NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 285 Whether it is strong or not depends on the ball!

At the Knicks postgame press conference,

The media reporters seemed to have a tacit understanding, and the interview questions were limited to the game itself, and they never mentioned the shooting incident outside the field.

Lin Fei had no intention of answering the boring questions of these media reporters and said directly:

"Tonight's G3 finals has been settled. I'm glad we won. I believe those so-called experts will re-evaluate the situation of this finals!"

"But I still want to say that what the media should pay most attention to right now should not be this inconsequential game, but the families of those who were killed in the off-field shooting incident, the rescue work of seriously injured fans, and the United States' response to the ongoing qThe process of catching criminals!"

Lin Fei's impassioned and awe-inspiring words immediately made the atmosphere in the entire conference room feel strange. The media reporters looked at each other, quite touched by Lin Fei's frankness.

One of the black female reporters obviously caught the clue in Lin Fei’s words and asked confidently:

"Lin, when you say this, are you doubting the efficiency of relevant departments in the United States and New York?"

Facing the aggressiveness of this female reporter, Lin Fei had no intention of restraining himself. He stood up directly, picked up the microphone and said coldly:

"You are right. I am not only suspicious, but will also pay attention to the subsequent development of this matter. I hope that the United States and New York can give me the most fair explanation and treatment as a Chinese fan in distress!"

"If it weren't for the fact that there is an NBA star like me in New York, most fans may not choose to come across the ocean to New York to watch the game at this time, and they would not be killed in this riot!"

"As a public idol in the eyes of the Chinese people, I must express my deep sympathy and condolences for the unfortunate experience of the Chinese fans, and strongly remind and urge the relevant departments in the United States to actively catch the murderers and give justice to our Chinese fans!"

Lin Fei's words were loud and powerful. As soon as he finished speaking, he dropped the microphone and turned around.

Only countless confused media reporters were left, as well as Isaiah Thomas and Stephon Marbury who were sitting in front of the press table with embarrassed faces.

Many American reporters cannot truly understand the heavy meaning contained in Lin Fei's words.

Many media reporters at the scene were greatly shocked, because they realized that most states in the United States, including New York State, do not have torture at all legally.

The bold and freedom-advocating American media reporters will naturally not let such a topic that attracts attention and traffic go to waste.

Lin Fei's remarks criticizing the United States at the post-match press conference and apologizing to the Chinese fans for their involvement quickly spread in major newspapers and on the Internet, causing widespread discussion among fans at home and abroad.

As a daily homicide case, it naturally attracts more people than sports itself, covering almost all industries and fields.

This also brought Lin Fei's righteous remarks to the forefront quickly, attracting support and praise from fans.

On the Chinese side, through the massacre at Madison Square Garden, malicious trolls, under the control of capital, immediately began posting on the Internet to slander Lin Fei, accusing him of being a star player and being indifferent to domestic fans. , no role as an idol.

"What Lin Fei did was a bit unethical. Although he didn't kill the fans, he should come forward to express his position publicly, right? What's the point of hiding after the game?"

"You must know that the two Chinese fans who died went to Madison Square Garden to watch the game because of him. Among them was a newlywed couple who flew across the ocean from China. It was really tragic!"

"Lin Fei must come forward and give us fans an explanation. Does playing in the United States really mean that he is an American?"

"The murderer hasn't been caught yet? What do the cops in the United States and New York do for a living?"

"Lin Fei is now a big star worth more than a billion dollars. He has hundreds of millions of fans around the world. How can he care about the lives of one or two ordinary people?"

"Hey, I feel like people who chase stars are all mentally retarded. The most I like about the NBA is to watch games at home. In the end, sports itself is sports itself. If others play well, we will watch them. But if we really want to rise to the level of chasing stars, At this point, you will probably be disappointed in the end!”

Regarding the occurrence of the 611 shooting case and the two Chinese people and five seriously injured people who were in danger in this incident,

The day after the incident, demonstrations by Chinese students from China took place in several major American cities, including New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. They strongly condemned the inaction of the United States, spoke out for the deceased, and also called for the launch of the anti-Q movement.

Under pressure from all walks of life, New York has also stepped up its investigation of this case. Through surveillance inspections and fingerprint comparisons on the deceased, it has been basically possible to determine the identity of the Q-wielding murderer, and quickly launched a nationwide investigation. A wanted search was launched.

The suspect is a 37-year-old African-American named Jonathan Pope. He has a history of fighting, wounding, and smuggling. He has served 6 years and 8 months in a Pennsylvania prison.

Further investigation from the onlookers at the time revealed that Jonathan Pope had an argument with a white fan and was racially slurred by the other party.

He decisively took action with no expression on his face, which eventually led to tragedy.

The identity of the Chinese student who was unfortunately shot dead in this massacre was also announced. His name was Liu Haotong, a native of Tianchao University, and an international student at the prestigious Ivy League school Columbia University. He was only 23 years old.

Judging from the published photos of the death scene, this female international student from China was a die-hard Lin Fei and Knicks fan. Lin Fei's Knicks No. 22 jersey she was wearing was stained red with blood.

The parents of the deceased were so distraught that they lost their only daughter. They immediately completed the relevant procedures and flew from Dalian to New York to deal with their daughter's death amid grief.

Because this major criminal case has not yet been solved, the body of the deceased woman will be temporarily stored in a freezer at the local forensic center in New York and cannot be handed over to the family of the deceased for burial in the country.

Accompanied by several bodyguards, Lin Fei personally came to the local forensic center in New York to meet with the parents of the deceased. While providing comfort, he also presented the late female fan with his autographed sneakers and jersey.

At the same time, Lin Fei also went to the local emergency hospital in New York to visit several Chinese fans who were injured in the stampede incident. He also presented autographed sneakers and jerseys and took photos with the fans.

He also promised to work with the Chinese Embassy staff to urge the relevant local departments in New York to bear all the medical expenses and visa extension losses in this accident, catch the real culprit as soon as possible, and obtain legal compensation.

A local Chinese intern reporter in New York secretly followed and reported on Lin Fei's low-key actions of condolences to the families of the victims and the wounded in the hospital, which instantly aroused comments and praise from a large number of fans across the United States.

"Oh my God, who said that Lin doesn't care about the lives of Chinese fans? Doesn't this behavior explain the problem? Which star can compare with Lin's responsibility?"

"Well done Lin Fei, China is proud to have a sports idol like you!"

"Without the public pressure from big stars like Lin Fei in New York, the case would not have been solved so smoothly. After all, there are hundreds of murder cases in New York every year, and half of them cannot be solved!"

"I know Fei Ge will never let the fans down, whether on or off the court!"

"I will always support Brother Fei. Go to hell for those football stars from China and South America who come to China to make money. From now on, I will never watch football again. I will only focus on basketball and the NBA!"

"Last month, Lazio came to the Capital City to play a friendly match. They advertised an all-main lineup before the game, but in the end, all the substitutes came on the field. They really treat us Chinese fans like we are not human beings!"

"Lin Fei is an idol who is always trustworthy. His performance and character are both outstanding. He is a miracle in the history of Chinese sports!"

"Strongly call on New York City to kill the evil criminals and give justice to the injured and injured fans!"

Fans of overseas Chinese students at home and abroad unite as one and regard Lin Fei as their faith and support as a star overseas. He is also a pioneering role model for fighting for the right to speak in the world after the country becomes strong.

After a 24-hour search, the suspect Jonathan Pope was finally captured by local authorities in a basement casino in Queens and was successfully arrested.

Faced with the conclusive evidence held by the relevant departments in New York, Jonathan Pope confessed to his murder with a Q in Madison Square Garden. What awaits him is a criminal prosecution in the local court of New York.

According to the local criminal law of the United States, Jonathan Pope shot five people directly with Q that night, causing serious public panic, which directly led to riots and stampedes.

His crime already meets the level of first-degree murder, and what awaits him is the death penalty or life imprisonment.

However, New York State has abolished the death penalty for many years, and this incident once again aroused violent reactions from the general public.

In particular, some local Chinese fans and international students strongly advocated that New York State reinstate the death penalty, and the local Senate also held a discussion meeting.

At the pre-game press conference for Game 4 of the Finals,

Lin Fei also gave a tough reply to media reporters, believing that Jonathan Pope should bear responsibility for the sins he committed. Some mistakes can never be forgiven.

"There is an old saying in our country: Pay debts with money, kill with life!"

"If the murderer is not dead, how can the innocent dead under the Nine Springs rest in peace?"

As the most famous and influential NBA star in New York today, Lin Fei's words are truly resounding. He has promoted Chinese culture and concepts to the world's largest city, attracting the support of many Chinese and foreign fans.

"Brother Fei said it well. It is only natural to pay debts and kill people to pay for their lives. I killed 5 people alive. Including the stampede that was directly caused, at least 10 people died. Isn't this a death sentence? I really don't understand the United States. What the hell is this law!”

"Made, the female international student was only 23 years old. She was 23 years old, and she died so tragically at the same age. This murderous devil, even the death penalty is a light one, so he should be..."

"I'm angry. This isn't even a death sentence? Why is the United States such a bitch? I will never travel to the United States in my life, and I won't let my wife or future generations go there!"

"Lin Fei said it right, murder must be punished with life. This is the most natural truth, and it won't break the law!"

Forums on major mainland online platforms are flooded with posts, complaining about U.S. law and supporting Lin Fei's public remarks in front of media reporters.

If it weren't for this incident, many ordinary people in the mainland would not have paid much attention to foreign laws at all. They have always believed that murder is a very natural and just sentence that cannot be refuted.

"If this guy just shot and killed the white man who had a conflict with him and made racially discriminatory remarks, he still has a chance to avoid killing so many people for no reason. If he doesn't die, who will die?"

"My fucking 40-meter sword was almost confiscated. If New York State does not reinstate the death penalty, I will never watch NBA again. I will do what I say!"

"It's because there is no death penalty in the United States that there are so many criminals who kill people without fear of the consequences! After all, they still have food and shelter in prison!"

Regarding the discussion of the death penalty, in the Knicks locker room before the game, Lin Fei also had a fierce debate with Marbury, Randolph and others. The different cultural growth environments at home and abroad made it difficult for Marbury and Randolph to Americans have been severely baptized in human rights and religion.

However, David Lee, Ariza and others stood with Lin Fei, supporting and calling for the restoration of the death penalty system in New York State.

Of course, there are people like Eddy Curry, Nate Robinson and Quentin Richardson who are neutral.

In fact, people from all walks of life in various states in the United States have always held different views on whether to retain the death penalty.

In the most recent large-scale national referendum in 1998, 36% of the people hoped to completely abolish the death penalty, 42% hoped to retain the death penalty, and the remaining 22% of the American people were neutral.

In the United States today, 22 states have abolished the death penalty, including New York State.

However, with the 611 Madison Square Garden massacre, the voices of the people in New York State who hoped to reinstate the death penalty once again gained the upper hand.

Among them, Lin Fei's appeal as the "King of New York" and the NBA's top superstar must have a certain influence.

During the start of Game 4 of the Finals that night, there were huge crowds of people outside Madison Square Garden, and a huge demonstration team.

Mainly overseas Asian and South American students and tourists called on New York State to reinstate the death penalty and execute the murderer Jonathan Pope.

In the auditorium on all sides of the stadium, there were also many Chinese fans and tourists wearing T-shirts with red letters that read "Blood debt must be paid with blood" and "Kill with life".

In deep memory of the Chinese fans who died in the June 611 attack, they strongly challenged and questioned the laws of the United States and called for the murderer to be sentenced to death.

The atmosphere throughout the game became a bit dull, and Lin Fei also wore a white protective tape on his left arm during this game to express his feelings.

At the beginning of the game, Eddie Curry lifted the basketball over Olowokandi's head, and the Knicks took the lead in attacking.

After Lin Fei stepped across the center line, he directly asked Marbury for the ball. Facing the basket 13 meters away, taking advantage of Gerald Wallace's negligence at the beginning, he directly chose to shoot a super long three-pointer in the half.


The moment the basketball flew out of Lin Fei's fingertips, Gerald Wallace was shocked. He rushed to block the shot, but how could he not do it in time?

Players on and off the court, including head coaches Isaiah Thomas and Kevin McHale, were stunned by Lin Fei's sudden three-pointer in the half less than 3 seconds into the game.

The nearly 20,000 fans at the scene were also holding their breath at this moment, staring at the basketball flying in the void.


The moment the basketball hit the net, the entire Madison Square Garden erupted in cheers and cheers.

Knicks (3): (0) Timberwolves.

"omg, it's amazing. The opening shot was a half-court three-pointer from 13 meters away. Lin is going to have a super explosive rhythm tonight!"

"Lin Fei made a three-pointer in the first half. He used a difficult goal to express his voice for our Chinese fans. I have a hunch that Lin Fei will score high scores again tonight!"

"Brother Fei is angry, and the consequences will be serious!"

"Haha, the Timberwolves are already trembling. Zach returns tonight, and Ron Artest will be suspended for one game. Our Knicks are playing at home, and the big score is 3:1!"

"Those experts who were not optimistic about Lin and the Knicks winning the championship before the finals started, their faces must be swollen now, right?"

"As long as we win again tonight, the championship will be absolutely guaranteed. You must know that in the history of the NBA Finals, there has never been a precedent of a big 3:1 lead being reversed!"

"Oh my God, Lin's season is so dreamy. From Lin's 78 points in the Christmas game to the regular season MVP, 35 seconds and 16 points in the playoffs to a record-breaking 63 points in a single game in the Finals, the championship is now close. It’s right in front of you!”

"Last season, we were at the bottom of the league. This season, while introducing Lin Fei, we maintained the main lineup and boldly used rookies. We actually made it all the way to the finals and led the Timberwolves with a big score of 2:1. This is really fantastic! "

"If the Knicks finally win the championship, then Lin Fei will truly be the number one player in the league!"

"If Lin Fei can really lead the team to win the championship and win the FMVP trophy this season, then he will have won the championship, regular season MVP, finals MVP, All-Star MVP, double team, scoring champion, steals champion, and all-conference MVP in the same season. The Super Grand Slam winner who is the star vote-winner!”

"It is said that the 87-88 season was the strongest season of Michael Jordan's career, but Jordan failed to lead the Bulls to win the championship that season. What Jordan couldn't do back then, Lin Fei can do now!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Kills for lives, debts repay money, Brother Fei yyds!"

Amid the cheers of the home fans, the game on the court quickly became intense.

On the defensive end, Lin Fei decisively went down to double-team Garnett, flying and cutting the basketball out of the opponent's hands, helping the Knicks to quickly launch a defensive counterattack.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Seeing the stern figure who dribbled forward after stealing the ball, many star fans in the front row were also shocked.

In Lin Fei's body, they felt an unprecedented murderous aura.

Lin Fei's eyes were hot, and a sea of ​​blood rolled out of his eyes.

In this finals, he not only has to lead the team to win, but also has to show his confidence and voice as a Chinese star in the NBA and the entire United States.

Strong or not, let the ball speak for itself.




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