NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 279: Conflict breaks out, Artest beats up Randolph wildly!

"Being behind by 1 points in the last 08 minute and 8 seconds, this game is difficult to play. It is extremely difficult to come back, but as long as Lin Fei is here, the suspense of the game will always remain!"

"But this is the finals after all. The Timberwolves' overall defense tonight has reached the top level in the league. In the last quarter, they even double-teamed Lin Fei like crazy!"

"Honestly speaking, Lin Fei was able to grit his teeth and score 53 points in the face of layers of defense when he was exhausted in the final quarter. This is already a super-level performance. We really can't ask for more!"

In the Tianchao commentary team on the second floor, Director Zhang looked solemn at this time and highly praised Lin Fei's performance of 53 points tonight.

At the same time, he also analyzed the game with the rational attitude of a professional basketball commentator, reducing the fans' expectations for Lin Fei's desperate reversal game.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Although Lin Fei created a miracle of 35 seconds and 16 minutes in the Eastern Conference Finals,

But for an NBA player to have such a magical moment in his entire career, it is already a blessing from God.

It is almost impossible to achieve a miracle again.

But even so, Director Zhang, Yang Yi, Su Qun and others still feel the same as the more than 80 million fans in China and hundreds of millions of fans around the world, still looking forward to another miracle.

"It is said that with great responsibility comes great ability. Perhaps it is because of the series of miracles Lin Fei has created this season, including the God moment of 35 seconds and 16 minutes, that fans will look forward to this every night when they are in adversity. A basketball hero returns!"

"But we must also admit that in the history of NBA finals, there has never been a precedent of being behind by 70 points in the last 8 seconds of the last quarter and finally completing a comeback!"

"However, tonight at the Target Center Arena, the place where Lin Fei won the O'Brien Cup for the first time in the past, will he accomplish such a miracle?"

"Basketball is, after all, a team sport of five people. The Knicks' biggest weakness tonight is defense and rebounding! So if the Knicks want to reverse this finals at the last minute, it will definitely require the efforts of the players who share the same hatred, not just He is Lin Fei’s super god!”

Su Qun and Yang Yi also expressed their opinions and expectations for the last 1 minute and 08 seconds of the game. The voices of several commentators from Tianchao sets were trembling, which showed how excited they were at the scene.

Seeing that the main players of the two teams came back from the timeout and walked onto the court again, the eyes of the many star fans in the front row became intense. They held their breath and did not even dare to blink their eyelids.

Marbury was in charge of serving the ball on the frontline, Lin Fei stood two meters outside the three-point line at the top of the arc, and the Knicks' three inside players were all piled up near the top of the arc, forming a three-person barrier.

For the Timberwolves, Ray Allen was responsible for interfering with Marbury's serve on the sideline, while Gerald Wallace and Artest bypassed the Knicks' three-man barrier, ready to chase and double-team Lin Fei at any time.

Kevin Garnett and Szebiak stood up to the Knicks' three interior barriers at the top of the arc, always on guard against their opponents' alley-oop dunks down the penalty area.


As soon as the referee's whistle sounded, Lin Fei quickly started running towards the left, instantly involving Gerrard and Artest in their pursuit.

At the same time, the Knicks' three inside lines instantly dispersed in three directions: left, right and downhill, causing Garnett and Szebiak's pursuit to focus on one thing but not the other.


While Lin Fei was running to the left, he suddenly stopped and reversed, running quickly between Gerrard and Artest. At the same time, Zach Randolph happened to come up to Lin Fei. A solid, high-quality cover.

Randolph's screen delayed Artest's pursuit. Gerrard was also thrown away by Lin Fei. Lin Fei received Marbury's serve sideways at a 30-degree angle on the left side.

A realistic shooting fake, directly sending Gerald Wallace away from the defense, and then he got up again, completely ignoring Ron Artest who quickly pushed Randolph away and pounced on him. The lightning three-pointer was decisively shot again.

However, the next moment the basketball flew out of Lin Fei's fingertips, Artest, with his body as strong as a beast and his eyes as scarlet as blood, was so violent that he could not stop the car at all.

His whole body suddenly hit Lin Fei's chest and abdomen.



In the unexpected loud noise, Lin Fei's whole body was knocked into a bow shape, flew directly three or four meters away, and landed hard on the audience seat on the sidelines.



The sound of the basketball hitting the net was clear, but the Knicks fans had no time to get excited.

The situation on the sidelines was instantly chaotic. Many fans jumped up from their seats in fright. The referee's whistle also sounded immediately, giving Ron Artest a first-level flagrant foul.


It was too late, but it was too late. Seeing Lin Fei being knocked directly into the audience by Artest, how could Randolph bear it? The conflict with Artest that had been going on for the whole game suddenly broke out at this moment. He rushed forward and pushed Artest away with all his strength.


Artest landed heavily in the corner of the court a few meters away, and his head directly hit the ground camera lens placed in the corner.

As the camera lens shattered, blood oozed from Artest's forehead, instantly staining the floor red.

The conflict was about to break out. As a patient with irritability and the number one protagonist in the Palace of Auburn Hills incident, how could Artest endure being bullied by others?

Ignoring the bleeding wound on his head, he jumped up from the ground, clenched his fists, and rushed towards Randolph.

Gerald Wallace originally wanted to grab Artest, but was directly shaken off by the opponent's terrifying bull power.

Although Randolph was physically stronger, he was still not as good at fighting as Artest. In addition, his body was not agile enough and he was unable to dodge, so he was punched in the chin by Artest.


He stumbled back momentarily dizzy, and a mouthful of thick blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth.


Artest has been training in boxing since he was a child. Coupled with his well-developed upper body muscles and a stronger body than a center, Randolph will eventually fall into a disadvantage.

The furious Artest chased Randolph all the way, punching Randolph hard on the face and shoulders one after another. Randolph's face was covered with blood in an instant, and he retreated from the front court to his home. backcourt restricted area.

Although he obviously suffered from the beating, Randolph was not completely vegetarian. In the process, he also punched Artest a few times. Eddie Curry, who rushed up immediately, also found an opportunity and kicked him hard. On Artest's waist.


Artest was kicked to the ground by Eddie Curry. Kevin Garnett rushed to hit Eddie Curry, but was quickly stopped by his teammates.

The players of the two teams, the referee and the coaches of both teams quickly stopped between the two sides.

The security personnel of the Target Center Arena were also dispatched quickly, and dozens of people ran onto the court holding batons.

The crazy Artest struggled to break away from the pull of his teammates, clenching his fists and trying to greet Randolph, like a completely crazy lion.

Randolph was already bruised and swollen by Artest's beating, and the blood on his face continued to fall on the court floor.

Seeing Artest planning to charge forward again, he suddenly felt a little frightened, but he was too embarrassed to hide directly behind his teammates.

Several players on the Knicks team, including Eddie Curry, watched Zach Randolph being severely beaten by Artest. On the one hand, they naturally wanted to take care of it, but they also felt somewhat gloating.

This black bear who was so cruel and domineering in the locker room turned out to be beaten until he got scared.

Security personnel armed with batons surrounded Artest, and with the persuasion of his Timberwolves teammates, Artest gradually gave up his violent mood and allowed his reason to regain the high ground.

Lin Fei, who was knocked into the audience by Artest, endured the pain in his back and shoulders and climbed up, rushing onto the court to stand with his Knicks teammates.

There was a commotion at the scene. Many Timberwolves fans stood up from their seats and waved their fists to cheer:

"Well done Ron, I've long been unhappy with this guy Zach Randolph, so I'll beat him up!"

"This Randolph thinks too highly of himself? How dare he attack Ron first? Do you really think he is good at fighting because of his tonnage? He deserves to be beaten!"

"omg, Ron's fighting power is much stronger than I thought. It seems that this Zack is just a show-off. He has grown so big in vain and still looks ferocious!"

"Haha, it's so cool to watch rich people with annual salaries of tens of millions fighting! It's much more enjoyable than watching UFC!"

There are fans who love to watch the excitement, but of course more fans are still worried that the situation in this round of finals will change because of this vicious fight.

"Mader, you idiot Ron, it's okay to hit Lin Fei. The referee only gave you a first-level criminal. This guy actually insisted on fighting Zach. Now it's over. He will definitely be expelled and suspended." !”

"Ron was chasing Zach Randolph all the way, and blood was spattered all the way on the court floor. Judging from this bad situation, he will probably be suspended for at least ten games. This round of the finals is Don’t even think about fighting again!”

"Ron is really hopeless. If he hadn't been suspended due to conflicts in the Western Conference Finals last year, our Timberwolves might not have lost to the Mavericks. But in the first game of this year's finals, we started going crazy again..."

"It was obviously Zach who made the move first. Could it be that Ron was beaten for not fighting back? In short, both of them will be expelled. One for one, our Timberwolves may not suffer much!"

"I saw Eddy Curry also took action. This guy should be expelled too!"

"Anyway, Ron's defense just now was indeed a bit too big. I still hope Lin won't be injured, otherwise this round of the finals will not look good!"

The conflict was quickly contained, and the players from both teams were persuaded to return to their respective courts. The team doctors checked the physical condition of the injured players. Lin Fei's health was obviously the top concern of the Knicks coaching staff.

The three referees repeatedly watched the video replay of the conflict in front of the technical stage, waiting to make the most fair and objective decision.

The Tianchao on-site commentary team on the second floor, including Director Zhang, Yang Yi, Su Qun and Yu Jia, were most concerned about Lin Fei's injury at this time, praying in their hearts that nothing would happen to Lin Fei.

"Oh, I didn't expect that such a violent fight would happen in the last minute of the game. The two time bombs of Artest and Randolph finally exploded!"

"Judging from the replay of the video, Artest knocked Lin Fei into the audience. It was really hard. I hope Lin Fei will not be injured. Just like the old saying in our country, good people It has its own destiny!”

At this time, in the third and fourth rows on the sidelines, near where Lin Fei was hit, several white model female fans were still recalling the moment when Lin Fei suddenly hit them.

Although it hurts a bit, it is also really exciting.

These model female fans also took advantage of the chaos and fucked Lin Fei all over his body. One lucky female fan even touched his breasts. She is still recalling that wonderful feeling.

Lin Fei, who was in the final excitement of the game, didn't notice the madness of the female fans at all. He just felt that when the ball hit the audience just now, there was always something soft underneath him to cushion the damage.

After examination by the team doctor, Lin Fei had minor injuries to his back and waist, but there were no serious injuries or bone tissue damage, and he could continue to play the last minute of the game.

At this time, Randolph and Artest, who were more seriously injured, had already returned to the locker room for treatment. These two guys probably knew in their hearts that they would definitely be expelled from this game.

After deliberation among three referees, it was finally decided to expel Artest and Zach Randolph from the game. Subsequent suspensions and fines are pending at the league headquarters.

At the same time, Eddie Curry and Kevin Garnett each received a technical foul.

Lin Fei's three-point goal before the conflict was valid, and his score on the personal data column had reached 56 points.

On the court, three or four cleaning staff and ball boys went out to quickly clean the blood stains on the floor. On the timer, the time until the end of the final quarter was fixed at 1 minute and 05 seconds.

In the Knicks' frontcourt sideline serve attack just now, Lin Fei only spent 3 seconds to hit a difficult three-pointer from a desperate situation, helping the Knicks to chase the point difference to 5 points.

Because of the time consumed by the fight and the temporary pause, Lin Fei also got a few minutes of rare rest, and his overdraft of physical energy was slightly relieved.

"God, I believe no one wants a classic NBA finals to be ruined by a vicious fight. Ron and Zach will eventually pay the price for their actions, but tonight's G1 finals will continue! "

"Fortunately, Lin was not injured. He will lead the Knicks to race against time and continue to fight to the end!"

"The three-pointer he made against Ron just now brought Lin's personal score tonight to 56 points, officially surpassing Michael Jordan and Rick Barry's 55 points and becoming the history of the NBA Finals. His second highest score in a single game!"

"Second only to Elgin Baylor's 1962 points in the Battle of Tianwangshan in the 61 Finals!"

"Next, Lin will also execute Ron Artest's secondary flagrant foul free throws on behalf of the Knicks, as well as Gerald Wallace's technical foul free throws!"

Lin Fei stepped onto the free throw line and attracted everyone's attention. Many Timberwolves fans at the scene also stood in awe. No one interfered with Lin Fei's free throw by waving banners because they knew it would be completely useless.




There were no surprises. Even though Lin Fei was still feeling slight pain in his back and shoulders at this time, he still made all three free throws.

"Mygod, 59 points! Lin is only one three-pointer away from breaking Elgin Baylor's single-game Finals record of 61 points!"

Szebiak also went to the free throw line to perform three free throws and hit two goals.

Knicks (108): (112) Timberwolves.

Under the storm of Lin Fei's desperate three-pointer and the brawl, the Knicks quickly chased the point difference to only 4 points, and there was still 1 minute and 05 seconds left on the timer.

The Timberwolves fans at the Target Center Arena, home to the Timberwolves, couldn't be happier at this time. A huge sense of foreboding shrouded the sky like a dark cloud.

Kevin McHale, who was standing on the sidelines with his arms folded, had a serious face at this time. He really wanted to strangle the unsatisfactory Artest.

In a game that was sure to win, the team was once again on the verge of danger because of the guys' conflicts and irrationality at the last moment.

The lead of 1 points was still stable at 08 minute and 8 seconds, but after only 3 seconds, he was caught up and was only 4 points behind. In addition, Lin Fei obtained the necessary rest time and physical recovery through the temporary timeout after the group fight.

In this game, it will not be that easy for the Timberwolves to hold on to their lead until the end.

McHale tried hard to suppress the worries in his heart. In the final analysis, they were still the dominant side. They were leading by 1 points in the last minute. As long as they delayed the time and tried their best to hit the basket successfully, the victory would still belong to the Timberwolves.

When the Knicks' offense ended, players on both sides received second-level fouls and technical fouls respectively. Therefore, after both sides made free throws, the ball was still awarded to the Timberwolves.

At the critical moment, "Wolf King" Garnett did his part, holding the ball in the high post to press time, facing the frame and breaking into the penalty area to face David Lee's assisting defense, and forced his shot to cause a foul on Eddie Curry's shooting hitter.



The Wolf King beat his chest domineeringly and roared at Eddy Curry, once again igniting the tense atmosphere of the Target Center Arena.

"Do you, a pig like you, want to guard against me? You'd better get out of here!"

Eddie Curry was filled with anger, but he could not hide the fact that he was completely blown away by Garnett tonight. At the same time, this was also the sixth foul he received, and he was directly charged for graduation.

Eddie Curry clenched his fists as he walked towards the players' tunnel, vowing in his heart that he would fight well in the next game, even if he risked his life, he would die with this arrogant wolf king.

Eddie Curry and Randolph were both ejected, and Isaiah Thomas could only send in substitute center Jerome James to partner with David Lee in the final minute.


Perhaps because he was too excited, Garnett, who stepped to the free throw line, missed his first free throw and the basketball bounced out.


Thanks to the second free throw, the Timberwolves' lead came to 5 points.

On the timer, there are only the last 0 minutes and 40 seconds left before the end of the final quarter.

Knicks (108): (113) Timberwolves.

The ball changed, and Lin Fei, who brought the ball to the frontcourt, faced Gerald Wallace again. At this time, Gerald Wallace had already committed 5 fouls, but he still did not dare to restrain his defensive intensity. .

Many star fans in the front row couldn't help but stand up. Jordan, Kobe, Kaká, Messi, Jay Chou, Scarlett and others were holding their breath at this moment, looking forward to Lin Fei's key attack. .

The time on the timer reached 0 minutes and 32 seconds. Lin Fei lowered his center of gravity to hold up Gerald Wallace. After dribbling the ball from his hip, he suddenly changed hands behind his back and suddenly passed from the right side of the defender. .


Lin Fei suddenly stopped after taking two steps. Feeling Ray Allen rushing up in front of him and Gerrard chasing after him, he grasped the slightest chance about 9 meters away from the basket. In the fleeting space, he leaped up and shot another one.

The moment the basketball flew out of his fingertips, Gerald Wallace, who was rushing up from behind, failed to restrain his body and hit Lin Fei from the side and behind.

This kind of situation where the defender chases the shooter will never be tolerated by ordinary referees.



The referee's whistle and the sound of the basketball hitting the net sounded almost simultaneously. Lin Fei once again hit a super difficult and unreasonable 0+29 in the last 3 minutes and 1 seconds of the game.

Gerald Wallace, who was called for a foul, was dejected. This was also his sixth foul tonight. He could only turn around and walk towards the tunnel.

At this time, Gerald Wallace had only one thought in his mind, and that was that Lin Fei was definitely a devil sent to the world by Satan.

Lin Fei, who was knocked to the ground, slammed his fist on the court floor and shouted passionately at Garnett and Ray Allen:

"Hey guys, the game isn't over yet!"

Marbury and David Lee quickly ran up to help Lin Fei up, while on the Knicks' bench, the substitute players jumped up excitedly and waved towels crazily.

Isaiah Thomas also waved his fists excitedly, feeling excited for Lin Fei's crucial 3+1.

On the Timberwolves side, there was silence on the bench, and McHale couldn't help but put his head in his hands, his eyes looking dull.


Lin Fei, who stepped to the free throw line, hit the extra free throw and the Knicks chased the point difference to only 1 point.

Knicks (112): (113) Timberwolves.

McHale quickly called the Timberwolves' last long timeout in regular time. With 29 seconds left in the final quarter, theoretically both teams still had an opportunity to attack.

Who wins and who loses cannot be determined until the last second of the game.

"63 points!! God, Lin has already scored 63 points! This is a new record for individual points in a single game in the NBA Finals!"

Charles Barkley in front of the commentary desk was so excited that his commentary voice even became choked with sobs:

"A few years from now, many fans may forget the victory or defeat of G06 in the 07-1 season finals, but Lin's 63-point miracle in the finals will forever remain in the most glorious page of NBA history!"

At this time, the camera lens on the sidelines also showed Lakers legend Elgin Baylor sitting in the first row. The 73-year-old old man was already gray-haired. He smiled kindly and applauded Lin Fei personally.

As the most tragic uncrowned king in NBA history, Elgin Baylor's most proud record of 61 points in a single game in the Finals finally became history tonight after 45 years of silence.

And Mr. Jerry West, who was sitting next to Mr. Baylor, felt a familiar aura in Lin Fei tonight.

He inexplicably remembered his lonely battle in the 1969 Finals. He was the first and only losing Finals MVP in NBA history. For Mr. West, it was both an honor and a regret!

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