 assists.

The two really blew up the Lakers’ outside line, but their Warriors’ inside line was hammered by James alone.

In the past, the two teamed up to win the championship. It can be seen that the two people cooperated powerfully, especially the three-pointer, which really cast the opposing player into doubting life.

So much so that now the Lakers players feel a little guilty when they see Curry and Thompson playing together, and they can’t guard these two guys at all. Biqu library

But these two people are not invincible existence.

Coach Wharton looked at the other players and said encouragingly to them.

“We still have a chance now, the first quarter was only one point away, and the core of the team’s offense will be on James.”

“James goes inside as soon as you get the ball.”

“I believe that the Warriors’ inside players can’t stop you at all.”

Coach Walton’s deep gaze on James has great confidence in him.

With James’ physical fitness and his strength confrontation, almost no player in his heart can withstand his offense.

James nodded, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

He absolutely can’t see the picture like the last game again, and he doesn’t want to lose this game again.

When other players saw James’ expression, they knew that James had entered a state of full strength.

Next, the Warriors will face the entire burst of Lakers players.

“I try not to shoot three-pointers, and go inside the Warriors to break through. Once two people pinch me, I will pass the ball to James.”

“The two of us broke through the inside of the Warriors, and there must be two people coming and going to pinch a Lakers player, so we have a chance to hit.”

Su Bei said to everyone, then looked at James next to him, and patted him on the shoulder.

James knows that he is also under a lot of pressure, and he will shoulder the entire Lakers offense.

Even if Su Bei could bear some for him, most of the pressure was borne by James.

But James didn’t have any complaints, and his eyes were fixed on the score on the big screen.

One point left.

In the second quarter, he had to come back hard.

Let all the fans present know that the Lakers are not a garbage team.

The second quarter begins.

The Lakers’ offense was first led by Su Bei to push the ball forward. Facing Thompson’s defense, they made a big change to the past.

Thompson is huge, and his lateral movement speed is relatively fast. When Su Bei broke through to the right, Thompson directly blocked Su Bei’s offensive line.

There was a trace of pride in his eyes.

You still want to break through in front of me?

Even if it is James, I can still bear his existence, let alone a player like you.

The commentator next to him couldn’t help shaking his head.

“Is this young player really crazy? Still want to break through from Thompson?”

“Don’t forget that Thompson is a top 3D player. In addition to his top three-pointers, he also has excellent defensive ability and is very stable.”

Especially Thompson at the same speed, almost no out of position.

Su Bei was pulling back, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, Thompson’s defensive ability was really good.

However, he is only limited to one time, because his size is impossible to defend in the form of some steals and blocks.

You can only defend those players who break through with a defensive method that does not lose their position.

Seeing that Subei withdrew again

Beyond the three-point line, Thompson smiled inwardly. It is really ridiculous to try to break through me at such a breakthrough speed.

In Thompson’s eyes, this young player [Su Bei] can only use three-point offensive methods.

The attack method is very single.

Almost never made a breakthrough by Thompson’s side, because Thompson has great confidence and can defend Subei’s breakthrough.

In the end, Su Bei still passed the ball to Caruso on the other side, and Caruso’s first step was extremely fast.

After catching a defensive loophole in Curry, he passed Curry directly in the first step.

The fans in the audience were extremely shocked.

So fast.

After his breakthrough to the inside, his eyes kept looking at the basket.

Green also moved forward to defend, with a ferocious expression on his face, and a defensive posture.

It seems to be waiting for Caruso to break through to the inside to score.

I can’t wait to make a foul for Caruso.

next second.

A burly figure suddenly appeared behind Green.

Caruso made a ground-thumping pass into his hands, and after James received the ball, he scored a reverse layup.

The speed is as fast as lightning.

What’s more, James is now in his thirties, and he still has such a speed.

How can we not let people sigh his strong physical fitness.

Just now James got rid of Durant by running back, and then cut into the inside of the Warriors, got the ball, and scored.

The series of actions just now were like a textbook, without any sloppiness.

James looked up at the score on the field again and smiled slightly.


Less than a minute into the second quarter, the Lakers have achieved a lead.

Coach Wharton clenched his hands tightly, his face showing excitement.

James and Caruso slapped their palms, “Good pass, brother!”

“Next time, we can pass it a little faster, so that he doesn’t know who the two of us want to score as much as possible.”

“No problem, James.”

Caruso smiled, and he felt really happy to be praised by James.

Perhaps this is the charm of basketball.

James looked at the other Lakers players, applauded, and said to them:

“Brothers, pick up your spirits, our time has come.”

“We’re going to fight back, hey guys get excited, get excited.”

The eyes of the Lakers players are also full of fighting spirit, trying to make themselves look more excited.

Because it is more conducive to them to enhance their own confidence in the game.

Even in the face of a more powerful opponent, it may be extraordinary.

When the momentum of a team has reached its peak, perhaps every player’s touch will increase more or less.

The dominant side attacked Curry again and passed the ball to Thompson.

Shooting from the three-point line, the basketball fell into the basket accurately.

Immediately, the fans in the audience cheered again.


I really didn’t expect the Warriors’ counterattack to be so fast.

Thomson looked at the score on the field with a hint of complacency in his eyes. If the Lakers had such a weak offense, then their Warriors would definitely win this game.

Yang in the live broadcast room also saw Thompson make a three-pointer, his expression froze.

“The Warriors’ counterattack is really fast. It seems that it is really difficult for the Lakers to meet the Warriors this time.”

“It’s even possible that the Warriors will win consecutive victories and completely win the Western Conference Finals.”

even the lake

There are two players, James and Su Bei, but now Curry and Thompson on the opposite side are like stars, blooming with their own light.

The eyes of the fans on the field were also full of enthusiasm, cheering for Curry and Thompson one by one.

This pair of Splash Brothers is really too strong, along the way, until now, the cooperation has been seamless.

Bai Feifei on the field also showed a look of horror, and her beautiful body trembled.

Warriors are so strong.

The Lakers just led the Warriors by one point, and were overtaken by the Warriors in less than a few seconds.

The Lakers attacked, and Su Bei came two steps away from the three-point line.

Seeing that Thompson didn’t rush forward, he looked at the basket with a hint of determination.

You can shoot threes, so can I, and I can shoot farther than you.

Shoot directly.

The speed of the shot is extremely fast.

At the moment when he just made the shot, Su Bei felt in his heart that his ball was stable.

The basketball slid over Su Bei’s fingertips and drew a beautiful arc in the air.


That crisp sound resounded on the court, and as the basketball fell, the arena instantly became silent.

The players on the field were also stunned in place, and the next moment.

The Lakers’ bench players stood up straight away, waving the towels in their hands, cheering for Su Bei.

After seeing the scene in front of them, they admired Su Bei even more in their hearts.

This is the real strength.

The players showed envious eyes one by one, and they didn’t know how this guy Su Bei made the shot.

Two steps away from the three-point line, this is a super long three-pointer.

Too fierce! !

They did not expect such a picture at all.


James also ran to Su Bei, and the two of them touched each other with smiles on their faces.

“Nice job, Sue!”

“I really didn’t expect you to have such a super long three-pointer.”

“so amazing.”

“Cow batch!!”

The faces of the players on the Warriors’ side became extremely ugly.

Thompson’s body trembled slightly, and there was a look of fear looming on his face.

He never thought that the young player would respond to him in such a way.

If Thompson stood two steps away from the three-point line, he himself would not have much confidence in being able to make a shot.

At such a long distance, only Curry dared to shoot.

Coach Cole off the court saw the back of the young player, his brows were furrowed, and his face became serious.

He didn’t expect that young player to have such a long shooting range.

The Warriors’ Curry also tried to shoot a three-pointer two steps away from the three-point line.

The result did not hit.

This undoubtedly hit the mentality of the Warriors players, but the Lakers players looked extremely excited.

In the next few rounds, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Warriors players made frequent mistakes.

Let the Lakers players seize the opportunity and played a wave of 8-0 climax.


The point difference came to nine points.

This is also the Lakers leading the Warriors in the true sense.

The pretty faces of Bai Feifei and Lin Xue on the field were so excited, Li Xue looked at Su Bei’s figure with those clear eyes like a deep pool.

The bright lips are slightly raised.

It’s so beautiful.

If other men see it, they will definitely be moved by it.


This is my man.

He will definitely do what he promised himself, and he will also realize his dream.

No matter how hard it is, I will always be by his side.

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