NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 4 Sharp Movement Lin Fei: Wolf King, give me that damn ball!

Lin Fei, who hit a three-pointer, was cool and calm. Facing the wide-eyed Karl Malone, he confidently spoke when he returned to defense:

"Old Carl, remember this three-pointer, I am from China!"

Lin Fei's three-pointer made Szebiak very excited. He was the first one to rush forward and high-five the opponent:

"Lin, that's a great shot, let's do it!"

Lin Fei also said with a smile on his face:

"Wally, thank you for your trust, keep giving me the ball, I can make more shots!"

Garnett and "Madman" were also relieved for Lin Fei's three-pointer.

It seems that head coach Flip Saunders really had his reasons for replacing this Asian rookie at a critical moment.

Flip Saunders, who was standing on the sidelines, excitedly celebrated with his fist when Lin Fei hit a three-pointer.

Just relying on this three-pointer can prove that Sanders' desperate risk at the critical moment is worth it.

After all, in the big ball era at the beginning of the century, in a slow-paced offense that advocated internal combat,

After a whole game, the team's three-pointers rarely exceeded double digits.

So far in tonight's game, including Lin Fei's three-pointer just now, the Timberwolves have only hit four three-pointers in total.

The Lakers' five three-pointers were not much better.

Back to the defensive end,

Lin Fei faced Fisher holding the ball, not to mention how weak he was. How could he, a player whose defensive value was cleared, be able to guard against the peak veteran?

Fortunately, Kobe, who was eager to get all the firepower, held up the "Madman" with his back in the high post and waved to Fisher for the ball.

Fisher didn't dare to neglect and could only pass the ball to Kobe.

Kobe Bryant singled out "Madman", but this time "Madman" defended very well.

Even if his physical strength has been exhausted, a tough guy is a tough guy and never loses his grip at critical moments.

The Black Mamba missed the layup against "Madman's" breakthrough. O'Neal was obviously not active enough, and the defensive rebound was caught by "Wolf King" Garnett.


After landing, the Wolf King immediately gave the ball to Hoiberg on the outside, and the Timberwolves got a chance to counterattack the fast break.

"Run, fight back, run..."

Flip Saunders on the sidelines waved and shouted, allowing the players to quickly launch counterattacks.

Hoiberg quickly advanced upfield and gave the ball to "Madman" Sprewell who was following up on the right.

Although Kobe Bryant played a little alone tonight, his attitude towards the game was outstanding. He was the first to fight back and rush to the front.

The "Madman" who dribbled the ball to the basket faced Kobe's overtaking in the corner, his eyes were sharp, and he wanted to go straight to the layup to score points.

But at the critical moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Lin Fei stabbing diagonally to the 0-degree angle of the left three-point line.

"Latrell, here!"

Lin Fei waved for the ball. Although his figure wearing the No. 22 jersey was thin, his confident and courageous look made the "madman" a little moved for a moment.

I didn't expect this kid's counterattack to follow up so quickly. His fast break awareness is already quite outstanding.

Thinking that Lin Fei had just hit a three-pointer, "Madman" didn't think much, and flicked his wrist to pass the ball across.

Lin Fei, who was at a 0-degree angle on the left, received the pass from "Madman". Before other Lakers players could catch up with him and there was no one 5 meters in front of him,

He took off decisively and even drank a latte leisurely in the air. Then he bent his bow and arrow and calmly shot a three-pointer.




Timberwolves (79): (85) Lakers.

Lin Fei scored two three-pointers in less than a minute, quickly closing the 12-point deficit to only 6 points.

Sprewell also excitedly punched the basket and shouted to Lin Fei:

"Lin, great job!"

At the same time, he turned back to stare at Kobe, his eyes glowing with a fierce blue light, and he squeezed out each word through his teeth:

“Want to end the series at our home court? I’m telling you, no, it’s possible!!!”

The exhausted Kobe did not confront the "madman", but ran up and asked Fisher to serve from the baseline. At the same time, he pointed at Lin Fei who was returning to defense and said coldly:

"Chinese boy, I remember you!"

The Target Center Arena was completely ignited by Lin Fei's two consecutive three-pointers. Countless fans jumped up from their seats in excitement and shouted: "Reversal, reversal!"

"Two three-pointers in a row, this Lin is really a surprise player. It seems that we must apologize to Coach Sanders!"

"The three-pointer he just made after catching the ball in the fast break was so cool. Lin's movement was really sharp. He didn't hesitate to shoot after catching the ball. He really doesn't look like a 19-year-old undrafted player!"

"To be honest, I saw the shadow of Ray Allen on Lin's body just now!"

"Such a useful shooter, why didn't Sanders play a single game with him in the playoffs? What a waste of resources!"

"Although Lin's two three-pointers are due to luck, I really hope his good luck will continue!"

The "Zen Master" sitting in the Lakers head coach's seat on the sidelines did not immediately call a timeout.

From a probability perspective,

He would never believe that a 19-year-old undrafted player from China, who averaged 0.8 points per game throughout his rookie season and never appeared in the playoffs,

Can hit the third three-pointer in a row.

However, just 30 seconds later,

Lin Fei slapped "Zen Master" and all those who underestimated him in the face again.

O'Neal was fouled after hitting hard under the basket and went to the free throw line and made 2 of 1 free throws.



The Timberwolves attack, and Garnett holds the ball in the high post against O'Neal.

This time Lin Fei was not let go, Fisher took the initiative to defend him.

Through the movement in a fast break just now, Lin Fei suddenly found that his grasp of the space in the offensive half and the sharpness of his movement seemed to have improved dramatically.

This ability to run without the ball to find opportunities may also be part of the 99-point three-point shooting ability.

Facing Fisher's defense, this time Lin Fei was no longer limited to squatting in the bottom corner. His eyes swept across the frontcourt and he quickly discovered the opportunity.


Lin Fei suddenly started to shake off Fisher, who was distracted, and quickly moved around the three-point line towards the top of the arc.

With the help of Szebiak's 45-degree screen on the left, he quickly reached the top of the three-point line.

This is a relatively empty area, Fisher did not catch up immediately,

And Gary Payton, who was defending Szczerbiak, did not immediately switch to Lin Fei.

It seems that being unknown is not necessarily a bad thing.

Then let Lin Fei become famous tonight!

One second before Lin Fei ran to the top of the arc, he yelled directly at the wolf king who was holding the ball in a high position:

"Kevin, give me that damn ball!"

Garnett, who was in a high position, was stunned for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Lin Fei, who was already running behind him. His entire state at this time was confused.

What is this kid going to do?

With such a fast running speed, he still wants to catch the ball and shoot a three-pointer?

Although he was puzzled, the "Wolf King" didn't know why, but he chose to believe Lin Fei by mistake.

The ball bounced directly to the three-point line at the top of the arc.


The ball even gave some advance, and the ball arrived, allowing Lin Fei, who was galloping over, to catch it comfortably.

Facing the old fish Fisher who was about to pounce on him two meters away,

Lin Fei didn't even make any adjustments, he just caught the ball and took off, his body was floating in the air with a little inertia, his eyes were sharp, and he threw the ball decisively.



The moment the basketball hit the net, Fisher's palm, which flew up, obviously hit Lin Fei's arm.


The referee blows the whistle, the three points are valid, and there will be an additional penalty.


Lin Fei, who landed elegantly on the right, opened his arms.

He trotted around like a helicopter landing and high-fived the excited "Wolf King" Garnett at the free throw line.

"Lin, can you get in here? I really belong to you!"

Garnett's carbon-black face was full of smiles, completely forgetting that the team is still lagging behind.

Lin Fei also laughed and exchanged words with Garnett. He was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid that his teammates would not pass the ball:

"Kevin, your back pass is so comfortable. Neither Tim Duncan nor Nowitzki can pass such a good pass!"

Garnett was overjoyed and said excitedly: "Lin, as long as you can make a shot, I will keep passing it to you tonight!"

Friendly touching Lin Fei's forehead, Garnett instantly fell in love with this young man from China.

In the future, anyone who dares to bully Lin Fei will have trouble with his "Wolf King".

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