NBA: God-level 2K system

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

“The rocket is really a layer of courtyard walls, Yang Jun can’t even get close to Harden’s side.”

The Lakers have no way to pull the space of the inner line apart and let Yang Jun stagger step by step.

At this time, Yang Jun married Ball’s pass to James Harden.

Yang Jun raised his basketball with both hands and turned around in front of Harden’s face, and then, breaking to the right, Harden raised his hands and leaned towards Yang Jun’s left shoulder, but Yang Jun immediately took a step backwards to pull away from Harden.

Harden, who lost his defensive position, naturally pounced on Yang Jun, hoping to cover his shot.

But after Harden jumped up, he found that Yang Jun was still in place.


Harden shouted that if he could control his body in the air, he would rather lie on the ground at this point.

Yang Jun leaned on Harden’s body that had lost his center of gravity and threw the ball at random toward the basket position.

Referee whistle, James Harden three-point foul!

Three free throws!

If the penalty is hit, the Lakers will once again pull the score back to seven points.

At this time, a bald-eyed man is watching the game.

He suddenly felt that the rules of the NBA were somewhat imperfect.

If you want to ask, what does the imperfection of the rules have to do with him…

Adam Shaw got up the phone and dialed a number.

“Halo old man, are you watching today’s game against Houston?”

“Of course it’s watching.”

“Don’t you think the two of them should be stopped by something?”

“You think so too?”


A white-haired old man walked toward the NBA president’s office.

Yang Jun and James Harden could not have imagined, because Yang Jun’s ball quietly made a huge change in the NBA.

Yang Jun, who stood on the free throw line, made three free throws to extend the lead to seven points.

Harden gave the ball to Paul, but Paul held the ball and Harden made a block and aligned it in front of Yang Jun.

Yang Jun wondered.

“Chris, believe it or not, Ball’s goal just now has nothing to do with me.”

“Yang, the way you lie is too childish.”

Paul came to Yang Jun with the ball this time.

He wanted to teach Yang Jun a lesson.

After Paul, who was holding the ball, drilled into Yang Jun’s arms for a moment, he was suddenly turned around and withdrew, a turning three-point shot.

The action is handsome.

The result was very disheveled.

Yang Jun slapped Paul’s shot, who was less than one meter eighty-five in front of him, and blocked it.

In fact, Paul is only about one meter eight, and after wearing shoes, it is about one meter eighty-two, but this does not affect Paul’s ability to become a superstar in such a strong NBA game.

It’s all because of Paul’s gritty personality.

Paul, who deliberately held the ball to find Yang Jun to prepare to teach Yang Jun, was rewarded by Yang Jun with a big hat!

“Stealing chicken doesn’t make it a rotten rice.”

“Maybe Paul doesn’t want to either, but Paul is too dangerous against the rest of the Lakers at this time.”

“How is it dangerous?”

“Now Yang Jun, who is the leader of the Lakers, can’t reach out and pull Paul’s pants.”


Paul certainly didn’t think so.

He wanted to single Yang Jun.

Although Yang Jun looked stronger than him.

However, Paul, who is more than one meter and eight meters, also often scores on the head of Durant, who is two meters and ten meters.

But Durant is Durant.

Yang Jun is Yang Jun.

Not the same.

After Paul was blocked by Yang Jun, he did not do anything angry.

On the contrary, it seems to be more and more calm.

This is a manifestation of Paul’s anger to a certain extent.

But so what?

For Yang Jun, all the troubles on the court are not troubles!

The ball was slapped out of bounds by Yang Jun, still the rocket’s ball, but there was not much time to attack.

Paul bottom line serve, Harden unexpectedly Did not run to the sideline to catch the ball, but Tucker received the ball and jumped to shoot, Kuzma has been defended very dead, but Tucker is too strong, Kuzma accompanied a foul, let Tucker miss this goal.

“Chris, James, I really didn’t do it!”

Harden and Paul looked up at the same time and looked at Yang Jun with a ghostly expression.

“We shouldn’t be so sharp-tongued, should we?” Harden, I’m willing to help you get the All-Star Ticket King, and I hope we can resolve this fight! ”



“There is no falsehood.”

Yang Jun looked at harden and Paul who were thinking, and secretly said, “I help you, but others help me!” ”

Paul thought about it and felt that this was Yang Jun’s demagogic words and could not be easily believed.

Harden pondered for a moment and said, “If you are really willing to help me canvass for votes, then I will not blame the past, and what you did to me before was written off!” ”


Tucker made three free throws and Yang Jun dribbled the ball into the half and faced Gordon.

Gordon is really a small steel cannon-like existence, Yang Jun pushed him three times in a row, he didn’t have much of a dislocation!

You know, Yang Jun’s strength is not inferior to Le Brun James!

Gordon’s strength is actually not as strong as Yang Junqiang’s, but his explosive power is very high, so he can withstand Yang Jun’s breakthrough.

Yang Jun passed the ball to Ingram, Ingram was misplaced against Harden, and at this time, the alignment of the two, Ingram’s bending down to hold the ball, actually overlapped with Durant’s figure again.

It was as if Harden was still wearing a blue jersey at this time, and was at ease doing his best sixth man.

Ingram forced a three-point shot against Harden’s shooting defense, this ball Ingram jumped very high, the rhythm of the shot was a bit chaotic, but after jumping, he did not rush to shoot, but used the time to stagnate, paused for a few tenths of a second, and then threw the ball out.

Harden didn’t interfere with Ingram’s shot, but Harden felt that Ingram just couldn’t shoot the ball.

That’s what it’s like to be superstar.

So Harden made a move that shocked the fans.

Suicide defense.

This is what Harden learned from Yang Jun.

Ingram’s three-pointer did not hit, Harden rushed to the bottom line and got the basketball with both hands, at this time Gordon had already run the backcourt, Harden a strong long pass, trying to pass the ball to Gordon.

However, the moment Harden’s ball came out of his hand, he was actually cut off by Yang Jun, who did not know where he was, and at this time, there was no one under the Rockets’ backcourt basket, and he could only watch Yang Jun dunk again.

“Yang Jun is also a suicidal defense, if you don’t cut off the ball, then the Rockets must have scored these two points.”

“Don’t say if, Yang Jun did it, and did it, no one is qualified to judge whether his behavior is correct, and no one can assume the consequences of unsuccessful decisions!”

“Plus one upstairs!”

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