NBA: Opening Template Atsushi Murasakibara

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Jordan Will Not Retire, The Nba Will Not Stop!! (4, Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


Du Qi called Ewing directly.

“yo, man!

“Although I am very optimistic about you, I hope you are not here to be a lobbyist for your uncle today! 99

“Our labor will never back down!”

Ewing took Du Qi as a lobbyist that Du Jianguo had hired.

“Haha, don’t worry, Patrick, my uncle is on our side!

“We Chinese, when we first came to the United States, were oppressed by the capitalists, and we had to go to build railways and work as gangsters.

“Now that we have become capitalists, we must not forget our roots!”

Du Qi’s few words immediately transferred himself and Du Jianguo to Ewing’s camp.

“Yes, brother, you are so right!”

“Those white guys will only squeeze us people of color! It’s so fucking disgusting!

“That’s why we have a union, and we have to resist!”

As the head of the players’ union, Ewing is determined to put the interests of the players at the highest level.

For this, I have to give Ewing a thumbs up.

Because, after a few decades, a head of the players’ union named Fisher turned to the capital!

Acting as the lackey of the capitalists!

This makes the majority of black brothers very upset!

So, after that, Fisher was fired.

“Do you have anything to do with me? Do you want to learn my rabbit jump to increase your actual combat ability?”

Ewing is obviously still obsessed with Du Qi.

He just values Du Qi!

Du Qi’s talent and personality are very in line with his taste!

The most important thing is that he can’t beat Olajuwon in his life.

However, he hopes to train Du Qi and let Du Qi go to Olajuwon!!

“No no no!”

Du Qi is really not interested in rabbit jumping.

Dude has Aomine’s free shot!

What else do I learn about rabbit jumping 1

“I’m reminding you that when negotiating labor and management, you must say that our players are miserable!

“Say how much value our players have created for the team! How much damage has been done to our bodies without a long schedule of a season!

“We played away, separated from our family, we fought with all our strength, but we have not been able to get the proper distribution of benefits!

“Also, we must let the fans stand on our side!

“Don’t let the management say that the players have earned enough.”

“Say, players earn more, but players spend more, this sentence!!!

Du Qi said that Ewing was taken aback for a moment.

Holy crap, how did he know what I wanted to say???

When Ewing heard Du Qi say, [Players earn enough], he just wanted to answer [Players earn more and spend more. 】


What Ewing didn’t know was that historically, after Ewing said this, the fans who sympathized with the players also stood on the opposite side of the players.

Good guy, it turns out that this is a group of millionaires negotiating with billionaires 1

Our group of people with an annual income of less than 100,000, what fun are we following along!

Let’s talk!

Let’s watch football and watch baseball!

Thus, in 1998, the NBA experienced the longest lockout season in history.

After 7 months, the competition officially started on January 20.

The most impressive thing is that after the season was suspended, Sean Kemp, the Rain Man, was out of shape and was directly abolished.

Jordan’s retirement was also related to this labor negotiation.

Now that everything has changed the NBA, let’s change it completely!

Don’t let the NBA stop!

Start the game early!

how nice!

Ewing took Du Qi’s words to heart.

“Du, otherwise, you should come to the players’ union to be the deputy head. If you want to talk about your brains, it’s the brains of your yellow race.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to insult anyone.

Du Qi laughed and said: “I guess some people will disagree, after all, my uncle is the team owner, and they will maliciously slander me.

I’ll just give you some advice. ”

“By the way, my uncle will attend this labor negotiation! He will help us!

“Come on! Don’t let the NBA shut down for too long!

“Those NBA owners have other industries, and our players don’t have many sources of income!

After hearing Du Qi’s words, Ewing said: “Don’t worry! The interests of the players are what we must win!

“Also, the employers just want to reduce some costs. As the NBA’s market is getting bigger and bigger, they are bound to give us more benefits and let us play for them!

Listening to Ewing’s words, Du Qi immediately gave him a high look.

Now that Ewing has this understanding, and he has given him another vaccination, there is no problem in this labor-management negotiation.

And he himself, also ran from Seattle to Los Angeles.

Organized a training camp with Kobe.

In the training camp, naturally, there are rookies in recent years.

Iverson, Carter, Maddie, Ray Allen, Pierce, O’Neal Jr., Garnett.

Counting Du Qi and Kobe, there are 9 people in total.

Du Qi, had to obey the attributes of Kobe’s courtesan.

These people are all from him.

In the training camp, Du Qi and his friends had a lot of fun.

Every day, it’s not Kobe Bryant, or Carter, or I’ll take a leap over Iverson.

Big cap Garnett, steals O’Neal Jr.

It’s really interesting!

And after Du Qi’s training, Ewing’s own efforts, and Du Qi’s uncle Du Jianguo’s help, the boss’s side finally loosened up.

Originally, 29 teams (the Bobcats have not yet entered the NBA), there are 10 owners, agreed with the labor requirements.

But the number of votes was not more than half.

And after Du Jianguo joined, the number became 11 in favor and 18 against.

After Ewing said a lot of words, 13 were in favor and 15 were against.

As long as you can pull two more people over, that’s it!

Labor negotiation has been reached!

There are only two people left, so that’s easy!

Drag it!

Drag, drag hard!

Drag the boss to lose money, and that’s fine!

Sure enough, on July 22, after labor negotiations were over.

By August 16, a boss agreed.

Suddenly, it became 14 to 15!

One person left!

Keep dragging!

It’s September 20th!

At this time, the pre-season training camps of NBA teams should all start.

All should be ready for the preseason!

However, the NBA could not start the game because another owner disagreed.

Finally, another boss can’t hold back!

“Perfectly accomplished!

“we won!

Hearing the voice from Ewing’s call to himself, Du Qi finally laughed.

Dammit, it’s finally over!

“Speaking of which, Du, do you want to consider learning how to dance my rabbit?”

Hearing that Ewing thought about it again, and lured him to learn his rabbit jump, Du Qi immediately hung up the phone!

In the past few months, Du Qi and the others have been soaking in the training hall in Los Angeles every day,

Everyone has been greatly improved!

Kobe Bryant’s fallback jumper, more and more Jordan’s shadow.

Iverson’s breakthroughs have changed direction, becoming more and more lethal.

Moreover, Du Qi also suggested that he practice fixed-point three-pointers.

Just make sure you can throw in when there are vacancies.

Iverson’s breakthrough is indeed sharp, but his three-pointers have not been very good.

If you can have one hand, fixed-point three-pointers, AI, it will definitely be more awesome!

For others, Du Qi also gave his own advice.

Garnett, stabilize his shooting, maintain his defensive ability.

Little O’Neal, build more muscle and hit the inside!

This guy is at his peak, but he is the top three people on the MVP list!

Everyone, Du Qi combined their own experience and made them improve.

Especially Kobe!

Du Qi’s advice to him is, don’t fucking pass the ball!

Do it yourself!

These people were amazed by Du Qi’s training advice!

Because, they can really feel that they will become stronger under Du Qi’s advice!

Du Qi is open to making his opponent stronger.

My own fucking template of Tsukihara Tunga Aomine Daiki!

Are you afraid they will get stronger?

If they remain stronger, the future NBA will be really boring!!

However, the biggest improvement is Du Qi!

Because, when everyone practiced with Du Qi, they found that Du Qi’s ability to hold the ball was actually improving by leaps and bounds!

Originally, Du Qi was able to dribble and run.

But, now, he can make all kinds of dribbling moves!

Moreover, his slender figure makes his dribbling movements not awkward!

Shooting has also become very good!

It’s fucking outrageous!

Kobe couldn’t believe his eyes!

After all the calculations, I only knew Du Qi for a year.

In the past year, Du Qi has changed from a monster who can only dunk and grab rebounds to a center who can dribble and shoot, and can make all kinds of gorgeous moves…?

No, you can’t call a center forward!

Where can there be such a midfielder!

Kobe asked Du Qi, why did you change so quickly, Du Qi replied: Because, you have not seen the sun at four in the morning in Los Angeles!

good guy!

The next day, Kobe got up at three in the morning to train!

By four o’clock in the morning, he did not see the sun!

Because, in all seasons of the year, no matter which season, at four in the morning in Los Angeles, the sun will never appear!!!

Fuck, Du Qi lied!!

At this point, Chicago.

Jordan got a call.

“Michael, what are you going to choose?

“Retire, or keep playing? 99

asked the Bulls owner, Jerry Runsdorf.

Jordan said, “Don’t worry, Jerry! I’m not going to play for the Bulls again! Phil left Chicago and I’m not going to play in Chicago!

Jerry Runsdorf was suddenly disappointed.

Jordan, the benefits brought to him are really too high!

“Where are you going then?”

Jordan didn’t pull the Bulls’ boss at all.

“It’s none of your business!

The last season of the Bulls, the conflict within the team is very serious.

The contract conflict between general manager Jerry Krause and Pippen, and the power conflict between Phil Jackson and general manager Jerry Krause.

Jordan had a very good relationship with Zen Master and Pippen, which led to the conflict between Jordan and Jerry Krause.

Players and coaches have conflicts with management.

Naturally, this led to the conflict between the players and coaches and the team owner!

Under the contradictions, the self (the one who paid for the money) is falling apart!

This season, Pippen will not re-sign with the Bulls, he will pursue his own big contract!

The Zen master left the bull, and his whereabouts are uncertain!

Jordan, although there is oil in the gas tank, but he will not play in the bulls!

After hanging up the call of the Bulls boss, Jordan received a call from Kobe Bryant again.

“Oh, Kobe! Man, spare me!”

“This offseason, you’ve called me for the 100th time!”

However, on the other side of the phone, Kobe Bryant asked Jordan for technical advice.

“Michael! I always feel like my fallback isn’t smooth enough! Not a good fake!

“The Du Qi guy always predicts my position and interferes with my shots!”

“Teach me again!”

On the other end of the phone, the sound of basketball crashing in the training hall where Kobe was in, and the shouting of 9 people, and the Du Qi mentioned by Kobe!

He, while discussing technical issues with Kobe, was thinking.

After hanging up Kobe’s call, Jordan’s agent, David Falk, looked at Jordan. ,

“Michael, how, how do you choose your career it?”

Jordan sucked the cigar, rubbed his fingers that had been injured by the cigar knife, and said, “These little guys are very interesting!

“If I don’t fight them, it’s really hard for me to calm down in my heart!

“David, aren’t we, it’s time to play in another city?”

Falk looked at his old client, “I follow your advice!””

Taking a swig of the cigar, Jordan stood up from the sofa, put the cigar in the ashtray, and said, “Don’t retire! Keep playing! Change city!

(Vote again for evaluation votes and flowers!! There is one more update! Don’t sleep!).

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