Nba: Start Signing Three Consecutive Championships, Rewarding Epic Talents

Chapter 55 Girlfriend Group +1! Take Down The Gangs Of New York! (210, Begging To Subscribe)


Big Ben and Charles Oakley hit it off.

When stuck at the basket for rebounds.

The two erupted into a fierce physical conflict.

Then, taking advantage of Big Ben's inattention, Oakley hit him in the face with an iron elbow.

The corners of Big Ben's eyes immediately bleed.

He showed no sign of weakness, raised his hand and hit Oakley with an uppercut on the left cheek.

There was also blood spilling from the corner of Oakley's mouth.

Fortunately, the referee separated the two in time.

Otherwise, there will be a big fight on the spot.

In this era, the style of football is iron and blood.

Every player is like a wild horse that has run free, and it is difficult to restrain.


The players of the New York Knicks are poor in quality, low in culture, and like to fight.

To put it bluntly, a hooligan with a super-high-paying job.

If it weren't for their skill in playing ball.

In society, they are all criminals.

They are an unstable factor in the league.

Although Daben is also very fierce, he never takes the initiative to provoke trouble.

Once someone messes with him, Big Ben will be doubled back.

The game is suspended.

Two people were on the sidelines to stop the bleeding.

During sports, once the bleeding occurs, it is necessary to stop the bleeding immediately.

Otherwise, if the wound becomes infected or the blood flows too much, something serious will happen.

Pause back.

Knicks possession.

Ewing showed super dominance at the basket, singled out Mourning and hit a layup.

Zhou Yan broke through with the ball, and Bowen and Da Ben pulled out to clear the space under the basket.

Oakley didn't pay attention to Da Ben at all, and didn't bother to guard against it.

If you don't guard against it, I dare to vote!

Daben received a pass from Zhou Yan and did not hesitate to make a three-pointer to Tianwei.


In again!

With the continuous improvement of Daben's three-point shooting skills, the number of hits is increasing, and his confidence is also bursting.

This kind of absolute open space, he can shoot a very high hit rate.

Both teams have a fast offensive tempo.

Mainly driven by the Heat, the Knicks fell into the vortex of the fast break.

Started a confrontation with the Heat!

At the beginning, the Knicks were beaten helplessly.

The back felt suddenly better.

Especially Ewing, scored 8 points at the basket.

Charlie Ward from the outside line also hit a three-pointer.

The point difference has been very stable.

With 1 minute and 27 seconds left in the first quarter, the Heat led by 5 points at 29:24.

Zhou Yan lowered his center of gravity, elegantly held the ball in one hand, held the white horse spear, and faced off with Larry John.

One is a handsome young man.

One is a fierce-looking black devil.

The appearance formed a strong contrast.

Larry John was busy grabbing Zhou Yan.

Perhaps Zhou Yan was too immersed in thinking about how to break through.

When he was not careful, Lili John Xun broke the ball arbitrarily.

Like a loach, this guy caught the ball and slid away, galloping towards the frontcourt.

Zhou Yan was stunned for a second.

Immediately afterwards, the fighter jets took off and chased after them quickly!

Zhou Yan had just reached the three-point line when Larry John made a three-pointer.

Not at all threatening!

After confirming safety, Larry John took a deep breath.

Take off easily and calmly, and dunk with one arm!

He was pinned down by Zhou Yan for the entire quarter.

Zhou Yan is stealing now, if there is another fast break dunk.

Is that considered honoring?

Larry John never expected that Zhou Yan's bullet speed, explosive power and gliding ability are so strong!

Zhou Yan took off from the free throw line, waltzed through the air and cygnetized, gliding to the basket.

Hit the ball hard!

Two big muscle masters competed for strength in the air!

In the end, it was still shot off by Zhou Yan.

He picked up the ball himself and rushed to the frontcourt.

There is only one Charlie Ward at the top of the arc to block.

Zhou Yan rushed from the backcourt to the frontcourt, with full speed.

While traveling at high speed, he made a super sharp turn, leaving Charlie Ward behind him, and went straight into the penalty area under the basket.

The run-up and take-off requires a certain distance.

But Zhou Yan ran completely from the backcourt to the frontcourt.

This run-up distance is long enough to allow him to raise the flying height to the extreme.

The giant gorilla Ewing under the basket took off to block it.

But Zhou Yan jumped higher and higher, and jumped higher and higher.

As if breaking away from the gravitational pull of the earth, he flew to the outer sky.

Zhou Yan's long legs straddled in the air, straddled Ewing's neck abruptly, and blasted the ball into it!

Ewing's body was thrown in the air, maintaining a relatively high height.

If he just stood there.

It is really possible for Zhou Yan to leap over his head and realize the button of death.

The slam dunk contest has a lot of dunks over people's heads.

There is even a picture of several people leaping and dunking.

But in the NBA, no one has ever done it before, jumping over the opponent's head to dunk in actual combat!

Especially in the face of a super big center like Ewing who is 2 meters 13.

Just a little bit!

Zhou Yan just barely made it!

However, riding on Ewing's neck and dunking the ball in is still shocking enough.

People don't doubt it at all.

One day, Zhou Yan will be able to jump over the head of the death fly buckle!

"This guy is crazy, he flies in the sky."

"God, why do you want to possess the star player of the Heat?"

"It's horrible! Zhou Yan is almost flying to the moon."

Even Ivanka on the sidelines was dumbfounded.

Previously, she had only watched Zhou Yan's video highlights.

This time I really felt his strength and explosiveness.

Ivanka couldn't help imagining the picture of him and Zhou Yan....

The body can't help but tremble.

Although Ewing was detained, his hands were not idle.

The moment Zhou Yan landed.

Ewing slapped him across the face.

The corner of Zhou Yan's eye was also broken, and blood came out, so he went off the field immediately to stop the bleeding.

The first quarter is not over yet.

Three players bleed.

From this we can see how intense and intense this game is!

……asking for flowers)……

Pat Riley was afraid to let Zhou Yan play.

Put the Band-Aid on, let him sit off the court, and wait until the second quarter to play again.

The two sides started an unprecedented concert from the bench.

The sound of clanging iron strikes came and went one after another.

However, just before Zhou Yan came on the field, the Knicks suddenly found their touch and scored three goals in a row.

In an instant, the point difference was approached to only 5 points.

Then Zhou Yan came on stage.

As usual.

Zhou Yan will focus on defense and organization in the second quarter.

Save more firepower for the third quarter.

It's like a man entering the sage mode and temporarily abstaining from sexual intercourse.

Temporary abstinence is for a bigger explosion later!


The situation of the game changed suddenly.

Zhou Yan was blacked out by the referee!

The league plays so many games every year.

There are always some games where whistleblowing is extremely unbalanced.

Maybe it's because of the mistreatment in New York.

The referee called Zhou Yan three fouls in a row.


Want to use this to increase the excitement of the game, so as not to be beaten?

First, Zhou Yan steals Larry John News and is called a defensive foul.

Then Zhou Yan dunked Charles Oakley and called an offensive foul.

The last foul was Zhou Yan's revenge for Big Ben.

In the last round, when Big Ben was laying up, he was thrown off by Oakley and was almost injured.

Zhou Yan followed suit.

He let Larry John take a step and let him rush to the penalty area for a layup.

Zhou Yan turned into the "King of Fighters" Clark, hugged him and threw him to the ground.

The referee gave a first-degree malicious foul on the spot.

This is very cheating!

The referee is an old double-standard dog.

With four fouls on his back, Pat Riley could only temporarily dismiss Zhou Yan.

As soon as Zhou Yan left the field, the Heat's offense immediately had problems.

Because the Heat's style of play is completely centered around Zhou Yan.

Without the brain of Zhou Yan.

The Heat players had difficulty adapting and were beaten 14:5 by the Knicks.

At halftime, the score came to 57:59.

The Heat fell behind by 2 points!

"The referee's call was really bad. They called Zhou Yan at least two more fouls. I think the league should investigate."

"Indeed! What a wonderful game, it would have been much worse without Zhou Yan. The referee dominated the game."

The two commentators also complained for Zhou Yan.

When the red light came on at the end of half-time.

Larry John Xun did not forget to spray Zhou Yan.

"Are you good? We're up by two points."

Zhou Yan replied: "These sand sculpture referees should be the younger brothers of your gangsters, right? 8 vs. 5, only leading by two points, trash!"

"Wait until the third quarter, I'll show you something different.

Zhou Yan suppressed his anger.

It's like a volcano that has accumulated energy for thousands of years.


Waiting for the explosion in the third quarter!

Zhou Yan!

Do big things six!.

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