NBA: Opening Template Atsushi Murasakibara

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Golden Right Hand! God Level Dribble! Iverson Dog Chews Mud! (Subscribe)

The game came to the 5th minute of the second quarter.

The Warriors and the 76ers were 58-56.

Warriors lead 76ers by 2 points

The 76ers’ twins, Iverson and Pierce, played very well.

Because Bowen was suspended, Mills in the small forward position could not defend Pierce well.

And Iverson…

In addition to his own iron, Ray Allen really can’t make any good interference with him.

At this time, Iverson’s score is still very threatening.

Warriors offensive round.

Du Qi received a pass from Nash on the perimeter.

Then began to dribble to observe the 76ers defense.

Ratliff once again came to Du Qi’s defense.

Du Qi put the ball quickly.

A double back dribble came from the outside.

Just clean up Ratliff!

Then, accelerate, and rush directly to the basket!

The 76ers’ defensive line shrinks again!

Larry Brown’s defense against the 76ers is indeed very good.

Pierce came over and wanted to cut the basketball from Du Qi’s hand.

Ratliff was behind Du Qi, constantly interfering with him.

Geiger was at the basket, watching Du Qi’s breakthrough route, and he was about to interfere at any time.

Du Qi watched the 76ers’ defensive arrangement on him, and at the same time, he also observed Ray Allen cutting from beyond the arc!

A direct pass!

The basketball slid between Pierce’s legs!

Ray Allen, who rushed in from beyond the three-point line, received a pass from Du Qi and hit the basket directly!

“nice shot!

“Du Qi has a great view!

After seeing Ray Allen getting the basketball, Geiger quickly shifted his footsteps and interfered with Ray Allen’s layup.

Ray Allen looked at Geiger, his legs suddenly forced, and he wanted to put a gap on Geiger!

Although his physical fitness is very explosive, he is not the pure three-point shooter that he was later.

However, it is not enough to challenge Geiger’s height of 213 cm!

The basketball was directly dunked on the basket by Ray Allen, and then bounced high.

Du Qi, who had just passed the ball to Ray Allen, quickly looked for where the basketball would land after seeing him dunk the basketball!

3 of the 76 people are all in the card slot!

And Du Qi, when the basketball started to fall, jumped up 1

From among the 3 of the 76ers, it appeared in the sky!

Straighten your arms!

Du Qi waited until the basketball fell into his hands, then smashed the basketball towards the basket.

“Perfect refill!

Basketball goes straight to the hoop!

The Warriors’ lead extended to 4 points.

And Du Qi’s personal score has reached 20 points!

76ers offense.

Iverson holds the ball from beyond the arc.

His dribble center of gravity is low, which makes his defender, Ray Allen, have to lower his center of gravity.

And Ray Allen’s height is 196 cm, which makes every time Iverson hit Ray Allen, he is playing in the wrong place.

Warriors array, the height is most suitable for defending Iverson, is Nash.


Let Nash guard Iverson?

He would be smitten by Iverson.

Even if Nash wants to defend Iverson with small moves, it is impossible

Because, before he made a small move, Iverson had already broken through from him!

Facing Ray Allen, Iverson continued to change direction in front of the body.

Ray Allen didn’t dare to reach out and steal!

In this game, he tried to steal Iverson twice!

Iverson passed him twice in a row and then scored!

The basketball was like a genie, beating continuously around Iverson’s body.

Hip dribble, basketball from left hand to right hand.

Then, stay on the right hand for a while.

Iverson made a fake move that pretended to move the basketball to the left.

Ray Allen really fell for it!

Directly toward the left of Iverson to defend the past.

And Iverson, directly from the right breakthrough!

Like a sharp sword, it directly tore through the defense line of the warriors!

Iverson breaks straight to the basket!

A fake transmission, which directly deceived the big book 1

Iverson deftly threw the basketball to the hoop.

At this moment, Du Qi’s defense!

Finally came to Iverson for the first time!

His body, straight up into the air 1

Arm, grab it towards the basketball!

Not a single sound!

The basketball was directly caught by Du Qi!

Iverson’s eyes were full of horror.

Basketball, is about to rise to the highest point!

This cap grab is the ultimate cap grab!

After finishing the cap, Du Qi dribbled the ball and made a fast break.

Theo Ratliff, actually wanted to steal Du Qi.

Du Qi made a light behind-the-scenes ball and went straight past Ratliff!

Then, directly raise your speed.

After passing Ratliff, the 76ers’ defense line was a little confusing.

“Make up for defense, make up for defense `々!”

Larry Brown pointed at Du Qi on the sidelines and shouted loudly.

At this time, the closest to Du Qi is Iverson!

Iverson gritted his teeth and came directly to Du Qi’s side, blocking Du Qi’s attack a little.

Fortunately, the 76ers retreated very quickly.

Geiger has returned to the basket 1

The Warriors’ fast break can’t be beat.

Larry Brown breathed a sigh of relief.

The Warriors’ transition attack is really amazing.

If they can block their transition attack, it is a success!

Then, what to worry about is how to get Iverson to leave Du Qi.


Du Qi can hit Iverson directly from behind the three-point line!

In this era, there is no five-second rule behind the back!

However, what everyone did not expect was that!

Du Qi, on the outside, attacked Iverson directly from the frame!

This is so special!

183 face frame singles 211, seen!

And I’ve seen it a lot!

But, 211 face frame singles 183???

Who has seen such a world!

Everyone in the audience was shocked!

They stretched their necks and looked at the field with all their strength.


No way!

Du Qi won’t want to beat Iverson with a single face-off!

“AI, guard against me!

Du Qi looked at Iverson and said with a smile.

The look on Iverson’s face, very serious 1

Because, he has seen Du Qi’s dribbling ability!

He carefully observed Du Qi’s dribbling pattern.

Then, it turns out that there are no rules at all.

Du Qi slammed the basketball down with his right hand.

The basketball, after bouncing off the floor, reached Du Qi’s hands.

After taking the basketball in his hand, Du Qi directly wrapped his hands behind his back,

A back dribble?

Do not!

Du Qi actually took a basketball behind his back, passed his crotch, and shot himself in front of him again!

Then, the right hand stretched forward again, received the basketball directly, and made a breakthrough to the right.

Iverson obviously did not expect that Du Qi would make such a dribbling action!

He rushed towards Du Qi’s right hand.

He found that if he didn’t stop the basketball, Du Qi would go straight to the inside!

As a result, the strength of his pounce became much stronger again.

And Du Qi, who was going to break through to the right, saw Iverson’s action.

The right hand holds the basketball again!

Then, a light turn around!

Allen Iverson, straight to the air 1

Moreover, because the force of his attack was too great, he didn’t hold back, and even…

Straight to the ground!!!


Patrick looked at the field in disbelief.

“.” Du Qi, squatted on Iverson?

“211 centimeters, 183 centimeters on the ground??”

“Is this world real?”

Larry Brown, who was standing on the sidelines, looked at Iverson lying on the ground in shock.

this is so special 1

is this real?

Iverson, who was lying on the ground, collided with Larry Brown’s eyes.

Then, bowed his head.

What a shame!

I was actually put down by Du Qi Huang!

I am the man who passed Jordan 1

And Du Qi, after passing Iverson, rushed directly to the basket!

Geiger saw that Du Qi had knocked Iverson down. Although he was horrified, he still fulfilled his duty.

Blocked directly towards Du Qi’s breakthrough defense.

At this time, Du Qi is like a point guard who is just over 190 cm tall!

He took two big steps, then took off.

At the same time, the right hand drags the basketball.

Geiger went straight for Du Qi’s right basketball cover.

And Du Qi, in the air, collected the basketball in his right hand, dodging Geiger’s block.

Then, flip the basketball lightly to the hoop!


Basketball, go straight to the hoop!!


“is this real?””

“My God!”

From the audience stand of the 76ers, there were bursts of surprises!

Did you see it for yourself?

Du Qi, actually got down on Iverson, and then played with Geiger, and directly completed the attack 1

Moreover, in this process, he actually used his right hand completely (well)!

Left hand, not involved at all!

Seeing Iverson getting up embarrassingly from the ground, the 76ers home fans only felt that their beliefs had collapsed!

At this point, the Warriors have 6 points ahead of the 76ers.

Larry Brown quickly called a timeout.

Such a round cannot continue!

Du Qi’s goal is very exciting!

If you continue to play, it is very possible for the Warriors to directly hit a wave of offensive small climax!

Du Qi returned to the bench.

Auerbach couldn’t believe it.

“Du, tell me, how did you make it?”

Du Qi said with a calm smile: “I thought about it, and I made it.”

Teammates, look at him.

Hit him to death!

There are pretenders here!

in the live room.

Patrick and Schwab were still reminiscing about the attack just now.

“Right hand, get behind, then reverse crotch dribble!

“Then, the right hand again, received the basketball!”

“Afterwards, it was a turn around! Directly let Iverson’s dog gnaw mud on the ground!

“Using his big hands and staying in the air, he completely tricked Geiger!”


“I think we can give Du Qi another nickname!”

“The golden right hand! 35

“How well this matches the title of Warriors legend, Chris Mullin’s golden left hand! Ear.

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