NBA World Mall

Chapter 648 - The king of true and false levers

Li Tuan knew that this time he might have encountered a strong man pulled by the system, or a special host!

“Li Unity?!” Several people of the other party didn’t react much after seeing Oden, but instead they were shocked when they saw Li Unity!

The prestige of Li Tuan has spread throughout the entire world. When the opponent looked at Li Tuan’s information, he was dumbfounded when he saw the three characters of Li Tuan…

As expected with Li Tuan, this team is indeed weird!

They have an S-level host in their team. When Li Jiejie checked the host’s information, he could see the host’s abnormality at a glance!

“Host name: Manu Ginobili!”

“Player rating: S-level!”

“Personal honor: 10 years of experience in the World Championship, 0 times of experience in the World Championship round robin, temporary holder of the magical “Sublimation”!”

Li Tuanjie knew in his heart that the age in front of him seemed to be almost forty years old. Eight achievements is a different number of the opponent’s team…

Maybe some fans are puzzled, there is no introduction about the age of Ginobili in the system introduction, how can Li Tuan dare to make sure that the age of Ginobili is almost forty years…

Regarding Ginobili’s age, this is easy to distinguish, just look at his baldness…

The demon knife before the age of thirty is a handsome young man with long hair…

The hairline of the 30- to 35-year-old fairy knife climbed overhead…

The thirty-five-year-old monster’s head is completely bald…

The Ginobili in front of him is already bald to the back of his head, and he must be forty years old!

Li Tuan estimated that 80% of Ginobili was too miserable, and then won the sympathy of the system, giving him the last chance to temporarily borrow the artifact “sublimation” to Ginobili, so that this time Get a chance to participate in the round robin…

After all, the experience of playing in the Ten Thousands League, and not playing in a round robin match, is indeed a bit too miserable…

The artifact “Sublimation” is an official artifact. Li Tuan also checked the attributes of this artifact before. Remember, the role of this artifact theory on the court is definitely the end of the explosion of Li Tuan’s artifact “Reproduction”!

“Artifact “Sublimation”: It can improve a user’s best ability to reach the level of a strong title!”

It seems that it is not very easy to understand. In other words, for example, a host itself is best at the three-point ability. After obtaining this artifact, under the promotion of the artifact “sublimation”, his three-point ability will reach The standard of the king of the third title is strong…

If you are good at blocking, you will increase to the level of the blocking ability of the king of blocks!

There is no doubt that this artifact is definitely the supreme artifact for weaker players, and it can play an unparalleled role, which is enough to enhance the user’s strength for countless grades!

However, it is useless to allow those tanners to use this artifact, because the abilities of these tanners themselves are not good, even if they have not reached the title level, they are not far away, and they cannot greatly improve their strength…

For example, Li Tuanjie, if he uses this artifact right now, in the eyes of the system, his best ability must be attacking under the draw basket, but Li Tuanjie himself is the strong name of the king of the drawbar, which means that this artifact cannot be improved at all. Any strength of Li Unity!

Moreover, the introduction of the system also mentioned that the magical “Sublimation” is only temporarily held by the demon knife, not permanently…

On the contrary, Li Tuanjie was very interested in seeing the expressions of several other people!

Generally speaking, after seeing Li Tuan, opponents generally express shock and fear. After all, encountering such a “big man” in Li Wei Tuan’s Megaspace, basically heralds the end of the opponent’s Wanjie League Tour… …

But this time the opponent’s eyes not only contained shock and fear, but also a trace of expectation!

“Interesting, is this Ginobili’s best ability is tie rods?! Does that mean he will have my tie rod strength?!” Li Tuan secretly speculated in his heart.

In the real world, Ginobili’s strongest offensive method is to use the European step to attack the rim and then use the lever to end the battle…

Therefore, it is very likely that the host Ginobili is really as Li Tuan thought, and his strongest ability is really a basket pull!

If this is the case, then this game will be interesting…

Even Li Tuan has some expectations!

In this way, it can explain why the average strength of this team is so garbage, but it can break into the round robin…

At the start of the game, the players of both sides jumped onto the midfield line, and Oden and the center of the other party stepped onto the midfield line to execute the jump ball. As a result, Oden won the opponent!

At present, Oden, in fact, his strength in this ordinary universal league belongs to a relatively high-end existence. In addition to those quasi-extreme hosts, it is necessary to count the strength of Oden at this level!

After Oden’s successful jump ball, the ball came into the hands of Li Unity, and Li Unity was not in a hurry. The first offensive round touched a 62-point shooting point outside the three-point line. The ball didn’t make it, but Oden also grabbed an offensive rebound and made himself a second attack!

The conversion of the ball, as expected, the opponent’s point guard passed the ball directly to Ginobili.

Ginobili started dribbling outside the three-point line, then a side-by-side Bennett passed straight and rushed towards the penalty area!

Oden sneered, a small S-level scum wants to score on his own head? Oden feels that the other party is definitely not dreaming yet!

But soon, Oden couldn’t sneer because after Ginobili rushed to the basket, his body shot at an extremely trajectory twisted angle, and this seemingly random throw-away layup was actually Also scored successfully!

“Damn! Impossible!” Oden was stunned, so he could enter? !

Oden has never seen such a fantasy goal. When he played against the White Bears team led by Gasol Jr. before, Li Jiejie had repeatedly scored this unprecedented fantasy under the defense of Gasol Jr. and others. Goal!

But after all, it is Li Tuanjie, the super star Li Tuanwei of Megatron Space, and Li Tuanjie, whose strength is comparable to the ultimate host. Oden can accept this kind of thing happening to him!

Can Ginobili? ! Is it just an S-level host with an infamous reputation that can even score such an incredible fantasy goal? !

“Luck! It must be luck!” Oden comforted himself so much!

In the second offensive round of the parallel champions, Li Tuanjie scored another three-pointer. This time his luck could be a 58-point shot. Li Tuanjie directly hit a 3-pointer!

Ginobili glanced at Li Tuanwei strangely. Obviously Li Tuanhui had been shooting three points since the opening, which was somewhat beyond his expectations…

Oden, who had just comforted his opponent’s goal just now, suffered a huge blow, because the second shot of the demon knife was successfully scored again…

“Damn! Impossible!” Oden roared directly!

“Greg, don’t be excited. Your opponent has used an artifact and has my offensive strength under the rim. It’s enough for you to grab rebounds and protect your fouls!” Li Tuan said with a smile.

Oden and others heard Li Jiejie’s words, and they were immediately horrified. The white bald man with only S-level in front of him had Li Gongjie’s offensive strength under the basket? ! What a joke!

Bennett was also dumbfounded. In his mind, Li Tuan’s attack was like a god. Does the white bald man have Li Tuan’s offensive strength? !

“No, I have to find the old liar to come to Li Tuanjie’s offensive strength!”

“You know?!” Ginobili asked with a frown.

“Naturally know, I’m not a fool, haha, since you have my ability, you must know what the shortcomings of my ability…” Li Tuan said to Ginobili with a smile.

“Disadvantages? What are the disadvantages?” Ginobili said dullly.

“Huh? You don’t know the shortcomings?! Let me go…” Li Tuan suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart…

Will the artifact “Sublimation” give Ginobili’s sublimation breakthrough ability always be 100% hit rate…

This kind of thing is still possible!

The reason why Li Tuan became the recognized “king of the lever”, in addition to the systematic recognition, there is also the recognition of the vast host of space world……

From the host’s point of view, Li Unity’s draw attack can basically maintain a 100% offensive hit rate. They naturally cannot know the disadvantages of Li Unity’s draw attack…

In other words, this artifact “sublimation” may be based on the idea of ​​the vast host of the world, directly increasing Ginobili’s hitting attack percentage to 100%!

“Lying trough…if that’s the case, then it’s disgusting…” Li Tuan couldn’t help but speechless!

After a long time, the hit rate of this fake tie rod king is higher than that of this real tie rod

A 100% hit rate under the basket attack, think Li Jie unity has a headache!

It is true that Li Tuanjie can pull the difference between the two sides with a three-pointer. After all, a successful break under the basket is only two points, and Li Tuanyan scoring three points, even if he does not enter Oden, he can grab a rebound and make a second attack!

But with the rebound, Oden can’t grab every offensive rebound…

Therefore, in this game, Li Unity will naturally have no certainty!

“I’ll defend him! Bennett, I’ll change defenses with you!” Li Unity can only go out on his own, the opponent’s terrible shooting rate, Li Unity can’t just sit back and ignore!

“Brother of Unity, would you like me to use that skill to pull him to a level with me?” Bennett also saw Li Unity’s face dignified and asked involuntarily.

Li Tuan waved his hand, and things were not in such a critical state. Bennett’s special ability was only used three times. It has been used once before, and now there are still two left. Li Tuan is also embarrassed to let Bennett continue to use it. !

Moreover, Ginobili’s abilities are given by the artifact, and it is not known whether Bennett’s special abilities can weaken Ginobili’s ability!

“No, let me take a look at the defense first. Things are not so critical!” Li Tuan said solemnly.

Ginobili’s ball control hovered outside the three-point line, and Li Tuan followed closely, and the battle of the king of true and false levers was on the verge!

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