NBA World Mall

Chapter 679 - All present are garbage (titled by the Twilight League)

“Garbage! Rubbish! You are all rubbish!” This sentence may become Li Sakura’s mantra…

The Heat and the Lakers’ most worrying thing now is whether they will treat the team’s core players like this after Li Sakura arrives at their respective teams…

For example, the Kobe of the Lakers, such as the Wade of the Heat, if Li Sakura is so angry that these two people are garbage, this ball can still play…

But even Li Sakura is too arrogant, but after all, the actual strength is there, and the management of the two teams will certainly not miss this opportunity to make the team directly qualitative!

If the team cannot produce a qualitative change, they will never be a Bucks opponent!

And if Li Sakura joins, there is still a chance to defeat the Bucks…

Yes, in the view of the management of these two teams, even if they have joined Li Sakura, I am afraid that against the Bucks, they still lose more and win less. The strength of the Bucks is too terrible. They have left an invincible impression on them.

Under some operations, the Heat sent the team’s scheduled starting power forward Haslem, second-round draft pick and three million dollars in cash, and exchanged a valuable first round from Joe’s Bobcats. Draft right…

It’s just that the picks in this first round of picks are not high, only the 12th picks in the district. From a clear perspective, it must be that Joe’s boss has taken a big advantage this time…

It’s not that the Heat don’t want a higher draft pick. If it’s possible, the Heat petitions to take out any player in the team except the Big Three to exchange for the top pick…

But the Clippers who hold the No. 1 pick are not stupid. Who is willing to make you a bunch of stinky tomatoes and bird eggs…

Seeing the Heat have won the 12th overall first-round pick, the Lakers are in a hurry to die…

For this reason, they even looked for the Bucks, because the Bucks have a lot of picks!

However, after the management of the Bucks consulted Li Tuan, they directly gave the Lakers an answer, wanting the first round of draft picks, yes!

But in exchange, the Lakers’ Kobe…

Hearing this quote, the Lakers management almost vomited blood and wished to find the Bucks desperately. Isn’t this a pastime…

It is naturally impossible to release the pick in the hands of Li Tuan. A high-pick pick is placed in the hands of Li Tuan. In fact, the role it can play is really no less than the value of Kobe.

The fourth game of the finals, the Lakers home!

Judging from the attendance rate of this game, the Lakers fans must be in absolute disappointment. They have always been in full condition. The hard-to-find Staples Stadium looks like only 70% attendance tonight about……

Putting it on other teams, with an attendance rate of around 70%, is already extremely good, but putting it here on the Lakers is extremely rare.

Especially now is the finals!

Whether it is the Lakers management or the NBA League Management Committee, their hearts are bleeding, and the 30% of the ticket money is gone, how much money is lost…

This also strengthened their determination to find a way to stop the Bucks. In the long run, the Bucks have always been in absolute dominance, and the tickets are still not sold…

At the beginning of the game, the rhythm of both sides of the game was relatively slow. The Lakers seemed to play health basketball. The two sides attacked and defended one by one. The Bucks rely on absolute strength and have been in a leading position.

After Li Tuan played in the second half and cut down 40+ triple-doubles, he didn’t show up again…

With only the data of Li Unity, he has been able to secure the final FMVP honor!

Kobe has been bombarded indiscriminately, but this bombardment is not the kind of indiscriminate bombardment with a strong sense of victory, but it is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder attack, the ball is in the hand, not uncomfortable…

Stotts was sitting on the sidelines, drinking the functional drinks prepared for the players, but he didn’t know how thirsty he was…

The situation on the field has been determined, and the Bucks are in a win-win situation in this game. Naturally, Stotts is extremely leisurely, and his second championship ring is about to come!

Two NBA championship rings, one Olympic championship ring, what a terrible achievement, Stotts feels that he is not too far away from becoming the nation’s first coach…

Of course, the premise is that he must always hold Li Tuan’s thigh tightly…

“Unity, I’ve been inviting you to come to my house for dinner, why don’t you go?” Stotts looked at Li Tuan sitting beside him and asked.

“Hmm? Haven’t I been there once…” Li Tuanhe heard Stotts mentioning this topic again, and suddenly a cold sweat came from his forehead…

Li Tuan did indeed go to the Stotts’ house for dinner once. He didn’t want to go very much, but he couldn’t stand up to Stotts’ soft and hard foam, and finally agreed…

It doesn’t matter this, Li Tuanjie was almost eaten…

Stotts has a girl. To look like it, it’s really not bad. The chasing guy can be arranged into a strengthened company…

This meal was eating and eating, and soon changed its taste, and became a blind date meeting between Li Tuanjie and Stoutz’s daughter…

Stotts’s good-for-nothing abacus, regardless of your Li unity, what you are the first person in NBA history, when you become Lao Zi’s son-in-law, you can still run out of Lao Zi’s palm? !

So Stotts tried his best to promote Li Unity to try to get along with his daughter…

Li Tuan hopes to strangle the shameless Stotts directly at the dinner table. What idea does Stotts play, how could he not know…

Stotts’s daughter-in-law is of the gourd-shaped figure, which is similar to Kardashian’s figure, plus an exquisite face, in the United States, which is not quite the same in aesthetics as China, it really counts. It’s a top beauty…

But the key is that Li Tuanhe can’t judge this kind of beauty. In his view, a figure like Kardashian is no different from a fat aunt selling vegetables in the domestic vegetable market…

In the end, supper was extremely unpleasant, Li Jiejie hurriedly left home after eating, seeing Stotts’ squinted look, and if he continued to stay, he might use the Menghan medicine to make raw rice cooked directly rice……

At this point, Li Tuanjie remembered sadly that his mother was still a virgin…

“That was not the last time, you will come again this time…” Stotts continued to ask Li Tuan with a licked face.

“Go, don’t think I don’t know what idea you hit…” Li Tuan rolled his eyes.

“Hey, hey…” Stotts laughed.

“First of all, your daughter-in-law is not my dish, I already have a fiancee! Secondly, don’t think about it every day, just like an old lady, rest assured, I Li Lijie in the alliance one day, you can definitely keep your job!” Li Tujie said Said.

With the assurance of these words, Stotts excitedly drank three bottles of functional drinks…

The game continued on the field. After Li Tuanjie got off the court, he took the main lineup off the field, leaving Li Mitsui on the field and brought a bunch of substitutes to the lineup!

The meaning is self-evident, just to let the whole world see who is stronger when Li Sanjing and Kobe are not much different!

In the second half, the Bucks entered the second half with a score difference of up to 32 points!

In the next match, Li Mitsui and Kobe really took over the game, fully showing the explosive power of the league’s top point guard. UU Reading

But because the pit dug in the first half was too big, even if the Lakers led slightly by three or two points in the second half, it still didn’t help!


In the 2008-2009 NBA League Finals, the Bucks reproduced the feat of last season, directly swept the Lakers with a big score of 4:0 and became the championship of the year!

This has been Li Unity’s two consecutive years at the Staples Stadium…

The fans of the Lakers are now like dogs in the sun. You win the championship. Why do you always want to win the championship in our arena? Isn’t this playing the face of our Lakers fans? !

Kobe shook hands with Li Tuanjie after the game and said that he would meet with the team’s management and leave the stadium directly after the meeting of the finals next season…

Presumably, Kobe’s mood is extremely unstable, at least not as calm as the expression on his face!

Swept by opponents for two years in a row, who will be crazy on anyone!

It’s just that there is an opportunity in front of Kobe, an opportunity to challenge Li Unity, that is, Li Sakura’s incomparable BUG super center!

Kobe takes this matter extremely seriously. The Lakers are in an absolute backward situation in the process of competing with the Heat for Li Sakura. They must find ways to improve their first round draft pick!

“Get him! Must get him! I saw Shak at his peak in his body!”

“The difference is that Shaq’s strength lies in his offensive ability, and this strong place of Li Sakura is in defense. Even I feel that the history of the entire league, including today’s league, absolutely has no defensive strength of any player, like him. So strong!”

Kobe said solemnly to the Lakers team management.

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