NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 12 Teammate: You deserved 3 of 7 7-pointers!

"Lin, thank you for your compliment!"

"For the first time in the playoffs, he was able to score 7 three-pointers in a row, helping the Timberwolves complete a strong comeback. In my impression, this should be the most amazing performance of all the undrafted picks in the NBA!"

"And in the playoffs, you scored 100 three-pointers in a row with a 7% shooting rate in a single quarter, which also allowed you to directly break many records!"

"Come and share with the fans how you feel at this moment. How did you achieve such a magical counterattack?"

Lin Fei faced the microphone and camera, put his hands on his hips, and spoke calmly,

There is no stage fright of a small character at all, but more like a superstar who is used to big waves:

"I am very happy that the team can win the game, our journey of this season is not over yet!"

"Being able to hit 7 three-pointers in a row is also incredible for me!"

"Thank you to head coach Flip Saunders for giving me the new job, thank you to Kevin and "Madman" for being able to pass the ball to me, and thank you to Szebiak and Floyd for covering me!"

"This game is a team victory. I just tried my best to complete my job, and I did a good job!"

Erin Andrews did not expect that a low-level player like Lin Fei would, after playing a game that almost changed his fate,

He can still appear so calm and calm, rather than excited and ecstatic.

His conversation was filled with humility and wisdom.

This made Andrews feel that Lin Fei really had the temperament of a superstar in his attitude towards the media.

"Lin, you are too humble!"

"You have to know that in the entire 60-year history of the NBA, no player has ever been able to hit 7 three-pointers in a single quarter in a high-level game like the Western Conference Finals, with a 100% shooting rate!"

"What's more important is that you also helped the team win a battle with no retreat!"

"As an undrafted player last year and playing less than 30 games in the regular season, he has been playing a small role as a water cooler keeper in the playoffs!"

"Lin, aren't you excited about the results you have achieved at this time?"

Lin Fei held the basketball in his hand and chuckled into the microphone:

"Of course I'm excited. This can be said to be an unforgettable game in my NBA career!"

"I accomplished what I thought about day and night, and it was worth all the hard work and waiting!"

"But now that the game is over, it has become the past. Honor should not be a fetter for a player to move forward!"

"G6 of the Western Conference Finals the day after tomorrow may be a bigger challenge for me!"

"Because I don't want the fans to laugh at me behind my back. This Chinese undrafted draft is just a flash in the pan!"

After hearing what Lin Fei said, Erin Andrews instantly felt like she was so fucking sublime.

Compared with most black players who have limited education and physical fitness,

Lin Fei, a young defender from Asia, seems to exude a natural aristocratic temperament.

At this time, another NBA player that Andrews could think of in Lin Fei was Grant Hill, the second overall pick in 94. He was full of poetry and poetry, and was once hailed as Jordan's successor.

I am still wondering why an undrafted pick can still be so humble and calm after becoming famous in World War I.

But Lin Fei's eyes have already been set on Game 6 of the Western Conference Finals the day after tomorrow. This level of skill and level is really high!

"Lin, you are really amazing!"

"So what are your expectations for your performance in G6 of the Western Conference Finals the day after tomorrow?"

Lin Fei said seriously and calmly:

"I hope the head coach can continue to trust me and let me get more playing time!"

"I will try to play my role on the court as hard as I did tonight, and hope that the miracle will continue to favor the Timberwolves! Thank you!"

Erin Andrews couldn't help but give Lin Fei a friendly and polite hug. She really fell in love with this overseas undrafted player who became famous in one battle.

"Lin, thank you very much!"

"I'm really looking forward to your performance in G6 of the Western Conference Finals!"

After the brief interview, Lin Fei took a group photo with several enthusiastic Timberwolves fans, and then quickly returned to the home team's locker room under the escort of the home public relations staff.

The moment he entered the locker room, Lin Fei was suddenly poured a bucket of -15 degree ice water over his head.

Szczerbiak and Hassel, who were hiding behind, laughed and shouted:

"Haha, Lin, your hands are too hot tonight, we have to cool you down!"

Lin Fei shivered suddenly and hurriedly took off his soaked jersey, revealing the strong bronze muscles of his upper body.

"Wally, if I miss my shot in the next game, it will be all your fault!"

Although his physique is not as good as that of black players, Lin Fei is a professional player after all. His chest and abdominal muscles are far more developed than ordinary people, and his plasticity is very strong.

At this time, Timberwolves head coach Philip Sanders also quickly walked into the locker room and said to Lin Fei:

"Lin, hurry up and take a shower, and follow me and Kevin to the post-match press conference. You are the protagonist of the team tonight!"

Szebiak, Hassel, Freud and others all cast envious glances at Lin Fei.

This post-match press conference is a treatment only the top stars receive.

The people who have attended the post-game press conference of the Timberwolves this season are usually the Wolf King, "Madman" and Cassell.

Even Szebiak, the team's sixth man, rarely had a chance.

"Lin, I'm envious, this game of yours is worth all my hard work for a whole season!"

Hassel is really envious, but he can only hate himself for not living up to his expectations.

Although Lin Fei is an Asian undrafted player, he has been on the edge in the low post for the Timberwolves throughout the season.

However, the main and substitute players in the team, including Hassell, all believed that Lin Fei's explosion tonight was no accident. It was luck but not entirely luck.

Because Lin Fei is well-known as a training fiend in the team, his daily shooting and physical training amount,

It is more than three times that of players on rookie contracts such as Hassell.

In every collective training session within the team, Lin Fei was the first to come and the last to leave.

The old man who is the gatekeeper at the training ground of the Target Center is very familiar with Lin Fei.

Faced with Phyllis Sanders' invitation, Lin Fei touched the back of his head in embarrassment, frowned slightly and said:

"Coach, I'd better not go. It's more appropriate to let Kevin and Latrell go!"

"Besides, after taking a shower, I have to practice another 800 three-pointers!"

Szczerbiak, Hassell, Freud, as well as the wolf king and the "madman" who came out of the shower room: "..."

"Lin, you deserve it, you made 7 of 7 three-pointers!"

Phillip Sanders smiled and nodded: "Okay, Lin, come on, I like your attitude very much!"

"In the next Western Conference Finals G6, I can guarantee you that your playing time will not be less than 20 minutes!"

Originally, Philip Sanders was also worried that Lin Fei would be exposed to the spotlight of media reporters prematurely after only playing this good game, which is indeed not conducive to the steady growth of rookies.

But I didn't expect Lin Fei to be so down-to-earth and humble, still insisting on training every day step by step, without any idea of ​​taking credit from the team.

This makes Philip Sanders feel satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, it is already a miracle that an Asian guard like Lin Fei, who was undrafted, can appear on the Timberwolves' playoff roster.

Philip Sanders chose to support Lin Fei against all opinions, and let him appear in the last quarter under such a dangerous situation tonight.

It is precisely because of Lin Fei's down-to-earth and perseverance personal attitude.

Reality proves once again that opportunities only come to those who are prepared.

At this time, in the luxury box on the roof of the Target Center Arena,

Timberwolves boss Glen Taylor sat on the leather sofa, crossed his legs, happily took a sip of Bordeaux wine from the goblet, smiled at the assistant next to him and said:

"Jace, go to the team locker room and give Lin a red envelope of US$2 in my own name!"

After the assistant left the box, Glen Taylor looked at the team general manager Kevin McHale beside him and asked with a chuckle:

"Kevin, in your opinion, is Lin's performance tonight just a flash in the pan?"

McHale touched his chin, thought for a while, and analyzed from a professional perspective:

"Scoring seven three-pointers in a row is indeed very difficult to happen again, but even putting aside Lin's shooting level, his ability to move without the ball is top-notch!"

"Shooting sometimes depends on luck, but the keen insight into finding opportunities without the ball is definitely part of a player's intelligence and talent!"

"After this season, the team did underestimate Lin's potential and did not give him enough playing time, so he has been buried. I, the general manager, must bear some responsibility for this!"

Glenn Taylor smiled and nodded: "Tell Phyllis Sanders too, try to arrange for Lin to play more time in the next game!"

"Of course, the purpose of everything is to win the game, and testing Lin's ability is only secondary!"

"If he can perform again, then you should prepare a contract extension for him in advance. The annual salary can be between 100 million and 200 million US dollars!"

"This will also allow him to play with peace of mind in the team, and prevent this kid from being intercepted by other teams!"

McHale nodded, but shook his head secretly in his heart.

If you want to renew the contract to retain Lin, a potential stock, with an annual salary of one or two million, I'm afraid it's simply impossible.

Not to mention how Lin Fei performed in the next G6 of the Western Conference Finals, just because he made 7 of 7 three-pointers in the final quarter tonight,

It’s enough to change the fate of an NBA undrafted player…

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