NBA World Mall

Chapter 646 - Title System Advanced Task

“Congratulations to the host for completing the series of quests “One More Peerless Job” series of tasks, please host to enter the virtual space to check the rewards!” When the game ended, Li Tuan received the system prompt sound, the excitement in his heart can be imagined.

After working hard for a season, I finally completed the series of tasks on the scroll of this task!

I didn’t care about going to the press conference after the game. Li Tuan directly drove back to his residence alone and entered the virtual space!

After entering the virtual space, as expected, his own exclusive skill field has now changed from one to two, which means that Li Unity can now create new exclusive skills!

“Hey, the extra exclusive skill opportunities have been obtained, but I don’t have the basic skills for creating defensive exclusive skills, which is more embarrassing…” Li Tuan looked at his empty skill bar, and some of it hurt…

At present, the only thing that Li Tuan can really use as the basic skills of exclusive skills is the “Violence Basket Specialization” obtained from cheap master Sun Dahei…

But this skill is more advanced, and Li Unity now needs the lowest green and blue skills…

“It’s not long before the playoffs and the World Series round-robin start. During this time, I will not play real-world games. I will use all my energy to raise the S-level strength to the limit and create exclusive skills!” Li Unity thought secretly.

To raise the strength of the S-class to the limit, one is to purchase the remaining adjudication suits, and the other is to purchase the attribute pills. The probability of these two things being produced in Wanjie Space is already very low. On the weekdays, Li Tuanjie has nothing to do through auction Big gains can only be acquired through their own connections…

As far as Li Tuan knows, the ruling suit is actually not the top-level suit in the universe, and there are actually more advanced ultimate suits on top of the ruling suit.

This ultimate suit, as the name suggests, is definitely the ultimate equipment that the ultimate host can wear, and the yield is so low that even the ultimate host of this level, Huang Tianlong, currently has only one thing!

And the ultimate host like Chamberlain, which has a relatively low strength, does not have the ultimate suit!

At present, Li Unity can’t be so tall, his goal is to collect the ruling suit!

As for the attribute pill, although the yield is much higher than that of the ruling suit, but the consumption is also greater, so Li Tuanjie wants to collect all, the difficulty is also heavy.

As for the basic skills required to create exclusive skills, this is not difficult. Li Jiejie now knows a lot of plane contacts. It is not difficult to select some more suitable basic skills from other people’s skill lists to synthesize. .

Time passed quickly, in the blink of an eye, showing that the time of the world has arrived on April 15th, and today is the final game of the Bucks’ regular season…

Originally, Li Tuan didn’t want to fight this finale. It was really difficult to arouse Li Tuan’s interest in the regular season. However, Li Tuan must participate in this finale because he received it at midnight the day before the game. A task!

Advanced task of the title system!

This is the first time Li Unity has received the advanced task of the title system. Li was originally curious, but I thought that there are too many tasks this season. It is normal to not trigger the advanced task of the title. .

In the final battle, the Bucks’ opponent is the Eastern Cleveland Cavaliers.

“Advanced Title Mission!”

“Mission goal: score 100% and win the game!”

Seeing this mission goal, Li Tuan didn’t go directly to see the punishment for the failure of the mission, because he was very clear that this mission was simply too easy for himself at present…

With the current strength of the Bucks, even if Li Unity does not appear, the Bucks can hang the Cavaliers, and winning the game is not a problem!

As for scoring a hundred points in a single game, can this be anything difficult for Li Tuanjie? Naturally not…

The last time the advanced task appeared, it was in the finals of last season. At that time, the title system released the task to sweep the Lakers, and then Li Lijie advanced to two consecutive stages, directly reaching the B-level title rating. !

It is equivalent to say that in this game, Li Tuan’s task difficulty is only the B-level task difficulty, which is naturally not difficult for Li Tuan.

In this nearly half-month period, Li Unity can’t possibly get nothing. The ruling suit and attribute pill Li Unity also got some. Although it has not reached the limit it can reach, its strength has also improved a lot. !

At present, the overall attributes of Li Tuan are:

Stamina: 145 (120 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, and 15 points for the ruling jersey)

Strength: 145 (120 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, 10 points for the ruling arm, and 155 points for the arm!)

Speed: 140 (110 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, and 20 points for the ruling shoes!)

Bounce: 145 (120 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, and 15 points for the super ball pants!)

Health: 120 (100 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, and 10 points for the super kneepad! Ankle health attribute 130)

Golfer: 94 (82 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, and 2 points for the award ribbon)

Perception: 99 (87 points for the body, 10 points for the title system, and 2 points for the award ribbon)

This is all of Li Tuan’s current attributes. After so many years of accumulation, Li Tuan has now raised his physical fitness, strength, and bounce attributes to the limit using attribute pills. As for the attributes of health, golf quotient, and perception, the actual combat The impact is not too great, and it is not the attribute that Li Tuan currently needs to improve!

The only thing that makes Li Tuan somewhat unwilling is the speed attribute. The attribute pill of the speed attribute, after many contacts, has never been purchased…

There is no doubt that the speed attribute is extremely important for Li Tuan. If the speed attribute of the body can also be increased to 120 points, then the speed attribute of Li Tuan will reach 150 points, which will become extremely scary!

As for the ruling suit, Li Tuan has not yet collected the complete set. Ruling ball pants and ruling knee pads are not currently available for purchase, but this is not harmful. One of the two props is to increase the bounce and the other is to increase the health attributes. These two attributes are not particularly huge for Li’s strength.

“It is imperative to buy the speed attribute pills early, so that my attribute can be quickly raised to 150 points!”

“By the time this title task is promoted, my full attributes can be improved a bit!”

“With the help of the three hidden attributes of the title system, my strength now does not know how terrible it has reached. It is just tonight that the round-robin has started. It is time to try my strength!” Li Tuan secretly calculated in his mind. !

At 8pm, Li Tuan led the Bucks to appear at the Bradley Center Arena!

In this month’s time, Li Tuan has been participating in the game for three days fishing and two days drying the net. The fans had no hope that Li Tuan could come to the finale…

But in today’s game, the fans were pleasantly surprised to find that Li Tuan not only played, but also wore training uniforms. Obviously he was about to start the game!

“Haha, Li Tuanjie will appear in this game. Since the last time Li Tuai scored five doubles, Li Tuai seems to be deeply injured and sick, and has not participated in any game of the Bucks. Unity may be trying to play the game, find the feeling of the game, and prepare for the playoffs!”

“Mao’s injury is bothering me. I think Li Unity is lazy. I can’t see that he will be troubled by injuries. For people like Li Unity, I feel that the sickness should go around him!” Buckley said. Said with a lip.

“Whether it’s laziness or not, anyway, this ending and Li Unity came out, I don’t know what kind of surprise he can bring us in the end!” Kenny Smith said with a smile.

“Boss, I have rested for a month. How do I prepare for this game?” The Bucks would have thought Li Unity was preparing for the playoffs and then “come back”. I didn’t expect this regular season finale to come back in advance. .

“Haha, after a month of rest, I saw that you all played so vigorously in some games. Some of your hands are itchy. Today I will play a good fight. It is like looking for a game for the playoffs! “Li Unity said with a smile.

The crowd will laugh and make jokes. Does Li Tuan still need to find the game? In the view of the Bucks generals, Li Unity can do his best in every game, and he can cut down the historical super data.

LeBron James on the sidelines saw Li Tuanjie started to warm up and shouted damn!

Originally, he thought that Li Tuanjie would be absent from today’s game, so their Cavaliers still have the strength of World War I, although the win is still relatively small…

But now with the unity of Lee, it means that the knight’s original small win has disappeared!

Last season, Li Tuanjie and LeBron James still called the league’s strongest star…

But time to go to last season, Li Tuanjie has exceeded LeBron James, led the team to fight the three giants Green Kai and the Western Lakers, and eventually won the championship, known as the league’s first person!

After the time goes by this season, Li Tuanjie is more exaggerated and has been called the first person in league history…

From the beginning, the two of them went hand in hand, and now James is far away from Li Tuan, which makes LeBron James, the “arrogant man of the sky”, very unwilling!

But he has no the skills are not as good as people, either go to join the opponent’s team, or join a team that can compete with the opponent!

Joining the Bucks now is obviously not within the scope of LeBron James. First of all, it is impossible for the Bucks to take over James. Although the Bucks still have salary space enough to sign a small forward with the highest salary level, James’s The style is inconsistent with the Bucks, and the Bucks boss Li Unity can agree to be strange…

If James really came to the Bucks, I’m afraid he will end up like Wei Shao!

In the starting lineup, there must be no position of James. The position of the Bucks small forward is basically a defensive player in the team. James’ defensive strength is obviously not at the same level as Artest.

Most of the ball rights in the starting lineup are in Li Unity’s hands, and the remaining one-third to one-quarter are in the hands of point guard Lowry…

If James comes, join the starting lineup, can’t you go without a ball? At this stage, James’s ballless ability and his breakthrough ability are polarized extremes. As strong as his breakthrough ability is, how weak is his ballless ability…

And it’s impossible to play the substitute lineup… not to mention James’ reluctance, the Bucks definitely don’t want to, what a joke, but spend a top salary to invite a substitute, who is willing to do such a stupid thing. …

Since it is impossible to join the Bucks, there is only one way left before James, that is to join a team that can compete with the Bucks!

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