NBA Opening Draw To Twilight Shaquille O’Neal

Chapter 754

Vol 2 Chapter 696: Draft Ownership, Player Contract Renewal

A few days passed.

When Wang Zelin got up, his head didn’t hurt so much.

He looked beside him, Jenna was still sleeping.

Wang Zelin smiled, got up on tiptoe, and quietly left the bedroom.

Walking into the kitchen, looking at the sunny weather outside the window, Wang Zelin felt extremely comfortable; but when he touched the aching waist again, a trace of bitterness flashed across his face.

From the night of winning the championship on the 14th to today’s 22nd, this week may be the best time for me in recent months.

However, there are gains and losses.

Behind the absurd indulgence is the excessive overdraft of one’s own body.

While chewing a hamburger, Wang Zelin recalled the madness last night.

In fact, if his wife asked him to come again, he would still choose to relax for a while without hesitation.

Ask yourself, he has never been a saint, and he doesn’t want to become a saint. He is just a vulgar person who can no longer be vulgar. Apart from the pursuit of evil money, he also yearns for a life surrounded by feasts and beauties.

After eating breakfast, Wang Zelin went back to the bedroom, saw Jenna who was still sleeping, kissed her on the forehead lightly, then turned and left the villa resolutely.

Everyone likes comfort and freedom, but on the road to success, these things are not destined to become the main theme.

What can become the main theme?

Only self-discipline!

In Wang Zelin’s view, freedom and self-discipline are like two sides of the same coin. They seem to be incompatible, but in fact, more self-discipline brings more freedom.

Therefore, I took a good rest, and now I’m almost at rest. After receiving the call from Orsi, Wang Zelin knew that it was time to put his heart away.

Sitting in the car, Wang Zelin opened the system panel and his current player abilities appeared on the familiar blue screen.

“Player: Wang Zelin

Team: Celestial National Basketball Team/NBA Portland Trail Blazers

Body Hidden Attributes

Lower Body Strength: 99

Upper Body Strength: 99

Speed: 70 Power: 76

Agility: 75 Bounce: 78

Bullet speed: 75 Physical fitness: 94

Injury resistance: 95

offensive ability

Hits: 96 Layups: 98

Mid-range: 95 Long-range: 72

Dunks: 84 Passes: 92

Ball possession: 82 Free throws: 85

Breakthrough: 75

Defensive Ability

External Defense: 70 Internal Defense: 92

Rebounds: 94 Blocks: 91

Steals: 74

Overall Rating: 97 (Superstar)

Evaluation: Offense and defense are integrated to dominate the arena!

Talent Skills:

①Innate power (purple diamond)

This talent allows players to have MAX-level strength attributes through acquired training

②Sky Hook (Purple Diamond)

After wearing this skill, when the player uses a hook, the effective range covers the entire three-point line, and has the feature of ignoring defense

③Terminator (Purple Diamond)

The movement is more difficult to deform when entering a layup or dunk, which can offset 30% of the hit rate interference caused by physical contact with the opposing player

④Physical Fitness Expert (Purple Diamond)

Players are less prone to fatigue, and when their physical strength is too low, the impact on players’ offensive ability will be reduced by 13%

⑤Miao Chuan Tianwang (Purple Diamond)

Greatly enhances passing vision and stability, and increases the trigger chance of fancy passes by 25%

⑥Dunk Tianzun (Gold)

After making physical contact with the opponent’s player within 3 seconds, use the body to force the dunk to increase the shooting percentage to a certain extent. The three attributes of dunk, bounce and bounce speed can be increased by 6 points within 3 seconds. If the player completes the dunk, he will Gives teammates an inspirational effect and restores teammates’ stamina by 7%

⑦Restricted Area Overlord (Gold)

Shooting ability increased by 6 points when post-up in the 3-second zone

⑧ Team Leader (Gold)

For 10 seconds after a brief possession of the ball, all teammates’ Offensive Ability increases by 5

⑨ Marksman (Gold)

The difficulty of shooting after receiving a pass from a teammate will be reduced by 7% within three seconds

⑩Mid-range outside shot (gold)

Improve the anti-interference ability of mid-range shots by 20%…”

He is already infinitely close to the 99 rating of the 30-year-old old man of the active ceiling knight!

However, this is not what makes him happy.

Turning his eyes, Wang Zelin looked at the lottery panel and fixed it on the upper right corner of the panel.

The current remaining fan value: 99.99 million!

With only the last W, Wang Zelin will be able to unlock another super insider. I wonder who will be drawn this time?

He had just finished last season, but he is already looking forward to the upcoming season.

When he arrived at the team headquarters, Wang Zelin pushed open the door of the general manager’s office, and found that head coach Terry Stotts had arrived. He sat side by side with the fat white man Orsi, each with a thick stick in his mouth. ‘s cigar, with Erlang’s legs crossed, he didn’t know what to talk about.

“Oh, look who’s here, isn’t this our finals MVP?”

The door was pushed open, and Orsi was about to get angry, who was so rude… But he raised his head to meet Wang Zelin, and hurriedly changed into a smiling face.

“Looks like it’s not the right time for me to come.”

Wang Zelin found a chair and sat down, joking.

“Haha, don’t make trouble with both of you. Since everyone is here, let’s talk formally.”

Coach Terry said with a smile, his expression suddenly turned serious.

As long as he is talking about business, this guy’s face is always so solemn, one can’t help but feel awe.

The three discussed it for a while, and quickly settled on the draft plan.

Due to record reasons and a series of trades in the pre-season and mid-season, the Blazers only got one draft pick in this year’s draft, which was in the second round.

Although it is said that there are many second-round picks in NBA history who counterattack the magical scripts of first-round talents, in general, this situation is very rare.

From the perspective of big data, more than 90% of the players who can make a name for themselves in the NBA are selected in the first round, because players selected in this range often represent their talents that are far stronger than those of the players in the second round. , the upper limit for development is also higher.

Therefore, when the team only had one first-round pick in the second round, Wang Zelin checked the success rate of the 2015 draft through the system, and finally targeted a stocky insider from the University of Louisville.

“Monterez Harrell? Wang, are we sure we want to choose this guy?”

Although he had already agreed with Wang Zelin’s suggestion in his heart, out of respect for the draft lottery, Orsi couldn’t help but ask as usual.

Ahem, an occupational disease attacked.

“Hey, Nell, are you sure your information is not wrong? How could this guy be only 21 years old, I believe he is 42 years old!”

Coach Terry took a look at the information and saw a very mature-looking black player in his sight. He could feel a wild and rough aura just from his face.

“I’ve read the scouting report. Harrell’s biggest label is that his style of play is passionate and violent, and he plays a lot. I like players with this temper very much.”

Naturally, Wang Zelin knew that Orsi was just asking casually, so he also answered casually, and attributed the reason for choosing Harrell to his eyes.

As for Wang Zelin’s remarks, Orsey and Coach Terry looked at each other and didn’t say anything, they just nodded silently in agreement.

Maybe in the eyes of the two of them, a mere second-round pick, even if the young man who looks too old doesn’t make it, it’s just a few million dollars. It’s worth the small price.

Just like Yi Jianlian and Jokic before, they were also the pioneers who joined in similar circumstances.

Of course, the two lived up to expectations and successfully established themselves in the NBA.

Considering that Wang Zelin’s magical vision in the past has been verified more than once, Orsey couldn’t help but pay more attention to the player named Harrell.

In fact, as far as the Blazers’ draft pick is concerned, Harrell is really the best candidate at the moment.

To be honest, the quality of the upcoming 2015 draft conference is actually the same. Looking at the past years, it can’t be said that parallel imports are frequent, and it can only be said that it is a relatively mediocre session.

One of the few bright spots was the late 70-pointer Devin Booker, who once again verified the magic of the No. 13 pick in the first round.

In the draft, if you happen to have the 13th pick in the first round but don’t know how to choose, you don’t need to think too much at this time, it’s always right to choose a shooting guard!

In addition to Booker, the 2015 second-round pick also had two surprises.

One was Josh Richardson, who was selected with the tenth overall pick in the second round. This guy later grew into a perimeter player who averaged 16+3+4 per game at his peak. Mr. Wan, it is not uninspiring.

Another is the Trail Blazers’ target this year, Montrezl Harrell, who is also a big surprise in this draft.

Harrell, who was selected by the Mosaic with the second overall pick in the second round, was not reused for the first two years of his career.

However, after moving to the Clippers, he quickly made his mark, not only was selected as the best sixth man in the 2019-10 season, but also won the best fighting award of the season.

On the one hand, it can be attributed to the blessing of the magic buff of the old general Mosaic. On the other hand, Harrell’s own hard work is also indispensable, so that Harrell’s height is only 2.03 meters high in the interior fight, and he has become a leader in the peak period. A quasi-All-Star insider who averages around 18+7 per game in the league.

If nothing else, if Harrell is selected, the Blazers will definitely make a lot of money in this wave of operations.

After determining that this year’s draft target is Harrell, Wang Zelin’s mind has already appeared in the mind of how Jokic + Harrell’s inside duo carried the Blazers second team.

After finalizing the draft plan, the three talked about planning for next season.

Compared to the previous drafts, this is the top priority.

After defending their title, the role of the Blazers has also changed. First of all, the nickname of the public enemy of the league is getting louder and louder. If they want to strengthen this year’s vacation, they need to be prepared to be targeted by all parties.

Secondly, it is the change of players’ mentality, especially those players whose contracts have expired or are one year away.

Olsey handed the team contract list to Wang Zelin to see the contract situation of the Blazers at the end of this season.

The players during the rookie contract period include Wang Zelin, Lillard, Button and Jokic.

Among them, the first three were the same as the 12th draft, and the rookie contract in 2012 expired in the summer of 2016.

Jokic’s rookie contract in 2014 expires in the summer of 2018.

Then there are the other three main players, Aldridge, Matthews and Batum.

Aldridge: Renewed contract in October 2009, ending in the summer of 2015, that is, this season.

Matthews: The five-year contract worth 32.53 million yuan signed with the Blazers in July 2010, which ended in the summer of 2015, is also this season.

Batum: In 2012, the Trail Blazers matched the offer of the Timberwolves. In order to keep Batum, the contract lasted for 4 years, worth 46.12 million yuan, which ended in the summer of 2016.

In addition, there are six contracts for Connet Lee, Yi Jianlian, Jefferson, Carter, Garnett and Morrow.

Among them, the contracts of Connet Lee, Yi Jianlian and Jefferson are all due to expire this season, and Garnett, Carter and Morrow have one year left, which will not end until next season.

Aside from players whose contracts have expired, the Blazers currently have too many players in their contract years.

It can be said that the top priority for the Blazers at the moment is to deal with the renewal of Wang Zelin and Lillard, especially Wang Zelin’s contract renewal, which is the top priority.

Anyone can see that the Trail Blazers can continue to operate without anyone, except Wang Zelin, the core axis of the team.

All of the above made Orsi enter the high-intensity work again before he had time to be happy for two days after winning the championship.

Each offseason is not only a valuable time for players to recharge, but also the busiest period for management, because they need to constantly prepare for next season’s work.

“Jefferson and Yi I have already communicated, and they both want to sign a new contract with the team.”

Orsi said.

Wang Zelin nodded. He had already inquired about Yi Jianlian’s thoughts. Jefferson had expressed his desire to stay with the Blazers in the locker room more than once before. The willingness of the two to stay was to be expected.

“Kevin… He plans to return to Minnesota this summer. In the words of your Chinese dynasty, it should be called “Leaving Leaves Returning to the Roots, right?”

“I asked Will, he plans to enter the trading market and try the water this summer. It seems that he is going to seek a big contract!”

“LaMarcus hasn’t given me an accurate reply yet. UU reading is still considering it, and the Spurs are actively pursuing him.”

“Damien and Button have agreed to the team’s contract extension, and the news of the official signing will be announced after a while.”


Olsey quickly revealed all the player information he currently had. Wang Zelin and Coach Terry frowned and had a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

Garnett is going to return to the Huskies, ah no, it’s the Timberwolves… Ahem, forget it, since the wolf king played for the Blazers for two years, I respect the Timberwolves once.

In this matter, Garnett had disclosed this information to Wang Zelin long ago, and Wang Zelin also agreed.

After all, Garnett now holds three championship rings, and the accumulation of honors is more abundant than in the original time and space, enough for him to return home.

But Matthews wanted to test the waters of the trading market, which he did not expect.

As one of the main players of the team, when the Trail Blazers are about to make great plans and look forward to the establishment of a dynasty with three consecutive championships, Matthews seems to have separated, which is destined to cause a lot of turmoil in the team.

There is also Aldridge who is hesitating. Don’t be pryed away by a dog’s thorn as he remembers…

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