NBA: Unlock The Emperor Eye at the Start

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Self Confidence Of All Staff, This Is Leadership

Chapter 30 Self-confidence of all staff, this is leadership

Competitive sports are like this, as long as you play, there will always be someone who has to face failure!

The duel between Wake Forest and Connecticut, Connecticut finally had to face the pain of defeat.

Ray Allen looked distraught after the game.

In this game, the main reason for the loss was that his offense with the ball was too weak.

Even in the normal stage, his breakthrough with the ball is also a powerful weapon for attacking the city.

But in today’s match, he lost completely.

He was completely crushed by Lin Yan, the leader of the opponent.

Even more disappointing.

The other party still doesn’t seem to have used all his strength…

After all, Lin Yan’s final score was only 12 points!

At this moment, Ray Allen had only one thought in his mind.

Strengthen your training!

To lose is to lose, there is nothing to deny.

If you want to win the game against Xiao Bei in the future, you have to train harder!

“Lin’s strength may be stronger than we imagined. It seems that it is difficult for our Heat team to have an intersection with him…”

Tim Hardaway was completely overwhelmed by Lin Yan’s performance.

It turns out that he is not incapable of attacking, nor is he not shooting.

Just been looking for opportunities for teammates.

When his teammates feel good, he is the best assister.

And when his teammates are not in good shape and the team needs someone to stand up, he is the best leader!

Such a player can absolutely do everything a number one can do.

Ask yourself.

Tim Hardaway doesn’t think he can be as comprehensive as Lin Yan.

He was about to take back what he had said before.

Lin Yan is by no means the first choice on the bench, but a team’s first choice.

It is no exaggeration to say that he definitely has the potential to become a leader!

Alonzo Mourning agrees.

“It seems that the future development of basketball is destined to not be dominated by the United States!”

Lin Yan’s performance completely suppressed the American players present.

Directly let everyone see the unlimited potential of Chinese basketball.

I believe that as Lin Yan joins the NBA and China basketball, Chinese players will definitely get more attention!

“Dad, I want to be a player like Lin!”

Stephen Curry’s eyes were unusually firm, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Yan.

Dale Curry nodded in relief.

“Good boy, then you practice hard in the future and strive to become a good player like Lin!”

Lin Yan’s performance also completely conquered Dell Curry.

A well-rounded defender who can really do more on the court!


“Lin, in this game, you once again defeated your opponents and won the tickets to the final four. How do you feel now?”

The focus of this game is undoubtedly Lin Yan who led the team to victory.

Shortly after the game, many media surrounded Lin Yan and began to ask questions.

“To be honest, it doesn’t feel like it, this is the goal we should have achieved, we just finished it!”

As soon as Lin Yan spoke, it was old Versailles…

Obviously this game was not easy to play, and the team was even passive for a time.

But when it comes to Lin Yan’s mouth, promotion has become a matter of course.

This thick outfit~ The sense of comparison is really coming to my face~

“Lin, you said you would enter the draft this year, so have you thought about your final draft?”

The first reporter had just finished asking questions, and the second reporter’s questions followed.

“I think it should be the champion, as long as everyone is not blind!”

Compared with the first answer, Lin Yan’s answer this time is a bit more arrogant.

This can’t help but confuse the media at the scene.

Publicity is a good thing, but self-confidence is not a problem.

But this opening is the champion, and he also mocks the team’s vision. This answer is a bit unpleasant…

Lin Yan didn’t care about everyone’s reaction.

The reason why he dared to give such an answer was due to his own strength.

He understands how much he has and how much he will develop and improve in the future.

As long as the team with the No. 1 pick lacks a defender, Lin Yan is the best choice!

“Lin, if you want to win the No. 1 pick, the first condition is to lead the team to win the NCAA championship. Although you have made it to the final four, it does not mean that you can still win in the future. The team doesn’t have a fuel-efficient lamp, are you sure you can lead the team to win the championship?”

What the media are most willing to do is to hold fire.

The more angry the players’ remarks, the richer the content of everyone’s reports, and the more worth looking forward to the follow-up duel.

The reporter from ESPN did this very keenly.

“Of course, if I don’t have this confidence, how can I have the confidence to become the champion?”

“No matter who our follow-up opponent is, I will lead the team to victory. This is not possible, it is certain!”

Lin Yan once again gave a domineering answer.

With Seijuro Akashi’s ability, Lin Yan is very confident.

The victories in the quarter-finals and quarter-finals gave him full confidence in the upcoming matches.

To know.

Except for using the full zone in the first game, he did not use it in other games.

And he himself has never opened a real Zone!

With these two hole cards in hand, Lin Yan believes that the next opponent is nothing to be afraid of!


From the day the system released the mission, his goal was only the champion.

Whether he is being interviewed now or at the beginning, he will call out that we are the champions without hesitation!

The media have always been watching the fun without taking it too seriously.

After getting the answer from Lin Yan that they would be the champion, everyone found the always humble Duncan very targeted to see what kind of response he would give.

“Tim, we just learned from Lin’s interview that Wake Forest will keep winning until it wins the championship. What do you think about that?”

If it is normal.

Duncan will definitely give a humble response, what this is not certain, the opponent is also very strong, we will do our best!

But now.

After Lin Yan became the leader, his thinking changed.

“I think Lin is right. It’s obviously not because of luck that our team has reached this point. We are strong enough to challenge for the championship. No matter who our opponents are next, they are destined to become our losers!”

There was an uproar when Duncan gave his answer.

good guy.

Tim Duncan turned sex!

The unbelievable media asked other Wake Forest players.

The final answer was surprisingly consistent.

They will keep winning!

this moment.

All the media have clearly realized that this year’s Wake Forest University is extremely confident!

Such confidence is truly unprecedented!

And the source of self-confidence is because of Lin Yan!

have to say.

Lin Yan is really a great leader! *

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