NBA: Get the McGrady Template at the Start

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 – Mcgee 3 Offenders

Brother Antetokounmpo turned his head to look at Su Bei, his eyes flashed with surprise, he never thought that a player from Longguo would block him.

This has never happened before, but this time it will happen.

He trembled slightly in his heart. Is this really a player from Longguo?

Brother Antetokounmpo still vividly remembers the scene just now.

Su Bei really jumped too high.

Even compared with Brother Antetokounmpo’s full-strength jump, it is even a little higher.

It is impossible to imagine how this Longguo player has such a bounce. Not only Antetokounmpo, but even the entire player’s audience were surprised.

Also, the Flying Pig Barkley of the TV station was shocked when he saw it, which was even more ruthless than the rookie Kobe back then.

Is this still human? ? ?

Afterwards, Antetokounmpo looked around at his teammates and said seriously.

“No matter what, we have to guard against that Longguo player.”

“Once he explodes, it’s really scary.”


[Bucks coach] Mike Budenholzer stared at Antetokounmpo and said: “You must fight McGee hard. He is not as strong as you. Now the outside line is not open, so just hit inside.”

“We must play our momentum and overtake them in the second quarter.”

“Don’t underestimate any Lakers player. Their performance is far beyond our imagination, so we must fight them with all our strength.”

“Remember, I don’t want to see the Spurs experience, absolutely not.”

Almost all of their points in the first quarter were obtained in it, so the Lakers are not very strong inside. With Antetokounmpo’s physical fitness, almost no one can guard him.


Everyone responded in unison.

Brother Antetokounmpo next to him also made up his mind to fight inside.

Will the Lakers have players who can limit Antetokounmpo?

Wharton on the other side is also afraid of Brother Antetokounmpo, his scoring ability is unquestionable, that is a Greek monster!

Now the Lakers don’t have James, and it’s a bit embarrassing to rely on McGee inside.

“As long as Antetokounmpo comes in, you must attack inside. No matter whether you can prevent him or not, you must first show your momentum. If the Bucks rely on Antetokounmpo alone, then this team will definitely not be far away.”

Su Bei and the others nodded seriously.

Soon, the second quarter begins.

Coach Wharton did not let the main players off the field. If the score was drawn in the first half, then maybe he would let a substitute play. Now everything is unknown, and it is relatively safe for the main players to play.

What’s more, the gap between the main force and the substitute is still a bit big.

Su Bei walked up to McGee and reminded: “They are a bit aggressive, everyone be careful.”

“Well, I’ll pay attention.”

McGee nodded. Just now when he was attacking inside, he was elbowed by the opponent, but it was in the blind spot of the referee, so that they would not foul.

This also makes McGee a little angry.

The Lakers attacked again.

This time, Su Bei came to the three-point line with the ball. He saw the Bucks narrow the free throw line in order to prevent Su Bei from breaking through.

After the Subei Bucks players defended, they pulled the ball back to create space.

Reorganize, or blindly go for a breakthrough, it is easy to fail to break through.

“McGee, come pick and roll!”


McGee came to the three-point line, [Bucks point guard] Eric Bledsoe looked cautious, he knew that Su Bei wanted to pick and roll.

So Eric Bledsoe paid special attention to McGee.

But when McGee walked to the free throw line, Su Bei suddenly made a gesture to tell him not to move.

This operation really stunned everyone.

What does Su Bei want to do?

Nobody knows.

Eric Bledsoe is also a little confused, doesn’t Su Bei want McGee to pick and roll?

If there is no pick-and-roll, Eric Bledsoe still has the confidence to defend Subei. After all, the distance between him and Subei is one step away, so that when Subei breaks through, he can react and defend Subei.

Seeing Eric Bledsoe’s expression, Su Bei smiled slightly, trying to guard me? ?

Don’t the Bucks players know one-on-one? That’s the advantage of North Jiangsu.

This is simply giving points.

Subei continued to shake and change directions, and Eric Bledsoe couldn’t react to the shaking.

Suddenly, Su Bei found an opportunity directly and accelerated to break through from the right.

He rushed over to McGee.

Eric Bledsoe followed suit.


Eric Bledsoe collided with McGee and blocked him.

After Su Bei passed by, Brook Lopez [Bucks center] looked cold and stood in front of Su Bei.

Seeing this, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Su Bei’s mouth.

Brook Lopez has a bad feeling inside.

Su Bei still rushed to Brook Lopez for a layup, without any loss of speed.

very fast…

Is this kid crazy?

Still want to carry the center for a layup, how is this possible?

Brook Lopez is also working hard, ready to meet Subei’s attack.

But the next second, Brook Lopez was dumbfounded.

Where’s the ball?

What about the ball in Su Bei’s hand?

The others were also taken aback.

I saw that McGee held the ball in both hands and took three steps from the free throw line.

Broke, Brook Lopez saw McGee striding in, ferocious.

Brook Lopez still went inside, hoping to guard him.

McGee took the last step and kicked off the ground.

Crossing Brook Lopez, the tomahawk dunked down.

bang dang…

I only heard the wailing of the basket, and it seemed that I couldn’t bear McGee’s strength.

So fierce.

McGee split the dunk with one hand!

No one expected that some Lakers fans in the arena also cheered.




Shouts ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

Some Lakers fans feel that buying tickets this time is really worth it, and they will see this kind of scene today.

McGee’s dunks gave the Lakers momentum.

Brother Antetokounmpo pursed his thick lips and kept staring at Su Bei.

He is the real core, transferring all the attraction to him, so that McGee has a chance to score.

This Subei can compete with that old guy Paul.

Just an old slick.

A rookie can hit this kind of ball, I have to say that this feeling is innate.

It’s just that Brother Antetokounmpo didn’t know that Su Bei was studying the video tape every day and kept watching the replays.

The purpose is to be able to better hone his skills, especially the two aspects of passing and breakthrough.

Since Su Bei was reborn, every time he watched a video of playing basketball, Su Bei would never forget the skills and running positions in it, and deeply remembered it in his heart.

But this is not enough, he has to strengthen his practice every time.

Practice makes perfect! !

Talent is not enough, work hard to make up.

Su Bei felt that the sweat shed every time in training would not be in vain. He believed that he would change from quantity to quality, and hoped that day would not be too far away.

Su Bei smiled at the Bucks players, his eyes full of provocation.

Did the Bucks really think they could beat us?

Every player of the Lakers doesn’t want to lose this game. Even if the outside world has no hope for them, they can’t give up on themselves. They don’t want to experience the feeling of losing.

They want to win, to win this game.

Prove yourself, the Lakers are still that strong team.

It seems to have endless power and high morale.

“Brothers, guard against them.”

“Defend them.”

McGee yelled at the Lakers players: “If there is a pick-and-roll, I will tell you.”

Everyone nodded, and a strange light flashed in their eyes.

Coach Wharton was shocked when he saw this scene.

This is the team he wants, united as one.

His eyes fell on Su Bei, as if he had a natural leadership temperament, even more terrifying than James’s leadership temperament.

When James comes back, you will find that the Lakers players have become a little different.


“The Lakers also played very well in the second quarter, with a high offensive efficiency, especially the cooperation of Su Bei and McGee. The Bucks were a little confused.”

“Is this still the old Lakers?” Yang Yi couldn’t help asking, watching Su Bei’s smooth offense was simply pleasing to the eye.

Whether it’s Su Bei’s breakthrough or his jumper, the movements are all picturesque.

Bucks attack.

Eric Bledsoe still passed the ball to Antetokounmpo. As soon as Antetokounmpo got inside, Reggie Baroque and McGee went to pinch at the same time, not giving him any chance to breathe.

The two raised their hands high and pinched Brother Antetokounmpo with their chests.

Even if Brother Antetokounmpo is a monster, it is difficult to parry two people attacking at the same time.

Antetokounmpo looked ugly and knew he couldn’t attack.

Pass back and face Ball’s defense.

Three-point shot.


Three-point hit.

“nice shot.”

“It was beautiful.”

Bucks coach Mike Budenholzer looked excited, and finally made a shot from the outside.

It’s really not easy.

Coaches are more anxious than players.

Antetokounmpo and Malcolm Brogger clapped their hands happily, “I’ll attract their firepower. If you have an open space on the three-point line, just go ahead and shoot.”

“Don’t be afraid to miss the shot, I’m going down the rebound to grab the rebound.”

Malcolm Brogdon nodded, a flash of confidence in his eyes.

Once a three-pointer is scored on the field, the pitcher will definitely dare to shoot, and he will believe that he will score the next ball.

Immediately afterwards, after Su Bei received the ball.

Eric Bledsoe kept staring at Su Bei, clinging to him.

Su Bei made a misleading change of direction and missed him in one step.

Quickly advance the audience, the speed is like lightning.

Eric Bledsoe was taken aback, Su Bei’s misdirection was too realistic.

If he goes to defend the other side, Su Bei will definitely break through to the opposite side. No matter what, Su Bei will break through. In fact, Su Bei’s breakthrough ability is very strong. This is completely after getting the McGrady template, and his breakthrough ability has been greatly improved.

Coming to the left side of the three-point line, Su Bei suddenly stopped.

Looking to the right of the three-point line, Su Bei ran to the right.

He flicked his hand hard.

The ball goes out the back of his head.

The ball passed to McGee, Antetokounmpo and Brook Lopez followed.

“Pinch him!”

Antetokounmpo yelled.

The two moved quickly, and when they were about to flank McGee.

McGee made a pass with both hands, and Ball ran to the three-point line in front of McGee through Subei’s pick-and-roll.

Ball arrives, jump shot.

The hand rises and the knife falls.

The whole movement is silky and smooth.


The ball hits the hoop.

Three-point hit.

Ball punched hard and responded to the Bucks’ three-pointer.

“Bauer’s three-pointer is still relatively stable. Subei’s breakthrough and Ball’s three-pointer, plus McGee, these three are very tacit, and they pose a great threat to the Bucks. ah.”

“If the Bucks can’t think of a way to solve them, it is estimated that the Lakers will open up a double-digit gap in the first half.”

Yang Yi saw this scene and analyzed it based on his own experience.

It was incredible that they played against the Bucks in the first half.

In the last few minutes of the second quarter, the Bucks also gradually recovered some of their status. Antetokounmpo kept playing inside, or else he distributed the ball to the outside to keep reducing the score of the two teams.

This style of play is very similar to the current Lakers.

Since there is no way to crack the Lakers’ tactics, then imitate them.

Then look at the mistakes of the two teams.

However, Antetokounmpo still made fouls in the interior, McGee already had three fouls on his body, and Antetokounmpo only had one foul. In comparison, the Lakers’ situation is not very good.

until the end of the second quarter.

The score between the Lakers and the Bucks came to 27:24.

It’s just three points away.

On T.N.T TV, Fliggy Barkley looked at the score, with a smile on his lips: “It is estimated that the Bucks will surpass the Lakers soon, and it should only be a matter of time now.”

“Predict the Bucks to overtake the Lakers in the third quarter and widen the gap in the fourth quarter.”

Amy Johnson next to her nodded slightly, agreeing with Barkley.

The strength of the Bucks is there. Except for McGee and Subei, the Lakers are not as good as the Bucks. For example, Kuzma made three turnovers in the second quarter.

The Lakers are being chased by the Bucks for points, and McGee also has three fouls now.

If the Bucks allow McGee to make six fouls, it will be difficult for the Lakers to win the game in the end.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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