NBA: Unlock The Emperor Eye at the Start

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Yes, Chinese Players Can Also Fight Against The Team (Kneel For Flowers!)

Chapter 18 Yes, Chinese players can also fight against the team (kneel for flowers!)

“The pressure is on Lin. To be honest, I think Wake Forest is on the verge of failure because they pin their hopes on a Chinese player!”

The commentators at the scene looked very playful.

In the current situation, if Wake Forest wants to open up the situation, it must rely on Lin Yan’s performance.

But judging from his performance in the past two games, this reliance is fundamentally vulnerable.

I believe that after this game, there will be a lot of American media and fans, pointing the fire at coach Dave Odom.

The reason is very simple, he pinned his hopes on a person who should not be pinned on it!

“I think Dave didn’t expect such a situation. After all, from the past two games, Lin has really done a great job in connecting the team!”

Another commentator had the same joking smile on his face.

In their opinion, trusting a Chinese player is better than trusting an American high school player!

Dave Odom also heard such a joke, and immediately clenched his fist.

Maybe, he does have to consider substitutions!

Lin Yan’s tandem ability is very good, and his defense is also remarkable, but this offense, he really can’t compliment him.

Like everyone thinks, he doesn’t think Lin Yan can have any dazzling performance.

“Chris get ready, you’ll come in later!”

Chris, who was sent to the bench, immediately stood up excitedly.

“Coach, I’ve said it a long time ago, I’m still more suitable for starting than Lin!”

Coach Dave did not speak, and instead turned his attention to the field.

When this attack is over, he will choose to make a substitution!

Lin Yan doesn’t know what the commentators and coaches think, and even if he knows it at the moment, it won’t stop his attack!

With the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, it is also easy for him to complete the attack!



Lin Yan deliberately took two steps back, giving himself plenty of space.

Immediately, he made a false move to the right.

Seeing this, the opponent’s defender did not move laterally for the first time. Obviously, the opponent guessed his intention.


But what he couldn’t guess was that this guy Lin Yan was hooked!

After seeing the opponent’s defensive intentions clearly, Lin Yan directly played the wave of tactics.

Turning the fake action into a real breakthrough, one stride broke through his defense.

Seeing this, other Kentucky players hurriedly deployed their defenses.

But he was afraid of Lin Yan’s passing ability, so he just made up for it symbolically, trying to scare Lin Yan’s offense.

But how could Lin Yan stop?

Go straight to the basket and take two points with a small toss!

“I said, if I attack seriously, you will be out of luck~”

After finishing the goal, Lin Yan waved to the opponent’s small defender.

He’s also an expert when it comes to engaging people’s mentality.

The most perverted thing about the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor is that it can see everything clearly.

As long as you fight the opponent once, the opponent’s most fatal flaw will be nowhere to hide!

Lin Yan has just played two rounds, and he completely sees the opponent’s weakness.

That is a very bad mood.

I believe that as long as you mock like this several times in a row, the other party will definitely explode!

“Oh~, well, I think I have to apologize for my unprofessionalism. Since head coach Dave dares to put Lin in the starting lineup, he obviously understands his true combat power. It’s not that Lin has no ability to attack independently, it’s just that He prefers to share the ball!”

“This breakthrough is indeed very sharp. It didn’t give the defender the slightest chance at all. The defensive strategy of the University of Kentucky is afraid that it will lose its effect!”

Commentators are also masters at seeing the wind.

Seeing that Lin Yan scored a goal, he immediately changed his face and started touting his performance!

“The first step is not fast, but the judgment of the defender is top-notch. I can’t prevent Lin’s breakthrough!”

Vince Carter, who was on the sidelines, also gave his opinion on Lin Yan’s breakthrough just now.

“Maybe we can find a chance to try it!”

Compared to Carter, his cousin Maddie seemed more confident.

However, what he said can be regarded as an endorsement of Lin Yan’s singles level.

After all, he doesn’t challenge others casually!

“Coach, shall I come here?”

After this round, Chris asked impatiently.

“What do you think?”

Coach Dave gave Chris an angry look.

“Sit down, I don’t need you to play for the time being!”

Assistant Professor John added.

Chris scratched his head in embarrassment.

good guy.

This is really a big double standard scene~

As soon as the scene requires a singles player, he is immediately asked to prepare.

As soon as Lin Yan finished the singles with ease, his face changed instantly.

This face-turning speed is really comparable to flipping a book…

But he couldn’t argue.

After all, Lin Yan can handle it better than him!

“Steady the rhythm, don’t panic, and continue to increase the frequency of sharing the ball!”

Coach Marshall, the coach of the University of Kentucky, stood up in time to stabilize the military.

Basketball is a turn-based game, and it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t defend one round.

As long as the offense remains stable, the situation will remain in their hands.

There is absolutely nothing to say about the execution power of Kentucky people.

The attack in this round is still very tacit.

Wake Forest University still has no way to limit their offense.


Turn your head.

Lin Yan’s singles, Kentucky also can not help.

Against defenders, Lin Yan is always one step past.

As soon as the others defended, Lin Yan played the ball at the first time.

Consecutive victories have allowed Wake Forest University players to accumulate very strong self-confidence.

All vacancies were seized.

This makes Kentucky’s defense more passive.

The first half of the first half of the first half of the fight between the two sides was spent in this situation where there was no way to take each other!

However, for Wake Forest, the gain is obviously greater. The Kentucky players who are on the point of Lin Yan have gradually become out of balance!

In the 16th minute of the first half, the coaches of both sides chose to make substitutions.

Lin Yan was also scheduled to rest.


In the four minutes he took off the court, the University of Kentucky had a 12-2 climax.

All of a sudden, the situation where both sides were evenly matched became Kentucky’s advantage.

This kind of change surprised everyone.

Dave Odom, in particular, was trembling with anger!

Originally, he also felt that it was immoral to directly remove Chris from the starting lineup.

Look now.

It’s a very wise decision…

He just played for four minutes and directly made the team lose by 10 points!

He didn’t think Lin Yan was so good before.

In such a comparison, Lin Yan is really top!

“It turns out that sometimes Chinese players are more reliable than American players. I think after this game, everyone’s old-fashioned thinking should change!”

The commentators at the scene also pointed out this problem sharply.

“That’s right, basketball is no longer dominated by the United States. Maybe in the near future, Chinese basketball will become our rival!”

Lin Yan’s performance made everyone realize a serious problem.

Everyone’s inherent perception of Chinese players before has changed.

The future development of basketball is not necessarily the same as before, only belonging to the black and white races!

The yellow race is also using their performance to conquer the world!

[Thank you for your support, today’s flowers will reach 10,000, and there will be 10 updates directly. I hope you will support more! ]*

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