NBA: Unlock The Emperor Eye at the Start

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Accidents, Lin Yan’S Injury

Chapter 210 Accidents, Lin Yan’s Injury

Lin Yan has already seen the Jazz’s tactics, and today’s Jazz is surprisingly stable.

Didn’t choose Stockton’s perimeter bells and whistles, fairly solid shooting.

Instead, the ball was handed to Karl Malone and Ostertag. Let these two able-bodied players go to the inside of the Timberwolves.

Compared to the Jazz, the Timberwolves’ inside line is still very different.

This also makes Forest’s defense particularly difficult.

“Hey, brothers, don’t think about defending them alone, change your mind, and double-team him with two people. Lin Yan made his own suggestion.

He has absolute confidence to go up against Stockton, and as long as basketball is back in Stockton’s hands, the game won’t be so difficult.

In the next defense, the Timberwolves finally resorted to double-team tactics.

Although Karl Malone is strong, he can’t stand the double team of two people.

Soon only to pass the ball. Stockton received the incoming basketball and faced Lin Yan.

Lin Yan grinned, with seriousness and confidence in his eyes.

He knew Stockton was no match for him, but he still played his best defense.

Using one’s best strength to face the opponent on the court is the greatest respect for the opponent.

Stockton looked at Lin Yan solemnly, knowing that he could not get past Lin Yan’s defense by himself.

The lessons of the previous few times are still fresh in my mind, and this is the Jazz’s last chance.

To cherish every possession and play the highest offensive efficiency, this is what he has to do.

So called a pick-and-roll and wanted to dislocate the big Ben to the singles inside.

Faced with Big Ben, Stockton no longer had any fear of Lin Yan, so a set of crossovers passed Big Ben and made a three-step layup.


I saw a figure flying by, pressing the ball firmly on the backboard and taking it down.

It was Lin Yan who came from behind. With his astonishing speed, he completed this shocking chase with a big cap.

“This amazing speed is really comparable to lightning, and the experience of the old man and the judgment of where the basketball is going is not like a lad who just entered the league.

After seeing this wonderful block, Van Gundy immediately commented.

The Jazz’s Malone stood up to stand up against a banner, and the Timberwolves’ Lin Yan naturally couldn’t be inferior to the opponent.

A blocked shot made the Timberwolves, who had been suppressed and uncomfortable, instantly become emotional.

Lin Yan always appears just right, stepping up when the team is in a slump.

“Hey, brothers, don’t be afraid of their attacks. We have to show our housekeeping skills.” Lin Yan encouraged loudly.

Seeing the images of Karl Malone and Ostertag frantically looting in the interior, Lin Yan’s mind was filled with the desire to attack.

Slowly confronted to find out the experience, the Timberwolves defense has become more and more stable.

Coach Sanders suddenly called a timeout and waited until everyone stood together.

Said: “Today’s game has to use all of my skills to attack, and attack is the best defense.

With the last two minutes left in the first quarter, Lin Yan took the ball to the frontcourt.

The other players have settled into their positions, and you Lin Yan made a gesture to open the singles.

One person faces the other’s Stockton, and a double crotch turns around.

Stockton didn’t have time to react to the direction of Lin Yan’s breakthrough.

It was already opened a distance by Lin Yan.

Facing the inside line, Ostertag had a fierce confrontation with him in the air and scored the ball.


The whistle sounded, andone.


Just then a scream rang out.

The audience turned their attention to Lin Yan, who was lying on the ground holding his feet.

Garnett hurried forward upon seeing this.

“Brother Yan, what’s the matter with you? Where are you hurt?

Lin Yan said with a pained face: “Ankle, my ankle is twisted.”

It turned out to be the lever just now, and when it fell, it landed on Ostertag’s feet.

Garnett didn’t hold back the anger in his heart and rushed directly to Ostertag.

“Bastard, just play ball, how come you still have a foot?” Garnett shoved Ostertag violently.

As Lin Yan’s loyal younger brother, Big Ben was also furious when he saw Lin Yan lying on the ground.

“You don’t know how to play, you can get off the court.” The taciturn Big Ben said suddenly.

Seeing that Ostertag was about to fight Garnett, the players from both sides immediately went to fight.


Coach Sanders didn’t care about Garnett, but walked quickly to Lin Yan.

The team doctor came forward immediately. First of all, I made a slight test for the location of the injury.

Then a stretcher was brought in and Lin Yan was sent off the field.

The conflict between Garnett and Ostertag was still unresolved, and the players on both sides immediately pulled them out.

“Dirty, not fit to play in our arena.

“Fake, this big guy is a dirty batch, let him get back to their salt lake.”

The fans saw that the wolf king in their hearts could not hold back their anger even when someone stepped on their feet, and in an instant there was a lot of scolding in the arena.

The referee stepped forward and gave Garnett a T. Seeing this, Garnett was even more annoyed and was about to argue with the referee.


Lin Yan’s voice came from off the field.

“It’s all right, Kevin, I wasn’t careful enough to get into an argument with them. 39

Lin Yan limped onto the field.

He decided to move on to the next free throw.

The fans in the audience saw Lin Yan limping forward and spoke separately.

“Lin Yan, you are the God of Timberwolves”

“Come on, Lin Yan, and get these bastards back to their salt lake.”

“Lin Yan, pay attention to your injury”

The fans were moved, a true leader not only led the entire basketball team.

It’s more about using yourself as an example and inspiring other players to grow.

At this time, Lin Yan is like a big flag of the forest.

Flying in the hearts of every Minnesotans, this is the candlelight in the hearts of Minnesota fans.

The basketball hit the basket steadily, Lin Yan slowly walked off the court, and said to the players on the court: “Brothers, I believe in you.”

The audience burst into warm applause, as if they were sending their gods off.

With the end of Lin Yan, the face of coach Saunders became more and more ugly.

As a team with Lin Yan as the tactical core, his demise means that others will be under more pressure.

It lacks a strong offensive point. The Timberwolves’ next offense will be very difficult.

At this time, coach Sanders has no choice but to hope that the players on the field can play their best strengths.

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