Nba: Start Signing Three Consecutive Championships, Rewarding Epic Talents

Chapter 112: The Fighting Tournament Of The Finals! Violent Conflict! (2 More, Please Subscribe)

At the beginning, the Jazz were crushed by the Heat!

Occupying the Heat at the right time, place and people, the strength itself is superior.

What's more, after the baptism of seven battles with the Bulls.

The Heat team has achieved an upgrade.

In terms of experience and mind, both have been greatly improved.

Against the Jazz, fixation is an advantage.

Most people predict that the Heat can win the first game.

There might even be a big win.

But such a crazy score of 20:1 still exceeded everyone's expectations.

This is no longer a pure slap.

It's like adults hammering kindergarten children.

With the first official timeout, the Jazz made adjustments.

At this point, the scene has reached the kiss-cam segment again.

The camera on the big screen flickered for a long time.

In the end, it was fixed on Monica Bellucci and Sophie Marceau.

Two international friends!

Two beautiful goddesses!

Instantly ignited the audience!



The audience shouted in unison.

In desperation, Monica Bellucci could only kiss Sophie Marceau twice.

Anyway, they are all like-minded people, and they don't mind.

After this adjustment, the Jazz seemed to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du and found the touch.

Stockton hit the ground and passed the ball to Karl Malone, turned over a small jumper, and threw the ball in the face of Big Ben.

Karl Malone's signature nirvana!

The postman is at work again!


A few seconds later, the score became 22:3.

The Jazz players haven't breathed a sigh of relief.

The Heat became a super fast break!

The moment Karl Malone scored.

Zhou Yan started to run towards the frontcourt.

He overtook various cars along the way, threw off countless Jazz players, and reached the basket.

Nash baseline serve, throw a super quarterback long pass, precision guidance.

Zhou Yan took off from the basket, caught it and hit the layup with ease.

Game time starts from the moment the ball is caught.

Zhou Yan received the ball and made it to the layup.

The whole process takes only 1 second!

Much faster than the 3-second man!

This cooperation shocked the audience.

Head coach Pat Riley was taken aback.

The delay connection of the delay combination is amazing, isn't it?

In this day and age, people haven't seen Janeway connected.

However, the delayed connection is also shocking!

Brian Russell held the ball, used the pick-and-roll dislocation to face Nash, and chose to take it.

Nash's body is indeed almost meaningless.

Knocked away by Brian Russell, he easily rushed to the basket and made a small throw.

Zhou Yan did not push the fast pace, but dribbled the ball slowly, preparing to play a tactic.

The overall fast pace is a must.

But it is not necessary to blindly hit every ball fast.

That would make it easy to be in a hurry.

Mourning on the inside opened his hand for the ball.

His and Foster's bodies were entangled.

Tighter than Zhou Yan's entanglement with his girlfriend every night.

Foster was totally fouled.

But the referee chose to turn a blind eye.

That revelation caused the referees to be wary and never give the Heat a whistle.

Plus the Heat lead by so many points.

The referees are even more selectively blind.

As long as the actions are not too excessive, ignore them all.

On the contrary, the referee was very harsh on the Heat.

As long as it is a foul, it must be blown!

The referee needs to favor the Jazz to remove the suspicion of the league manipulating the game.

Zhou Yan slammed the ball to Mourning.

Mourning took the ball and turned around directly, and hit the board with a small hook from the basket.

Mini Skyhook!

Competitive sports don't just depend on strength.

Morale, fighting spirit, and enthusiasm are equally important!

When the players really play with confidence and feel when they play.

All kinds of unconventional actions will all use discs.

And how to invest how to get in.

Turning around, Stockton put Nash on his back and tried a little trick.

He grabbed Nash's arm with his hand and pushed back.

This action is very dirty, very dark, in order to test the referee's bottom line.

Don't look at Stockton as an old bastard, this guy is very smart.

He is good at taking advantage of all favorable factors on the field.

The team is not as strong as the Heat.

Still lagging behind by a large score.

If you want to narrow the point difference, regular actions will definitely not work.

Using more small and dirty moves can not only improve the defensive effect.

It can also receive miraculous effects on the offensive end.

Stockton pushed Nash with one hand while breaking through to the right.

Nash risked his life.

Take out the attitude of blocking the hole of the gun and try to block it.

Stockton simply pushed Nash somersault, jumper Tianwei.

The ball went in though.

But the referee blew his whistle.

Offensive foul!

"Is this ball fouled? Is this ball fouled? You are obviously favoring the Heat, and you made an unfair penalty"

Stockton rapped at the referee.

Obviously poking the referee's weakness.

If it is normal, the referee will definitely give a technical foul.

Now he chooses to forbear.

Looking back, Zhou Yan held the ball at the top of the arc and faced the double attack of Brian Russell and Stockton.

Zhou Yan is not false at all, he is tough!

With a quick change of direction, Zhou Yan swayed away from Bryan Russell.

Directly, the butterfly pierced through the flowers, and protruded from the gap between the two people to the basket.

What Zhou Yan is best at is tearing apart the seams!

Big Ben and Karl Malone are two big muscle fighters, tightly entangled together.

You hold me, I hold you.

Both of them couldn't stand still and staggered.

Foster took the opportunity to come out from behind Mourning, and slapped him with a big hat!

Not waiting for Foster to cover it.

Stockton and Brian Russell behind him were the first to do it!

Brian Russell [shocked Zhou Yan in the waist while he was gliding through the air.

Stockton made a hugging motion.

The two agreed with each other and dragged Zhou Yan down at the same time.

He glides through the air, his body uncontrollable.

When hit by a tough man like Brian Russell, his body immediately lost control.

This caused Zhou Yan to face many risks when he landed.

Not to mention, there's Stockton pulling this one.

Zhou Yan completely lost his balance.

The whole person fell sideways from the air.

If it were an ordinary person, the waist would probably be broken after falling.

But Zhou Yan's physical fitness is strong, and he also has the attribute of reducing injuries.

So it wasn't that bad.

Ordinary players will definitely be reimbursed on the spot.

You can't recover without rest for a few months.

The referee whistled a flagrant foul without hesitation this time!

Both Jazz have malicious fouls.

However, the referee only gave Bryan Russell a first-degree flagrant foul.

The Heat fans in the audience were dissatisfied, and abusive abuse broke out.

"Jazz of the muddy horse! If you can't beat us, you want to abolish Zhou Yan?"

"Bryan Russell, Stockton, you better stay in the hotel in Miami. Just put your head up, we fans will blow your dog's head off!"

"I'll prepare a sniper rifle when I get back."

"Brian Russell, Stockton, you two bitches! We'll let you die in Miami.

"It's over! Zhou Yan won't be reimbursed now, will he? The fall was quite hard. 11

"." To win the championship in this way, the Jazz is disgusting. "

The Heat's home fans were excited.

I can't wait to rush to the field and beat the Jazz to death.

This behavior is really disgusting!

Can't beat Zhou Yan?

The Pistons Bad Boys didn't deal with Jordan so hard, did they?

What's more, today's league still has malicious foul rules.

How dare you be so reckless?



Immediately followed, under the guidance of the live dj.

Fans started chanting evictions.

The referee did not change the penalty.

Zhou Yan lay on the ground and waited for half a minute before slowly standing up.

Pat Riley intends to replace Zhou Yan.

But Zhou Yan said that he has no problem and can continue to play.



Heat fans were touched by Zhou Yan's toughness.

There was an overwhelming cheer.

Two free throws!

Zhou Yan made both free throws.


The Heat continued to attack.

"How did it feel just now? As long as you break through to the restricted area, you may be treated like this.

Brian Russell stroked his bald head and smiled badly.

The Jazz are a dirty team.

There are all kinds of dirty moves.

But now they've made it no secret.

The jazz incarnation of the Pistons Bad Boys Legion, just do it!

"Then I'll let you try my methods first."

Zhou Yan held the ball (Zhao Le's) with one hand, and directly made a movement of throwing a javelin.

Violently smashed the ball to Brian Russell's head.

In an instant.

Brian Russell felt dizzy and his eyes were dazzled.

Zhou Yan immediately pretended to be innocent.

Said to the referee that he was just passing the ball.

Just a bad pass.

Brian Russell was on the ground for a few seconds.

He rushed up suddenly, facing Zhou Yan with a set of combined punches.

Zhou Yan dodged it deftly.

Before Zhou Yan could make a move.

Mourning, who was behind him, kicked Blair Russell with one kick.

The scene is out of control in an instant!

Joe Crawford immediately controlled the scene and sent Brian Russell, Mourning, and Big Ben all off the field.

Because while Mourning beat Brian Russell violently.

Big Ben also gave Stockton a set of combos.

Two guards with knives were both sent off!

This is not the first time they have been collectively sent off.

The situation on the court is obvious, and it was the Jazz who made trouble first.

But judging from the final result.

The two Jazz were beaten up and suffered a big loss!

In addition, the referee did not dare to favor the Heat.

Only the two insiders of the Heat can only be sent off.

Brian Russell on the Jazz was also fined.

However, Stockton was spared the penalty.

Extreme 2 for 1!

Heat blood loss!.

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