NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 30 Barkley: Lin, don’t kill me!

On the Lakers side, "Zen Master" is surrounded by the players in the center.

"Next, we attack one and try to complete the attack within 15 seconds. This can at least ensure that after the Timberwolves attack for 24 seconds, we still have at least 7 seconds to make the final attack!"

"But to ensure that the efficiency of this offense is still No. 1, the Timberwolves will definitely choose to replace Lin on the defensive end. Kobe and Shaquille will play high pick-and-rolls. Breaking in is still the best option!"

"If the Timberwolves do a low-post double-team, trust the open teammate!"

Kobe was dissatisfied with "Zen Master" calling a timeout at this time, so the Timberwolves would inevitably replace Lin, and the Lakers would have no chance to use their advantage to attack one.

But after all, he was a heavyweight coach with 11 rings in his hand. Kobe dared not express his anger.

Many people say that the reason why "Zen Master" is the top coach in NBA history is that he has created three consecutive championships.

It's entirely because he has always had superstars under him throughout his head coaching career, and he has really benefited from Jordan, O'Neal and Kobe.

After all, these three guys are all top ten first-class super giants in NBA history.

But it is undeniable that "Zen Master" has great prestige among head coaches and has the ability to regulate the relationship between the superstars in the team.

If there were any other coaches, who could control the arrogant Jordan and Kobe?

Later, in 2012, the Lakers formed a new version of F4 (Kobe, Howard, Gasol and Nash). In terms of regulating the relationship between the superstars in the team,

Mike D'Antoni, the Lakers coach at the time, did very poorly and could be said to have completely become the puppet of the stars.

Return from the timeout and the game continues.

The Lakers executed a key attack.

Many Lakers fans at home stood up from their seats, chanted slogans, and cheered for the OK group.

Kobe holds the ball in the middle, and the defensive end of Trenton Hassell, who has sufficient physical strength, is called upon to guard against Kobe.

Slightly compressing the time for a few seconds, the Black Mamba summoned O'Neal's pick-and-roll, misplaced the Wolf King, and shot straight to the basket with one stride.


Trenton Hassel's screen was very timely, and Olowokandi formed a double-team at the basket at the same time,

Kobe jumped up against the two of them, trying to get a layup to draw a foul, but he found that four iron arms were blocking the sky above his head. Not only was the blockade airtight, but there was no suspicion of foul play at all.

In desperation, Kobe did not choose to act recklessly. With his excellent waist and abdominal strength, he gave the ball to O'Neal when his body was about to hit the ground.

O'Neal caught the ball shaky and almost missed it. The Wolf King and Szebiak, who let go of Luke Walton, rushed to double-team.

O'Neal lost the opportunity to attack immediately, and was afraid of being cut, so he turned over and gave the ball to Luke Walton, who was released in the high post.

Walton took another shot from the wide open position, but this time he missed.

After all, not every rookie can counterattack like Lin Fei.


O'Neal's huge body jumped up from the basket and immediately pulled out the rebound.

Devin George got the ball, and "Madman" quickly followed up. Hassell also desperately chased Kobe who ran to the outside.

Fisher was left open on the outside, and Devin George quickly passed the ball.

Szebiak's defense was too slow and he could only watch the old fish head the ball away.

Now the main players of both teams have been completely exhausted.


The trajectory of Fisher's ball was very positive, but the power was still a little bit weak. The basketball first hit the front of the rim, then hit the back edge of the rim, and then fell out from one side.

O'Neal and the Wolf King gritted their teeth and jumped up at the same time, but due to physical constraints, neither of them jumped very high. They moved the basketball to the free throw line with both hands almost at the same time.


Devin George and "Madman" also grabbed a key rebound. The basketball was pushed to the outside by "Madman". The force was obviously stronger and it flew out of bounds.


In the nick of time,

A figure wearing the Timberwolves' No. 23 jersey jumped up decisively, like an arrow from a string, pushing past Kobe Bryant and throwing himself out of bounds.


It was junior Trenton Hassell.

Hassell flew to save the ball, and the moment before his body hit the audience outside the boundary, his big hands saved the basketball to the limit.


Then the whole person slammed into the auditorium, and even hit something hard on the head.

This important ball was seized by Szczerbiak, and the Timberwolves quickly called a 20-second timeout.

On the timer at this time, there were only the last 0 minutes and 21 seconds left before the end of the game.

Trenton Hassell's key sacrifice save once again ignited the fighting spirit of the Timberwolves team.

The Wolf King and "Madman" rushed up at the same time, asking about the situation of Hassell who bumped into the audience.

Blood flowed from Hassell's head, the game was forced to pause, and several team doctors hurriedly jogged onto the court.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Lin Fei, Hoiberg, Darrick Martin and old center Johnson on the Timberwolves bench also stood up and clenched their fists, their eyes were firm, and they were moved by Hassel's key save.

"OMG, Hassell is a real fighter. Although his performance on the offensive end is useless and far inferior to Lin, on the defensive end, he gives it his all!"

"At the last moment, he successfully defended to prevent Kobe's breakthrough, and then made a flying save without hesitation, helping the Timberwolves get the key ball!"

"The two rookies of the Timberwolves tonight, one as a spear and the other as a shield, made great contributions to the team's victory!"

In front of the commentary desk,

Charles Barkley spoke quickly and praised the dedication and hard work of the Timberwolves.

Kenny Smith quickly corrected:

"Charles, this is the home court of the Lakers. Before the game is over, you dare to say that the Timberwolves are scheduled to win?"

"Uh...Kenny, did I say that?" Buckley's eyes widened, pretending to be wronged.

Kenny Smith smiled and said: "Charles, Lin will definitely be sent on the court for the Timberwolves' last attack. He has already scored 7 three-pointers!"

"This last shot not only determines the outcome of this game, but also determines the outcome of our bet!"

Charles Barkley plausibly said:

"The Timberwolves are only one point behind. A two-point shot is the most reliable way to win. Lin has the ability to attract defenses. I believe the Wolf King and Madman will stand up at the critical moment!"

"Of course, the Lakers' defense is not a vegetarian. Who can win this fierce Western Conference Finals G6 depends on the last 21 seconds!"

Although he said this, Barkley was still very panicked.

Could it be that Lin Fei really used a three-pointer to kill the game, and then made him wear Mickey Mouse's underwear at the Robben Staples Arena?

The team doctor quickly treated the bleeding on Hassell's head, but at the same time, he also detected a slight concussion and could no longer play in this game.

Fortunately, no fans were injured and the game resumed quickly.

In the last 21 seconds, Lin Fei replaced the injured Hassel, and the Timberwolves pressed for time to execute the final attack.

Timberwolves (88): (89) Lakers.

The tense and suffocating atmosphere lingered in every corner of the Staples Arena. The home Lakers fans were breathing heavily, not daring to take a breath, and their hearts were jumping into their throats.

Constantly praying that the Timberwolves' buzzer-beater failed, the Lakers passed the test with difficulty.

"Lin, even if I risk my life, I won't let you catch a basketball at the last moment!"

Fisher clung to Lin Fei with fire burning in his eyes. He just missed the crucial open three-pointer, which made him even more jealous of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had no time to argue with Fisher. He was highly focused on the situation on the court.

Wandering slowly near the left three-point line, confronting Fisher, he also made eye contact with his teammates, always ready to attack decisively.

Originally, "Zen Master" wanted to replace Kobe Bryant with Lin Fei in the final defense, but in the end he gave up the idea.

After all, the Lakers lost in Game 5 of the Western Conference Finals.

The "Madman" played really well in this series. No one except Kobe could limit his ball-handling attacks.

"Madman" held the ball against Kobe in the high post, and used Olowokandi's screen to move to the right side to feint.

Wolf King and Olowokandi are still in the high position this time, but the top of the arc is slightly to the left.

The time on the timer passes every second, 10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds...


Lin Fei gritted his teeth against Fisher and quickly started to move like a rabbit. This time he still cut to the basket.

There is just one more cross screen with Szebiak at the basket. Both of them have the opportunity to catch the ball and lay up. Fisher and Devin George, who is guarding Szebiak, pay more attention to it.

Lin Fei moved to the right corner after covering, and Fisher chased him very closely.

At this time, the "Madman" was also holding the ball at a 45-degree angle on the right side, and Kobe intentionally blocked this passing line.

The "Madman" lowered his center of gravity and suddenly started to attack the basket with Kobe. O'Neal began to let go of the Wolf King and shrink, and the "Madman" also made a fake pass in the next step and gave the ball to the Wolf King in the high position.

O'Neal didn't mention it immediately, so Luke Walton switched to the Wolf King and let go of Olowokandi, who had no high-post threat.


at the same time,

Lin Fei made another sharp counter run, turned over with Fisher as his axis, and accelerated towards the top of the arc.

The elevator door of Wolf King and Olowokandi opened quickly, and Lin Fei rushed over in one stride, reaching a position two meters away from the three-point line at the top of the arc.

When the Wolf King and Olowokandi closed the elevator door, they hit the basketball from behind and landed it comfortably in Lin Fei's hands.

Being blocked by the elevator door continuously, this time Fisher was well prepared. He circled around from the right side of Olowokandi in advance and flew towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei ignored Fisher's defense and took off decisively after taking the ball. Seeing that only the last 3 seconds were left on the timer, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, just to shoot.

Charles Barkley in front of the commentary desk was so frightened that he covered his eyes with his hands and shouted loudly:

"Ah, Lin, Lin, don't kill me..."


When drunk, he turned on the lamp to watch the sword, dreaming back to blow the horns and even camp.

The horse made Lu Fei swift, bow like a thunderbolt.

Fisher pounced on the ball too hard, his eyes filled with fear and worry, and he pounced on Lin Fei regardless, with only one thought in his mind.

That is, even if there is a foul, even if it is a criminal, even if it is expelled, Lin Fei must be dragged down.


The moment the basketball flew out from Lin Fei's fingertips, Fisher's whole body also hit Lin Fei's body, directly throwing the opponent to the ground.

Lin Fei, who fell to the ground, felt severe pain in his chest and almost couldn't breathe. He couldn't help but cough several times in succession.

At the same time, the crisp sound of brushing the Internet suddenly sounded.



Referee Stephen Jiawei's whistle then sounded, indicating that Lin Fei's three-point goal was valid. Fisher's shooting hitter fouled and an additional penalty was required.


On the timer, the time was frozen at the last 2.1 seconds.

Timberwolves (91): (89) Lakers.

If Lin Fei hits another penalty and the Timberwolves lead by three points, the victory is basically sealed.

The Wolf King roared excitedly, and was the first to rush forward, savagely pushing Fisher away from Lin Fei: "Lin, how are you?"

Lin Fei coughed twice and smiled at the Wolf King: "It's not bad, I won't die!"

Then he stood up and looked at the old fish Fisher next to him who was full of self-blame and panic. Lin Fei finally couldn't help but said trash talk in return:

"Derek, wasn't it awesome that you hit me with a 2+1 in one team just now? Is it okay if I hit you with a 3+1 now?"

"Let me warn you again on behalf of Barnes, don't seduce other people's wives casually, otherwise you will be easily beaten to death!"

Lao Yu was instantly dumbfounded. How did Lin Fei know about his crap?

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